- OBS-4984192 PB of data in one day on multiple customers
- OBS-3024Extend API for Billing
- OBS-4946Script Agent - MySQL - Undefined array key "client"
- OBS-4470Cosnsolidation path
- OBS-4983Scheduled Maintenance not impacting Widgets
- OBS-4981How to make configuration per device group
- OBS-4962Alert Checkers - not working
- OBS-4956Zimbra failed at poller
- OBS-4441Cisco WLAN
- OBS-3792Receives alot of alerts
- OBS-4535Change Mailaddress of account itsupportliwest-6767211
- OBS-4331Combine LDAP and local authentication
- OBS-4321Do I need to go through the rrd tarring when migrating to a new server?
- OBS-4295Automated Installation
- OBS-4222alert issue
- OBS-4128routing monitoring and alert management
- OBS-4123Pages are loading slow
- OBS-4054Single device with multiple IPMI targets
- OBS-3997F5 stuck on discovery
- OBS-3933Brocade ICX6610 crashing while pooled
- OBS-3900Getting unknown in alert status
- OBS-3287Adding Collectd graphs to dashboards
- OBS-4997Mtlink-BDCOM
- OBS-4996Creazione allert
- OBS-4995Add more user action events to eventlog
- OBS-4992OID non trovato
- OBS-4757Fortinet VPN Tunnel Improvements
- OBS-4973agregar MIB ZTE Observium
- OBS-4909OLT ZTE C610 some components not discover and not visible www
- OBS-4777Add ZTE C320
- OBS-4822Add VPRN, VPLS and EPIPE Nokia like VRFs Huawei and OSPF Cisco
- OBS-4985Add support NGFW mib
- OBS-3599Observium cannot detect aruba-controller
- OBS-4346aruba mibs / devices - snmpwalk attached. would really like to see APs/clients/etc
- OBS-4975Missing Gauge Alert option
- OBS-4961Issue with SFP reporting incorrectly
- OBS-4971Radius Authentication using EAP protocol
- OBS-4616please add the ability to export device lists and info
- OBS-4944Alert on event in event log like "Storage removed" or "Memory pool removed"
- OBS-4966Time rules for contacts
- OBS-4955exim-maqilqueue.sh no retrieving data
- OBS-4949Add docker container discovery
- OBS-4948schleifenbauer pdu
- OBS-4939Not able to create user in observium after AD configure
- OBS-4904want to see utlizatio graph with table
- OBS-4932Want to add vmware exci using username password
- OBS-2056Same VM added multiple times in VM list
- OBS-4923Need to give View Access of graph to a normal user
- OBS-4924wrong entries in device database
- OBS-3057BFD (Bidirectional Forwarding Detection)
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