We recently updated our Professional Edition installation, however we are now experiencing issues with bill_bits graphing. Error:
Error in query: (Unknown column 'B.port_id' in 'where clause') 1054 |
Example graph:
When adding ?debug=1:
SELECT * FROM `entity_permissions` WHERE `user_id` = '1' |
SELECT `alert_table_id`, `device_id`, `entity_id`, `entity_type` FROM `alert_table`
SELECT `value` FROM `users_prefs` WHERE `user_id` = '1' AND `pref` = 'atom_key' |
SELECT * FROM `bills` WHERE bill_id = '66' |
SELECT count(delta) FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = '66' AND timestamp > '19700101100000' AND timestamp <= '19700101100000' |
SELECT delta FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = '66' AND timestamp > '19700101100000' AND timestamp <= '19700101100000' ORDER BY delta ASC |
SELECT SUM(period) as period, SUM(delta) as total, SUM(in_delta) as inbound, SUM(out_delta) as outbound FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = '66' AND timestamp > '19700101100000' AND timestamp <= '19700101100000' |
SELECT count(delta) FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = '66' AND timestamp > '19700101100000' AND timestamp <= '19700101100000' |
SELECT (in_delta / period * 8) AS rate FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = '66' AND timestamp > '19700101100000' AND timestamp <= '19700101100000' ORDER BY rate ASC |
SELECT count(delta) FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = '66' AND timestamp > '19700101100000' AND timestamp <= '19700101100000' |
SELECT (out_delta / period * 8) AS rate FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = '66' AND timestamp > '19700101100000' AND timestamp <= '19700101100000' ORDER BY rate ASC |
SELECT * FROM `bill_entities` AS B, `ports` AS P, `devices` AS D WHERE B.bill_id = '66' AND P.port_id = B.port_id AND D.device_id = P.device_id |
Error in query: (Unknown column 'B.port_id' in 'where clause') 1054 |
Any idea what could be causing this? It's broken a whole heap of graphing.