Resolution: Fixed
Professional Edition
Hardware: NBRK0200 05
Operating system: APC OS v3.5.9 (App v3.5.6)
APC Web/SNMP Management Card (MB:v3.9.2 PF:v3.5.9 PN:apc_hw03_aos_359.bin AF1:v3.5.6 AN1:apc_hw03_nb200_356.bin MN:NBRK0200 HR:05 SN: ZA1202018596 MD:01/08/2012)
Today there's support in observium for various environment sensors connected to the netbotz. But it doesn't support the 'dry contact inputs'. We use them to trigger various other devices like switching to secondary cooling circuit if main fails.
It would be really nice to see and monitor those in observium.
Still not sure how to do a proper likeable snmpwalk so someone will probably shake their head and wave their fist in fury over this one. But hey, at least I tired. =) Both numerical and non numerical walk below.
Snmpwalk output:
Snmpwalk numerical output:
That one have 4 connected ‘dry contact inputs’ and you can see their name under for instance ‘emsProbeConfigProbeName.<n>’, ‘emsProbeStatusProbeName.<n>’, ‘emsInputContactConfigInputContactName.<n>’ and then some... Also normal state and current state are seen in that walk, which both are significant since I guess that state would need to be taken into consideration in an alert.
Let me know if i messed up the walks. From what I've heard I tend to do that. ,)