Noticed some more errors during discovery
[2021/09/12 14:55:42 +0200] discovery.php(3583610): Failed dbQuery (#1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1), Query: INSERT INTO `ports` (``) VALUES () ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `if |
Vrf`=VALUES(`ifVrf`)[2021/09/12 15:44:47 +0200] discovery.php(531954): Failed dbQuery (#1267 - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='), Query: SELECT |
`neighbours`.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_change`) AS `last_change_unixtime` FROM `neighbours` WHERE `port_id` = '12319601' AND `protocol` = 'lldp' AND `remote_hostname` = 'Dôme SD1' AND `remote_port` |
= '00 07 5F AE 9B 55 '[2021/09/12 15:38:46 +0200] discovery.php(371725): Failed dbQuery (#1048 - Column 'remote_port' cannot be null), Query: INSERT INTO `neighbours` (`port_id`,`device_id`,`protocol`,`remote_port_id`, |
`remote_hostname`,`remote_port`,`remote_platform`,`remote_version`,`remote_address`,`autodiscovery_id`,`active`) VALUES ('12292667','797','isdp',NULL,'ebr-swi-ligantes',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,' |
1') |
For the first error I am not sure which device caused it
Second error see attached swidebug1
Third error see attached swidebug2
DB errors during discovery
Noticed some more errors during discovery
[2021/09/12 14:55:42 +0200] discovery.php(3583610): Failed dbQuery (#1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1), Query: INSERT INTO `ports` (``) VALUES () ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `if |
Vrf`=VALUES(`ifVrf`)[2021/09/12 15:44:47 +0200] discovery.php(531954): Failed dbQuery (#1267 - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='), Query: SELECT |
`neighbours`.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_change`) AS `last_change_unixtime` FROM `neighbours` WHERE `port_id` = '12319601' AND `protocol` = 'lldp' AND `remote_hostname` = 'Dôme SD1' AND `remote_port` |
= '00 07 5F AE 9B 55 '[2021/09/12 15:38:46 +0200] discovery.php(371725): Failed dbQuery (#1048 - Column 'remote_port' cannot be null), Query: INSERT INTO `neighbours` (`port_id`,`device_id`,`protocol`,`remote_port_id`, |
`remote_hostname`,`remote_port`,`remote_platform`,`remote_version`,`remote_address`,`autodiscovery_id`,`active`) VALUES ('12292667','797','isdp',NULL,'ebr-swi-ligantes',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,' |
1') |
For the first error I am not sure which device caused it
Second error see attached swidebug1
Third error see attached swidebug2