My BGP tab does not come up on its own. I populated the mysql bgpPeers table manually and then it was populated because of which the BGP tabs showed up. Also encountered 2 errors :
mysql> INSERT INTO `bgpPeers` (`device_id`,`bgpPeerIdentifier`,`bgpPeerRemoteAddr`,`bgpPeerLocalAddr`,`bgpPeerRemoteAS`,`astext`,`reverse_dns`) VALUES ('8',' ','','','100','FMC-CTC - FMC Central Engineering Laboratories,US','');
ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'bgpPeerState' doesn't have a default value
mysql> INSERT INTO `bgpPeers` (`device_id`,`bgpPeerIdentifier`,`bgpPeerRemoteAddr`,`bgpPeerLocalAddr`,`bgpPeerRemoteAS`,`astext`,`reverse_dns`,`bgpPeerState`) VALUES ( '8','','','','100','FMC-CTC - FMC Central Engineering Laboratories,US','','UP');
ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'bgpPeerAdminStatus' doesn't have a default value