DEBUG! CMD[/usr/bin/svn info /data/observium]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0222s] CMD EXITDELAY[5ms] STDOUT[ Path: . Working Copy Root Path: /data/observium URL: Relative URL: ^/observium/branches/stable Repository Root: Repository UUID: 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8 Revision: 13569 Node Kind: directory Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: adama Last Changed Rev: 13510 Last Changed Date: 2024-04-18 11:20:16 -0500 (Thu, 18 Apr 2024) ] DEFINITIONS Time : 0.16216 ms DEFINITIONS Memory: 16.5MB SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_attribs`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00061679s]  SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030899s]  SQL[SET SESSION `sql_mode` = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023389s] DB mode(s) disabled: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY, NO_ZERO_DATE, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO SQL[SELECT TIMEDIFF(NOW(), UTC_TIMESTAMP);] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025392s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `config`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049591s]  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `pollers`)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026202s] Observium 24.4.13510 Add Device(s)   CMD[/data/observium/scripts/distro]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0288s] STDOUT[ Linux|6.5.0-35-generic|amd64|Ubuntu|22.04|vmware| ] CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0074s] STDOUT[ Python 3.10.12 ] SQL[SELECT VERSION();] SQL RUNTIME[0.0003109s]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0115s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.9.1 ] CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version | head -n1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0168s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.7.2 Copyright by Tobias Oetiker ] CMD[/usr/bin/fping -v 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0049s] STDOUT[ /usr/bin/fping: Version 5.1 ] CMD[/usr/sbin/apache2 -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}']  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0243s] STDOUT[ Apache/2.4.52 ] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.000494s]  SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00265098s]  SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00269794s]  ##### Software versions #####   o OS  Linux 6.5.0-35-generic [amd64] (Ubuntu 22.04)  o Apache  2.4.52  o PHP  8.1.2-1ubuntu2.17 (OPcache: DISABLED)  o Python  3.10.12  o MySQL  8.0.36-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 (extension: mysqli 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.17)  o SNMP  NET-SNMP 5.9.1  o RRDtool  1.7.2  o Fping  5.1 (IPv4 and IPv6)  o Fetch  cURL 7.81.0 (OpenSSL/3.0.2, LibZ 1.2.11, LibIDN 2.3.2) ##### Memory Limit #####   o PHP  Unlimited ##### DB info #####   o DB schema  493  o MySQL binlog  ON  o MySQL mode  NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION ##### Charset info #####   o PHP  UTF-8  o MySQL  utf8mb3 ##### Timezones info #####   o Date  Friday, 31-May-24 11:27:18 CDT  o PHP  -05:00  o MySQL  -05:00 Detected invalid value 'sha' for param 'port'. Detected invalid value 'aes-128' for param 'port'. Detected invalid value 'aes-128' for param 'snmp_authalgo'. Detected invalid value 'aes-128' for param 'snmp_cryptoalgo'. Try to add Host '' found in hosts: SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = '')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00059485s] Host '' found in hosts: CMD[/usr/bin/fping -t 500 -c 1 -q 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0063s] STDOUT[ : xmt/rcv/oss = 1/1/0 min/avg/max = 0.529/0.529/0.529 ] Trying v3 parameters *** / ### [0] ... CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUsn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' . .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.051s] STDOUT[ . = . . = 19:16:40:43.45 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = '')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00061297s] Host '' found in hosts: SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `devices` WHERE `ip` = '' AND `snmp_port` = '161' AND `snmp_context` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035s] JSON DECODE[Not string passed] JSON RAW[ ] SQL[SELECT `mib` FROM `devices_mibs` WHERE `device_id` = '' AND `use` = 'mib' AND `disabled` = '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026512s]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' snmpEngineID.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.049s] STDOUT[ "80 00 00 09 03 00 00 25 45 9D BE 2C " ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysName.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0482s] STDOUT[ ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `snmpEngineID` = '8000000903000025459DBE2C'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00161695s]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysDescr.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0485s] STDOUT[ Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 10-Sep-15 01:59 by prod_re+ ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Store in cache OID: SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUvn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysObjectID.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.052s] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OID | | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sysDescr | Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4) Technical Support: | | | om/techsupport Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 10-Sep-15 01:59 by prod_re+ | | sysObjectID | . | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  o Detect OS matched (ios: Cisco IOS):  +----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OID | Matched definition | | +----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sysDescr | /Cisco IOS Software(?!.*(LINUX_IOSD|_IOSXE))/ | Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY6, RELEASE SOFTWAR | | | | E (fc4) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc | | | | . Compiled Thu 10-Sep-15 01:59 by prod_re+ | +----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Not found device [] model 'cisco' association for . JSON DECODE[Not string passed] JSON RAW[ ] Not found device [] model 'cisco' association for . CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysName.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0502s] STDOUT[ ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Not found device [] model 'cisco' association for . CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -Ih -OQUvx --hexOutputLength=0 -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysLocation.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0499s] STDOUT[ "56 69 72 64 65 6E 2C 20 4D 61 6E 69 74 6F 62 61 2C 20 52 30 4D 20 32 43 30 " ] SNMP Hex string converted.. HEX: 56 69 72 64 65 6E 2C 20 4D 61 6E 69 74 6F 62 61 2C 20 52 30 4D 20 32 43 30 STRING: Virden, Manitoba, R0M 2C0 SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Not found device [] model 'cisco' association for . CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -Ih -OQUvx --hexOutputLength=0 -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysContact.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0481s] STDOUT[ "4E 65 74 77 6F 72 6B 4F 70 65 72 61 74 69 6F 6E 73 40 72 66 6E 6F 77 2E 6E 65 74 " ] SNMP Hex string converted.. HEX: 4E 65 74 77 6F 72 6B 4F 70 65 72 61 74 69 6F 6E 73 40 72 66 6E 6F 77 2E 6E 65 74 STRING: SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[INSERT INTO `devices` (`hostname`,`sysName`,`status`,`snmp_port`,`snmp_transport`,`snmp_version`,`snmp_authlevel`,`snmp_authname`,`snmp_authpass`,`snmp_authalgo`,`snmp_cryptopass`,`snmp_cryptoalgo`,`poller_id`,`os`,`sysObjectID`,`snmpEngineID`,`location`,`sysContact`) VALUES ('','','1','161','udp','v3','authPriv','nms_obs','OBS44_pass','sha','OBS44_priv','AES','0','ios','.','8000000903000025459DBE2C','Virden, Manitoba, R0M 2C0','')] SQL RUNTIME[0.01583385s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` LEFT JOIN `devices_locations` USING (`device_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00057697s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025797s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `devices`.`device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023389s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('27','27','device',NOW(),'5','Device added: (by console, user root)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.01369786s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('27','27','device',NOW(),'6','sysObjectID -> .')] SQL RUNTIME[0.01018095s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('27','27','device',NOW(),'6','snmpEngineID -> 8000000903000025459DBE2C')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00898194s] Now discovering (id = 27) SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041413s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_name` = '-d' AND `device_id` = '27' AND `poller_id` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026608s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `observium_processes` (`process_pid`,`process_name`,`process_ppid`,`process_uid`,`process_command`,`process_start`,`device_id`) VALUES ('1145806','add_device.php','1145798','0','php ./add_device.php -d ap v3 nms_obs OBS44_pass OBS44_priv sha aes-128','1717172838','27')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00922894s] ##### [27] #####   o OS Type  ios  o OS Group  cisco  o SNMP Version  v3  o Last discovery    o Last duration   seconds ##### Module Start: os #####  Not found device [27] model 'cisco' association for . CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysDescr.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0508s] STDOUT[ Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 10-Sep-15 01:59 by prod_re+ ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Store in cache OID: SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUvn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysObjectID.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.049s] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OID | | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sysDescr | Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4) Technical Support: | | | om/techsupport Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 10-Sep-15 01:59 by prod_re+ | | sysObjectID | . | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  o Detect OS matched (ios: Cisco IOS):  +----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OID | Matched definition | | +----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sysDescr | /Cisco IOS Software(?!.*(LINUX_IOSD|_IOSXE))/ | Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY6, RELEASE SOFTWAR | | | | E (fc4) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc | | | | . Compiled Thu 10-Sep-15 01:59 by prod_re+ | +----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  o Duration  0.1135s ##### Module Start: mibs #####   CMD[/usr/bin/snmptranslate -On -Pu -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID']  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0239s] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP TRANSLATE (CMD): 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID' -> '.' CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUsn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0536s] STDOUT[ . = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysORDescr]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0498s] STDOUT[ sysORDescr = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m OSPF-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ospfAdminStat.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0512s] STDOUT[ No Such Instance currently exists at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] Store in cache OID: OSPF-MIB::ospfAdminStat.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m OSPFV3-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ospfv3AdminStatus.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.2511s] STDOUT[ No Such Instance currently exists at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] Store in cache OID: OSPFV3-MIB::ospfv3AdminStatus.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m CISCO-PAGP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' clagAggMaxAggregators.0]  CMD EXITCODE[1] CMD RUNTIME[0.0959s] STDOUT[ ] STDERR[ clagAggMaxAggregators.0: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> clagAggMaxAggregators) ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#996 - MIB or oid not found] Store in cache OID: CISCO-PAGP-MIB::clagAggMaxAggregators.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m CISCO-LAG-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' clagAggMaxAggregators.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1097s] STDOUT[ 128 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Store in cache OID: CISCO-LAG-MIB::clagAggMaxAggregators.0 +----------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+ | OID | Matched definition | Value | +----------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+ | device os_group | cisco | cisco | | CISCO-LAG-MIB::clagAggMaxAggregators.0 | /^[1-9]+/ | 128 | +----------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+  o MIBs discovered  CISCO-LAG-MIB JSON DECODE[Not string passed] JSON RAW[ ] SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '27' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00080514s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `entity_attribs` (`device_id`,`entity_type`,`entity_id`,`attrib_type`,`attrib_value`) VALUES ('27','device','27','sysORID','[\"CISCO-LAG-MIB\"]')] SQL RUNTIME[0.21787405s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('27','27','device',NOW(),'6','MIBs discovered: \'CISCO-LAG-MIB\'')] SQL RUNTIME[0.01054883s]  +----------------------+--------------------+-----------+----------------------------------+ | Identity | MIB | Source | Status | +----------------------+--------------------+-----------+----------------------------------+ | . | CISCO-LAG-MIB | Discovery | MIB added | | | MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB | Discovery | MIB defined for os but not found | | | MPLS-VPN-MIB | Discovery | MIB defined for os but not found | +----------------------+--------------------+-----------+----------------------------------+ SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '27' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00057602s]  SQL[SELECT `mib` FROM `devices_mibs` WHERE `device_id` = '27' AND `use` = 'mib' AND `disabled` = '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030804s] Array ( [0] => CISCO-LAG-MIB [1] => CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB [2] => CISCO-CAT6K-CROSSBAR-MIB [3] => CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB [4] => CISCO-STACKWISE-MIB [5] => CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB [6] => CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-EXT-MIB [7] => CISCO-ENTITY-QFP-MIB [8] => CISCO-ENTITY-PFE-MIB [9] => CISCO-VTP-MIB [10] => CISCO-VLAN-MEMBERSHIP-MIB [11] => CISCO-VLAN-IFTABLE-RELATIONSHIP-MIB [12] => CISCO-ENVMON-MIB [13] => CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB [14] => CISCO-IP-STAT-MIB [15] => CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB [16] => CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB [17] => CISCO-VPDN-MGMT-MIB [18] => CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIB [19] => CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB [20] => CISCO-PROCESS-MIB [21] => CISCO-EIGRP-MIB [22] => CISCO-CEF-MIB [23] => CISCO-IETF-PW-MIB [24] => CISCO-BGP4-MIB [25] => CISCO-RTTMON-MIB [26] => CISCO-FLASH-MIB [27] => CISCO-POWER-ETHERNET-EXT-MIB [28] => CISCO-AAA-SESSION-MIB [29] => CISCO-RF-MIB [30] => POWER-ETHERNET-MIB [31] => MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB [32] => MPLS-VPN-MIB [33] => CISCO-VRF-MIB [34] => SMON-MIB [35] => CISCO-TRUSTSEC-INTERFACE-MIB [36] => CISCO-IETF-IP-MIB [37] => SNMPv2-MIB [38] => SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB [39] => IF-MIB [40] => ADSL-LINE-MIB [41] => EtherLike-MIB [42] => ENTITY-MIB [43] => ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB [44] => Q-BRIDGE-MIB [45] => IP-MIB [46] => LLDP-MIB [47] => CISCO-CDP-MIB [48] => BGP4-MIB )  o Duration  0.9107s ##### Module Start: ports #####   o Caching OIDs  ifDescr CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifDescr]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1239s] STDOUT[ ifDescr.1 = GigabitEthernet1/1 ifDescr.2 = GigabitEthernet1/2 ifDescr.3 = GigabitEthernet1/3 ifDescr.4 = GigabitEthernet1/4 ifDescr.5 = GigabitEthernet1/5 ifDescr.6 = GigabitEthernet1/6 ifDescr.7 = GigabitEthernet1/7 ifDescr.8 = GigabitEthernet1/8 ifDescr.9 = GigabitEthernet1/9 ifDescr.10 = GigabitEthernet1/10 ifDescr.11 = GigabitEthernet1/11 ifDescr.12 = GigabitEthernet1/12 ifDescr.13 = GigabitEthernet1/13 ifDescr.14 = GigabitEthernet1/14 ifDescr.15 = GigabitEthernet1/15 ifDescr.16 = GigabitEthernet1/16 ifDescr.17 = GigabitEthernet1/17 ifDescr.18 = GigabitEthernet1/18 ifDescr.19 = GigabitEthernet1/19 ifDescr.20 = GigabitEthernet1/20 ifDescr.21 = GigabitEthernet1/21 ifDescr.22 = GigabitEthernet1/22 ifDescr.23 = GigabitEthernet1/23 ifDescr.24 = GigabitEthernet1/24 ifDescr.25 = GigabitEthernet1/25 ifDescr.26 = GigabitEthernet1/26 ifDescr.27 = GigabitEthernet1/27 ifDescr.28 = GigabitEthernet1/28 ifDescr.29 = GigabitEthernet1/29 ifDescr.30 = GigabitEthernet1/30 ifDescr.31 = GigabitEthernet1/31 ifDescr.32 = GigabitEthernet1/32 ifDescr.33 = GigabitEthernet1/33 ifDescr.34 = GigabitEthernet1/34 ifDescr.35 = GigabitEthernet1/35 ifDescr.36 = GigabitEthernet1/36 ifDescr.37 = 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ifName.241 = Vl175 ifName.242 = Vl177 ifName.243 = Vl181 ifName.244 = Vl200 ifName.245 = Vl204 ifName.246 = Vl251 ifName.247 = Vl271 ifName.248 = Vl272 ifName.249 = Vl281 ifName.250 = Vl282 ifName.251 = Vl291 ifName.252 = Vl300 ifName.253 = Vl442 ifName.254 = Vl556 ifName.255 = Vl673 ifName.256 = Vl731 ifName.257 = Vl760 ifName.258 = Vl761 ifName.259 = Vl762 ifName.260 = Vl763 ifName.261 = Vl764 ifName.262 = Vl765 ifName.263 = Vl766 ifName.264 = Vl800 ifName.265 = Vl806 ifName.266 = Vl808 ifName.267 = Vl822 ifName.268 = Vl831 ifName.269 = Vl901 ifName.270 = Vl904 ifName.271 = Vl910 ifName.272 = Vl911 ifName.273 = Vl920 ifName.274 = Vl1002 ifName.275 = Vl1003 ifName.276 = Vl1004 ifName.277 = Vl1005 ifName.278 = VLAN-178 ifName.279 = Vl178 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifType CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifType]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1255s] STDOUT[ ifType.1 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.2 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.3 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.4 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.5 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.6 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.7 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.8 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.9 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.10 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.11 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.12 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.13 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.14 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.15 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.16 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.17 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.18 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.19 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.20 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.21 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.22 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.23 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.24 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.25 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.26 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.27 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.28 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.29 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.30 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.31 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.32 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.33 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.34 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.35 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.36 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.37 = ethernetCsmacd 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ifType.186 = propVirtual ifType.187 = propVirtual ifType.188 = propVirtual ifType.189 = propVirtual ifType.190 = propVirtual ifType.191 = propVirtual ifType.192 = propVirtual ifType.193 = propVirtual ifType.194 = propVirtual ifType.195 = propVirtual ifType.196 = propVirtual ifType.197 = propVirtual ifType.198 = propVirtual ifType.199 = propVirtual ifType.200 = propVirtual ifType.201 = propVirtual ifType.202 = propVirtual ifType.203 = propVirtual ifType.204 = propVirtual ifType.205 = propVirtual ifType.206 = propVirtual ifType.207 = propVirtual ifType.208 = propVirtual ifType.209 = propVirtual ifType.210 = propVirtual ifType.211 = propVirtual ifType.212 = propVirtual ifType.213 = propVirtual ifType.214 = propVirtual ifType.215 = propVirtual ifType.216 = propVirtual ifType.217 = propVirtual ifType.218 = propVirtual ifType.219 = propVirtual ifType.220 = propVirtual ifType.221 = propVirtual ifType.222 = propVirtual ifType.223 = propVirtual ifType.224 = propVirtual ifType.225 = propVirtual ifType.226 = propVirtual ifType.227 = propVirtual ifType.228 = propVirtual ifType.229 = propVirtual ifType.230 = propVirtual ifType.231 = propVirtual ifType.232 = propVirtual ifType.233 = propVirtual ifType.234 = propVirtual ifType.235 = propVirtual ifType.237 = propVirtual ifType.238 = propVirtual ifType.239 = propVirtual ifType.240 = propVirtual ifType.241 = propVirtual ifType.242 = propVirtual ifType.243 = propVirtual ifType.244 = propVirtual ifType.245 = propVirtual ifType.246 = propVirtual ifType.247 = propVirtual ifType.248 = propVirtual ifType.249 = propVirtual ifType.250 = propVirtual ifType.251 = propVirtual ifType.252 = propVirtual ifType.253 = propVirtual ifType.254 = propVirtual ifType.255 = propVirtual ifType.256 = propVirtual ifType.257 = propVirtual ifType.258 = propVirtual ifType.259 = propVirtual ifType.260 = propVirtual ifType.261 = propVirtual ifType.262 = propVirtual ifType.263 = propVirtual ifType.264 = propVirtual ifType.265 = propVirtual ifType.266 = propVirtual ifType.267 = propVirtual ifType.268 = propVirtual ifType.269 = propVirtual ifType.270 = propVirtual ifType.271 = propVirtual ifType.272 = propVirtual ifType.273 = propVirtual ifType.274 = propVirtual ifType.275 = propVirtual ifType.276 = propVirtual ifType.277 = propVirtual ifType.278 = propVirtual ifType.279 = propVirtual ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifOperStatus CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifOperStatus]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1103s] STDOUT[ ifOperStatus.1 = up ifOperStatus.2 = up ifOperStatus.3 = up ifOperStatus.4 = up ifOperStatus.5 = up ifOperStatus.6 = up ifOperStatus.7 = down ifOperStatus.8 = down ifOperStatus.9 = down ifOperStatus.10 = down ifOperStatus.11 = down ifOperStatus.12 = up ifOperStatus.13 = up ifOperStatus.14 = up ifOperStatus.15 = up ifOperStatus.16 = down ifOperStatus.17 = down ifOperStatus.18 = down ifOperStatus.19 = up ifOperStatus.20 = up ifOperStatus.21 = up ifOperStatus.22 = up ifOperStatus.23 = up ifOperStatus.24 = up ifOperStatus.25 = up ifOperStatus.26 = down ifOperStatus.27 = up ifOperStatus.28 = down ifOperStatus.29 = down ifOperStatus.30 = up ifOperStatus.31 = up ifOperStatus.32 = up ifOperStatus.33 = up ifOperStatus.34 = up ifOperStatus.35 = up ifOperStatus.36 = up ifOperStatus.37 = up ifOperStatus.38 = up ifOperStatus.39 = up ifOperStatus.40 = down ifOperStatus.41 = down ifOperStatus.42 = down ifOperStatus.43 = down ifOperStatus.44 = down ifOperStatus.45 = up ifOperStatus.46 = up ifOperStatus.47 = up ifOperStatus.48 = up ifOperStatus.49 = down ifOperStatus.50 = down ifOperStatus.51 = up ifOperStatus.52 = up ifOperStatus.53 = up ifOperStatus.54 = up ifOperStatus.55 = up ifOperStatus.56 = up ifOperStatus.57 = up ifOperStatus.58 = up ifOperStatus.59 = up ifOperStatus.60 = up ifOperStatus.61 = down ifOperStatus.62 = down ifOperStatus.63 = down ifOperStatus.64 = up ifOperStatus.65 = up ifOperStatus.66 = up ifOperStatus.67 = up ifOperStatus.68 = up ifOperStatus.69 = up ifOperStatus.70 = up ifOperStatus.71 = up ifOperStatus.72 = up ifOperStatus.73 = up ifOperStatus.74 = down ifOperStatus.75 = down ifOperStatus.76 = down ifOperStatus.77 = down ifOperStatus.78 = down ifOperStatus.79 = down ifOperStatus.80 = down ifOperStatus.81 = down ifOperStatus.82 = down ifOperStatus.83 = down ifOperStatus.84 = down ifOperStatus.85 = down ifOperStatus.86 = down ifOperStatus.87 = down ifOperStatus.88 = down ifOperStatus.89 = down ifOperStatus.90 = down ifOperStatus.91 = down ifOperStatus.92 = down ifOperStatus.93 = down ifOperStatus.94 = down ifOperStatus.95 = down ifOperStatus.96 = up ifOperStatus.97 = up ifOperStatus.98 = up ifOperStatus.99 = up ifOperStatus.100 = up ifOperStatus.101 = up ifOperStatus.102 = up ifOperStatus.103 = down ifOperStatus.104 = down ifOperStatus.105 = down ifOperStatus.106 = down ifOperStatus.107 = down ifOperStatus.108 = up ifOperStatus.109 = up ifOperStatus.110 = up ifOperStatus.111 = down ifOperStatus.112 = down ifOperStatus.113 = down ifOperStatus.114 = down ifOperStatus.115 = down ifOperStatus.116 = down ifOperStatus.117 = down ifOperStatus.118 = down ifOperStatus.119 = down ifOperStatus.120 = down ifOperStatus.121 = down ifOperStatus.122 = down ifOperStatus.123 = down ifOperStatus.124 = down ifOperStatus.125 = down ifOperStatus.126 = down ifOperStatus.127 = down ifOperStatus.128 = down ifOperStatus.129 = down ifOperStatus.130 = down ifOperStatus.131 = up ifOperStatus.132 = down ifOperStatus.133 = up ifOperStatus.134 = up ifOperStatus.135 = up ifOperStatus.136 = up ifOperStatus.137 = up ifOperStatus.138 = up ifOperStatus.139 = up ifOperStatus.140 = up ifOperStatus.141 = up ifOperStatus.142 = up ifOperStatus.143 = up ifOperStatus.144 = up ifOperStatus.145 = down ifOperStatus.146 = down ifOperStatus.147 = down ifOperStatus.148 = down ifOperStatus.149 = up ifOperStatus.150 = down ifOperStatus.151 = up ifOperStatus.152 = up ifOperStatus.153 = down ifOperStatus.154 = down ifOperStatus.155 = down ifOperStatus.156 = down ifOperStatus.157 = down ifOperStatus.158 = down ifOperStatus.159 = down ifOperStatus.160 = down ifOperStatus.161 = up ifOperStatus.162 = up ifOperStatus.163 = up ifOperStatus.164 = up ifOperStatus.165 = up ifOperStatus.166 = down ifOperStatus.167 = up ifOperStatus.168 = up ifOperStatus.169 = up ifOperStatus.170 = up ifOperStatus.171 = up ifOperStatus.172 = up ifOperStatus.173 = up ifOperStatus.174 = down ifOperStatus.175 = up ifOperStatus.176 = down ifOperStatus.177 = up ifOperStatus.178 = up ifOperStatus.179 = up ifOperStatus.180 = up ifOperStatus.181 = up ifOperStatus.182 = up ifOperStatus.183 = up ifOperStatus.184 = up ifOperStatus.185 = up ifOperStatus.186 = up ifOperStatus.187 = up ifOperStatus.188 = up ifOperStatus.189 = up ifOperStatus.190 = up ifOperStatus.191 = up ifOperStatus.192 = up ifOperStatus.193 = up ifOperStatus.194 = up ifOperStatus.195 = up ifOperStatus.196 = up ifOperStatus.197 = up ifOperStatus.198 = up ifOperStatus.199 = up ifOperStatus.200 = up ifOperStatus.201 = up ifOperStatus.202 = up ifOperStatus.203 = up ifOperStatus.204 = up ifOperStatus.205 = up ifOperStatus.206 = up ifOperStatus.207 = up ifOperStatus.208 = up ifOperStatus.209 = up ifOperStatus.210 = up ifOperStatus.211 = up ifOperStatus.212 = up ifOperStatus.213 = up ifOperStatus.214 = up ifOperStatus.215 = up ifOperStatus.216 = up ifOperStatus.217 = up ifOperStatus.218 = up ifOperStatus.219 = up ifOperStatus.220 = up ifOperStatus.221 = up ifOperStatus.222 = up ifOperStatus.223 = up ifOperStatus.224 = up ifOperStatus.225 = up ifOperStatus.226 = up ifOperStatus.227 = up ifOperStatus.228 = up ifOperStatus.229 = up ifOperStatus.230 = up ifOperStatus.231 = up ifOperStatus.232 = up ifOperStatus.233 = up ifOperStatus.234 = up ifOperStatus.235 = down ifOperStatus.237 = down ifOperStatus.238 = down ifOperStatus.239 = down ifOperStatus.240 = down ifOperStatus.241 = down ifOperStatus.242 = down ifOperStatus.243 = down ifOperStatus.244 = down ifOperStatus.245 = down ifOperStatus.246 = down ifOperStatus.247 = down ifOperStatus.248 = down ifOperStatus.249 = down ifOperStatus.250 = down ifOperStatus.251 = down ifOperStatus.252 = down ifOperStatus.253 = down ifOperStatus.254 = down ifOperStatus.255 = down ifOperStatus.256 = down ifOperStatus.257 = down ifOperStatus.258 = down ifOperStatus.259 = down ifOperStatus.260 = down ifOperStatus.261 = down ifOperStatus.262 = down ifOperStatus.263 = down ifOperStatus.264 = down ifOperStatus.265 = down ifOperStatus.266 = down ifOperStatus.267 = down ifOperStatus.268 = down ifOperStatus.269 = down ifOperStatus.270 = down ifOperStatus.271 = down ifOperStatus.272 = down ifOperStatus.273 = down ifOperStatus.274 = down ifOperStatus.275 = down ifOperStatus.276 = down ifOperStatus.277 = down ifOperStatus.278 = up ifOperStatus.279 = down ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  Array ( [1] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/1 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [2] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/2 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [3] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/3 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/3 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [4] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/4 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/4 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [5] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/5 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/5 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [6] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/6 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/6 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [7] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/7 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/7 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [8] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/8 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/8 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [9] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/9 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/9 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [10] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/10 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/10 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [11] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/11 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/11 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [12] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/12 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall Port12 [ifName] => Gi1/12 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [13] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/13 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall WAN1 [ifName] => Gi1/13 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [14] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/14 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall WAN2 [ifName] => Gi1/14 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [15] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/15 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/15 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [16] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/16 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/16 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [17] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/17 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/17 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [18] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/18 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/18 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [19] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/19 [ifAlias] => Synology Management [ifName] => Gi1/19 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [20] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/20 [ifAlias] => VOIPSwitch01 [ifName] => Gi1/20 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [21] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/21 [ifAlias] => security door bridge 1 [ifName] => Gi1/21 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [22] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/22 [ifAlias] => security door bridge 2 [ifName] => Gi1/22 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [23] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/23 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi1/23 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [24] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/24 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi1/24 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [25] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/25 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi1/25 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [26] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/26 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/26 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [27] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/27 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/27 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [28] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/28 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/28 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [29] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/29 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/29 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [30] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/30 [ifAlias] => Cohesity backup appliance [ifName] => Gi1/30 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [31] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/31 [ifAlias] => Cohesity backup appliance [ifName] => Gi1/31 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [32] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/32 [ifAlias] => Cohesity backup appliance [ifName] => Gi1/32 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [33] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/33 [ifAlias] => Cohesity backup appliance [ifName] => Gi1/33 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [34] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/34 [ifAlias] => Cohesity backup appliance [ifName] => Gi1/34 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [35] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/35 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-1 LAN [ifName] => Gi1/35 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [36] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/36 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-1 RFN_MGMT [ifName] => Gi1/36 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [37] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/37 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-1 WAN [ifName] => Gi1/37 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [38] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/38 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-1 DMZ [ifName] => Gi1/38 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [39] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/39 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-1 CLEC-NMS [ifName] => Gi1/39 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [40] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/40 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-2 LAN [ifName] => Gi1/40 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [41] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/41 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-2 RFN_MGMT [ifName] => Gi1/41 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [42] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/42 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-2 WAN [ifName] => Gi1/42 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [43] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/43 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-2 DMZ [ifName] => Gi1/43 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [44] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/44 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-2 CLEC-NMS [ifName] => Gi1/44 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [45] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/45 [ifAlias] => (softswitch) [ifName] => Gi1/45 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [46] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/46 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/46 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [47] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/47 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/47 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [48] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/48 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/48 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [49] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [50] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/2 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [51] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/3 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/3 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [52] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/4 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/4 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [53] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/5 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/5 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [54] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/6 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/6 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [55] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/7 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/7 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [56] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/8 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/8 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [57] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/9 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/9 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [58] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/10 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/10 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [59] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/11 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/11 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [60] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/12 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/12 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [61] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/13 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/13 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [62] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/14 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/14 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [63] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/15 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/15 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [64] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/16 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/16 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [65] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/17 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/17 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [66] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/18 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/18 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [67] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/19 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/19 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [68] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/20 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/20 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [69] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/21 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/21 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [70] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/22 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/22 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [71] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/23 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/23 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [72] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/24 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/24 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [73] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/25 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/25 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [74] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/26 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/26 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [75] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/27 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/27 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [76] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/28 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/28 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [77] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/29 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/29 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [78] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/30 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/30 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [79] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/31 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/31 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [80] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/32 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/32 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [81] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/33 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/33 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [82] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/34 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/34 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [83] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/35 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/35 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [84] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/36 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/36 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [85] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/37 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/37 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [86] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/38 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/38 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [87] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/39 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/39 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [88] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/40 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/40 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [89] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/41 [ifAlias] => VDN-PBX-002 [ifName] => Gi2/41 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [90] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/42 [ifAlias] => VDN-PBX-002 [ifName] => Gi2/42 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [91] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/43 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/43 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [92] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/44 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/44 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [93] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/45 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/45 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [94] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/46 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/46 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [95] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/47 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/47 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [96] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/48 [ifAlias] => Security Controller [ifName] => Gi2/48 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [97] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/1 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [98] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/2 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [99] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/3 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/3 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [100] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/4 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/4 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [101] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/5 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/5 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [102] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/6 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/6 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [103] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/7 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/7 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [104] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/8 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/8 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [105] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/9 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/9 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [106] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/10 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/10 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [107] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/11 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/11 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [108] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/12 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall Port12 [ifName] => Gi3/12 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [109] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/13 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall WAN1 [ifName] => Gi3/13 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [110] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/14 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall WAN2 [ifName] => Gi3/14 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [111] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/15 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/15 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [112] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/16 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/16 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [113] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/17 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/17 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [114] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/18 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/18 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [115] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/19 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/19 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [116] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/20 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/20 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [117] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/21 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/21 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [118] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/22 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/22 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [119] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/23 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/23 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [120] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/24 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/24 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [121] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/25 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/25 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [122] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/26 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/26 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [123] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/27 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/27 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [124] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/28 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/28 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [125] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/29 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/29 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [126] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/30 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/30 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [127] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/31 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/31 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [128] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/32 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/32 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [129] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/33 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/33 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [130] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/34 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/34 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [131] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/35 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/35 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [132] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/36 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/36 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [133] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/37 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/37 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [134] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/38 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/38 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [135] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/39 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/39 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [136] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/40 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/40 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [137] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/41 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/41 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [138] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/42 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/42 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [139] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/43 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/43 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [140] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/44 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/44 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [141] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/45 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/45 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [142] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/46 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/46 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [143] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/47 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/47 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [144] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/48 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/48 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [145] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet5/1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi5/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [146] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet5/2 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi5/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [147] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet6/1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi6/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [148] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet6/2 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi6/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [149] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet7/1 [ifAlias] => 10G to 6513-1 [ifName] => Te7/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [150] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet7/2 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te7/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [151] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet7/3 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te7/3 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [152] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet7/4 [ifAlias] => fibre to 6513-2 [ifName] => Te7/4 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [153] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [154] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/2 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [155] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/3 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/3 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [156] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/4 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/4 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [157] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/5 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/5 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [158] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/6 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/6 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [159] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/7 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/7 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [160] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/8 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/8 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [161] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [162] => Array ( [ifDescr] => EOBC0/0 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => EO0/0 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [163] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Null0 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Nu0 [ifType] => other [ifOperStatus] => up ) [164] => Array ( [ifDescr] => SPAN RP Interface [ifAlias] => [ifName] => SPAN RP [ifType] => other [ifOperStatus] => up ) [165] => Array ( [ifDescr] => SPAN SP Interface [ifAlias] => [ifName] => SPAN SP [ifType] => other [ifOperStatus] => up ) [166] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan55 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl55 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [167] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan81 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl81 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [168] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan141 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl141 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [169] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan176 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl176 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [170] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan179 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl179 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [171] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan250 [ifAlias] => SAN [ifName] => Vl250 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [172] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan503 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl503 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [173] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan555 [ifAlias] => James side access 192.168.1.x [ifName] => Vl555 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [174] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan557 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl557 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [175] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1000 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1000 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [176] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1414 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1414 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [177] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan3934 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl3934 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [178] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Control Plane Interface [ifAlias] => [ifName] => CPP [ifType] => other [ifOperStatus] => up ) [179] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [180] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1002 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1002 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [181] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1004 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1004 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [182] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1005 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1005 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [183] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1003 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1003 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [184] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 3 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-3 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [185] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 4 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-4 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [186] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 5 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-5 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [187] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 98 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-98 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [188] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 200 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-200 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [189] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 204 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-204 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [190] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 250 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-250 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [191] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 251 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-251 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [192] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 503 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-503 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [193] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 555 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-555 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [194] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 556 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-556 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [195] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 557 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-557 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [196] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 761 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-761 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [197] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 762 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-762 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [198] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 763 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-763 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [199] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 764 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-764 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [200] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 765 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-765 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [201] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 901 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-901 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [202] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 904 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-904 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [203] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 910 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-910 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [204] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 911 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-911 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [205] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 920 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-920 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [206] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 80 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-80 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [207] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 81 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-81 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [208] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 86 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-86 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [209] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 141 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-141 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [210] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 142 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-142 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [211] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 160 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-160 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [212] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 175 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-175 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [213] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 176 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-176 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [214] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 177 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-177 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [215] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 179 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-179 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [216] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 300 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-300 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [217] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 442 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-442 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [218] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 673 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-673 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [219] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 731 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-731 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [220] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 760 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-760 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [221] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 766 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-766 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [222] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 800 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-800 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [223] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 806 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-806 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [224] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 808 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-808 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [225] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 822 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-822 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [226] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 831 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-831 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [227] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1000 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1000 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [228] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 3934 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-3934 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [229] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 181 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-181 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [230] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 271 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-271 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [231] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 272 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-272 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [232] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 281 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-281 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [233] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 282 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-282 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [234] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 291 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-291 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [235] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan80 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl80 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [237] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan86 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl86 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [238] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan98 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl98 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [239] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan142 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl142 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [240] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan160 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl160 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [241] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan175 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl175 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [242] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan177 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl177 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [243] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan181 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl181 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [244] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan200 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl200 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [245] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan204 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl204 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [246] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan251 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl251 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [247] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan271 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl271 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [248] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan272 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl272 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [249] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan281 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl281 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [250] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan282 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl282 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [251] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan291 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl291 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [252] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan300 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl300 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [253] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan442 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl442 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [254] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan556 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl556 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [255] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan673 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl673 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [256] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan731 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl731 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [257] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan760 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl760 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [258] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan761 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl761 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [259] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan762 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl762 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [260] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan763 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl763 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [261] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan764 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl764 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [262] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan765 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl765 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [263] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan766 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl766 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [264] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan800 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl800 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [265] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan806 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl806 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [266] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan808 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl808 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [267] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan822 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl822 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [268] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan831 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl831 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [269] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan901 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl901 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [270] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan904 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl904 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [271] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan910 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl910 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [272] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan911 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl911 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [273] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan920 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl920 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [274] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1002 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1002 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [275] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1003 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1003 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [276] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1004 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1004 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [277] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1005 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1005 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [278] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 178 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-178 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [279] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan178 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl178 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) )  o Caching DB   SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00088906s] 0 ports  o Discovering ports   ifIndex 1 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/1) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/1(1) ifIndex 2 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/2) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/2(2) ifIndex 3 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/3) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/3(3) ifIndex 4 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/4) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/4(4) ifIndex 5 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/5) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/5(5) ifIndex 6 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/6) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/6(6) ifIndex 7 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/7) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/7(7) ifIndex 8 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/8) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/8(8) ifIndex 9 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/9) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/9(9) ifIndex 10 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/10) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/10(10) ifIndex 11 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/11) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/11(11) ifIndex 12 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/12) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/12(12) ifIndex 13 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/13) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/13(13) ifIndex 14 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/14) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/14(14) ifIndex 15 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/15) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/15(15) ifIndex 16 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/16) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/16(16) ifIndex 17 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/17) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/17(17) ifIndex 18 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/18) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/18(18) ifIndex 19 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/19) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/19(19) ifIndex 20 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/20) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/20(20) ifIndex 21 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/21) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/21(21) ifIndex 22 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/22) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/22(22) ifIndex 23 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/23) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/23(23) ifIndex 24 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/24) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/24(24) ifIndex 25 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/25) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/25(25) ifIndex 26 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/26) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/26(26) ifIndex 27 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/27) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/27(27) ifIndex 28 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/28) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/28(28) ifIndex 29 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/29) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/29(29) ifIndex 30 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/30) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/30(30) ifIndex 31 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/31) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/31(31) ifIndex 32 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/32) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/32(32) ifIndex 33 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/33) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/33(33) ifIndex 34 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/34) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/34(34) ifIndex 35 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/35) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/35(35) ifIndex 36 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/36) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/36(36) ifIndex 37 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/37) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/37(37) ifIndex 38 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/38) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/38(38) ifIndex 39 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/39) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/39(39) ifIndex 40 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/40) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/40(40) ifIndex 41 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/41) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/41(41) ifIndex 42 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/42) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/42(42) ifIndex 43 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/43) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/43(43) ifIndex 44 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/44) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/44(44) ifIndex 45 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/45) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/45(45) ifIndex 46 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/46) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/46(46) ifIndex 47 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/47) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/47(47) ifIndex 48 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet1/48) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet1/48(48) ifIndex 49 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/1) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/1(49) ifIndex 50 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/2) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/2(50) ifIndex 51 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/3) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/3(51) ifIndex 52 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/4) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/4(52) ifIndex 53 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/5) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/5(53) ifIndex 54 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/6) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/6(54) ifIndex 55 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/7) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/7(55) ifIndex 56 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/8) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/8(56) ifIndex 57 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/9) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/9(57) ifIndex 58 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/10) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/10(58) ifIndex 59 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/11) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/11(59) ifIndex 60 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/12) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/12(60) ifIndex 61 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/13) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/13(61) ifIndex 62 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/14) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/14(62) ifIndex 63 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/15) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/15(63) ifIndex 64 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/16) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/16(64) ifIndex 65 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/17) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/17(65) ifIndex 66 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/18) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/18(66) ifIndex 67 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/19) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/19(67) ifIndex 68 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/20) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/20(68) ifIndex 69 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/21) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/21(69) ifIndex 70 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/22) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/22(70) ifIndex 71 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/23) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/23(71) ifIndex 72 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/24) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/24(72) ifIndex 73 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/25) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/25(73) ifIndex 74 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/26) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/26(74) ifIndex 75 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/27) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/27(75) ifIndex 76 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/28) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/28(76) ifIndex 77 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/29) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/29(77) ifIndex 78 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/30) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/30(78) ifIndex 79 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/31) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/31(79) ifIndex 80 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/32) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/32(80) ifIndex 81 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/33) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/33(81) ifIndex 82 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/34) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/34(82) ifIndex 83 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/35) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/35(83) ifIndex 84 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/36) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/36(84) ifIndex 85 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/37) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/37(85) ifIndex 86 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/38) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/38(86) ifIndex 87 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/39) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/39(87) ifIndex 88 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/40) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/40(88) ifIndex 89 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/41) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/41(89) ifIndex 90 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/42) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/42(90) ifIndex 91 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/43) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/43(91) ifIndex 92 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/44) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/44(92) ifIndex 93 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/45) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/45(93) ifIndex 94 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/46) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/46(94) ifIndex 95 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/47) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/47(95) ifIndex 96 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet2/48) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet2/48(96) ifIndex 97 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/1) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/1(97) ifIndex 98 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/2) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/2(98) ifIndex 99 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/3) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/3(99) ifIndex 100 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/4) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/4(100) ifIndex 101 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/5) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/5(101) ifIndex 102 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/6) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/6(102) ifIndex 103 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/7) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/7(103) ifIndex 104 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/8) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/8(104) ifIndex 105 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/9) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/9(105) ifIndex 106 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/10) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/10(106) ifIndex 107 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/11) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/11(107) ifIndex 108 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/12) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/12(108) ifIndex 109 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/13) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/13(109) ifIndex 110 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/14) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/14(110) ifIndex 111 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/15) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/15(111) ifIndex 112 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/16) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/16(112) ifIndex 113 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/17) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/17(113) ifIndex 114 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/18) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/18(114) ifIndex 115 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/19) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/19(115) ifIndex 116 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/20) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/20(116) ifIndex 117 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/21) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/21(117) ifIndex 118 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/22) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/22(118) ifIndex 119 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/23) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/23(119) ifIndex 120 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/24) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/24(120) ifIndex 121 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/25) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/25(121) ifIndex 122 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/26) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/26(122) ifIndex 123 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/27) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/27(123) ifIndex 124 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/28) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/28(124) ifIndex 125 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/29) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/29(125) ifIndex 126 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/30) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/30(126) ifIndex 127 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/31) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/31(127) ifIndex 128 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/32) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/32(128) ifIndex 129 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/33) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/33(129) ifIndex 130 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/34) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/34(130) ifIndex 131 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/35) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/35(131) ifIndex 132 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/36) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/36(132) ifIndex 133 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/37) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/37(133) ifIndex 134 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/38) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/38(134) ifIndex 135 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/39) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/39(135) ifIndex 136 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/40) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/40(136) ifIndex 137 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/41) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/41(137) ifIndex 138 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/42) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/42(138) ifIndex 139 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/43) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/43(139) ifIndex 140 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/44) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/44(140) ifIndex 141 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/45) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/45(141) ifIndex 142 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/46) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/46(142) ifIndex 143 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/47) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/47(143) ifIndex 144 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (GigabitEthernet3/48) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet3/48(144) ifIndex 145 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet5/1) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet5/1(145) ifIndex 146 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet5/2) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet5/2(146) ifIndex 147 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet6/1) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet6/1(147) ifIndex 148 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (GigabitEthernet6/2) matched #multipart GigabitEthernet6/2(148) ifIndex 149 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet7/1) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet7/1(149) ifIndex 150 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet7/2) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet7/2(150) ifIndex 151 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet7/3) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet7/3(151) ifIndex 152 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet7/4) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet7/4(152) ifIndex 153 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet8/1) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet8/1(153) ifIndex 154 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet8/2) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet8/2(154) ifIndex 155 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet8/3) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet8/3(155) ifIndex 156 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet8/4) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet8/4(156) ifIndex 157 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet8/5) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet8/5(157) ifIndex 158 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet8/6) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet8/6(158) ifIndex 159 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet8/7) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet8/7(159) ifIndex 160 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (TenGigabitEthernet8/8) matched #multipart TenGigabitEthernet8/8(160) ifIndex 161 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (Vlan1) matched #simple Vlan1(161) ifIndex 162 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): EOBC0/0 [ eobc ] X ifIndex 163 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (Null0) matched #simple Null0(163) ifIndex 164 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): SPAN RP Interface [ span rp ] X ifIndex 165 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): SPAN SP Interface [ span sp ] X ifIndex 166 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan55) matched #simple Vlan55(166) ifIndex 167 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (Vlan81) matched #simple Vlan81(167) ifIndex 168 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (Vlan141) matched #simple Vlan141(168) ifIndex 169 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (Vlan176) matched #simple Vlan176(169) ifIndex 170 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (Vlan179) matched #simple Vlan179(170) ifIndex 171 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (Vlan250) matched #simple Vlan250(171) ifIndex 172 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (Vlan503) matched #simple Vlan503(172) ifIndex 173 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (Vlan555) matched #simple Vlan555(173) ifIndex 174 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan557) matched #simple Vlan557(174) ifIndex 175 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (Vlan1000) matched #simple Vlan1000(175) ifIndex 176 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan1414) matched #simple Vlan1414(176) ifIndex 177 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Port label (Vlan3934) matched #simple Vlan3934(177) ifIndex 178 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). Control Plane(178) ifIndex 179 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 180 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1002 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 181 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1004 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 182 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1005 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 183 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1003 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 184 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 3 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 185 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 4 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 186 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 5 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 187 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 98 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 188 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 200 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 189 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 204 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 190 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 250 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 191 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 251 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 192 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 503 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 193 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 555 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 194 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 556 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 195 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 557 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 196 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 761 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 197 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 762 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 198 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 763 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 199 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 764 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 200 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 765 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 201 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 901 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 202 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 904 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 203 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 910 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 204 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 911 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 205 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 920 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 206 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 80 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 207 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 81 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 208 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 86 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 209 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 141 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 210 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 142 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 211 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 160 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 212 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 175 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 213 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 176 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 214 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 177 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 215 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 179 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 216 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 300 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 217 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 442 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 218 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 673 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 219 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 731 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 220 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 760 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 221 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 766 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 222 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 800 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 223 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 806 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 224 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 808 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 225 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 822 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 226 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 831 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 227 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1000 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 228 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 3934 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 229 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 181 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 230 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 271 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 231 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 272 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 232 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 281 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 233 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 282 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 234 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 291 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 235 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan80) matched #simple Vlan80(235) ifIndex 237 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan86) matched #simple Vlan86(237) ifIndex 238 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan98) matched #simple Vlan98(238) ifIndex 239 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan142) matched #simple Vlan142(239) ifIndex 240 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan160) matched #simple Vlan160(240) ifIndex 241 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan175) matched #simple Vlan175(241) ifIndex 242 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan177) matched #simple Vlan177(242) ifIndex 243 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan181) matched #simple Vlan181(243) ifIndex 244 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan200) matched #simple Vlan200(244) ifIndex 245 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan204) matched #simple Vlan204(245) ifIndex 246 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan251) matched #simple Vlan251(246) ifIndex 247 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan271) matched #simple Vlan271(247) ifIndex 248 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan272) matched #simple Vlan272(248) ifIndex 249 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan281) matched #simple Vlan281(249) ifIndex 250 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan282) matched #simple Vlan282(250) ifIndex 251 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan291) matched #simple Vlan291(251) ifIndex 252 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan300) matched #simple Vlan300(252) ifIndex 253 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan442) matched #simple Vlan442(253) ifIndex 254 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan556) matched #simple Vlan556(254) ifIndex 255 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan673) matched #simple Vlan673(255) ifIndex 256 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan731) matched #simple Vlan731(256) ifIndex 257 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan760) matched #simple Vlan760(257) ifIndex 258 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan761) matched #simple Vlan761(258) ifIndex 259 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan762) matched #simple Vlan762(259) ifIndex 260 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan763) matched #simple Vlan763(260) ifIndex 261 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan764) matched #simple Vlan764(261) ifIndex 262 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan765) matched #simple Vlan765(262) ifIndex 263 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan766) matched #simple Vlan766(263) ifIndex 264 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan800) matched #simple Vlan800(264) ifIndex 265 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan806) matched #simple Vlan806(265) ifIndex 266 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan808) matched #simple Vlan808(266) ifIndex 267 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan822) matched #simple Vlan822(267) ifIndex 268 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan831) matched #simple Vlan831(268) ifIndex 269 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan901) matched #simple Vlan901(269) ifIndex 270 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan904) matched #simple Vlan904(270) ifIndex 271 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan910) matched #simple Vlan910(271) ifIndex 272 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan911) matched #simple Vlan911(272) ifIndex 273 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan920) matched #simple Vlan920(273) ifIndex 274 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan1002) matched #simple Vlan1002(274) ifIndex 275 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan1003) matched #simple Vlan1003(275) ifIndex 276 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan1004) matched #simple Vlan1004(276) ifIndex 277 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan1005) matched #simple Vlan1005(277) ifIndex 278 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 178 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 279 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). Port label (Vlan178) matched #simple Vlan178(279) SQL[INSERT INTO `ports` (`device_id`,`ifIndex`,`ifAlias`,`ifDescr`,`ifName`,`ifType`,`ignore`,`disabled`) VALUES ('27','1','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/1','Gi1/1','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','2','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/2','Gi1/2','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','3','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/3','Gi1/3','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','4','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/4','Gi1/4','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','5','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/5','Gi1/5','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','6','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/6','Gi1/6','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','7','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/7','Gi1/7','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','8','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/8','Gi1/8','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','9','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/9','Gi1/9','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','10','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/10','Gi1/10','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','11','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/11','Gi1/11','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','12','Fortinet Firewall Port12','GigabitEthernet1/12','Gi1/12','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','13','Fortinet Firewall WAN1','GigabitEthernet1/13','Gi1/13','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','14','Fortinet Firewall WAN2','GigabitEthernet1/14','Gi1/14','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','15','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/15','Gi1/15','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','16','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/16','Gi1/16','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','17','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/17','Gi1/17','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','18','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet1/18','Gi1/18','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','19','Synology Management','GigabitEthernet1/19','Gi1/19','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','20','VOIPSwitch01','GigabitEthernet1/20','Gi1/20','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','21','security door bridge 1','GigabitEthernet1/21','Gi1/21','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','22','security door bridge 2','GigabitEthernet1/22','Gi1/22','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','23','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet1/23','Gi1/23','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','24','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet1/24','Gi1/24','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','25','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet1/25','Gi1/25','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','26','','GigabitEthernet1/26','Gi1/26','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','27','','GigabitEthernet1/27','Gi1/27','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','28','','GigabitEthernet1/28','Gi1/28','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','29','','GigabitEthernet1/29','Gi1/29','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','30','Cohesity backup appliance','GigabitEthernet1/30','Gi1/30','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','31','Cohesity backup appliance','GigabitEthernet1/31','Gi1/31','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','32','Cohesity backup appliance','GigabitEthernet1/32','Gi1/32','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','33','Cohesity backup appliance','GigabitEthernet1/33','Gi1/33','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','34','Cohesity backup appliance','GigabitEthernet1/34','Gi1/34','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','35','Juniper SRX240-1 LAN','GigabitEthernet1/35','Gi1/35','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','36','Juniper SRX240-1 RFN_MGMT','GigabitEthernet1/36','Gi1/36','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','37','Juniper SRX240-1 WAN','GigabitEthernet1/37','Gi1/37','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','38','Juniper SRX240-1 DMZ','GigabitEthernet1/38','Gi1/38','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','39','Juniper SRX240-1 CLEC-NMS','GigabitEthernet1/39','Gi1/39','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','40','Juniper SRX240-2 LAN','GigabitEthernet1/40','Gi1/40','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','41','Juniper SRX240-2 RFN_MGMT','GigabitEthernet1/41','Gi1/41','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','42','Juniper SRX240-2 WAN','GigabitEthernet1/42','Gi1/42','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','43','Juniper SRX240-2 DMZ','GigabitEthernet1/43','Gi1/43','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','44','Juniper SRX240-2 CLEC-NMS','GigabitEthernet1/44','Gi1/44','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','45',' (softswitch)','GigabitEthernet1/45','Gi1/45','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','46','','GigabitEthernet1/46','Gi1/46','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','47','','GigabitEthernet1/47','Gi1/47','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','48','','GigabitEthernet1/48','Gi1/48','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','49','','GigabitEthernet2/1','Gi2/1','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','50','','GigabitEthernet2/2','Gi2/2','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','51','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/3','Gi2/3','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','52','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/4','Gi2/4','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','53','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/5','Gi2/5','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','54','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/6','Gi2/6','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','55','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/7','Gi2/7','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','56','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/8','Gi2/8','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','57','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/9','Gi2/9','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','58','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/10','Gi2/10','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','59','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/11','Gi2/11','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','60','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/12','Gi2/12','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','61','','GigabitEthernet2/13','Gi2/13','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','62','','GigabitEthernet2/14','Gi2/14','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','63','','GigabitEthernet2/15','Gi2/15','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','64','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/16','Gi2/16','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','65','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/17','Gi2/17','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','66','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/18','Gi2/18','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','67','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/19','Gi2/19','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','68','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/20','Gi2/20','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','69','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/21','Gi2/21','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','70','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/22','Gi2/22','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','71','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/23','Gi2/23','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','72','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/24','Gi2/24','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','73','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet2/25','Gi2/25','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','74','','GigabitEthernet2/26','Gi2/26','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','75','','GigabitEthernet2/27','Gi2/27','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','76','','GigabitEthernet2/28','Gi2/28','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','77','','GigabitEthernet2/29','Gi2/29','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','78','','GigabitEthernet2/30','Gi2/30','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','79','','GigabitEthernet2/31','Gi2/31','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','80','','GigabitEthernet2/32','Gi2/32','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','81','','GigabitEthernet2/33','Gi2/33','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','82','','GigabitEthernet2/34','Gi2/34','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','83','','GigabitEthernet2/35','Gi2/35','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','84','','GigabitEthernet2/36','Gi2/36','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','85','','GigabitEthernet2/37','Gi2/37','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','86','','GigabitEthernet2/38','Gi2/38','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','87','','GigabitEthernet2/39','Gi2/39','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','88','','GigabitEthernet2/40','Gi2/40','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','89','VDN-PBX-002','GigabitEthernet2/41','Gi2/41','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','90','VDN-PBX-002','GigabitEthernet2/42','Gi2/42','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','91','','GigabitEthernet2/43','Gi2/43','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','92','','GigabitEthernet2/44','Gi2/44','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','93','','GigabitEthernet2/45','Gi2/45','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','94','','GigabitEthernet2/46','Gi2/46','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','95','','GigabitEthernet2/47','Gi2/47','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','96','Security Controller','GigabitEthernet2/48','Gi2/48','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','97','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/1','Gi3/1','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','98','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/2','Gi3/2','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','99','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/3','Gi3/3','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','100','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/4','Gi3/4','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','101','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/5','Gi3/5','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','102','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/6','Gi3/6','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','103','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/7','Gi3/7','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','104','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/8','Gi3/8','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','105','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/9','Gi3/9','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','106','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/10','Gi3/10','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','107','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/11','Gi3/11','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','108','Fortinet Firewall Port12','GigabitEthernet3/12','Gi3/12','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','109','Fortinet Firewall WAN1','GigabitEthernet3/13','Gi3/13','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','110','Fortinet Firewall WAN2','GigabitEthernet3/14','Gi3/14','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','111','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/15','Gi3/15','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','112','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/16','Gi3/16','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','113','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/17','Gi3/17','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','114','Fortinet Firewall','GigabitEthernet3/18','Gi3/18','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','115','','GigabitEthernet3/19','Gi3/19','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','116','','GigabitEthernet3/20','Gi3/20','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','117','','GigabitEthernet3/21','Gi3/21','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','118','','GigabitEthernet3/22','Gi3/22','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','119','','GigabitEthernet3/23','Gi3/23','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','120','','GigabitEthernet3/24','Gi3/24','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','121','','GigabitEthernet3/25','Gi3/25','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','122','','GigabitEthernet3/26','Gi3/26','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','123','','GigabitEthernet3/27','Gi3/27','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','124','','GigabitEthernet3/28','Gi3/28','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','125','','GigabitEthernet3/29','Gi3/29','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','126','','GigabitEthernet3/30','Gi3/30','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','127','','GigabitEthernet3/31','Gi3/31','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','128','','GigabitEthernet3/32','Gi3/32','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','129','','GigabitEthernet3/33','Gi3/33','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','130','','GigabitEthernet3/34','Gi3/34','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','131','','GigabitEthernet3/35','Gi3/35','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','132','','GigabitEthernet3/36','Gi3/36','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','133','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/37','Gi3/37','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','134','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/38','Gi3/38','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','135','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/39','Gi3/39','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','136','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/40','Gi3/40','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','137','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/41','Gi3/41','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','138','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/42','Gi3/42','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','139','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/43','Gi3/43','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','140','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/44','Gi3/44','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','141','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/45','Gi3/45','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','142','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/46','Gi3/46','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','143','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/47','Gi3/47','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','144','ESX-host-','GigabitEthernet3/48','Gi3/48','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','145','','GigabitEthernet5/1','Gi5/1','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','146','','GigabitEthernet5/2','Gi5/2','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','147','','GigabitEthernet6/1','Gi6/1','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','148','','GigabitEthernet6/2','Gi6/2','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','149','10G to 6513-1','TenGigabitEthernet7/1','Te7/1','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','150','','TenGigabitEthernet7/2','Te7/2','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','151','','TenGigabitEthernet7/3','Te7/3','ethernetCsmacd','0','0'),('27','152','fibre to 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side access 192.168.1.x','Vlan555','Vl555','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','174','','Vlan557','Vl557','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','175','','Vlan1000','Vl1000','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','176','','Vlan1414','Vl1414','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','177','','Vlan3934','Vl3934','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','178','','Control Plane Interface','CPP','other','0','0'),('27','235','','Vlan80','Vl80','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','237','','Vlan86','Vl86','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','238','','Vlan98','Vl98','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','239','','Vlan142','Vl142','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','240','','Vlan160','Vl160','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','241','','Vlan175','Vl175','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','242','','Vlan177','Vl177','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','243','','Vlan181','Vl181','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','244','','Vlan200','Vl200','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','245','','Vlan204','Vl204','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','246','','Vlan251','Vl251','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','247','','Vlan271','Vl271','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','248','','Vlan272','Vl272','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','249','','Vlan281','Vl281','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','250','','Vlan282','Vl282','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','251','','Vlan291','Vl291','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','252','','Vlan300','Vl300','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','253','','Vlan442','Vl442','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','254','','Vlan556','Vl556','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','255','','Vlan673','Vl673','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','256','','Vlan731','Vl731','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','257','','Vlan760','Vl760','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','258','','Vlan761','Vl761','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','259','','Vlan762','Vl762','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','260','','Vlan763','Vl763','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','261','','Vlan764','Vl764','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','262','','Vlan765','Vl765','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','263','','Vlan766','Vl766','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','264','','Vlan800','Vl800','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','265','','Vlan806','Vl806','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','266','','Vlan808','Vl808','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','267','','Vlan822','Vl822','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','268','','Vlan831','Vl831','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','269','','Vlan901','Vl901','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','270','','Vlan904','Vl904','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','271','','Vlan910','Vl910','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','272','','Vlan911','Vl911','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','273','','Vlan920','Vl920','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','274','','Vlan1002','Vl1002','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','275','','Vlan1003','Vl1003','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','276','','Vlan1004','Vl1004','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','277','','Vlan1005','Vl1005','propVirtual','0','0'),('27','279','','Vlan178','Vl178','propVirtual','0','0')] SQL RUNTIME[0.0741291s]  +---------+-------------------------+-----------+----------------------+----------------+-------------+---------+ | ifIndex | ifDescr | ifName | ifAlias | ifType | Oper Status | Ignored | +---------+-------------------------+-----------+----------------------+----------------+-------------+---------+ | 1 | GigabitEthernet1/1 | Gi1/1 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 2 | GigabitEthernet1/2 | Gi1/2 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 3 | GigabitEthernet1/3 | Gi1/3 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 4 | GigabitEthernet1/4 | Gi1/4 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 5 | GigabitEthernet1/5 | Gi1/5 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 6 | GigabitEthernet1/6 | Gi1/6 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 7 | GigabitEthernet1/7 | Gi1/7 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 8 | GigabitEthernet1/8 | Gi1/8 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 9 | GigabitEthernet1/9 | Gi1/9 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 10 | GigabitEthernet1/10 | Gi1/10 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 11 | GigabitEthernet1/11 | Gi1/11 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 12 | GigabitEthernet1/12 | Gi1/12 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 13 | GigabitEthernet1/13 | Gi1/13 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 14 | GigabitEthernet1/14 | Gi1/14 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 15 | GigabitEthernet1/15 | Gi1/15 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 16 | GigabitEthernet1/16 | Gi1/16 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 17 | GigabitEthernet1/17 | Gi1/17 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 18 | GigabitEthernet1/18 | Gi1/18 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 19 | GigabitEthernet1/19 | Gi1/19 | Synology Management | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 20 | GigabitEthernet1/20 | Gi1/20 | VOIPSwitch01 | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 21 | GigabitEthernet1/21 | Gi1/21 | security door bri... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 22 | GigabitEthernet1/22 | Gi1/22 | security door bri... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 23 | GigabitEthernet1/23 | Gi1/23 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 24 | GigabitEthernet1/24 | Gi1/24 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 25 | GigabitEthernet1/25 | Gi1/25 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 26 | GigabitEthernet1/26 | Gi1/26 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 27 | GigabitEthernet1/27 | Gi1/27 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 28 | GigabitEthernet1/28 | Gi1/28 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 29 | GigabitEthernet1/29 | Gi1/29 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 30 | GigabitEthernet1/30 | Gi1/30 | Cohesity backup a... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 31 | GigabitEthernet1/31 | Gi1/31 | Cohesity backup a... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 32 | GigabitEthernet1/32 | Gi1/32 | Cohesity backup a... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 33 | GigabitEthernet1/33 | Gi1/33 | Cohesity backup a... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 34 | GigabitEthernet1/34 | Gi1/34 | Cohesity backup a... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 35 | GigabitEthernet1/35 | Gi1/35 | Juniper SRX240-1 LAN | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 36 | GigabitEthernet1/36 | Gi1/36 | Juniper SRX240-1 ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 37 | GigabitEthernet1/37 | Gi1/37 | Juniper SRX240-1 WAN | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 38 | GigabitEthernet1/38 | Gi1/38 | Juniper SRX240-1 DMZ | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 39 | GigabitEthernet1/39 | Gi1/39 | Juniper SRX240-1 ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 40 | GigabitEthernet1/40 | Gi1/40 | Juniper SRX240-2 LAN | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 41 | GigabitEthernet1/41 | Gi1/41 | Juniper SRX240-2 ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 42 | GigabitEthernet1/42 | Gi1/42 | Juniper SRX240-2 WAN | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 43 | GigabitEthernet1/43 | Gi1/43 | Juniper SRX240-2 DMZ | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 44 | GigabitEthernet1/44 | Gi1/44 | Juniper SRX240-2 ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 45 | GigabitEthernet1/45 | Gi1/45 | | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 46 | GigabitEthernet1/46 | Gi1/46 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 47 | GigabitEthernet1/47 | Gi1/47 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 48 | GigabitEthernet1/48 | Gi1/48 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 49 | GigabitEthernet2/1 | Gi2/1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 50 | GigabitEthernet2/2 | Gi2/2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 51 | GigabitEthernet2/3 | Gi2/3 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 52 | GigabitEthernet2/4 | Gi2/4 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 53 | GigabitEthernet2/5 | Gi2/5 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 54 | GigabitEthernet2/6 | Gi2/6 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 55 | GigabitEthernet2/7 | Gi2/7 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 56 | GigabitEthernet2/8 | Gi2/8 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 57 | GigabitEthernet2/9 | Gi2/9 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 58 | GigabitEthernet2/10 | Gi2/10 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 59 | GigabitEthernet2/11 | Gi2/11 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 60 | GigabitEthernet2/12 | Gi2/12 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 61 | GigabitEthernet2/13 | Gi2/13 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 62 | GigabitEthernet2/14 | Gi2/14 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 63 | GigabitEthernet2/15 | Gi2/15 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 64 | GigabitEthernet2/16 | Gi2/16 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 65 | GigabitEthernet2/17 | Gi2/17 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 66 | GigabitEthernet2/18 | Gi2/18 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 67 | GigabitEthernet2/19 | Gi2/19 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 68 | GigabitEthernet2/20 | Gi2/20 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 69 | GigabitEthernet2/21 | Gi2/21 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 70 | GigabitEthernet2/22 | Gi2/22 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 71 | GigabitEthernet2/23 | Gi2/23 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 72 | GigabitEthernet2/24 | Gi2/24 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 73 | GigabitEthernet2/25 | Gi2/25 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 74 | GigabitEthernet2/26 | Gi2/26 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 75 | GigabitEthernet2/27 | Gi2/27 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 76 | GigabitEthernet2/28 | Gi2/28 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 77 | GigabitEthernet2/29 | Gi2/29 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 78 | GigabitEthernet2/30 | Gi2/30 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 79 | GigabitEthernet2/31 | Gi2/31 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 80 | GigabitEthernet2/32 | Gi2/32 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 81 | GigabitEthernet2/33 | Gi2/33 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 82 | GigabitEthernet2/34 | Gi2/34 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 83 | GigabitEthernet2/35 | Gi2/35 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 84 | GigabitEthernet2/36 | Gi2/36 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 85 | GigabitEthernet2/37 | Gi2/37 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 86 | GigabitEthernet2/38 | Gi2/38 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 87 | GigabitEthernet2/39 | Gi2/39 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 88 | GigabitEthernet2/40 | Gi2/40 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 89 | GigabitEthernet2/41 | Gi2/41 | VDN-PBX-002 | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 90 | GigabitEthernet2/42 | Gi2/42 | VDN-PBX-002 | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 91 | GigabitEthernet2/43 | Gi2/43 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 92 | GigabitEthernet2/44 | Gi2/44 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 93 | GigabitEthernet2/45 | Gi2/45 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 94 | GigabitEthernet2/46 | Gi2/46 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 95 | GigabitEthernet2/47 | Gi2/47 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 96 | GigabitEthernet2/48 | Gi2/48 | Security Controller | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 97 | GigabitEthernet3/1 | Gi3/1 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 98 | GigabitEthernet3/2 | Gi3/2 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 99 | GigabitEthernet3/3 | Gi3/3 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 100 | GigabitEthernet3/4 | Gi3/4 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 101 | GigabitEthernet3/5 | Gi3/5 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 102 | GigabitEthernet3/6 | Gi3/6 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 103 | GigabitEthernet3/7 | Gi3/7 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 104 | GigabitEthernet3/8 | Gi3/8 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 105 | GigabitEthernet3/9 | Gi3/9 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 106 | GigabitEthernet3/10 | Gi3/10 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 107 | GigabitEthernet3/11 | Gi3/11 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 108 | GigabitEthernet3/12 | Gi3/12 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 109 | GigabitEthernet3/13 | Gi3/13 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 110 | GigabitEthernet3/14 | Gi3/14 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 111 | GigabitEthernet3/15 | Gi3/15 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 112 | GigabitEthernet3/16 | Gi3/16 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 113 | GigabitEthernet3/17 | Gi3/17 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 114 | GigabitEthernet3/18 | Gi3/18 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 115 | GigabitEthernet3/19 | Gi3/19 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 116 | GigabitEthernet3/20 | Gi3/20 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 117 | GigabitEthernet3/21 | Gi3/21 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 118 | GigabitEthernet3/22 | Gi3/22 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 119 | GigabitEthernet3/23 | Gi3/23 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 120 | GigabitEthernet3/24 | Gi3/24 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 121 | GigabitEthernet3/25 | Gi3/25 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 122 | GigabitEthernet3/26 | Gi3/26 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 123 | GigabitEthernet3/27 | Gi3/27 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 124 | GigabitEthernet3/28 | Gi3/28 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 125 | GigabitEthernet3/29 | Gi3/29 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 126 | GigabitEthernet3/30 | Gi3/30 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 127 | GigabitEthernet3/31 | Gi3/31 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 128 | GigabitEthernet3/32 | Gi3/32 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 129 | GigabitEthernet3/33 | Gi3/33 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 130 | GigabitEthernet3/34 | Gi3/34 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 131 | GigabitEthernet3/35 | Gi3/35 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 132 | GigabitEthernet3/36 | Gi3/36 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 133 | GigabitEthernet3/37 | Gi3/37 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 134 | GigabitEthernet3/38 | Gi3/38 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 135 | GigabitEthernet3/39 | Gi3/39 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 136 | GigabitEthernet3/40 | Gi3/40 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 137 | GigabitEthernet3/41 | Gi3/41 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 138 | GigabitEthernet3/42 | Gi3/42 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 139 | GigabitEthernet3/43 | Gi3/43 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 140 | GigabitEthernet3/44 | Gi3/44 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 141 | GigabitEthernet3/45 | Gi3/45 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 142 | GigabitEthernet3/46 | Gi3/46 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 143 | GigabitEthernet3/47 | Gi3/47 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 144 | GigabitEthernet3/48 | Gi3/48 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 145 | GigabitEthernet5/1 | Gi5/1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 146 | GigabitEthernet5/2 | Gi5/2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 147 | GigabitEthernet6/1 | Gi6/1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 148 | GigabitEthernet6/2 | Gi6/2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 149 | TenGigabitEthernet7/1 | Te7/1 | 10G to 6513-1 | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 150 | TenGigabitEthernet7/2 | Te7/2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 151 | TenGigabitEthernet7/3 | Te7/3 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 152 | TenGigabitEthernet7/4 | Te7/4 | fibre to 6513-2 | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 153 | TenGigabitEthernet8/1 | Te8/1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 154 | TenGigabitEthernet8/2 | Te8/2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 155 | TenGigabitEthernet8/3 | Te8/3 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 156 | TenGigabitEthernet8/4 | Te8/4 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 157 | TenGigabitEthernet8/5 | Te8/5 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 158 | TenGigabitEthernet8/6 | Te8/6 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 159 | TenGigabitEthernet8/7 | Te8/7 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 160 | TenGigabitEthernet8/8 | Te8/8 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 161 | Vlan1 | Vl1 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 162 | EOBC0/0 | EO0/0 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 163 | Null0 | Nu0 | ... | other | up | no | | 164 | SPAN RP Interface | SPAN RP | ... | other | up | yes | | 165 | SPAN SP Interface | SPAN SP | ... | other | up | yes | | 166 | Vlan55 | Vl55 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 167 | Vlan81 | Vl81 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 168 | Vlan141 | Vl141 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 169 | Vlan176 | Vl176 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 170 | Vlan179 | Vl179 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 171 | Vlan250 | Vl250 | SAN | propVirtual | up | no | | 172 | Vlan503 | Vl503 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 173 | Vlan555 | Vl555 | James side access... | propVirtual | up | no | | 174 | Vlan557 | Vl557 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 175 | Vlan1000 | Vl1000 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 176 | Vlan1414 | Vl1414 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 177 | Vlan3934 | Vl3934 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 178 | Control Plane Interface | CPP | ... | other | up | no | | 179 | unrouted VLAN 1 | VLAN-1 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 180 | unrouted VLAN 1002 | VLAN-1002 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 181 | unrouted VLAN 1004 | VLAN-1004 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 182 | unrouted VLAN 1005 | VLAN-1005 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 183 | unrouted VLAN 1003 | VLAN-1003 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 184 | unrouted VLAN 3 | VLAN-3 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 185 | unrouted VLAN 4 | VLAN-4 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 186 | unrouted VLAN 5 | VLAN-5 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 187 | unrouted VLAN 98 | VLAN-98 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 188 | unrouted VLAN 200 | VLAN-200 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 189 | unrouted VLAN 204 | VLAN-204 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 190 | unrouted VLAN 250 | VLAN-250 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 191 | unrouted VLAN 251 | VLAN-251 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 192 | unrouted VLAN 503 | VLAN-503 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 193 | unrouted VLAN 555 | VLAN-555 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 194 | unrouted VLAN 556 | VLAN-556 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 195 | unrouted VLAN 557 | VLAN-557 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 196 | unrouted VLAN 761 | VLAN-761 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 197 | unrouted VLAN 762 | VLAN-762 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 198 | unrouted VLAN 763 | VLAN-763 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 199 | unrouted VLAN 764 | VLAN-764 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 200 | unrouted VLAN 765 | VLAN-765 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 201 | unrouted VLAN 901 | VLAN-901 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 202 | unrouted VLAN 904 | VLAN-904 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 203 | unrouted VLAN 910 | VLAN-910 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 204 | unrouted VLAN 911 | VLAN-911 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 205 | unrouted VLAN 920 | VLAN-920 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 206 | unrouted VLAN 80 | VLAN-80 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 207 | unrouted VLAN 81 | VLAN-81 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 208 | unrouted VLAN 86 | VLAN-86 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 209 | unrouted VLAN 141 | VLAN-141 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 210 | unrouted VLAN 142 | VLAN-142 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 211 | unrouted VLAN 160 | VLAN-160 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 212 | unrouted VLAN 175 | VLAN-175 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 213 | unrouted VLAN 176 | VLAN-176 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 214 | unrouted VLAN 177 | VLAN-177 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 215 | unrouted VLAN 179 | VLAN-179 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 216 | unrouted VLAN 300 | VLAN-300 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 217 | unrouted VLAN 442 | VLAN-442 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 218 | unrouted VLAN 673 | VLAN-673 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 219 | unrouted VLAN 731 | VLAN-731 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 220 | unrouted VLAN 760 | VLAN-760 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 221 | unrouted VLAN 766 | VLAN-766 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 222 | unrouted VLAN 800 | VLAN-800 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 223 | unrouted VLAN 806 | VLAN-806 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 224 | unrouted VLAN 808 | VLAN-808 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 225 | unrouted VLAN 822 | VLAN-822 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 226 | unrouted VLAN 831 | VLAN-831 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 227 | unrouted VLAN 1000 | VLAN-1000 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 228 | unrouted VLAN 3934 | VLAN-3934 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 229 | unrouted VLAN 181 | VLAN-181 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 230 | unrouted VLAN 271 | VLAN-271 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 231 | unrouted VLAN 272 | VLAN-272 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 232 | unrouted VLAN 281 | VLAN-281 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 233 | unrouted VLAN 282 | VLAN-282 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 234 | unrouted VLAN 291 | VLAN-291 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 235 | Vlan80 | Vl80 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 237 | Vlan86 | Vl86 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 238 | Vlan98 | Vl98 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 239 | Vlan142 | Vl142 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 240 | Vlan160 | Vl160 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 241 | Vlan175 | Vl175 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 242 | Vlan177 | Vl177 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 243 | Vlan181 | Vl181 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 244 | Vlan200 | Vl200 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 245 | Vlan204 | Vl204 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 246 | Vlan251 | Vl251 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 247 | Vlan271 | Vl271 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 248 | Vlan272 | Vl272 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 249 | Vlan281 | Vl281 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 250 | Vlan282 | Vl282 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 251 | Vlan291 | Vl291 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 252 | Vlan300 | Vl300 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 253 | Vlan442 | Vl442 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 254 | Vlan556 | Vl556 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 255 | Vlan673 | Vl673 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 256 | Vlan731 | Vl731 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 257 | Vlan760 | Vl760 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 258 | Vlan761 | Vl761 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 259 | Vlan762 | Vl762 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 260 | Vlan763 | Vl763 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 261 | Vlan764 | Vl764 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 262 | Vlan765 | Vl765 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 263 | Vlan766 | Vl766 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 264 | Vlan800 | Vl800 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 265 | Vlan806 | Vl806 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 266 | Vlan808 | Vl808 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 267 | Vlan822 | Vl822 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 268 | Vlan831 | Vl831 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 269 | Vlan901 | Vl901 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 270 | Vlan904 | Vl904 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 271 | Vlan910 | Vl910 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 272 | Vlan911 | Vl911 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 273 | Vlan920 | Vl920 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 274 | Vlan1002 | Vl1002 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 275 | Vlan1003 | Vl1003 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 276 | Vlan1004 | Vl1004 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 277 | Vlan1005 | Vl1005 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 278 | unrouted VLAN 178 | VLAN-178 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 279 | Vlan178 | Vl178 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | +---------+-------------------------+-----------+----------------------+----------------+-------------+---------+  o Duration  1.0175s ##### Module Start: ip-addresses #####   SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '27' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00065398s]  o IP-MIB   CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ipAdEntIfIndex]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0642s] STDOUT[ ipAdEntIfIndex. = 168 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 167 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 162 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ipAdEntNetMask]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0527s] STDOUT[ ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Added .Added .Added . CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ipAddressIfIndex]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.075s] STDOUT[ ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:14:1b:ff:fe:3d:a8:0001990186" = 169 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ipAddressType]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0586s] STDOUT[ ipAddressType.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:14:1b:ff:fe:3d:a8:0001990186" = unicast ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ipAddressPrefix]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0556s] STDOUT[ ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:14:1b:ff:fe:3d:a8:0001990186" = zeroDotZero ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ipAddressOrigin]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0596s] STDOUT[ ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:14:1b:ff:fe:3d:a8:0001990186" = linklayer ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Address fe80:0000:0000:0000:0214:1bff:fe3d:a800/128 marked as invalid by type [link-local]. Address 'fe80:0000:0000:0000:0214:1bff:fe3d:a800/128' skipped as invalid.  o LLDP-MIB    o CISCO-IETF-IP-MIB   CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m CISCO-IETF-IP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' cIpAddressIfIndex.ipv6]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1087s] STDOUT[ cIpAddressIfIndex.ipv6 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '27' AND `attrib_type` = 'vrf_contexts'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00058889s] JSON DECODE[Not string passed] JSON RAW[ ] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032806s]  SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '27' AND `ifIndex` = '168' AND `deleted` = '0' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027919s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '6795'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039792s]  SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_type` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037384s] Port label (Vlan141) matched #simple SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035596s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `ipv4_addresses` (`port_id`,`ifIndex`,`device_id`,`ipv4_address`,`ipv4_binary`,`ipv4_prefixlen`,`ipv4_type`,`ipv4_network_id`) VALUES ('6795','168','27','','\n@p','24','private','356')] SQL RUNTIME[0.74419379s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('27','6795','port',NOW(),'6','IP address added:')] SQL RUNTIME[0.01362491s]  SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '27' AND `ifIndex` = '167' AND `deleted` = '0' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041389s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '6794'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00062895s] Port label (Vlan81) matched #simple SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00067306s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `ipv4_addresses` (`port_id`,`ifIndex`,`device_id`,`ipv4_address`,`ipv4_binary`,`ipv4_prefixlen`,`ipv4_type`,`ipv4_network_id`) VALUES ('6794','167','27','','\nÉÊ','24','private','107')] SQL RUNTIME[0.01027513s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('27','6794','port',NOW(),'6','IP address added:')] SQL RUNTIME[0.008641s]  SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '27' AND `ifIndex` = '162' AND `deleted` = '0' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035s]  SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033402s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `ipv4_addresses` (`port_id`,`ifIndex`,`device_id`,`ipv4_address`,`ipv4_binary`,`ipv4_prefixlen`,`ipv4_type`,`ipv4_network_id`) VALUES ('0','162','27','','\0\03','8','loopback','2')] SQL RUNTIME[0.01706195s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('27','27','device',NOW(),'6','IP address added:')] SQL RUNTIME[0.01072693s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00034714s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00057793s] +---------+---------+-------------+------------------+-----------------+----------+--------+ | ifIndex | ifDescr | IP: Version | Address | Network | Type | Origin | +---------+---------+-------------+------------------+-----------------+----------+--------+ | 168 | Vlan141 | IPv4 | | | private | | | 167 | Vlan81 | IPv4 | | | private | | | 162 | ... | IPv4 | | | loopback | | +---------+---------+-------------+------------------+-----------------+----------+--------+  o Changes  3 added  o Duration  1.3475s SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('27','27','device',NOW(),'6','Ip-addresses: 3 added.')] SQL RUNTIME[0.01546812s]  SQL[UPDATE `devices` SET `last_discovered` =NOW(),`type` ='network',`last_discovered_timetaken` ='3.4204',`force_discovery` ='0' WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.01086283s] ##### [27] completed discovery modules at 2024-05-31 11:27:22 #####   o Discovery time  3.4204 seconds SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_pid` = '1145806' AND `process_name` = '-d' AND `device_id` = '27' AND `poller_id` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032401s]  SQL[UPDATE `devices` SET `last_discovered` ='NULL' WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.01236296s] CACHE CLEAR SET. Cache clear set. Added device (27). Devices success: 1. DEBUG! CMD[/usr/bin/svn info /data/observium]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0199s] CMD EXITDELAY[5ms] STDOUT[ Path: . Working Copy Root Path: /data/observium URL: Relative URL: ^/observium/branches/stable Repository Root: Repository UUID: 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8 Revision: 13569 Node Kind: directory Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: adama Last Changed Rev: 13510 Last Changed Date: 2024-04-18 11:20:16 -0500 (Thu, 18 Apr 2024) ] DEFINITIONS Time : 0.187974 ms DEFINITIONS Memory: 16.5MB SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_attribs`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00045109s]  SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.0001812s]  SQL[SET SESSION `sql_mode` = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016713s] DB mode(s) disabled: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY, NO_ZERO_DATE, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO SQL[SELECT TIMEDIFF(NOW(), UTC_TIMESTAMP);] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018215s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `config`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028086s]  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `pollers`)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025082s]  ___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |\__ \| __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_| \_/ |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional 24.4.13510   CMD[/data/observium/scripts/distro]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0253s] STDOUT[ Linux|6.5.0-35-generic|amd64|Ubuntu|22.04|vmware| ] CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0069s] STDOUT[ Python 3.10.12 ] SQL[SELECT VERSION();] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023007s]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0063s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.9.1 ] CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version | head -n1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.016s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.7.2 Copyright by Tobias Oetiker ] CMD[/usr/bin/fping -v 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0051s] STDOUT[ /usr/bin/fping: Version 5.1 ] CMD[/usr/sbin/apache2 -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}']  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0258s] STDOUT[ Apache/2.4.52 ] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.0002079s]  SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00240993s]  SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00138712s]  ##### Software versions #####   o OS  Linux 6.5.0-35-generic [amd64] (Ubuntu 22.04)  o Apache  2.4.52  o PHP  8.1.2-1ubuntu2.17 (OPcache: DISABLED)  o Python  3.10.12  o MySQL  8.0.36-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 (extension: mysqli 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.17)  o SNMP  NET-SNMP 5.9.1  o RRDtool  1.7.2  o Fping  5.1 (IPv4 and IPv6)  o Fetch  cURL 7.81.0 (OpenSSL/3.0.2, LibZ 1.2.11, LibIDN 2.3.2) ##### Memory Limit #####   o PHP  Unlimited ##### DB info #####   o DB schema  493  o MySQL binlog  ON  o MySQL mode  NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION ##### Charset info #####   o PHP  UTF-8  o MySQL  utf8mb3 ##### Timezones info #####   o Date  Friday, 31-May-24 11:27:25 CDT  o PHP  -05:00  o MySQL  -05:00 ##### Starting discovery run at 2024-05-31 11:27:25 #####   SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE '' AND `status` = '1' AND `poller_id` = '0' ORDER BY `last_discovered_timetaken` ASC] SQL RUNTIME[0.00058103s] Not found device [27] model 'cisco' association for . CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUsn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' . .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0539s] STDOUT[ . = . . = 19:16:40:50.53 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00034618s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '27' AND `poller_id` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026512s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `observium_processes` (`process_pid`,`process_name`,`process_ppid`,`process_uid`,`process_command`,`process_start`,`device_id`) VALUES ('1145937','discovery.php','1145798','0','php ./discovery.php -d -h','1717172845','27')] SQL RUNTIME[0.0715661s] ##### [27] #####   o OS Type  ios  o OS Group  cisco  o SNMP Version  v3  o Last discovery  0000-00-00 00:00:00  o Last duration  3.42 seconds ##### Module Start: os #####   CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysDescr.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0505s] STDOUT[ Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 10-Sep-15 01:59 by prod_re+ ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Store in cache OID: SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUvn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysObjectID.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0499s] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OID | | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sysDescr | Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4) Technical Support: | | | om/techsupport Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 10-Sep-15 01:59 by prod_re+ | | sysObjectID | . | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  o Detect OS matched (ios: Cisco IOS):  +----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OID | Matched definition | | +----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sysDescr | /Cisco IOS Software(?!.*(LINUX_IOSD|_IOSXE))/ | Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY6, RELEASE SOFTWAR | | | | E (fc4) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc | | | | . Compiled Thu 10-Sep-15 01:59 by prod_re+ | +----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  o Duration  0.1396s ##### Module Start: mibs #####   CMD[/usr/bin/snmptranslate -On -Pu -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID']  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0251s] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP TRANSLATE (CMD): 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID' -> '.' CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUsn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0524s] STDOUT[ . = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysORDescr]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0497s] STDOUT[ sysORDescr = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m OSPF-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ospfAdminStat.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0507s] STDOUT[ No Such Instance currently exists at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] Store in cache OID: OSPF-MIB::ospfAdminStat.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m OSPFV3-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ospfv3AdminStatus.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0572s] STDOUT[ No Such Instance currently exists at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] Store in cache OID: OSPFV3-MIB::ospfv3AdminStatus.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' mplsL3VpnConfiguredVrfs.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0516s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] Store in cache OID: MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB::mplsL3VpnConfiguredVrfs.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m MPLS-VPN-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' mplsVpnConfiguredVrfs.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0657s] STDOUT[ 2 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Store in cache OID: MPLS-VPN-MIB::mplsVpnConfiguredVrfs.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m LLDP-V2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' lldpV2LocChassisId.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0563s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] Store in cache OID: LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2LocChassisId.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m LLDP-V2-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' lldpV2StatsRemTablesLastChangeTime.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0592s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] Store in cache OID: LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesLastChangeTime.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m LLDP-EXT-MED-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' lldpXMedLocModelName.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0647s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] Store in cache OID: LLDP-EXT-MED-MIB::lldpXMedLocModelName.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m CISCO-PAGP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' clagAggMaxAggregators.0]  CMD EXITCODE[1] CMD RUNTIME[0.0984s] STDOUT[ ] STDERR[ clagAggMaxAggregators.0: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> clagAggMaxAggregators) ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#996 - MIB or oid not found] Store in cache OID: CISCO-PAGP-MIB::clagAggMaxAggregators.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m CISCO-LAG-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' clagAggMaxAggregators.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1228s] STDOUT[ 128 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Store in cache OID: CISCO-LAG-MIB::clagAggMaxAggregators.0 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpgetnext -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m DOCS-IF-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' docsIfSigQSignalNoise]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0648s] STDOUT[ transmission. = 0 ] SNMPGETNEXT returned different Oid (transmission) instead requested (DOCS-IF-MIB::docsIfSigQSignalNoise). SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#5 - GETNEXT empty response] +----------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+ | OID | Matched definition | Value | +----------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+ | device type | network | network | | MPLS-VPN-MIB::mplsVpnConfiguredVrfs.0 | /^\d+/ | 2 | | device os_group | cisco | cisco | | CISCO-LAG-MIB::clagAggMaxAggregators.0 | /^[1-9]+/ | 128 | +----------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+  o MIBs discovered  CISCO-LAG-MIB +----------------------+--------------------+-----------+----------------------------------+ | Identity | MIB | Source | Status | +----------------------+--------------------+-----------+----------------------------------+ | . | MPLS-VPN-MIB | Discovery | MIB already defined | | . | CISCO-LAG-MIB | Discovery | MIB added | | | MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB | Discovery | MIB defined for os but not found | +----------------------+--------------------+-----------+----------------------------------+ SQL[SELECT `mib` FROM `devices_mibs` WHERE `device_id` = '27' AND `use` = 'mib' AND `disabled` = '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00068498s] Array ( [0] => CISCO-LAG-MIB [1] => CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB [2] => CISCO-CAT6K-CROSSBAR-MIB [3] => CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB [4] => CISCO-STACKWISE-MIB [5] => CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB [6] => CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-EXT-MIB [7] => CISCO-ENTITY-QFP-MIB [8] => CISCO-ENTITY-PFE-MIB [9] => CISCO-VTP-MIB [10] => CISCO-VLAN-MEMBERSHIP-MIB [11] => CISCO-VLAN-IFTABLE-RELATIONSHIP-MIB [12] => CISCO-ENVMON-MIB [13] => CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB [14] => CISCO-IP-STAT-MIB [15] => CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB [16] => CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB [17] => CISCO-VPDN-MGMT-MIB [18] => CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIB [19] => CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB [20] => CISCO-PROCESS-MIB [21] => CISCO-EIGRP-MIB [22] => CISCO-CEF-MIB [23] => CISCO-IETF-PW-MIB [24] => CISCO-BGP4-MIB [25] => CISCO-RTTMON-MIB [26] => CISCO-FLASH-MIB [27] => CISCO-POWER-ETHERNET-EXT-MIB [28] => CISCO-AAA-SESSION-MIB [29] => CISCO-RF-MIB [30] => POWER-ETHERNET-MIB [31] => MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB [32] => MPLS-VPN-MIB [33] => CISCO-VRF-MIB [34] => SMON-MIB [35] => CISCO-TRUSTSEC-INTERFACE-MIB [36] => CISCO-IETF-IP-MIB [37] => SNMPv2-MIB [38] => SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB [39] => IF-MIB [40] => ADSL-LINE-MIB [41] => EtherLike-MIB [42] => ENTITY-MIB [43] => ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB [44] => Q-BRIDGE-MIB [45] => IP-MIB [46] => LLDP-MIB [47] => CISCO-CDP-MIB [48] => BGP4-MIB )  o Duration  0.8803s ##### Module Start: vrf #####   o MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB   CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' mplsL3VpnConfiguredVrfs.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0511s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] Not found VRFs by MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB.  o MPLS-VPN-MIB   CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUv -m MPLS-VPN-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' mplsVpnConfiguredVrfs.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0585s] STDOUT[ 2 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m MPLS-VPN-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' mplsVpnVrfEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0579s] STDOUT[ mplsVpnVrfDescription."ip4nat" = mplsVpnVrfDescription."INTERNAL" = mplsVpnVrfRouteDistinguisher."ip4nat" = "" mplsVpnVrfRouteDistinguisher."INTERNAL" = "" mplsVpnVrfCreationTime."ip4nat" = 0:0:00:38.86 mplsVpnVrfCreationTime."INTERNAL" = 0:0:00:38.85 mplsVpnVrfOperStatus."ip4nat" = down mplsVpnVrfOperStatus."INTERNAL" = down mplsVpnVrfActiveInterfaces."ip4nat" = 0 mplsVpnVrfActiveInterfaces."INTERNAL" = 0 mplsVpnVrfAssociatedInterfaces."ip4nat" = 1 mplsVpnVrfAssociatedInterfaces."INTERNAL" = 0 mplsVpnVrfConfMidRouteThreshold."ip4nat" = 4294967295 mplsVpnVrfConfMidRouteThreshold."INTERNAL" = 4294967295 mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold."ip4nat" = 4294967295 mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold."INTERNAL" = 4294967295 mplsVpnVrfConfMaxRoutes."ip4nat" = 4294967295 mplsVpnVrfConfMaxRoutes."INTERNAL" = 4294967295 mplsVpnVrfConfLastChanged."ip4nat" = 0:0:00:38.86 mplsVpnVrfConfLastChanged."INTERNAL" = 0:0:00:38.85 mplsVpnVrfConfRowStatus."ip4nat" = active mplsVpnVrfConfRowStatus."INTERNAL" = active mplsVpnVrfConfStorageType."ip4nat" = volatile mplsVpnVrfConfStorageType."INTERNAL" = volatile ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m MPLS-VPN-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' mplsVpnVrfPerfEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0526s] STDOUT[ mplsVpnVrfPerfRoutesAdded."ip4nat" = 0 mplsVpnVrfPerfRoutesAdded."INTERNAL" = 0 mplsVpnVrfPerfRoutesDeleted."ip4nat" = 0 mplsVpnVrfPerfRoutesDeleted."INTERNAL" = 0 mplsVpnVrfPerfCurrNumRoutes."ip4nat" = 0 mplsVpnVrfPerfCurrNumRoutes."INTERNAL" = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Timeticks converted 0:0:00:38.86 -> 38 Timeticks converted 0:0:00:38.86 -> 38 Timeticks converted 0:0:00:38.85 -> 38 Timeticks converted 0:0:00:38.85 -> 38 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m MPLS-VPN-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' mplsVpnInterfaceConfRowStatus]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0562s] STDOUT[ mplsVpnInterfaceConfRowStatus."ip4nat".174 = active ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]   o CISCO-VRF-MIB   SQL[SELECT * FROM `vrfs` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00067306s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `vrfs` (`device_id`,`vrf_mib`,`vrf_name`,`vrf_descr`,`vrf_rd`,`vrf_added`,`vrf_last_change`,`vrf_oper_status`,`vrf_active_ports`,`vrf_total_ports`,`vrf_added_routes`,`vrf_deleted_routes`,`vrf_total_routes`) VALUES ('27','MPLS-VPN-MIB','ip4nat','','','38','38','down','0','1','0','0','0')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00921297s]  SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '27' AND `ifIndex` = '174' AND `deleted` = '0' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00054288s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '6801'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00058198s]  SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_type` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037503s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` LEFT JOIN `devices_locations` USING (`device_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00042105s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00040698s] Port label (Vlan557) matched #simple dbUpdateMulti() used new style of values insert for MySQL 8+. SQL[INSERT INTO `ports` (`port_id`,`ifIndex`,`device_id`,`ifVrf`) VALUES ('6801','174','27','48') AS `mvalues` ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `ifVrf`=`mvalues`.`ifVrf`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00941801s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `vrfs` (`device_id`,`vrf_mib`,`vrf_name`,`vrf_descr`,`vrf_rd`,`vrf_added`,`vrf_last_change`,`vrf_oper_status`,`vrf_active_ports`,`vrf_total_ports`,`vrf_added_routes`,`vrf_deleted_routes`,`vrf_total_routes`) VALUES ('27','MPLS-VPN-MIB','INTERNAL','','','38','38','down','0','0','0','0','0')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00981307s]  SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `vrfs` WHERE `device_id` = '27' AND `vrf_name` NOT IN ('ip4nat','INTERNAL')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044394s]  SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '27' AND `ifVrf` IS NOT NULL AND `port_id` != 6801] SQL RUNTIME[0.00134706s] JSON DECODE[Not string passed] JSON RAW[ ]  o Changes  2 added  o Duration  0.3406s SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `devices`.`device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037909s]  SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('27','27','device',NOW(),'6','VRF: 2 added.')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00869989s]  ##### Module Start: ports #####   o Caching OIDs  ifDescr CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifDescr]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.2057s] STDOUT[ ifDescr.1 = GigabitEthernet1/1 ifDescr.2 = GigabitEthernet1/2 ifDescr.3 = GigabitEthernet1/3 ifDescr.4 = GigabitEthernet1/4 ifDescr.5 = GigabitEthernet1/5 ifDescr.6 = GigabitEthernet1/6 ifDescr.7 = GigabitEthernet1/7 ifDescr.8 = GigabitEthernet1/8 ifDescr.9 = GigabitEthernet1/9 ifDescr.10 = GigabitEthernet1/10 ifDescr.11 = GigabitEthernet1/11 ifDescr.12 = GigabitEthernet1/12 ifDescr.13 = GigabitEthernet1/13 ifDescr.14 = GigabitEthernet1/14 ifDescr.15 = GigabitEthernet1/15 ifDescr.16 = GigabitEthernet1/16 ifDescr.17 = GigabitEthernet1/17 ifDescr.18 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ifName.211 = VLAN-160 ifName.212 = VLAN-175 ifName.213 = VLAN-176 ifName.214 = VLAN-177 ifName.215 = VLAN-179 ifName.216 = VLAN-300 ifName.217 = VLAN-442 ifName.218 = VLAN-673 ifName.219 = VLAN-731 ifName.220 = VLAN-760 ifName.221 = VLAN-766 ifName.222 = VLAN-800 ifName.223 = VLAN-806 ifName.224 = VLAN-808 ifName.225 = VLAN-822 ifName.226 = VLAN-831 ifName.227 = VLAN-1000 ifName.228 = VLAN-3934 ifName.229 = VLAN-181 ifName.230 = VLAN-271 ifName.231 = VLAN-272 ifName.232 = VLAN-281 ifName.233 = VLAN-282 ifName.234 = VLAN-291 ifName.235 = Vl80 ifName.237 = Vl86 ifName.238 = Vl98 ifName.239 = Vl142 ifName.240 = Vl160 ifName.241 = Vl175 ifName.242 = Vl177 ifName.243 = Vl181 ifName.244 = Vl200 ifName.245 = Vl204 ifName.246 = Vl251 ifName.247 = Vl271 ifName.248 = Vl272 ifName.249 = Vl281 ifName.250 = Vl282 ifName.251 = Vl291 ifName.252 = Vl300 ifName.253 = Vl442 ifName.254 = Vl556 ifName.255 = Vl673 ifName.256 = Vl731 ifName.257 = Vl760 ifName.258 = Vl761 ifName.259 = Vl762 ifName.260 = Vl763 ifName.261 = Vl764 ifName.262 = Vl765 ifName.263 = Vl766 ifName.264 = Vl800 ifName.265 = Vl806 ifName.266 = Vl808 ifName.267 = Vl822 ifName.268 = Vl831 ifName.269 = Vl901 ifName.270 = Vl904 ifName.271 = Vl910 ifName.272 = Vl911 ifName.273 = Vl920 ifName.274 = Vl1002 ifName.275 = Vl1003 ifName.276 = Vl1004 ifName.277 = Vl1005 ifName.278 = VLAN-178 ifName.279 = Vl178 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifType CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifType]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.114s] STDOUT[ ifType.1 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.2 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.3 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.4 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.5 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.6 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.7 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.8 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.9 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.10 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.11 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.12 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.13 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.14 = 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ifType.160 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.161 = propVirtual ifType.162 = propVirtual ifType.163 = other ifType.164 = other ifType.165 = other ifType.166 = propVirtual ifType.167 = propVirtual ifType.168 = propVirtual ifType.169 = propVirtual ifType.170 = propVirtual ifType.171 = propVirtual ifType.172 = propVirtual ifType.173 = propVirtual ifType.174 = propVirtual ifType.175 = propVirtual ifType.176 = propVirtual ifType.177 = propVirtual ifType.178 = other ifType.179 = propVirtual ifType.180 = propVirtual ifType.181 = propVirtual ifType.182 = propVirtual ifType.183 = propVirtual ifType.184 = propVirtual ifType.185 = propVirtual ifType.186 = propVirtual ifType.187 = propVirtual ifType.188 = propVirtual ifType.189 = propVirtual ifType.190 = propVirtual ifType.191 = propVirtual ifType.192 = propVirtual ifType.193 = propVirtual ifType.194 = propVirtual ifType.195 = propVirtual ifType.196 = propVirtual ifType.197 = propVirtual ifType.198 = propVirtual ifType.199 = propVirtual ifType.200 = propVirtual ifType.201 = propVirtual ifType.202 = propVirtual ifType.203 = propVirtual ifType.204 = propVirtual ifType.205 = propVirtual ifType.206 = propVirtual ifType.207 = propVirtual ifType.208 = propVirtual ifType.209 = propVirtual ifType.210 = propVirtual ifType.211 = propVirtual ifType.212 = propVirtual ifType.213 = propVirtual ifType.214 = propVirtual ifType.215 = propVirtual ifType.216 = propVirtual ifType.217 = propVirtual ifType.218 = propVirtual ifType.219 = propVirtual ifType.220 = propVirtual ifType.221 = propVirtual ifType.222 = propVirtual ifType.223 = propVirtual ifType.224 = propVirtual ifType.225 = propVirtual ifType.226 = propVirtual ifType.227 = propVirtual ifType.228 = propVirtual ifType.229 = propVirtual ifType.230 = propVirtual ifType.231 = propVirtual ifType.232 = propVirtual ifType.233 = propVirtual ifType.234 = propVirtual ifType.235 = propVirtual ifType.237 = propVirtual ifType.238 = propVirtual ifType.239 = propVirtual ifType.240 = propVirtual ifType.241 = 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CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifOperStatus]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1191s] STDOUT[ ifOperStatus.1 = up ifOperStatus.2 = up ifOperStatus.3 = up ifOperStatus.4 = up ifOperStatus.5 = up ifOperStatus.6 = up ifOperStatus.7 = down ifOperStatus.8 = down ifOperStatus.9 = down ifOperStatus.10 = down ifOperStatus.11 = down ifOperStatus.12 = up ifOperStatus.13 = up ifOperStatus.14 = up ifOperStatus.15 = up ifOperStatus.16 = down ifOperStatus.17 = down ifOperStatus.18 = down ifOperStatus.19 = up ifOperStatus.20 = up ifOperStatus.21 = up ifOperStatus.22 = up ifOperStatus.23 = up ifOperStatus.24 = up ifOperStatus.25 = up ifOperStatus.26 = down ifOperStatus.27 = up ifOperStatus.28 = down ifOperStatus.29 = down ifOperStatus.30 = up ifOperStatus.31 = up ifOperStatus.32 = up ifOperStatus.33 = up ifOperStatus.34 = up ifOperStatus.35 = up 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down ifOperStatus.82 = down ifOperStatus.83 = down ifOperStatus.84 = down ifOperStatus.85 = down ifOperStatus.86 = down ifOperStatus.87 = down ifOperStatus.88 = down ifOperStatus.89 = down ifOperStatus.90 = down ifOperStatus.91 = down ifOperStatus.92 = down ifOperStatus.93 = down ifOperStatus.94 = down ifOperStatus.95 = down ifOperStatus.96 = up ifOperStatus.97 = up ifOperStatus.98 = up ifOperStatus.99 = up ifOperStatus.100 = up ifOperStatus.101 = up ifOperStatus.102 = up ifOperStatus.103 = down ifOperStatus.104 = down ifOperStatus.105 = down ifOperStatus.106 = down ifOperStatus.107 = down ifOperStatus.108 = up ifOperStatus.109 = up ifOperStatus.110 = up ifOperStatus.111 = down ifOperStatus.112 = down ifOperStatus.113 = down ifOperStatus.114 = down ifOperStatus.115 = down ifOperStatus.116 = down ifOperStatus.117 = down ifOperStatus.118 = down ifOperStatus.119 = down ifOperStatus.120 = down ifOperStatus.121 = down ifOperStatus.122 = down ifOperStatus.123 = down ifOperStatus.124 = down ifOperStatus.125 = down ifOperStatus.126 = down ifOperStatus.127 = down ifOperStatus.128 = down ifOperStatus.129 = down ifOperStatus.130 = down ifOperStatus.131 = up ifOperStatus.132 = down ifOperStatus.133 = up ifOperStatus.134 = up ifOperStatus.135 = up ifOperStatus.136 = up ifOperStatus.137 = up ifOperStatus.138 = up ifOperStatus.139 = up ifOperStatus.140 = up ifOperStatus.141 = up ifOperStatus.142 = up ifOperStatus.143 = up ifOperStatus.144 = up ifOperStatus.145 = down ifOperStatus.146 = down ifOperStatus.147 = down ifOperStatus.148 = down ifOperStatus.149 = up ifOperStatus.150 = down ifOperStatus.151 = up ifOperStatus.152 = up ifOperStatus.153 = down ifOperStatus.154 = down ifOperStatus.155 = down ifOperStatus.156 = down ifOperStatus.157 = down ifOperStatus.158 = down ifOperStatus.159 = down ifOperStatus.160 = down ifOperStatus.161 = up ifOperStatus.162 = up ifOperStatus.163 = up ifOperStatus.164 = up ifOperStatus.165 = up ifOperStatus.166 = down ifOperStatus.167 = up ifOperStatus.168 = up ifOperStatus.169 = up ifOperStatus.170 = up ifOperStatus.171 = up ifOperStatus.172 = up ifOperStatus.173 = up ifOperStatus.174 = down ifOperStatus.175 = up ifOperStatus.176 = down ifOperStatus.177 = up ifOperStatus.178 = up ifOperStatus.179 = up ifOperStatus.180 = up ifOperStatus.181 = up ifOperStatus.182 = up ifOperStatus.183 = up ifOperStatus.184 = up ifOperStatus.185 = up ifOperStatus.186 = up ifOperStatus.187 = up ifOperStatus.188 = up ifOperStatus.189 = up ifOperStatus.190 = up ifOperStatus.191 = up ifOperStatus.192 = up ifOperStatus.193 = up ifOperStatus.194 = up ifOperStatus.195 = up ifOperStatus.196 = up ifOperStatus.197 = up ifOperStatus.198 = up ifOperStatus.199 = up ifOperStatus.200 = up ifOperStatus.201 = up ifOperStatus.202 = up ifOperStatus.203 = up ifOperStatus.204 = up ifOperStatus.205 = up ifOperStatus.206 = up ifOperStatus.207 = up ifOperStatus.208 = up ifOperStatus.209 = up ifOperStatus.210 = up ifOperStatus.211 = up ifOperStatus.212 = up ifOperStatus.213 = up ifOperStatus.214 = up ifOperStatus.215 = up ifOperStatus.216 = up ifOperStatus.217 = up ifOperStatus.218 = up ifOperStatus.219 = up ifOperStatus.220 = up ifOperStatus.221 = up ifOperStatus.222 = up ifOperStatus.223 = up ifOperStatus.224 = up ifOperStatus.225 = up ifOperStatus.226 = up ifOperStatus.227 = up ifOperStatus.228 = up ifOperStatus.229 = up ifOperStatus.230 = up ifOperStatus.231 = up ifOperStatus.232 = up ifOperStatus.233 = up ifOperStatus.234 = up ifOperStatus.235 = down ifOperStatus.237 = down ifOperStatus.238 = down ifOperStatus.239 = down ifOperStatus.240 = down ifOperStatus.241 = down ifOperStatus.242 = down ifOperStatus.243 = down ifOperStatus.244 = down ifOperStatus.245 = down ifOperStatus.246 = down ifOperStatus.247 = down ifOperStatus.248 = down ifOperStatus.249 = down ifOperStatus.250 = down ifOperStatus.251 = down ifOperStatus.252 = down ifOperStatus.253 = down ifOperStatus.254 = down ifOperStatus.255 = down ifOperStatus.256 = down ifOperStatus.257 = down ifOperStatus.258 = down ifOperStatus.259 = down ifOperStatus.260 = down ifOperStatus.261 = down ifOperStatus.262 = down ifOperStatus.263 = down ifOperStatus.264 = down ifOperStatus.265 = down ifOperStatus.266 = down ifOperStatus.267 = down ifOperStatus.268 = down ifOperStatus.269 = down ifOperStatus.270 = down ifOperStatus.271 = down ifOperStatus.272 = down ifOperStatus.273 = down ifOperStatus.274 = down ifOperStatus.275 = down ifOperStatus.276 = down ifOperStatus.277 = down ifOperStatus.278 = up ifOperStatus.279 = down ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  Array ( [1] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/1 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [2] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/2 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [3] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/3 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/3 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [4] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/4 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/4 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [5] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/5 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/5 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [6] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/6 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/6 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [7] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/7 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/7 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [8] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/8 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/8 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [9] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/9 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/9 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [10] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/10 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/10 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [11] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/11 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/11 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [12] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/12 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall Port12 [ifName] => Gi1/12 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [13] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/13 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall WAN1 [ifName] => Gi1/13 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [14] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/14 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall WAN2 [ifName] => Gi1/14 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [15] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/15 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/15 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [16] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/16 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/16 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [17] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/17 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/17 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [18] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/18 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi1/18 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [19] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/19 [ifAlias] => Synology Management [ifName] => Gi1/19 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [20] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/20 [ifAlias] => VOIPSwitch01 [ifName] => Gi1/20 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [21] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/21 [ifAlias] => security door bridge 1 [ifName] => Gi1/21 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [22] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/22 [ifAlias] => security door bridge 2 [ifName] => Gi1/22 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [23] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/23 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi1/23 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [24] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/24 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi1/24 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [25] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/25 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi1/25 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [26] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/26 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/26 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [27] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/27 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/27 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [28] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/28 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/28 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [29] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/29 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/29 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [30] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/30 [ifAlias] => Cohesity backup appliance [ifName] => Gi1/30 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [31] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/31 [ifAlias] => Cohesity backup appliance [ifName] => Gi1/31 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [32] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/32 [ifAlias] => Cohesity backup appliance [ifName] => Gi1/32 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [33] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/33 [ifAlias] => Cohesity backup appliance [ifName] => Gi1/33 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [34] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/34 [ifAlias] => Cohesity backup appliance [ifName] => Gi1/34 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [35] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/35 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-1 LAN [ifName] => Gi1/35 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [36] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/36 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-1 RFN_MGMT [ifName] => Gi1/36 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [37] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/37 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-1 WAN [ifName] => Gi1/37 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [38] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/38 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-1 DMZ [ifName] => Gi1/38 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [39] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/39 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-1 CLEC-NMS [ifName] => Gi1/39 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [40] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/40 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-2 LAN [ifName] => Gi1/40 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [41] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/41 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-2 RFN_MGMT [ifName] => Gi1/41 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [42] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/42 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-2 WAN [ifName] => Gi1/42 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [43] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/43 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-2 DMZ [ifName] => Gi1/43 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [44] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/44 [ifAlias] => Juniper SRX240-2 CLEC-NMS [ifName] => Gi1/44 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [45] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/45 [ifAlias] => (softswitch) [ifName] => Gi1/45 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [46] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/46 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/46 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [47] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/47 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/47 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [48] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet1/48 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi1/48 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [49] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [50] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/2 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [51] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/3 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/3 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [52] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/4 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/4 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [53] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/5 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/5 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [54] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/6 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/6 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [55] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/7 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/7 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [56] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/8 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/8 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [57] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/9 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/9 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [58] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/10 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/10 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [59] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/11 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/11 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [60] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/12 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/12 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [61] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/13 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/13 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [62] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/14 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/14 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [63] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/15 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/15 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [64] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/16 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/16 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [65] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/17 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/17 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [66] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/18 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/18 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [67] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/19 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/19 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [68] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/20 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/20 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [69] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/21 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/21 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [70] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/22 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/22 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [71] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/23 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/23 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [72] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/24 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/24 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [73] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/25 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi2/25 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [74] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/26 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/26 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [75] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/27 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/27 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [76] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/28 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/28 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [77] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/29 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/29 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [78] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/30 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/30 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [79] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/31 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/31 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [80] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/32 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/32 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [81] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/33 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/33 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [82] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/34 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/34 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [83] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/35 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/35 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [84] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/36 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/36 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [85] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/37 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/37 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [86] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/38 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/38 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [87] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/39 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/39 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [88] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/40 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/40 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [89] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/41 [ifAlias] => VDN-PBX-002 [ifName] => Gi2/41 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [90] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/42 [ifAlias] => VDN-PBX-002 [ifName] => Gi2/42 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [91] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/43 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/43 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [92] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/44 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/44 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [93] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/45 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/45 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [94] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/46 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/46 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [95] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/47 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi2/47 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [96] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet2/48 [ifAlias] => Security Controller [ifName] => Gi2/48 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [97] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/1 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [98] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/2 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [99] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/3 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/3 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [100] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/4 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/4 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [101] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/5 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/5 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [102] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/6 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/6 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [103] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/7 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/7 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [104] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/8 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/8 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [105] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/9 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/9 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [106] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/10 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/10 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [107] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/11 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/11 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [108] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/12 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall Port12 [ifName] => Gi3/12 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [109] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/13 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall WAN1 [ifName] => Gi3/13 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [110] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/14 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall WAN2 [ifName] => Gi3/14 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [111] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/15 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/15 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [112] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/16 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/16 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [113] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/17 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/17 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [114] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/18 [ifAlias] => Fortinet Firewall [ifName] => Gi3/18 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [115] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/19 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/19 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [116] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/20 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/20 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [117] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/21 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/21 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [118] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/22 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/22 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [119] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/23 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/23 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [120] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/24 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/24 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [121] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/25 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/25 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [122] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/26 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/26 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [123] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/27 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/27 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [124] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/28 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/28 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [125] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/29 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/29 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [126] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/30 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/30 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [127] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/31 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/31 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [128] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/32 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/32 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [129] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/33 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/33 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [130] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/34 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/34 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [131] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/35 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/35 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [132] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/36 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi3/36 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [133] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/37 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/37 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [134] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/38 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/38 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [135] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/39 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/39 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [136] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/40 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/40 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [137] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/41 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/41 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [138] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/42 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/42 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [139] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/43 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/43 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [140] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/44 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/44 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [141] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/45 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/45 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [142] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/46 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/46 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [143] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/47 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/47 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [144] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet3/48 [ifAlias] => ESX-host- [ifName] => Gi3/48 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [145] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet5/1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi5/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [146] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet5/2 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi5/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [147] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet6/1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi6/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [148] => Array ( [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet6/2 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Gi6/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [149] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet7/1 [ifAlias] => 10G to 6513-1 [ifName] => Te7/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [150] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet7/2 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te7/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [151] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet7/3 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te7/3 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [152] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet7/4 [ifAlias] => fibre to 6513-2 [ifName] => Te7/4 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => up ) [153] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/1 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [154] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/2 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/2 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [155] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/3 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/3 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [156] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/4 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/4 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [157] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/5 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/5 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [158] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/6 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/6 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [159] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/7 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/7 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [160] => Array ( [ifDescr] => TenGigabitEthernet8/8 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Te8/8 [ifType] => ethernetCsmacd [ifOperStatus] => down ) [161] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [162] => Array ( [ifDescr] => EOBC0/0 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => EO0/0 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [163] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Null0 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Nu0 [ifType] => other [ifOperStatus] => up ) [164] => Array ( [ifDescr] => SPAN RP Interface [ifAlias] => [ifName] => SPAN RP [ifType] => other [ifOperStatus] => up ) [165] => Array ( [ifDescr] => SPAN SP Interface [ifAlias] => [ifName] => SPAN SP [ifType] => other [ifOperStatus] => up ) [166] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan55 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl55 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [167] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan81 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl81 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [168] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan141 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl141 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [169] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan176 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl176 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [170] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan179 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl179 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [171] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan250 [ifAlias] => SAN [ifName] => Vl250 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [172] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan503 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl503 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [173] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan555 [ifAlias] => James side access 192.168.1.x [ifName] => Vl555 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [174] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan557 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl557 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [175] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1000 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1000 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [176] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1414 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1414 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [177] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan3934 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl3934 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [178] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Control Plane Interface [ifAlias] => [ifName] => CPP [ifType] => other [ifOperStatus] => up ) [179] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [180] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1002 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1002 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [181] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1004 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1004 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [182] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1005 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1005 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [183] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1003 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1003 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [184] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 3 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-3 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [185] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 4 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-4 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [186] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 5 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-5 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [187] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 98 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-98 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [188] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 200 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-200 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [189] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 204 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-204 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [190] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 250 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-250 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [191] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 251 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-251 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [192] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 503 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-503 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [193] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 555 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-555 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [194] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 556 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-556 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [195] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 557 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-557 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [196] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 761 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-761 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [197] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 762 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-762 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [198] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 763 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-763 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [199] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 764 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-764 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [200] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 765 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-765 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [201] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 901 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-901 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [202] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 904 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-904 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [203] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 910 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-910 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [204] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 911 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-911 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [205] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 920 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-920 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [206] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 80 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-80 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [207] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 81 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-81 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [208] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 86 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-86 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [209] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 141 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-141 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [210] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 142 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-142 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [211] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 160 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-160 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [212] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 175 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-175 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [213] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 176 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-176 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [214] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 177 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-177 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [215] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 179 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-179 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [216] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 300 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-300 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [217] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 442 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-442 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [218] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 673 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-673 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [219] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 731 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-731 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [220] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 760 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-760 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [221] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 766 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-766 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [222] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 800 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-800 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [223] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 806 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-806 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [224] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 808 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-808 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [225] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 822 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-822 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [226] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 831 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-831 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [227] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 1000 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-1000 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [228] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 3934 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-3934 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [229] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 181 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-181 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [230] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 271 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-271 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [231] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 272 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-272 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [232] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 281 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-281 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [233] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 282 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-282 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [234] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 291 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-291 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [235] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan80 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl80 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [237] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan86 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl86 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [238] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan98 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl98 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [239] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan142 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl142 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [240] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan160 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl160 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [241] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan175 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl175 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [242] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan177 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl177 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [243] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan181 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl181 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [244] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan200 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl200 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [245] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan204 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl204 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [246] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan251 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl251 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [247] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan271 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl271 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [248] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan272 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl272 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [249] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan281 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl281 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [250] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan282 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl282 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [251] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan291 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl291 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [252] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan300 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl300 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [253] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan442 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl442 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [254] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan556 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl556 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [255] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan673 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl673 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [256] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan731 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl731 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [257] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan760 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl760 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [258] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan761 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl761 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [259] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan762 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl762 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [260] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan763 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl763 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [261] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan764 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl764 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [262] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan765 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl765 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [263] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan766 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl766 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [264] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan800 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl800 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [265] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan806 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl806 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [266] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan808 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl808 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [267] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan822 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl822 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [268] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan831 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl831 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [269] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan901 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl901 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [270] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan904 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl904 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [271] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan910 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl910 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [272] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan911 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl911 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [273] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan920 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl920 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [274] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1002 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1002 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [275] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1003 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1003 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [276] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1004 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1004 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [277] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan1005 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl1005 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) [278] => Array ( [ifDescr] => unrouted VLAN 178 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => VLAN-178 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => up ) [279] => Array ( [ifDescr] => Vlan178 [ifAlias] => [ifName] => Vl178 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifOperStatus] => down ) )  o Caching DB   SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00339198s] 218 ports  o Discovering ports   ifIndex 1 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 2 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 3 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 4 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 5 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 6 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 7 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 8 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 9 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 10 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 11 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 12 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 13 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 14 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 15 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 16 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 17 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 18 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = 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SPAN SP Interface [ span sp ] X ifIndex 166 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 167 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 168 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 169 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 170 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 171 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 172 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 173 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 174 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 175 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 176 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 177 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 178 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). . ifIndex 179 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 180 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1002 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 181 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1004 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 182 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1005 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 183 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1003 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 184 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 3 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 185 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 4 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 186 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 5 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 187 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 98 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 188 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 200 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 189 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 204 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 190 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 250 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 191 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 251 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 192 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 503 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 193 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 555 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 194 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 556 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 195 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 557 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 196 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 761 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 197 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 762 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 198 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 763 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 199 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 764 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 200 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 765 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 201 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 901 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 202 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 904 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 203 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 910 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 204 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 911 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 205 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 920 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 206 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 80 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 207 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 81 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 208 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 86 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 209 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 141 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 210 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 142 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 211 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 160 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 212 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 175 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 213 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 176 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 214 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 177 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 215 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 179 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 216 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 300 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 217 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 442 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 218 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 673 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 219 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 731 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 220 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 760 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 221 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 766 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 222 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 800 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 223 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 806 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 224 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 808 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 225 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 822 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 226 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 831 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 227 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 1000 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 228 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 3934 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 229 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 181 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 230 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 271 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 231 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 272 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 232 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 281 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 233 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 282 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 234 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 291 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 235 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 237 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 238 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 239 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 240 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 241 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 242 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 243 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 244 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 245 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 246 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 247 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 248 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 249 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 250 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 251 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 252 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 253 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 254 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 255 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 256 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 257 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 258 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 259 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 260 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 261 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 262 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 263 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 264 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 265 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 266 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 267 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 268 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 269 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 270 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 271 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 272 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 273 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 274 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 275 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 276 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 277 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . ifIndex 278 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = up). ignored (by ifDescr): unrouted VLAN 178 [ unrouted ] X ifIndex 279 (ifAdminStatus = , ifOperStatus = down). . +---------+-------------------------+-----------+----------------------+----------------+-------------+---------+ | ifIndex | ifDescr | ifName | ifAlias | ifType | Oper Status | Ignored | +---------+-------------------------+-----------+----------------------+----------------+-------------+---------+ | 1 | GigabitEthernet1/1 | Gi1/1 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 2 | GigabitEthernet1/2 | Gi1/2 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 3 | GigabitEthernet1/3 | Gi1/3 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 4 | GigabitEthernet1/4 | Gi1/4 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 5 | GigabitEthernet1/5 | Gi1/5 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 6 | GigabitEthernet1/6 | Gi1/6 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 7 | GigabitEthernet1/7 | Gi1/7 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 8 | GigabitEthernet1/8 | Gi1/8 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 9 | GigabitEthernet1/9 | Gi1/9 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 10 | GigabitEthernet1/10 | Gi1/10 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 11 | GigabitEthernet1/11 | Gi1/11 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 12 | GigabitEthernet1/12 | Gi1/12 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 13 | GigabitEthernet1/13 | Gi1/13 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 14 | GigabitEthernet1/14 | Gi1/14 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 15 | GigabitEthernet1/15 | Gi1/15 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 16 | GigabitEthernet1/16 | Gi1/16 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 17 | GigabitEthernet1/17 | Gi1/17 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 18 | GigabitEthernet1/18 | Gi1/18 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 19 | GigabitEthernet1/19 | Gi1/19 | Synology Management | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 20 | GigabitEthernet1/20 | Gi1/20 | VOIPSwitch01 | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 21 | GigabitEthernet1/21 | Gi1/21 | security door bri... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 22 | GigabitEthernet1/22 | Gi1/22 | security door bri... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 23 | GigabitEthernet1/23 | Gi1/23 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 24 | GigabitEthernet1/24 | Gi1/24 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 25 | GigabitEthernet1/25 | Gi1/25 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 26 | GigabitEthernet1/26 | Gi1/26 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 27 | GigabitEthernet1/27 | Gi1/27 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 28 | GigabitEthernet1/28 | Gi1/28 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 29 | GigabitEthernet1/29 | Gi1/29 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 30 | GigabitEthernet1/30 | Gi1/30 | Cohesity backup a... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 31 | GigabitEthernet1/31 | Gi1/31 | Cohesity backup a... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 32 | GigabitEthernet1/32 | Gi1/32 | Cohesity backup a... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 33 | GigabitEthernet1/33 | Gi1/33 | Cohesity backup a... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 34 | GigabitEthernet1/34 | Gi1/34 | Cohesity backup a... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 35 | GigabitEthernet1/35 | Gi1/35 | Juniper SRX240-1 LAN | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 36 | GigabitEthernet1/36 | Gi1/36 | Juniper SRX240-1 ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 37 | GigabitEthernet1/37 | Gi1/37 | Juniper SRX240-1 WAN | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 38 | GigabitEthernet1/38 | Gi1/38 | Juniper SRX240-1 DMZ | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 39 | GigabitEthernet1/39 | Gi1/39 | Juniper SRX240-1 ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 40 | GigabitEthernet1/40 | Gi1/40 | Juniper SRX240-2 LAN | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 41 | GigabitEthernet1/41 | Gi1/41 | Juniper SRX240-2 ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 42 | GigabitEthernet1/42 | Gi1/42 | Juniper SRX240-2 WAN | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 43 | GigabitEthernet1/43 | Gi1/43 | Juniper SRX240-2 DMZ | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 44 | GigabitEthernet1/44 | Gi1/44 | Juniper SRX240-2 ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 45 | GigabitEthernet1/45 | Gi1/45 | | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 46 | GigabitEthernet1/46 | Gi1/46 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 47 | GigabitEthernet1/47 | Gi1/47 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 48 | GigabitEthernet1/48 | Gi1/48 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 49 | GigabitEthernet2/1 | Gi2/1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 50 | GigabitEthernet2/2 | Gi2/2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 51 | GigabitEthernet2/3 | Gi2/3 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 52 | GigabitEthernet2/4 | Gi2/4 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 53 | GigabitEthernet2/5 | Gi2/5 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 54 | GigabitEthernet2/6 | Gi2/6 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 55 | GigabitEthernet2/7 | Gi2/7 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 56 | GigabitEthernet2/8 | Gi2/8 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 57 | GigabitEthernet2/9 | Gi2/9 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 58 | GigabitEthernet2/10 | Gi2/10 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 59 | GigabitEthernet2/11 | Gi2/11 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 60 | GigabitEthernet2/12 | Gi2/12 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 61 | GigabitEthernet2/13 | Gi2/13 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 62 | GigabitEthernet2/14 | Gi2/14 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 63 | GigabitEthernet2/15 | Gi2/15 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 64 | GigabitEthernet2/16 | Gi2/16 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 65 | GigabitEthernet2/17 | Gi2/17 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 66 | GigabitEthernet2/18 | Gi2/18 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 67 | GigabitEthernet2/19 | Gi2/19 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 68 | GigabitEthernet2/20 | Gi2/20 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 69 | GigabitEthernet2/21 | Gi2/21 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 70 | GigabitEthernet2/22 | Gi2/22 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 71 | GigabitEthernet2/23 | Gi2/23 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 72 | GigabitEthernet2/24 | Gi2/24 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 73 | GigabitEthernet2/25 | Gi2/25 | ESX-host-10.200.0... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 74 | GigabitEthernet2/26 | Gi2/26 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 75 | GigabitEthernet2/27 | Gi2/27 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 76 | GigabitEthernet2/28 | Gi2/28 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 77 | GigabitEthernet2/29 | Gi2/29 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 78 | GigabitEthernet2/30 | Gi2/30 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 79 | GigabitEthernet2/31 | Gi2/31 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 80 | GigabitEthernet2/32 | Gi2/32 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 81 | GigabitEthernet2/33 | Gi2/33 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 82 | GigabitEthernet2/34 | Gi2/34 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 83 | GigabitEthernet2/35 | Gi2/35 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 84 | GigabitEthernet2/36 | Gi2/36 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 85 | GigabitEthernet2/37 | Gi2/37 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 86 | GigabitEthernet2/38 | Gi2/38 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 87 | GigabitEthernet2/39 | Gi2/39 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 88 | GigabitEthernet2/40 | Gi2/40 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 89 | GigabitEthernet2/41 | Gi2/41 | VDN-PBX-002 | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 90 | GigabitEthernet2/42 | Gi2/42 | VDN-PBX-002 | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 91 | GigabitEthernet2/43 | Gi2/43 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 92 | GigabitEthernet2/44 | Gi2/44 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 93 | GigabitEthernet2/45 | Gi2/45 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 94 | GigabitEthernet2/46 | Gi2/46 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 95 | GigabitEthernet2/47 | Gi2/47 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 96 | GigabitEthernet2/48 | Gi2/48 | Security Controller | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 97 | GigabitEthernet3/1 | Gi3/1 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 98 | GigabitEthernet3/2 | Gi3/2 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 99 | GigabitEthernet3/3 | Gi3/3 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 100 | GigabitEthernet3/4 | Gi3/4 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 101 | GigabitEthernet3/5 | Gi3/5 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 102 | GigabitEthernet3/6 | Gi3/6 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 103 | GigabitEthernet3/7 | Gi3/7 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 104 | GigabitEthernet3/8 | Gi3/8 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 105 | GigabitEthernet3/9 | Gi3/9 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 106 | GigabitEthernet3/10 | Gi3/10 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 107 | GigabitEthernet3/11 | Gi3/11 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 108 | GigabitEthernet3/12 | Gi3/12 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 109 | GigabitEthernet3/13 | Gi3/13 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 110 | GigabitEthernet3/14 | Gi3/14 | Fortinet Firewall... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 111 | GigabitEthernet3/15 | Gi3/15 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 112 | GigabitEthernet3/16 | Gi3/16 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 113 | GigabitEthernet3/17 | Gi3/17 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 114 | GigabitEthernet3/18 | Gi3/18 | Fortinet Firewall | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 115 | GigabitEthernet3/19 | Gi3/19 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 116 | GigabitEthernet3/20 | Gi3/20 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 117 | GigabitEthernet3/21 | Gi3/21 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 118 | GigabitEthernet3/22 | Gi3/22 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 119 | GigabitEthernet3/23 | Gi3/23 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 120 | GigabitEthernet3/24 | Gi3/24 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 121 | GigabitEthernet3/25 | Gi3/25 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 122 | GigabitEthernet3/26 | Gi3/26 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 123 | GigabitEthernet3/27 | Gi3/27 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 124 | GigabitEthernet3/28 | Gi3/28 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 125 | GigabitEthernet3/29 | Gi3/29 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 126 | GigabitEthernet3/30 | Gi3/30 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 127 | GigabitEthernet3/31 | Gi3/31 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 128 | GigabitEthernet3/32 | Gi3/32 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 129 | GigabitEthernet3/33 | Gi3/33 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 130 | GigabitEthernet3/34 | Gi3/34 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 131 | GigabitEthernet3/35 | Gi3/35 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 132 | GigabitEthernet3/36 | Gi3/36 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 133 | GigabitEthernet3/37 | Gi3/37 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 134 | GigabitEthernet3/38 | Gi3/38 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 135 | GigabitEthernet3/39 | Gi3/39 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 136 | GigabitEthernet3/40 | Gi3/40 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 137 | GigabitEthernet3/41 | Gi3/41 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 138 | GigabitEthernet3/42 | Gi3/42 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 139 | GigabitEthernet3/43 | Gi3/43 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 140 | GigabitEthernet3/44 | Gi3/44 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 141 | GigabitEthernet3/45 | Gi3/45 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 142 | GigabitEthernet3/46 | Gi3/46 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 143 | GigabitEthernet3/47 | Gi3/47 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 144 | GigabitEthernet3/48 | Gi3/48 | ESX-host- | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 145 | GigabitEthernet5/1 | Gi5/1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 146 | GigabitEthernet5/2 | Gi5/2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 147 | GigabitEthernet6/1 | Gi6/1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 148 | GigabitEthernet6/2 | Gi6/2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 149 | TenGigabitEthernet7/1 | Te7/1 | 10G to 6513-1 | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 150 | TenGigabitEthernet7/2 | Te7/2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 151 | TenGigabitEthernet7/3 | Te7/3 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 152 | TenGigabitEthernet7/4 | Te7/4 | fibre to 6513-2 | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 153 | TenGigabitEthernet8/1 | Te8/1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 154 | TenGigabitEthernet8/2 | Te8/2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 155 | TenGigabitEthernet8/3 | Te8/3 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 156 | TenGigabitEthernet8/4 | Te8/4 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 157 | TenGigabitEthernet8/5 | Te8/5 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 158 | TenGigabitEthernet8/6 | Te8/6 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 159 | TenGigabitEthernet8/7 | Te8/7 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 160 | TenGigabitEthernet8/8 | Te8/8 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 161 | Vlan1 | Vl1 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 162 | EOBC0/0 | EO0/0 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 163 | Null0 | Nu0 | ... | other | up | no | | 164 | SPAN RP Interface | SPAN RP | ... | other | up | yes | | 165 | SPAN SP Interface | SPAN SP | ... | other | up | yes | | 166 | Vlan55 | Vl55 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 167 | Vlan81 | Vl81 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 168 | Vlan141 | Vl141 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 169 | Vlan176 | Vl176 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 170 | Vlan179 | Vl179 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 171 | Vlan250 | Vl250 | SAN | propVirtual | up | no | | 172 | Vlan503 | Vl503 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 173 | Vlan555 | Vl555 | James side access... | propVirtual | up | no | | 174 | Vlan557 | Vl557 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 175 | Vlan1000 | Vl1000 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 176 | Vlan1414 | Vl1414 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 177 | Vlan3934 | Vl3934 | ... | propVirtual | up | no | | 178 | Control Plane Interface | CPP | ... | other | up | no | | 179 | unrouted VLAN 1 | VLAN-1 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 180 | unrouted VLAN 1002 | VLAN-1002 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 181 | unrouted VLAN 1004 | VLAN-1004 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 182 | unrouted VLAN 1005 | VLAN-1005 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 183 | unrouted VLAN 1003 | VLAN-1003 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 184 | unrouted VLAN 3 | VLAN-3 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 185 | unrouted VLAN 4 | VLAN-4 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 186 | unrouted VLAN 5 | VLAN-5 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 187 | unrouted VLAN 98 | VLAN-98 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 188 | unrouted VLAN 200 | VLAN-200 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 189 | unrouted VLAN 204 | VLAN-204 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 190 | unrouted VLAN 250 | VLAN-250 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 191 | unrouted VLAN 251 | VLAN-251 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 192 | unrouted VLAN 503 | VLAN-503 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 193 | unrouted VLAN 555 | VLAN-555 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 194 | unrouted VLAN 556 | VLAN-556 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 195 | unrouted VLAN 557 | VLAN-557 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 196 | unrouted VLAN 761 | VLAN-761 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 197 | unrouted VLAN 762 | VLAN-762 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 198 | unrouted VLAN 763 | VLAN-763 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 199 | unrouted VLAN 764 | VLAN-764 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 200 | unrouted VLAN 765 | VLAN-765 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 201 | unrouted VLAN 901 | VLAN-901 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 202 | unrouted VLAN 904 | VLAN-904 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 203 | unrouted VLAN 910 | VLAN-910 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 204 | unrouted VLAN 911 | VLAN-911 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 205 | unrouted VLAN 920 | VLAN-920 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 206 | unrouted VLAN 80 | VLAN-80 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 207 | unrouted VLAN 81 | VLAN-81 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 208 | unrouted VLAN 86 | VLAN-86 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 209 | unrouted VLAN 141 | VLAN-141 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 210 | unrouted VLAN 142 | VLAN-142 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 211 | unrouted VLAN 160 | VLAN-160 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 212 | unrouted VLAN 175 | VLAN-175 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 213 | unrouted VLAN 176 | VLAN-176 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 214 | unrouted VLAN 177 | VLAN-177 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 215 | unrouted VLAN 179 | VLAN-179 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 216 | unrouted VLAN 300 | VLAN-300 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 217 | unrouted VLAN 442 | VLAN-442 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 218 | unrouted VLAN 673 | VLAN-673 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 219 | unrouted VLAN 731 | VLAN-731 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 220 | unrouted VLAN 760 | VLAN-760 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 221 | unrouted VLAN 766 | VLAN-766 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 222 | unrouted VLAN 800 | VLAN-800 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 223 | unrouted VLAN 806 | VLAN-806 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 224 | unrouted VLAN 808 | VLAN-808 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 225 | unrouted VLAN 822 | VLAN-822 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 226 | unrouted VLAN 831 | VLAN-831 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 227 | unrouted VLAN 1000 | VLAN-1000 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 228 | unrouted VLAN 3934 | VLAN-3934 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 229 | unrouted VLAN 181 | VLAN-181 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 230 | unrouted VLAN 271 | VLAN-271 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 231 | unrouted VLAN 272 | VLAN-272 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 232 | unrouted VLAN 281 | VLAN-281 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 233 | unrouted VLAN 282 | VLAN-282 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 234 | unrouted VLAN 291 | VLAN-291 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 235 | Vlan80 | Vl80 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 237 | Vlan86 | Vl86 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 238 | Vlan98 | Vl98 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 239 | Vlan142 | Vl142 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 240 | Vlan160 | Vl160 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 241 | Vlan175 | Vl175 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 242 | Vlan177 | Vl177 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 243 | Vlan181 | Vl181 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 244 | Vlan200 | Vl200 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 245 | Vlan204 | Vl204 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 246 | Vlan251 | Vl251 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 247 | Vlan271 | Vl271 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 248 | Vlan272 | Vl272 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 249 | Vlan281 | Vl281 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 250 | Vlan282 | Vl282 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 251 | Vlan291 | Vl291 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 252 | Vlan300 | Vl300 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 253 | Vlan442 | Vl442 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 254 | Vlan556 | Vl556 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 255 | Vlan673 | Vl673 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 256 | Vlan731 | Vl731 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 257 | Vlan760 | Vl760 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 258 | Vlan761 | Vl761 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 259 | Vlan762 | Vl762 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 260 | Vlan763 | Vl763 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 261 | Vlan764 | Vl764 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 262 | Vlan765 | Vl765 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 263 | Vlan766 | Vl766 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 264 | Vlan800 | Vl800 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 265 | Vlan806 | Vl806 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 266 | Vlan808 | Vl808 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 267 | Vlan822 | Vl822 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 268 | Vlan831 | Vl831 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 269 | Vlan901 | Vl901 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 270 | Vlan904 | Vl904 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 271 | Vlan910 | Vl910 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 272 | Vlan911 | Vl911 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 273 | Vlan920 | Vl920 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 274 | Vlan1002 | Vl1002 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 275 | Vlan1003 | Vl1003 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 276 | Vlan1004 | Vl1004 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 277 | Vlan1005 | Vl1005 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | | 278 | unrouted VLAN 178 | VLAN-178 | ... | propVirtual | up | yes | | 279 | Vlan178 | Vl178 | ... | propVirtual | down | no | +---------+-------------------------+-----------+----------------------+----------------+-------------+---------+  o Duration  1.0356s ##### Module Start: ports-stack #####   SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00066686s]  SQL[SELECT `ifIndex`, `port_id` FROM ports WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041509s]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifStackStatus]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1347s] STDOUT[ ifStackStatus.0.1 = active ifStackStatus.0.2 = active ifStackStatus.0.3 = active ifStackStatus.0.4 = active ifStackStatus.0.5 = active ifStackStatus.0.6 = active ifStackStatus.0.7 = active ifStackStatus.0.8 = active ifStackStatus.0.9 = active ifStackStatus.0.10 = active ifStackStatus.0.11 = active ifStackStatus.0.12 = active ifStackStatus.0.13 = active ifStackStatus.0.14 = active ifStackStatus.0.15 = active ifStackStatus.0.16 = active ifStackStatus.0.17 = active ifStackStatus.0.18 = active ifStackStatus.0.19 = active ifStackStatus.0.20 = active ifStackStatus.0.21 = active ifStackStatus.0.22 = active ifStackStatus.0.23 = active ifStackStatus.0.24 = active ifStackStatus.0.25 = active ifStackStatus.0.26 = active ifStackStatus.0.27 = active ifStackStatus.0.28 = active ifStackStatus.0.29 = active ifStackStatus.0.30 = active ifStackStatus.0.31 = active ifStackStatus.0.32 = active ifStackStatus.0.33 = active ifStackStatus.0.34 = active ifStackStatus.0.35 = active ifStackStatus.0.36 = active ifStackStatus.0.37 = active ifStackStatus.0.38 = active ifStackStatus.0.39 = active ifStackStatus.0.40 = active ifStackStatus.0.41 = active ifStackStatus.0.42 = active ifStackStatus.0.43 = active ifStackStatus.0.44 = active ifStackStatus.0.45 = active ifStackStatus.0.46 = active ifStackStatus.0.47 = active ifStackStatus.0.48 = active ifStackStatus.0.49 = active ifStackStatus.0.50 = active ifStackStatus.0.51 = active ifStackStatus.0.52 = active ifStackStatus.0.53 = active ifStackStatus.0.54 = active ifStackStatus.0.55 = active ifStackStatus.0.56 = active ifStackStatus.0.57 = active ifStackStatus.0.58 = active ifStackStatus.0.59 = active ifStackStatus.0.60 = active ifStackStatus.0.61 = active ifStackStatus.0.62 = active ifStackStatus.0.63 = active ifStackStatus.0.64 = active ifStackStatus.0.65 = active ifStackStatus.0.66 = active ifStackStatus.0.67 = active ifStackStatus.0.68 = active ifStackStatus.0.69 = active ifStackStatus.0.70 = active ifStackStatus.0.71 = active ifStackStatus.0.72 = active ifStackStatus.0.73 = active ifStackStatus.0.74 = active ifStackStatus.0.75 = active ifStackStatus.0.76 = active ifStackStatus.0.77 = active ifStackStatus.0.78 = active ifStackStatus.0.79 = active ifStackStatus.0.80 = active ifStackStatus.0.81 = active ifStackStatus.0.82 = active ifStackStatus.0.83 = active ifStackStatus.0.84 = active ifStackStatus.0.85 = active ifStackStatus.0.86 = active ifStackStatus.0.87 = active ifStackStatus.0.88 = active ifStackStatus.0.89 = active ifStackStatus.0.90 = active ifStackStatus.0.91 = active ifStackStatus.0.92 = active ifStackStatus.0.93 = active ifStackStatus.0.94 = active ifStackStatus.0.95 = active ifStackStatus.0.96 = active ifStackStatus.0.97 = active ifStackStatus.0.98 = active ifStackStatus.0.99 = active ifStackStatus.0.100 = active ifStackStatus.0.101 = active ifStackStatus.0.102 = active ifStackStatus.0.103 = active ifStackStatus.0.104 = active ifStackStatus.0.105 = active ifStackStatus.0.106 = active ifStackStatus.0.107 = active ifStackStatus.0.108 = active ifStackStatus.0.109 = active ifStackStatus.0.110 = active ifStackStatus.0.111 = active ifStackStatus.0.112 = active ifStackStatus.0.113 = active ifStackStatus.0.114 = active ifStackStatus.0.115 = active ifStackStatus.0.116 = active ifStackStatus.0.117 = active ifStackStatus.0.118 = active ifStackStatus.0.119 = active ifStackStatus.0.120 = active ifStackStatus.0.121 = active ifStackStatus.0.122 = active ifStackStatus.0.123 = active ifStackStatus.0.124 = active ifStackStatus.0.125 = active ifStackStatus.0.126 = active ifStackStatus.0.127 = active ifStackStatus.0.128 = active ifStackStatus.0.129 = active ifStackStatus.0.130 = active ifStackStatus.0.131 = active ifStackStatus.0.132 = active ifStackStatus.0.133 = active ifStackStatus.0.134 = active ifStackStatus.0.135 = active ifStackStatus.0.136 = active ifStackStatus.0.137 = active ifStackStatus.0.138 = active ifStackStatus.0.139 = active ifStackStatus.0.140 = active ifStackStatus.0.141 = active ifStackStatus.0.142 = active ifStackStatus.0.143 = active ifStackStatus.0.144 = active ifStackStatus.0.145 = active ifStackStatus.0.146 = active ifStackStatus.0.147 = active ifStackStatus.0.148 = active ifStackStatus.0.149 = active ifStackStatus.0.150 = active ifStackStatus.0.151 = active ifStackStatus.0.152 = active ifStackStatus.0.153 = active ifStackStatus.0.154 = active ifStackStatus.0.155 = active ifStackStatus.0.156 = active ifStackStatus.0.157 = active ifStackStatus.0.158 = active ifStackStatus.0.159 = active ifStackStatus.0.160 = active ifStackStatus.0.161 = active ifStackStatus.0.162 = active ifStackStatus.0.163 = active ifStackStatus.0.164 = active ifStackStatus.0.165 = active ifStackStatus.0.166 = active ifStackStatus.0.167 = active ifStackStatus.0.168 = active ifStackStatus.0.169 = active ifStackStatus.0.170 = active ifStackStatus.0.171 = active ifStackStatus.0.172 = active ifStackStatus.0.173 = active ifStackStatus.0.174 = active ifStackStatus.0.175 = active ifStackStatus.0.176 = active ifStackStatus.0.177 = active ifStackStatus.0.178 = active ifStackStatus.0.179 = active ifStackStatus.0.180 = active ifStackStatus.0.181 = active ifStackStatus.0.182 = active ifStackStatus.0.183 = active ifStackStatus.0.184 = active ifStackStatus.0.185 = active ifStackStatus.0.186 = active ifStackStatus.0.187 = active ifStackStatus.0.188 = active ifStackStatus.0.189 = active ifStackStatus.0.190 = active ifStackStatus.0.191 = active ifStackStatus.0.192 = active ifStackStatus.0.193 = active ifStackStatus.0.194 = active ifStackStatus.0.195 = active ifStackStatus.0.196 = active ifStackStatus.0.197 = active ifStackStatus.0.198 = active ifStackStatus.0.199 = active ifStackStatus.0.200 = active ifStackStatus.0.201 = active ifStackStatus.0.202 = active ifStackStatus.0.203 = active ifStackStatus.0.204 = active ifStackStatus.0.205 = active ifStackStatus.0.206 = active ifStackStatus.0.207 = active ifStackStatus.0.208 = active ifStackStatus.0.209 = active ifStackStatus.0.210 = active ifStackStatus.0.211 = active ifStackStatus.0.212 = active ifStackStatus.0.213 = active ifStackStatus.0.214 = active ifStackStatus.0.215 = active ifStackStatus.0.216 = active ifStackStatus.0.217 = active ifStackStatus.0.218 = active ifStackStatus.0.219 = active ifStackStatus.0.220 = active ifStackStatus.0.221 = active ifStackStatus.0.222 = active ifStackStatus.0.223 = active ifStackStatus.0.224 = active ifStackStatus.0.225 = active ifStackStatus.0.226 = active ifStackStatus.0.227 = active ifStackStatus.0.228 = active ifStackStatus.0.229 = active ifStackStatus.0.230 = active ifStackStatus.0.231 = active ifStackStatus.0.232 = active ifStackStatus.0.233 = active ifStackStatus.0.234 = active ifStackStatus.0.235 = active ifStackStatus.0.237 = active ifStackStatus.0.238 = active ifStackStatus.0.239 = active ifStackStatus.0.240 = active ifStackStatus.0.241 = active ifStackStatus.0.242 = active ifStackStatus.0.243 = active ifStackStatus.0.244 = active ifStackStatus.0.245 = active ifStackStatus.0.246 = active ifStackStatus.0.247 = active ifStackStatus.0.248 = active ifStackStatus.0.249 = active ifStackStatus.0.250 = active ifStackStatus.0.251 = active ifStackStatus.0.252 = active ifStackStatus.0.253 = active ifStackStatus.0.254 = active ifStackStatus.0.255 = active ifStackStatus.0.256 = active ifStackStatus.0.257 = active ifStackStatus.0.258 = active ifStackStatus.0.259 = active ifStackStatus.0.260 = active ifStackStatus.0.261 = active ifStackStatus.0.262 = active 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ifStackStatus.193.0 = active ifStackStatus.194.0 = active ifStackStatus.195.0 = active ifStackStatus.196.0 = active ifStackStatus.197.0 = active ifStackStatus.198.0 = active ifStackStatus.199.0 = active ifStackStatus.200.0 = active ifStackStatus.201.0 = active ifStackStatus.202.0 = active ifStackStatus.203.0 = active ifStackStatus.204.0 = active ifStackStatus.205.0 = active ifStackStatus.206.0 = active ifStackStatus.207.0 = active ifStackStatus.208.0 = active ifStackStatus.209.0 = active ifStackStatus.210.0 = active ifStackStatus.211.0 = active ifStackStatus.212.0 = active ifStackStatus.213.0 = active ifStackStatus.214.0 = active ifStackStatus.215.0 = active ifStackStatus.216.0 = active ifStackStatus.217.0 = active ifStackStatus.218.0 = active ifStackStatus.219.0 = active ifStackStatus.220.0 = active ifStackStatus.221.0 = active ifStackStatus.222.0 = active ifStackStatus.223.0 = active ifStackStatus.224.0 = active ifStackStatus.225.0 = active ifStackStatus.226.0 = active ifStackStatus.227.0 = active ifStackStatus.228.0 = active ifStackStatus.229.0 = active ifStackStatus.230.0 = active ifStackStatus.231.0 = active ifStackStatus.232.0 = active ifStackStatus.233.0 = active ifStackStatus.234.0 = active ifStackStatus.235.0 = active ifStackStatus.237.0 = active ifStackStatus.238.0 = active ifStackStatus.239.0 = active ifStackStatus.240.0 = active ifStackStatus.241.0 = active ifStackStatus.242.0 = active ifStackStatus.243.0 = active ifStackStatus.244.0 = active ifStackStatus.245.0 = active ifStackStatus.246.0 = active ifStackStatus.247.0 = active ifStackStatus.248.0 = active ifStackStatus.249.0 = active ifStackStatus.250.0 = active ifStackStatus.251.0 = active ifStackStatus.252.0 = active ifStackStatus.253.0 = active ifStackStatus.254.0 = active ifStackStatus.255.0 = active ifStackStatus.256.0 = active ifStackStatus.257.0 = active ifStackStatus.258.0 = active ifStackStatus.259.0 = active ifStackStatus.260.0 = active ifStackStatus.261.0 = active ifStackStatus.262.0 = active ifStackStatus.263.0 = active ifStackStatus.264.0 = active ifStackStatus.265.0 = active ifStackStatus.266.0 = active ifStackStatus.267.0 = active ifStackStatus.268.0 = active ifStackStatus.269.0 = active ifStackStatus.270.0 = active ifStackStatus.271.0 = active ifStackStatus.272.0 = active ifStackStatus.273.0 = active ifStackStatus.274.0 = active ifStackStatus.275.0 = active ifStackStatus.276.0 = active ifStackStatus.277.0 = active ifStackStatus.278.0 = active ifStackStatus.279.0 = active ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]   o Duration  0.1444s ##### Module Start: vlans #####   SQL[SELECT * FROM `vlans` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00071812s]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE `device_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.0003891s]  o CISCO-VTP-MIB   CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUvn -m CISCO-VTP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' vtpVersion.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1337s] STDOUT[ three ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m CISCO-VTP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' vlanManagementDomains]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.2143s] STDOUT[ managementDomainName.1 = ur02.hub2 managementDomainLocalMode.1 = transparent managementDomainConfigRevNumber.1 = 0 managementDomainLastUpdater.1 = managementDomainLastChange.1 = 2000-0-0,0:0:0.0 managementDomainRowStatus.1 = active managementDomainTftpServer.1 = managementDomainTftpPathname.1 = managementDomainPruningState.1 = disabled managementDomainVersionInUse.1 = version1 managementDomainPruningStateOper.1 = disabled managementDomainAdminSrcIf.1 = managementDomainSourceOnlyMode.1 = false managementDomainOperSrcIf.1 = Vl81 managementDomainConfigFile.1 = const_nvram:vlan.dat managementDomainLocalUpdaterType.1 = unknown managementDomainLocalUpdater.1 = "00 00 00 00 " managementDomainDeviceID.1 = ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m CISCO-VTP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' vtpVlanState]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.2189s] STDOUT[ vtpVlanState.1.1 = operational vtpVlanState.1.3 = operational vtpVlanState.1.4 = operational vtpVlanState.1.5 = operational vtpVlanState.1.80 = operational vtpVlanState.1.81 = operational vtpVlanState.1.86 = operational vtpVlanState.1.98 = operational vtpVlanState.1.141 = operational vtpVlanState.1.142 = operational vtpVlanState.1.160 = operational vtpVlanState.1.175 = operational vtpVlanState.1.176 = operational vtpVlanState.1.177 = operational vtpVlanState.1.178 = operational vtpVlanState.1.179 = operational vtpVlanState.1.181 = operational vtpVlanState.1.200 = operational vtpVlanState.1.204 = operational 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vtpVlanState.1.911 = operational vtpVlanState.1.920 = operational vtpVlanState.1.1000 = operational vtpVlanState.1.1002 = operational vtpVlanState.1.1003 = operational vtpVlanState.1.1004 = operational vtpVlanState.1.1005 = operational vtpVlanState.1.3934 = operational ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m CISCO-VTP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' vtpVlanType]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1865s] STDOUT[ vtpVlanType.1.1 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.3 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.4 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.5 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.80 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.81 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.86 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.98 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.141 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.142 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.160 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.175 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.176 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.177 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.178 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.179 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.181 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.200 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.204 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.250 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.251 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.271 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.272 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.281 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.282 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.291 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.300 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.442 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.503 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.555 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.556 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.557 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.673 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.731 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.760 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.761 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.762 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.763 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.764 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.765 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.766 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.800 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.806 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.808 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.822 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.831 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.901 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.904 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.910 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.911 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.920 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.1000 = ethernet vtpVlanType.1.1002 = fddi vtpVlanType.1.1003 = tokenRing vtpVlanType.1.1004 = fddiNet vtpVlanType.1.1005 = trNet vtpVlanType.1.3934 = ethernet ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m CISCO-VTP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' vtpVlanName]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1999s] STDOUT[ vtpVlanName.1.1 = default vtpVlanName.1.3 = virden-int-voip vtpVlanName.1.4 = DNCS6-Complex1 vtpVlanName.1.5 = DNCS6-Complex2 vtpVlanName.1.80 = VLAN0080 vtpVlanName.1.81 = VLAN0081 vtpVlanName.1.86 = VLAN0086 vtpVlanName.1.98 = vmware_heartbeat vtpVlanName.1.141 = VLAN0141 vtpVlanName.1.142 = VLAN0142 vtpVlanName.1.160 = VLAN0160 vtpVlanName.1.175 = VLAN0175 vtpVlanName.1.176 = VLAN0176 vtpVlanName.1.177 = VLAN0177 vtpVlanName.1.178 = VLAN0178 vtpVlanName.1.179 = VLAN0179 vtpVlanName.1.181 = VLAN0181 vtpVlanName.1.200 = SAN vtpVlanName.1.204 = virden_mgmt vtpVlanName.1.250 = SAN-VD-BD vtpVlanName.1.251 = SAN-HA vtpVlanName.1.271 = VLAN0271 vtpVlanName.1.272 = VLAN0272 vtpVlanName.1.281 = VLAN0281 vtpVlanName.1.282 = VLAN0282 vtpVlanName.1.291 = VLAN0291 vtpVlanName.1.300 = VLAN0300 vtpVlanName.1.442 = VLAN0442 vtpVlanName.1.503 = SpeedSmart vtpVlanName.1.555 = JamesSide vtpVlanName.1.556 = VNEX-VDNForti-main vtpVlanName.1.557 = VDNX1-Forti-main vtpVlanName.1.673 = VLAN0673 vtpVlanName.1.731 = VLAN0731 vtpVlanName.1.760 = VLAN0760 vtpVlanName.1.761 = RF-VDN-Server vtpVlanName.1.762 = AA-VDN-Server vtpVlanName.1.763 = CSS-VDN-Server vtpVlanName.1.764 = CSS-VDN-Test vtpVlanName.1.765 = CSS-VDN-Quote vtpVlanName.1.766 = VLAN0766 vtpVlanName.1.800 = VLAN0800 vtpVlanName.1.806 = VLAN0806 vtpVlanName.1.808 = VLAN0808 vtpVlanName.1.822 = VLAN0822 vtpVlanName.1.831 = VLAN0831 vtpVlanName.1.901 = VCP-Mgmt_10.253.205.0/27 vtpVlanName.1.904 = VCP-VM_IPs_10.253.204.128/25 vtpVlanName.1.910 = CCDN-CacheGW-odd vtpVlanName.1.911 = CCDN-C2Locate vtpVlanName.1.920 = vtpVlanName.1.1000 = VLAN1000 vtpVlanName.1.1002 = fddi-default vtpVlanName.1.1003 = token-ring-default vtpVlanName.1.1004 = fddinet-default vtpVlanName.1.1005 = trnet-default vtpVlanName.1.3934 = VLAN3934 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m CISCO-VTP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' vtpVlanMtu]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1827s] STDOUT[ vtpVlanMtu.1.1 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.3 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.4 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.5 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.80 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.81 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.86 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.98 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.141 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.142 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.160 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.175 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.176 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.177 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.178 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.179 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.181 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.200 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.204 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.250 = 9216 vtpVlanMtu.1.251 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.271 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.272 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.281 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.282 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.291 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.300 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.442 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.503 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.555 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.556 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.557 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.673 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.731 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.760 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.761 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.762 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.763 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.764 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.765 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.766 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.800 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.806 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.808 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.822 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.831 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.901 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.904 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.910 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.911 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.920 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.1000 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.1002 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.1003 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.1004 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.1005 = 1500 vtpVlanMtu.1.3934 = 1500 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x *** -X *** -a *** -A *** -u *** -Pud -OQUs -m CISCO-VTP-MIB -M /data/observium/mibs/rfc:/data/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/data/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'':'161' vtpVlanIfIndex]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.8575s] STDOUT[ vtpVlanIfIndex.1.1 = 179 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.3 = 184 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.4 = 185 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.5 = 186 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.80 = 206 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.81 = 207 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.86 = 208 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.98 = 187 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.141 = 209 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.142 = 210 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.160 = 211 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.175 = 212 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.176 = 213 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.177 = 214 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.178 = 278 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.179 = 215 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.181 = 229 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.200 = 188 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.204 = 189 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.250 = 190 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.251 = 191 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.271 = 230 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.272 = 231 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.281 = 232 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.282 = 233 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.291 = 234 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.300 = 216 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.442 = 217 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.503 = 192 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.555 = 193 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.556 = 194 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.557 = 195 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.673 = 218 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.731 = 219 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.760 = 220 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.761 = 196 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.762 = 197 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.763 = 198 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.764 = 199 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.765 = 200 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.766 = 221 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.800 = 222 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.806 = 223 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.808 = 224 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.822 = 225 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.831 = 226 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.901 = 201 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.904 = 202 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.910 = 203 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.911 = 204 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.920 = 205 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.1000 = 227 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.1002 = 180 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.1003 = 183 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.1004 = 181 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.1005 = 182 vtpVlanIfIndex.1.3934 = 228 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] (Domain 1 ur02.hub2) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡶⠋â â ™â£¦â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â € ⠀⣠⡶⠛⠛⠲⣤⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⠄⣠⣾⣡⠀⠀⠀⠀⠸⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢰â¡â €â €â €â €â ˆâ£¿â£·â£¤â¡â£„⣽⡾⠧⠤⠤⣤⣤⣾⣿⣾⣿⣯⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⢠⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⢷⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⣤⣤⡀⣠⣈⣹⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⣄⠀⢀⡾â â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â € ⠀⠈⠻⣆⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀⣠⠞â â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â €â € ⠀⠀⠀⠈⢳⣆⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣾⣷⣶⣤⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢡⡼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿â¡⣯⡇⣿⣿⣿â¡â£¿â£¿â£¿⣜⣛⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣭⣾⣿⣿⣿⣇⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠃⠀⠘⢷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢠⣿⣿â¡â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â¡â¢¿â£¿â£¿â¡¿â â €â €â €â ¸â£¿â£·â¡€â €â €â €â €â €â € ⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⡇⠈⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠻⣿⣿⡟⢠⣿⣿⡟â â €â €â €â €â ™â£»â£¿â£¿â£†â €â €â €â €â € ⠀⠀⠀⠈⣿⣿⣷⡈⠛⠿⣿⣿⡆⠻⢿⣿⣽⣿⣯⣿⠿⠃⠀⠻⠛⣰⣿⣿â â €â €â €â €â¢€â£™â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£§â¡€â €â €â € ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⠈⠙⠻⠷⠤⠄⢉â¡â €â €â ™â¢‰â£µâ£Œâ €â €â €â£€â „⠘⠛⠋â â¢€â£€â£¤â£¤â£­â£­â£½â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£·â¡€â €â € ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠓⢦⣄⡉⠉⢉⣩⠶⠋â â €â €â €â£ â£¾â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£¿â£·â¡€â € ⠀⠀⠀⣼⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣆⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀ 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Something went wrong! You may want to report this to the Observium developers. Unsupported operand types: string * int in /data/observium/includes/discovery/vlans/ Stack trace: #0: (unknown function) called at [/data/observium/includes/discovery/vlans/] 79:  80: if (!safe_empty($device['snmp_context'])) { 81: // Already configured snmp context 82: print_warning("WARNING: Device already configured with SNMP context, polling ports vlans not possible."); 83: $check_ports_vlans = FALSE; 84: } elseif ($device['snmp_version'] === 'v3' && $device['os'] === "ios" && ($ios_version * 10) <= 121) { 85: // vlan context not worked on Cisco IOS <= 12.1 (SNMPv3) 86: print_error("ERROR: For VLAN context to work on this device please use SNMP v2/v1 for this device (or upgrade IOS)."); 87: $check_ports_vlans = FALSE; 88: } 89: } #1: include called at [/data/observium/includes/] 27:  28: if (is_file($inc_file)) { 29: print_cli_data_field("$mib "); 30:  31: $inc_start = microtime(TRUE); // MIB timing start 32: $inc_status = include($inc_file); 33: echo(PHP_EOL); 34:  35: if ($include_lib && is_file($inc_dir . '.lib.php')) { 36: // separated functions include, for exclude fatal redeclare errors 37: include_once($inc_dir . '.lib.php'); #2: include called at [/data/observium/includes/discovery/] 41: } 42: print_debug_vars($ports_vlans_db); 43:  44: // Include all discovery modules 45: $include_dir = "includes/discovery/vlans"; 46: include("includes/"); 47:  48: print_debug_vars($discovery_vlans, 1); 49: print_debug_vars($discovery_ports_vlans, 1); 50:  51: /* Process discovered Vlans */ #3: include called at [/data/observium/includes/discovery/] 865: $GLOBALS['module_stats'][$module] = []; 866: $valid[$module] = []; 867:  868: print_cli_heading("Module Start: %R" . $module); 869:  870: include("includes/discovery/$"); 871:  872: $GLOBALS['module_stats'][$module]['time'] = elapsed_time($m_start, 4); 873: print_module_stats($device, $module); 874: echo(PHP_EOL); 875: //print_cli_heading("Module End: %R".$module.""); #4: discover_device called at [/data/observium/discovery.php:229] 224:  225: foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 $where ORDER BY `last_discovered_timetaken` ASC", $params) as $device) { 226: // Additional check if device SNMPable, because during 227: // discovery many devices (long time), the some device can be switched off 228: if ($options['h'] === 'new' || is_snmpable($device)) { 229: discover_device($device, $options); 230: } else { 231: $string = "Device '" . $device['hostname'] . "' skipped, because switched off during runtime discovery process."; 232: print_debug($string); 233: logfile($argv[0] . ": $string"); 234: }  ___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |\__ \| __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_| \_/ |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional 24.4.13510  ##### Starting polling run at 2024-05-31 11:28:44 #####  ##### [27] #####   o OS  ios  o OS Group  cisco  o Last Polled    o SNMP Version  v3 Created directory : /data/observium/rrd/ o Device status  Device is reachable by PING (0.475ms) and SNMP (128.23ms)  o Modules Excluded  unix-agent, wmi, ipmi, junose-atm-vp, arista-software-ip-forwarding, aruba-controller  o Modules Disabled  applications, printersupplies, ucd-diskio, lsp, loadbalancer, cisco-vpdn, syslog  o Modules Enabled  system, os, sensors, status, counter, processors, mempools, storage, netstats, ucd-mib, ipSystemStats, ports, bgp-peers, wifi,p2p-radios, ospf, cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor, cisco-remote-access-monitor, cisco-cef, sla, pseudowires, mac-accounting,cipsec-tunnels, cisco-cbqos, cisco-eigrp, entity-physical, fdb-table, graphs, oids, processes, probes ##### Module Start: system #####   o SNMPv2-MIB    o Uptime  19 days, 16h 42m 10s  o Last reboot  2024-05-11 18:46:35  o sysObjectID  .  o snmpEngineID  8000000903000025459DBE2C  o sysDescr  Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 10-Sep-15 01:59 by prod_re+  o sysName  o Location  Virden, Manitoba, R0M 2C0  o Module time  1.123s ##### Module Start: os #####   o OS Poller  Group  o Type  Network  o Vendor  Cisco  o Hardware  cat6509  o Version  15.1(2)SY6  o Features  ADVENTERPRISEK9  o Serial    o Asset    o Module time  0.4488s ##### Module Start: sensors #####   o Module time  0.0031s ##### Module Start: status #####   o Status Count  0  o Module time  0.0015s ##### Module Start: counter #####   o Module time  0.0012s ##### Module Start: processors #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.0027s ##### Module Start: mempools #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.0024s ##### Module Start: storage #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.0025s ##### Module Start: netstats #####   o Ip Graphs  netstat_ip netstat_ip_frag  o Icmp Graphs  netstat_icmp netstat_icmp_info  o TCP Graphs  netstat_tcp_stats netstat_tcp_segments netstat_tcp_currestab  o UDP Graphs  netstat_udp_datagrams netstat_udp_errors  o SNMP Graphs  netstat_snmp_stats netstat_snmp_packets  o Module time  1.421s ##### Module Start: ucd-mib #####   o Module time  0.0014s ##### Module Start: ipSystemStats #####   o Collecting  ipSystemStats  o Address Families   ipv6  o Graphs  ipsystemstats_ipv6 ipsystemstats_ipv6_frag  o Module time  0.164s ##### Module Start: ports #####   o Caching Oids  ifEntry ifXEntry  o CISCO-VTP-MIB  vmVlan  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o CISCO-VLAN-IFTABLE-RELATIONSHIP-MIB  cviRoutedVlanIfIndex  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o SMON-MIB    o CISCO-TRUSTSEC-INTERFACE-MIB    o ADSL-LINE-MIB    o EtherLike-MIB  dot3StatsDuplexStatus  o Q-BRIDGE-MIB    o IP-MIB  IP-MIB ipIfStats  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  13.74s ##### Module Start: bgp-peers #####   o Module time  0.0017s ##### Module Start: wifi #####   o MIBs   o Module time  0.0028s ##### Module Start: p2p-radios #####   o Module time  0.0011s ##### Module Start: ospf #####   o Module time  0.0002s ##### Module Start: cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor #####   o Module time  0.1111s ##### Module Start: cisco-remote-access-monitor #####   o Module time  0.1097s ##### Module Start: cisco-cef #####  Cisco CEF Switching Path: 6017 |- ipv4 + | |-1: RP RIB+ | |-2: RP LES+ | |-3: Slot1/+ | |-4: Slot5/+ | |-5: Slot6/+ | |-6: Slot7/+ | |-7: Slot8/+ | |-8: Slot6/+ |- ipv6 + | |-1: RP LES+ | |-2: Slot1/+ | |-3: Slot5/+ | |-4: Slot6/+ | |-5: Slot7/+ | |-6: Slot8/+ | |-7: Slot6/+  o Module time  0.4641s ##### Module Start: sla #####   o MIBs    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.0021s ##### Module Start: pseudowires #####   o Module time  0.001s ##### Module Start: mac-accounting #####   o MIBs  Cisco  o Module time  0.1306s ##### Module Start: cipsec-tunnels #####   o Collecting  CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB::cikeTunnelEntry  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.1182s ##### Module Start: cisco-cbqos #####   o Module time  0.1632s ##### Module Start: cisco-eigrp #####   o EIGRP VPNs    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o EIGRP ASes    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o EIGRP Ports    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o EIGRP Peers    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.3309s ##### Module Start: entity-physical #####    o Module time  0.0023s ##### Module Start: fdb-table #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.2861s ##### Module Start: graphs #####   o CISCO-AAA-SESSION-MIB    o CISCO-AAA-SESSION-MIB casnActive casnGeneral  o Module time  0.5565s ##### Module Start: oids #####   o Module time  0.0035s ##### Module Start: probes #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.0027s ##### [27] completed poller modules at 2024-05-31 11:29:04 #####   o Graphs [added]  availability, ping, ping_snmp, uptime, netstat_ip, netstat_ip_frag, netstat_icmp, netstat_icmp_info, netstat_tcp_stats,netstat_tcp_segments, netstat_tcp_currestab, netstat_udp_datagrams, netstat_udp_errors, netstat_snmp_stats,netstat_snmp_packets, ipsystemstats_ipv6, ipsystemstats_ipv6_frag, bits, casnActive-sessions, casnGeneral-total,casnGeneral-disconnected, poller_perf, pollersnmp_count, pollersnmp_times, pollersnmp_errors_count,pollersnmp_errors_times, pollerdb_count, pollerdb_times, pollermemory_perf  o Poller time  20.016 seconds  o Updated Data  ip, last_rebooted, uptime, sysName, sysDescr, version, features, hardware, vendor, last_polled, last_polled_timetaken, device_state ##### Completed polling run at 2024-05-31 11:29:05 #####   o Devices Polled  1  o Poller Time  21.2031 secs  o Definitions  0.41251611709595 secs  o Memory usage  30MB (peak: 30MB)  o MySQL Usage  Insert[255/3.771s] Update[223/3.677s] Delete[2/0.013s] Cell[12/0.013s] Row[31/0.022s] Rows[38/0.043s] Col[6/0.007s] Connect[1/0.002s](7.548s 35.597%)   o RRDTool Usage  create[280/0.351s] update[280/0.333s] (0.684s 3.226%)  o SNMP Usage  snmpget[19/2.731s] snmptranslate[1/0.375s] snmpwalk[20/8.335s] errors[/0s] (11.441s 53.96%)   ___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |\__ \| __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_| \_/ |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional 24.4.13510  ##### Starting discovery run at 2024-05-31 11:29:06 #####  ##### [27] #####   o OS Type  ios  o OS Group  cisco  o SNMP Version  v3  o Last discovery  0000-00-00 00:00:00  o Last duration  3.42 seconds ##### Module Start: os #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Duration  0.3345s ##### Module Start: mibs #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o MIBs discovered  CISCO-LAG-MIB  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Duration  2.1252s ##### Module Start: vrf #####   o MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB    o MPLS-VPN-MIB    o CISCO-VRF-MIB    o Changes  2 unchanged  o Duration  0.6399s ##### Module Start: ports #####   o Caching OIDs  ifDescr ifAlias ifName ifType ifOperStatus  o Caching DB  218 ports  o Discovering ports  .................................................................................................................................................................X.XX.............XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..........................................X.  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Duration  0.6211s ##### Module Start: ports-stack #####    o Duration  0.1202s ##### Module Start: vlans #####   o CISCO-VTP-MIB  (Domain 1 ur02.hub2)ERROR: For VLAN context to work on Cisco devices with SNMPv3, it is necessary to add 'match prefix' in snmp-server config. ERROR: For VLAN context to work on Cisco devices with SNMPv3, it is necessary to add 'match prefix' in snmp-server config.  o Q-BRIDGE-MIB   1 3 4 5 80 81 86 98 141 142 160 175 176 177 178 179 181 200 204 250 251 271 272 281 282 291 300 442 503 555 556 557 673 731 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 800 806 808 822 831 901 904 910 911 920 1000 1002 1003 1004 1005 3934 o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output. Module [ vlans ] stats: 1[V+] 3[V+] 4[V+] 5[V+] 80[V+] 81[V+] 86[V+] 98[V+] 141[V+] 142[V+] 160[V+] 175[V+] 176[V+] 177[V+] 178[V+] 179[V+] 181[V+] 200[V+] 204[V+] 250[V+] 251[V+] 271[V+] 272[V+] 281[V+] 282[V+] 291[V+] 300[V+] 442[V+] 503[V+] 555[V+] 556[V+] 557[V+] 673[V+] 731[V+] 760[V+] 761[V+] 762[V+] 763[V+] 764[V+] 765[V+] 766[V+] 800[V+] 806[V+] 808[V+] 822[V+] 831[V+] 901[V+] 904[V+] 910[V+] 911[V+] 920[V+] 1000[V+] 1002[V+] 1003[V+] 1004[V+] 1005[V+] 3934[V+]  o Changes  57 added  o Duration  14.0605s ##### Module Start: oids #####    o Duration  0.0024s ##### Module Start: ip-addresses #####   o IP-MIB  ...  o LLDP-MIB    o CISCO-IETF-IP-MIB    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Changes  3 unchanged  o Duration  1.2161s ##### Module Start: processors #####   o CISCO-ENTITY-QFP-MIB    o CISCO-ENTITY-PFE-MIB    o CISCO-PROCESS-MIB    o Changes  6 added  o Duration  1.8695s ##### Module Start: mempools #####   o CISCO-ENTITY-QFP-MIB    o CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIB    o CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB    o CISCO-PROCESS-MIB    o Changes  12 added  o Duration  1.2687s ##### Module Start: inventory #####   o ENTITY-MIB  ENTITY-MIB  o Changes  331 added  o Duration  7.604s ##### Module Start: sensors #####   o CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB ccmHistoryRunningLastChanged [+] ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved [+] ccmHistoryStartupLastChanged [+]  o CISCO-RF-MIB  cRFCfgRedundancyOperMode [+] cRFStatusUnitState [+] cRFStatusPeerUnitState [+]  o POWER-ETHERNET-MIB  pethMainPseOperStatus []  o CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB  Array ( [1] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Cisco Systems Catalyst 6500 9-slot Chassis System [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevChassisCat6509 [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 0 [entPhysicalClass] => chassis [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => -1 [entPhysicalName] => WS-C6509-E [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V02 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SMG0918N41H [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-C6509-E [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [2] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Cisco Systems Catalyst 6500 9-slot Physical Slot [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerSlot [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Physical Slot 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [3] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Cisco Systems Catalyst 6500 9-slot Physical Slot [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerSlot [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Physical Slot 2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [4] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Cisco Systems Catalyst 6500 9-slot Physical Slot [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerSlot [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => Physical Slot 3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [5] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Cisco Systems Catalyst 6500 9-slot Physical Slot [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerSlot [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => Physical Slot 4 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [6] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Cisco Systems Catalyst 6500 9-slot Physical Slot [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerSlot [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 5 [entPhysicalName] => Physical Slot 5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [7] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Cisco Systems Catalyst 6500 9-slot Physical Slot [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerSlot [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => Physical Slot 6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [8] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Cisco Systems Catalyst 6500 9-slot Physical Slot [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerSlot [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 7 [entPhysicalName] => Physical Slot 7 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [9] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Cisco Systems Catalyst 6500 9-slot Physical Slot [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerSlot [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 8 [entPhysicalName] => Physical Slot 8 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [10] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Cisco Systems Catalyst 6500 9-slot Physical Slot [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerSlot [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 9 [entPhysicalName] => Physical Slot 9 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [11] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Cisco Systems Catalyst 6500 9-slot backplane [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevBackplaneCat6500 [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => backplane [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Backplane [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [12] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Sensor for counting number of OK Clocks [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorClock [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 11 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => Sensor for counting number of OK Clocks [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => specialEnum [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 2 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 11 ) [13] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Sensor for counting number of OK VTTs [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorVtt [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 11 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => Sensor for counting number of OK VTTs [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => specialEnum [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 3 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 11 ) [14] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Sensor for counting number of OK Fans [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevFan [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 11 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 5 [entPhysicalName] => Sensor for counting number of OK Fans [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => specialEnum [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:54.57 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 10 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 11 ) [15] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => fan-tray 1 fan-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorFanTrayStatus [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 11 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => fan-tray 1 fan-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:43:03.11 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 2 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 11 ) [16] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Container of Fan FRU [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerFanTraySlot [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 10 [entPhysicalName] => Container of Fan FRU 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [17] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Enhanced 9-slot Fan Tray 1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevFanWSC6509eFanTray [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 16 [entPhysicalClass] => fan [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => WS-C6509-E-FAN 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V03 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => DCH10422024 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-C6509-E-FAN [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [18] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Container of Container of Power Supply [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerPowerSupplyBay [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 11 [entPhysicalName] => Container of Container of Power Supply [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [19] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Container of Power Supply 1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerPowerSupply [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 18 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Container of Power Supply 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [20] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => AC power supply, 6000 watt 1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPowerSupplyAC6000W [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 19 [entPhysicalClass] => powerSupply [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => PS 1 WS-CAC-6000W [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V01 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => AZS091700M2 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems, Inc [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-CAC-6000W [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [21] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => power-supply 1 fan-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorPSFan [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 20 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => power-supply 1 fan-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:54.57 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 10 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 20 ) [22] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => power-supply 1 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorPSOutput [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 20 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => power-supply 1 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:43:04.97 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 20 ) [23] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => power-supply 1 power-output-mode Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorPSOutput [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 20 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => power-supply 1 power-output-mode Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => specialEnum [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.72 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 20 ) [27] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => power-supply 1 power-input Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorPSInput [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 20 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 7 [entPhysicalName] => power-supply 1 power-input Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => voltsAC [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 220 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.72 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 20 ) [32] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => power-supply 1 incompatible with fan Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorPSFanIncompatible [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 20 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => power-supply 1 incompatible with fan Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.72 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 20 ) [33] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Container of Power Supply 2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerPowerSupply [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 18 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Container of Power Supply 2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [34] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => AC power supply, 6000 watt 2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPowerSupplyAC6000W [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 33 [entPhysicalClass] => powerSupply [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => PS 2 WS-CAC-6000W [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V03 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => DCH1039Y08J [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems, Inc [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-CAC-6000W [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [35] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => power-supply 2 fan-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorPSFan [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 34 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => power-supply 2 fan-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:54.57 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 10 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 34 ) [36] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => power-supply 2 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorPSOutput [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 34 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => power-supply 2 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:43:04.97 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 34 ) [37] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => power-supply 2 power-output-mode Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorPSOutput [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 34 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => power-supply 2 power-output-mode Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => specialEnum [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.72 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 34 ) [41] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => power-supply 2 power-input Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorPSInput [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 34 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 7 [entPhysicalName] => power-supply 2 power-input Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => voltsAC [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 220 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.72 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 34 ) [46] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => power-supply 2 incompatible with fan Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorPSFanIncompatible [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 34 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => power-supply 2 incompatible with fan Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.72 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 34 ) [47] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Container of VTT [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerVtt [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 11 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Container of VTT 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [48] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => VTT-E FRU 1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsc6kvtte [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 47 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => WS-C6K-VTT-E 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SMT0915C920 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-C6K-VTT-E [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [49] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => VTT 1 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorVtt [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 48 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => VTT 1 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 44 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:49.79 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 48 ) [50] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => VTT 1 OK Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorClock [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 48 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => VTT 1 OK Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 48 ) [51] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Container of VTT [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerVtt [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 11 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Container of VTT 2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [52] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => VTT-E FRU 2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsc6kvtte [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 51 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => WS-C6K-VTT-E 2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SMT0915C213 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-C6K-VTT-E [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [53] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => VTT 2 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorVtt [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 52 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => VTT 2 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 42 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:59.11 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 52 ) [54] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => VTT 2 OK Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorClock [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 52 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => VTT 2 OK Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:49.79 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 52 ) [55] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Container of VTT [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerVtt [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 11 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => Container of VTT 3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [56] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => VTT-E FRU 3 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsc6kvtte [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 55 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => WS-C6K-VTT-E 3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SMT0915C212 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-C6K-VTT-E [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [57] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => VTT 3 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorVtt [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 56 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => VTT 3 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 42 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.52 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 56 ) [58] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => VTT 3 OK Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorClock [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 56 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => VTT 3 OK Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:59.11 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 56 ) [59] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Container of Clock [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerClock [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 11 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => Container of Clock 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [60] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => OSR-7600 Clock FRU 1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevClk7600 [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 59 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => CLK-7600 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SMT0910F470 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => CLK-7600 [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [61] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => clock 1 OK Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorClock [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 60 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => clock 1 OK Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 60 ) [62] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => clock 1 clock-inuse Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorClock [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 60 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => clock 1 clock-inuse Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 60 ) [63] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Container of Clock [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerClock [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 11 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 5 [entPhysicalName] => Container of Clock 2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [64] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => OSR-7600 Clock FRU 2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevClk7600 [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 63 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => CLK-7600 2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SMT0910F470 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => CLK-7600 [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [65] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => clock 2 OK Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorClock [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 64 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => clock 2 OK Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 64 ) [66] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => clock 2 clock-inuse Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorClock [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 64 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => clock 2 clock-inuse Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 2 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 64 ) [1000] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-X6704-10GE CEF720 4 port 10-Gigabit Ethernet Rev. 2.4 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsx670410Ge [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 8 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 7 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V02 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => 12.2(14r)S5 [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => 15.1(2)SY6 [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAL1024RDHV [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-X6704-10GE [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [1001] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => CPU of Module 7 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevModuleCpuType [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1000 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => CPU of Module 7 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [1002] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 7 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModulePowerOutputFail [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 7 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.87 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 1000 ) [1003] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 7 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 7 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 38 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:49.80 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 1000 ) [1004] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 7 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => module 7 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 30 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:49.80 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 1000 ) [1005] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 7 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInsufficientCooling [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => module 7 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:04:00.34 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 1000 ) [1006] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Switching Engine Container 7 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerDaughterCard [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1000 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => EARL Switching Engine Container 7 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [1007] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-F6700-DFC3BXL Distributed Forwarding Card 3 Rev. 5.2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsf6700dfc3bxl [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1006 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => WS-F6700-DFC3BXL Distributed Forwarding Card 3 EARL sub-module of 7 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V02 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAL1028UYKX [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-F6700-DFC3BXL [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [1008] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 7 EARL outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1007 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 7 EARL outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 31 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 1007 ) [1009] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 7 EARL inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1007 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 7 EARL inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 35 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 1007 ) [1100] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te7/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Te7/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.149 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.149 ) ) [1101] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te7/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Te7/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.150 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.150 ) ) [1102] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te7/3 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => Te7/3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.151 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.151 ) ) [1103] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te7/4 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => Te7/4 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.152 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.152 ) ) [1200] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te7/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1100 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te7/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [1201] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te7/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1101 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te7/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [1202] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te7/3 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1102 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te7/3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [1203] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te7/4 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1103 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te7/4 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [1300] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Xenpak Transceiver 10Gbase-SR Te7/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevM10000BaseSR [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1200 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Transceiver Te7/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V02 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SOECVRS_068 [entPhysicalMfgName] => CISCOSOLIDOPTICS [entPhysicalModelName] => CVR-XENPAK-SFP+ [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [1312] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Xenpak Transceiver 10Gbase-SR Te7/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevM10000BaseSR [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1201 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Transceiver Te7/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V02 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SOECVRS_069 [entPhysicalMfgName] => CISCOSOLIDOPTICS [entPhysicalModelName] => CVR-XENPAK-SFP+ [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [1324] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Xenpak Transceiver 10Gbase-SR Te7/3 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevM10000BaseSR [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1202 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Transceiver Te7/3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V02 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SOECVRS_055 [entPhysicalMfgName] => CISCOSOLIDOPTICS [entPhysicalModelName] => CVR-XENPAK-SFP+ [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [1336] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Xenpak Transceiver 10Gbase-SR Te7/4 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevM10000BaseSR [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 1203 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Transceiver Te7/4 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V02 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SOECVRS_061 [entPhysicalMfgName] => CISCOSOLIDOPTICS [entPhysicalModelName] => CVR-XENPAK-SFP+ [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [2000] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-X6748-GE-TX CEF720 48 port 10/100/1000mb Ethernet Rev. 3.4 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsx6748GeTx [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V04 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => 12.2(18r)S1 [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => 15.1(2)SY6 [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAL14028HY4 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems, Inc. [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-X6748-GE-TX [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [2001] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => CPU of Module 2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevModuleCpuType [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => CPU of Module 2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [2002] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 2 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModulePowerOutputFail [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 2 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.86 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 2000 ) [2003] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 2 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 2 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 42 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 2000 ) [2004] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 2 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => module 2 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 28 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 2000 ) [2005] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 2 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInsufficientCooling [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => module 2 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:04:00.34 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 2000 ) [2006] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Switching Engine Container 2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerDaughterCard [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => EARL Switching Engine Container 2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [2007] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-F6700-CFC Centralized Forwarding Card Rev. 4.1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsf6700cfc [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2006 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => WS-F6700-CFC Centralized Forwarding Card EARL sub-module of 2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V06 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAL13527JG9 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems, Inc. [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-F6700-CFC [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [2100] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.49 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.49 ) ) [2101] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.50 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.50 ) ) [2102] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/3 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.51 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.51 ) ) [2103] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/4 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/4 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.52 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.52 ) ) [2104] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/5 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 5 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.53 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.53 ) ) [2105] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/6 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.54 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.54 ) ) [2106] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/7 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 7 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/7 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.55 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.55 ) ) [2107] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/8 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 8 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/8 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.56 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.56 ) ) [2108] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/9 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 9 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/9 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.57 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.57 ) ) [2109] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/10 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 10 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/10 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.58 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.58 ) ) [2110] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/11 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 11 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/11 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.59 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.59 ) ) [2111] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/12 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 12 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/12 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.60 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.60 ) ) [2112] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/13 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 13 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/13 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.61 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.61 ) ) [2113] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/14 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 14 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/14 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.62 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.62 ) ) [2114] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/15 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 15 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/15 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.63 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.63 ) ) [2115] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/16 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 16 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/16 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.64 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.64 ) ) [2116] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/17 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 17 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/17 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.65 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.65 ) ) [2117] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/18 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 18 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/18 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.66 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.66 ) ) [2118] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/19 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 19 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/19 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.67 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.67 ) ) [2119] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/20 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 20 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/20 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.68 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.68 ) ) [2120] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/21 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 21 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/21 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.69 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.69 ) ) [2121] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/22 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 22 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/22 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.70 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.70 ) ) [2122] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/23 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 23 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/23 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.71 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.71 ) ) [2123] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/24 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 24 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/24 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.72 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.72 ) ) [2124] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/25 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 25 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/25 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.73 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.73 ) ) [2125] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/26 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 26 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/26 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.74 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.74 ) ) [2126] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/27 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 27 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/27 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.75 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.75 ) ) [2127] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/28 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 28 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/28 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.76 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.76 ) ) [2128] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/29 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 29 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/29 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.77 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.77 ) ) [2129] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/30 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 30 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/30 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.78 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.78 ) ) [2130] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/31 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 31 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/31 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.79 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.79 ) ) [2131] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/32 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 32 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/32 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.80 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.80 ) ) [2132] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/33 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 33 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/33 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.81 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.81 ) ) [2133] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/34 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 34 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/34 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.82 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.82 ) ) [2134] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/35 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 35 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/35 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.83 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.83 ) ) [2135] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/36 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 36 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/36 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.84 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.84 ) ) [2136] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/37 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 37 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/37 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.85 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.85 ) ) [2137] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/38 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 38 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/38 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.86 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.86 ) ) [2138] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/39 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 39 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/39 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.87 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.87 ) ) [2139] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/40 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 40 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/40 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.88 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.88 ) ) [2140] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/41 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 41 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/41 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.89 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.89 ) ) [2141] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/42 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 42 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/42 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.90 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.90 ) ) [2142] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/43 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 43 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/43 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.91 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.91 ) ) [2143] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/44 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 44 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/44 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.92 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.92 ) ) [2144] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/45 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 45 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/45 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.93 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.93 ) ) [2145] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/46 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 46 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/46 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.94 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.94 ) ) [2146] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/47 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 47 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/47 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.95 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.95 ) ) [2147] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi2/48 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 48 [entPhysicalName] => Gi2/48 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.96 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.96 ) ) [3000] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-X6708-10GE CEF720 8 port 10GE with DFC Rev. 3.6 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsx670810ge [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 9 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 8 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V12 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => 12.2(18r)S1 [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => 15.1(2)SY6 [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAL1652V4KJ [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems, Inc. [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-X6708-10GE [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [3001] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => CPU of Module 8 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevModuleCpuType [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => CPU of Module 8 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [3002] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 8 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModulePowerOutputFail [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 8 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.88 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 3000 ) [3003] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 8 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 8 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 43 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 3000 ) [3004] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 8 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => module 8 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 36 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 3000 ) [3005] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 8 aux-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => module 8 aux-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 40 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 3000 ) [3006] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 8 aux-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 5 [entPhysicalName] => module 8 aux-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 38 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 3000 ) [3007] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 8 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInsufficientCooling [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => module 8 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:04:00.34 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 3000 ) [3008] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 8 asic-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 7 [entPhysicalName] => module 8 asic-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 63 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 3000 ) [3009] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 8 asic-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 8 [entPhysicalName] => module 8 asic-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 64 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 3000 ) [3010] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Switching Engine Container 8 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerDaughterCard [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => EARL Switching Engine Container 8 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [3011] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-F6700-DFC3C Distributed Forwarding Card 3 Rev. 1.5 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsf6700Dfc3c [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3010 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => WS-F6700-DFC3C Distributed Forwarding Card 3 EARL sub-module of 8 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V03 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAL1650U7MY [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems, Inc. [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-F6700-DFC3C [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [3012] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 8 EARL outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3011 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 8 EARL outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 37 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 3011 ) [3013] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 8 EARL inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3011 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 8 EARL inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 33 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 3011 ) [3100] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te8/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Te8/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.153 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.153 ) ) [3101] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te8/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Te8/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.154 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.154 ) ) [3102] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te8/3 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => Te8/3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.155 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.155 ) ) [3103] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te8/4 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => Te8/4 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.156 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.156 ) ) [3104] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te8/5 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 5 [entPhysicalName] => Te8/5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.157 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.157 ) ) [3105] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te8/6 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => Te8/6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.158 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.158 ) ) [3106] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te8/7 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 7 [entPhysicalName] => Te8/7 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.159 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.159 ) ) [3107] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Te8/8 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPort10GigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 8 [entPhysicalName] => Te8/8 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.160 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.160 ) ) [3200] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3100 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [3201] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3101 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [3202] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/3 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3102 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [3203] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/4 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3103 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/4 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [3204] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/5 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3104 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [3205] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/6 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3105 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [3206] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/7 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3106 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/7 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [3207] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/8 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainer10GigBasePort [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 3107 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 10-Gigabit Transceiver Port Container Te8/8 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [4000] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-X6148-GE-TX 48 port 10/100/1000mb EtherModule Rev. 6.1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsx6148GeTx [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => 7.2(1) [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => 15.1(2)SY6 [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAD08250A5Z [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-X6148-GE-TX [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [4001] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 3 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModulePowerOutputFail [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 3 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.86 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 4000 ) [4002] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 3 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 3 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 28 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 4000 ) [4003] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 3 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => module 3 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 27 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 4000 ) [4004] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 3 device-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => module 3 device-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 28 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 4000 ) [4005] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 3 device-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 5 [entPhysicalName] => module 3 device-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 30 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 4000 ) [4006] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 3 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInsufficientCooling [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => module 3 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:04:00.34 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 4000 ) [4100] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.97 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.97 ) ) [4101] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.98 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.98 ) ) [4102] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/3 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.99 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.99 ) ) [4103] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/4 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/4 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.100 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.100 ) ) [4104] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/5 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 5 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.101 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.101 ) ) [4105] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/6 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.102 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.102 ) ) [4106] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/7 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 7 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/7 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.103 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.103 ) ) [4107] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/8 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 8 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/8 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.104 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.104 ) ) [4108] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/9 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 9 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/9 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.105 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.105 ) ) [4109] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/10 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 10 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/10 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.106 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.106 ) ) [4110] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/11 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 11 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/11 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.107 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.107 ) ) [4111] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/12 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 12 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/12 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.108 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.108 ) ) [4112] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/13 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 13 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/13 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.109 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.109 ) ) [4113] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/14 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 14 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/14 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.110 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.110 ) ) [4114] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/15 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 15 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/15 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.111 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.111 ) ) [4115] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/16 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 16 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/16 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.112 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.112 ) ) [4116] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/17 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 17 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/17 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.113 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.113 ) ) [4117] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/18 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 18 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/18 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.114 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.114 ) ) [4118] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/19 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 19 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/19 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.115 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.115 ) ) [4119] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/20 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 20 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/20 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.116 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.116 ) ) [4120] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/21 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 21 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/21 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.117 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.117 ) ) [4121] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/22 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 22 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/22 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.118 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.118 ) ) [4122] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/23 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 23 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/23 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.119 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.119 ) ) [4123] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/24 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 24 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/24 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.120 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.120 ) ) [4124] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/25 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 25 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/25 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.121 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.121 ) ) [4125] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/26 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 26 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/26 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.122 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.122 ) ) [4126] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/27 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 27 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/27 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.123 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.123 ) ) [4127] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/28 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 28 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/28 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.124 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.124 ) ) [4128] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/29 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 29 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/29 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.125 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.125 ) ) [4129] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/30 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 30 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/30 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.126 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.126 ) ) [4130] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/31 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 31 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/31 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.127 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.127 ) ) [4131] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/32 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 32 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/32 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.128 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.128 ) ) [4132] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/33 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 33 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/33 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.129 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.129 ) ) [4133] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/34 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 34 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/34 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.130 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.130 ) ) [4134] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/35 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 35 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/35 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.131 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.131 ) ) [4135] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/36 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 36 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/36 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.132 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.132 ) ) [4136] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/37 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 37 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/37 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.133 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.133 ) ) [4137] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/38 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 38 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/38 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.134 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.134 ) ) [4138] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/39 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 39 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/39 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.135 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.135 ) ) [4139] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/40 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 40 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/40 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.136 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.136 ) ) [4140] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/41 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 41 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/41 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.137 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.137 ) ) [4141] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/42 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 42 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/42 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.138 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.138 ) ) [4142] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/43 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 43 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/43 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.139 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.139 ) ) [4143] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/44 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 44 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/44 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.140 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.140 ) ) [4144] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/45 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 45 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/45 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.141 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.141 ) ) [4145] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/46 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 46 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/46 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.142 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.142 ) ) [4146] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/47 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 47 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/47 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.143 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.143 ) ) [4147] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi3/48 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 4000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 48 [entPhysicalName] => Gi3/48 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.144 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.144 ) ) [5000] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-X6748-GE-TX CEF720 48 port 10/100/1000mb Ethernet Rev. 3.0 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsx6748GeTx [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 2 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V03 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => 12.2(18r)S1 [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => 15.1(2)SY6 [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAL1319PG6V [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems, Inc. [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-X6748-GE-TX [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [5001] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => CPU of Module 1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevModuleCpuType [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => CPU of Module 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [5002] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 1 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModulePowerOutputFail [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 1 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.86 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 5000 ) [5003] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 1 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 1 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 48 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 5000 ) [5004] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 1 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => module 1 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 30 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 5000 ) [5005] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 1 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInsufficientCooling [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => module 1 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:04:00.34 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 5000 ) [5006] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Switching Engine Container 1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerDaughterCard [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => EARL Switching Engine Container 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [5007] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-F6700-DFC3BXL Distributed Forwarding Card 3 Rev. 5.3 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsf6700dfc3bxl [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5006 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => WS-F6700-DFC3BXL Distributed Forwarding Card 3 EARL sub-module of 1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => V03 [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAL12373122 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-F6700-DFC3BXL [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [5008] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 1 EARL outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5007 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 1 EARL outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 39 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 5007 ) [5009] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 1 EARL inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5007 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 1 EARL inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 39 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 5007 ) [5100] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.1 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.1 ) ) [5101] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.2 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.2 ) ) [5102] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/3 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/3 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.3 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.3 ) ) [5103] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/4 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/4 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.4 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.4 ) ) [5104] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/5 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 5 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.5 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.5 ) ) [5105] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/6 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.6 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.6 ) ) [5106] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/7 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 7 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/7 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.7 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.7 ) ) [5107] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/8 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 8 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/8 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.8 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.8 ) ) [5108] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/9 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 9 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/9 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.9 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.9 ) ) [5109] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/10 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 10 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/10 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.10 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.10 ) ) [5110] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/11 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 11 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/11 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.11 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.11 ) ) [5111] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/12 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 12 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/12 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.12 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.12 ) ) [5112] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/13 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 13 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/13 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.13 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.13 ) ) [5113] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/14 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 14 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/14 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.14 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.14 ) ) [5114] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/15 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 15 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/15 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.15 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.15 ) ) [5115] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/16 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 16 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/16 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.16 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.16 ) ) [5116] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/17 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 17 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/17 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.17 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.17 ) ) [5117] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/18 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 18 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/18 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.18 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.18 ) ) [5118] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/19 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 19 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/19 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.19 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.19 ) ) [5119] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/20 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 20 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/20 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.20 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.20 ) ) [5120] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/21 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 21 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/21 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.21 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.21 ) ) [5121] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/22 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 22 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/22 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.22 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.22 ) ) [5122] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/23 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 23 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/23 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.23 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.23 ) ) [5123] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/24 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 24 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/24 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.24 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.24 ) ) [5124] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/25 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 25 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/25 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.25 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.25 ) ) [5125] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/26 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 26 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/26 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.26 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.26 ) ) [5126] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/27 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 27 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/27 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.27 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.27 ) ) [5127] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/28 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 28 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/28 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.28 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.28 ) ) [5128] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/29 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 29 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/29 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.29 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.29 ) ) [5129] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/30 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 30 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/30 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.30 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.30 ) ) [5130] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/31 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 31 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/31 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.31 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.31 ) ) [5131] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/32 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 32 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/32 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.32 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.32 ) ) [5132] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/33 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 33 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/33 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.33 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.33 ) ) [5133] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/34 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 34 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/34 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.34 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.34 ) ) [5134] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/35 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 35 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/35 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.35 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.35 ) ) [5135] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/36 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 36 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/36 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.36 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.36 ) ) [5136] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/37 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 37 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/37 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.37 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.37 ) ) [5137] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/38 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 38 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/38 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.38 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.38 ) ) [5138] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/39 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 39 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/39 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.39 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.39 ) ) [5139] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/40 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 40 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/40 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.40 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.40 ) ) [5140] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/41 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 41 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/41 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.41 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.41 ) ) [5141] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/42 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 42 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/42 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.42 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.42 ) ) [5142] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/43 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 43 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/43 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.43 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.43 ) ) [5143] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/44 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 44 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/44 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.44 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.44 ) ) [5144] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/45 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 45 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/45 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.45 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.45 ) ) [5145] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/46 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 46 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/46 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.46 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.46 ) ) [5146] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/47 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 47 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/47 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.47 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.47 ) ) [5147] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi1/48 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 5000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 48 [entPhysicalName] => Gi1/48 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.48 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.48 ) ) [6000] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-SUP720-3BXL 2 ports Supervisor Engine 720 Rev. 4.0 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsSup720Base [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => 8.1(3) [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => 15.1(2)SY6 [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAD08320L7T [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-SUP720-3BXL [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [6001] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => CPU of Switching Processor 5 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCpuCat6kWsSup720SP [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => CPU of Switching Processor 5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [6002] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModulePowerOutputFail [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.87 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6003] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 30 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6004] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 25 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6005] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 device-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 device-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 33 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6006] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 device-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 5 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 device-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 32 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6007] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInsufficientCooling [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:04:00.34 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6008] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 fan-upgrade required Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleFanUpgradeRequired [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 7 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 fan-upgrade required Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:03:01.87 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6009] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 asic-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 8 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 asic-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 26 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6010] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 asic-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 9 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 asic-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 25 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6011] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 asic-3 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 10 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 asic-3 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 25 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6012] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 asic-4 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 11 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 asic-4 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 25 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6013] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 asic-5 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 12 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 asic-5 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 25 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6014] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 asic-6 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 13 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 asic-6 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 25 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.54 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6000 ) [6015] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => MSFC Container 5 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerDaughterCard [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => MSFC Container 5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [6016] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-SUP720 MSFC3 Daughterboard Rev. 2.1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsSup720 [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6015 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => msfc sub-module of 5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => 12.2(17r)S2 [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => 15.1(2)SY6 [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAD083206AD [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-SUP720 [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [6017] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => CPU of Routing Processor 5 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCpuCat6kWsSup720RP [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6016 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => CPU of Routing Processor 5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [6018] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 RP outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6016 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 RP outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 28 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6016 ) [6019] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 RP inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6016 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 RP inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 28 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6016 ) [6020] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Switching Engine Container 5 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerDaughterCard [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => EARL Switching Engine Container 5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [6021] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-F6K-PFC3BXL Policy Feature Card 3 Rev. 1.3 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsf6kpfc3bxl [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6020 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => WS-F6K-PFC3BXL Policy Feature Card 3 EARL sub-module of 5 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAD08330570 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-F6K-PFC3BXL [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [6022] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 EARL outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6021 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 EARL outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 36 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6021 ) [6023] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 5 EARL inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6021 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 5 EARL inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 26 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 6021 ) [6100] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Gi5/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortGigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Gi5/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.145 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.145 ) ) [6101] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Gi5/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortGigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Gi5/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.146 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.146 ) ) [6102] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi5/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Gi5/2-2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [6200] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Container Gi5/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerGbic [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6100 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Transceiver Port Container Gi5/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [6201] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Container Gi5/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerGbic [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 6101 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Transceiver Port Container Gi5/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [7000] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-SUP720-3BXL 2 ports Supervisor Engine 720 Rev. 4.1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsSup720Base [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => 6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => 8.1(3) [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => 15.1(2)SY6 [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAD085100BD [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-SUP720-3BXL [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [7001] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => CPU of Switching Processor 6 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCpuCat6kWsSup720SP [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => CPU of Switching Processor 6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [7002] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModulePowerOutputFail [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 power-output-fail Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:04:30.05 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7003] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 30 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7004] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 3 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 25 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7005] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 device-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 4 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 device-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 33 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7006] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 device-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 5 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 device-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 34 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7007] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInsufficientCooling [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 insufficient cooling Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:04:30.05 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7008] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 fan-upgrade required Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleFanUpgradeRequired [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 7 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 fan-upgrade required Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => truthvalue [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 1 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 0:0:04:30.06 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 0 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7009] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 asic-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 8 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 asic-1 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 26 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7010] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 asic-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 9 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 asic-2 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 26 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7011] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 asic-3 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 10 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 asic-3 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 25 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7012] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 asic-4 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 11 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 asic-4 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 26 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7013] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 asic-5 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 12 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 asic-5 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 25 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7014] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 asic-6 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleDeviceTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 13 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 asic-6 temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 26 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.55 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7000 ) [7015] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => MSFC Container 6 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerDaughterCard [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => MSFC Container 6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [7016] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-SUP720 MSFC3 Daughterboard Rev. 2.2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsSup720 [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7015 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => msfc sub-module of 6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => 12.2(17r)S2 [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => 15.1(2)SY6 [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAD08490669 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-SUP720 [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [7017] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => CPU of Routing Processor 6 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCpuCat6kWsSup720RP [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7016 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => CPU of Routing Processor 6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [7018] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 RP outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7016 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 RP outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 28 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7016 ) [7019] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 RP inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7016 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 RP inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 28 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7016 ) [7020] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Switching Engine Container 6 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerDaughterCard [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 6 [entPhysicalName] => EARL Switching Engine Container 6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [7021] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => WS-F6K-PFC3BXL Policy Feature Card 3 Rev. 1.4 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevCat6kWsf6kpfc3bxl [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7020 [entPhysicalClass] => module [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => WS-F6K-PFC3BXL Policy Feature Card 3 EARL sub-module of 6 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => SAD08510488 [entPhysicalMfgName] => Cisco Systems [entPhysicalModelName] => WS-F6K-PFC3BXL [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => true ) [7022] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 EARL outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleOutletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7021 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 EARL outlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 34 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7021 ) [7023] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => module 6 EARL inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevSensorModuleInletTemp [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7021 [entPhysicalClass] => sensor [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => module 6 EARL inlet temperature Sensor [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [entSensorType] => celsius [entSensorScale] => units [entSensorPrecision] => 0 [entSensorValue] => 26 [entSensorStatus] => ok [entSensorValueTimeStamp] => 19:16:42:34.53 [entSensorValueUpdateRate] => 30 [entSensorMeasuredEntity] => 7021 ) [7100] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Gi6/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortGigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Gi6/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.147 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.147 ) ) [7101] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Gi6/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortGigEthernet [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Gi6/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false [0] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.148 ) [1] => Array ( [entAliasMappingIdentifier] => ifIndex.148 ) ) [7102] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => 10/100/1000BaseT Gi6/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevPortBaseTEther [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7000 [entPhysicalClass] => port [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 2 [entPhysicalName] => Gi6/2-2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [7200] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Container Gi6/1 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerGbic [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7100 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Transceiver Port Container Gi6/1 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) [7201] => Array ( [entPhysicalDescr] => Transceiver Port Container Gi6/2 [entPhysicalVendorType] => cevContainerGbic [entPhysicalContainedIn] => 7101 [entPhysicalClass] => container [entPhysicalParentRelPos] => 1 [entPhysicalName] => Transceiver Port Container Gi6/2 [entPhysicalHardwareRev] => [entPhysicalFirmwareRev] => [entPhysicalSoftwareRev] => [entPhysicalSerialNum] => [entPhysicalMfgName] => [entPhysicalModelName] => [entPhysicalAlias] => [entPhysicalAssetID] => [entPhysicalIsFRU] => false ) ) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  o CISCO-ENVMON-MIB  ++++ Fans +++  o CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB  +++++++++++++++++  o CISCO-POWER-ETHERNET-EXT-MIB    o POWER-ETHERNET-MIB    o ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB    o CISCO-STACKWISE-MIB    o Duration  14.5248s ##### Module Start: neighbours #####   o LLDP-MIB    o CISCO-CDP-MIB    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Changes  4 added  o Duration  0.847s ##### Module Start: arp-table #####   o IP-MIB    o CISCO-IETF-IP-MIB    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Changes  10 added  o Duration  0.6941s ##### Module Start: junose-atm-vp #####    o Duration  0.001s ##### Module Start: bgp-peers #####  No BGP on host o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Duration  1.2342s ##### Module Start: mac-accounting #####  Cisco MAC Accounting : Couldn't work out interface!  o Duration  0.2901s ##### Module Start: sla #####   o CISCO-RTTMON-MIB    o Duration  0.6976s ##### Module Start: pseudowires #####   o CISCO-IETF-PW-MIB  CISCO-IETF-PW-MIB  o Duration  0.3204s ##### Module Start: cisco-cbqos #####  QoS not configured.  o Duration  0.3347s ##### Module Start: wifi #####    o Duration  0.0059s ##### Module Start: p2p-radios #####    o Duration  0.0003s ##### Module Start: graphs #####    o Duration  0.002s ##### Module Start: storage #####   o CISCO-FLASH-MIB    o Duration  7.3189s  o Modules Disabled  printersupplies, lsp, virtual-machines, ucd-diskio, raid  o Modules Enabled  os, mibs, vrf, ports, ports-stack, vlans, oids, ip-addresses, processors, mempools, inventory, sensors, neighbours, arp-table,junose-atm-vp, bgp-peers, mac-accounting, sla, pseudowires, cisco-cbqos, wifi, p2p-radios, graphs, storage ##### [27] completed discovery modules at 2024-05-31 11:30:03 #####   o Discovery time  56.8843 seconds ##### Finished discovery run at 2024-05-31 11:30:03 #####  Group 'Brandon': 13 existing, 13 found entries (+0/-0). Group 'Virden': 3 existing, 4 found entries (+1/-0). Alert Checker 'WAN Port Down': 72 existing, 151 new entries (+79/-0). Alert Checker 'BGP Peer Down': 98 existing, 98 new entries (+0/-0). Alert Checker 'Polling Long': 19 existing, 20 new entries (+1/-0). Alert Checker 'Port Errors': 77 existing, 156 new entries (+79/-0). Alert Checker 'WAN High Utilization': 72 existing, 151 new entries (+79/-0).  o Devices Discovered  1  o Discovery Time  57.263 secs  o Definitions  0.40298795700073 secs  o Memory usage  28MB (peak: 28MB)  o MySQL Usage  Cell[248/0.463s] Row[848/1.674s] Rows[92/0.112s] Column[8/0.013s] Update[2/0.01s] Insert[678/20.49s] Delete[2/0.024s]  o RRDTool Usage    ___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |\__ \| __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_| \_/ |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional 24.4.13510  ##### Starting polling run at 2024-05-31 11:30:10 #####  ##### [27] #####   o OS  ios  o OS Group  cisco  o Last poll duration  20.02 seconds  o Last Polled  2024-05-31 11:29:04  o SNMP Version  v3  o Device status  Device is reachable by PING (0.567ms) and SNMP (58.12ms)  o Modules Excluded  unix-agent, wmi, ipmi, junose-atm-vp, arista-software-ip-forwarding, aruba-controller  o Modules Disabled  applications, printersupplies, ucd-diskio, lsp, loadbalancer, cisco-vpdn, syslog  o Modules Enabled  system, os, sensors, status, counter, processors, mempools, storage, netstats, ucd-mib, ipSystemStats, ports, bgp-peers, wifi,p2p-radios, ospf, cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor, cisco-remote-access-monitor, cisco-cef, sla, pseudowires, mac-accounting,cipsec-tunnels, cisco-cbqos, cisco-eigrp, entity-physical, fdb-table, graphs, oids, processes, probes ##### Module Start: system #####   o SNMPv2-MIB    o Uptime  19 days, 16h 43m 35s  o Last reboot  2024-05-11 18:46:35  o sysObjectID  .  o snmpEngineID  8000000903000025459DBE2C  o sysDescr  Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 10-Sep-15 01:59 by prod_re+  o sysName  o Location  Virden, Manitoba, R0M 2C0  o Module time  0.3233s ##### Module Start: os #####   o OS Poller  Group  o Type  Network  o Vendor  Cisco  o Hardware  WS-C6509-E  o Version  15.1(2)SY6  o Features  ADVENTERPRISEK9  o Serial  SMG0918N41H  o Asset    o Module time  0.0268s ##### Module Start: sensors #####  [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored] [Sensor Ignored]  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.7186s ##### Module Start: status #####   o Status Count  52  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.5124s ##### Module Start: counter #####   o Module time  0.0013s ##### Module Start: processors #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.1558s ##### Module Start: mempools #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.4737s ##### Module Start: storage #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.0016s ##### Module Start: netstats #####   o Ip Graphs  netstat_ip netstat_ip_frag  o Icmp Graphs  netstat_icmp netstat_icmp_info  o TCP Graphs  netstat_tcp_stats netstat_tcp_segments netstat_tcp_currestab  o UDP Graphs  netstat_udp_datagrams netstat_udp_errors  o SNMP Graphs  netstat_snmp_stats netstat_snmp_packets  o Module time  0.6591s ##### Module Start: ucd-mib #####   o Module time  0.0005s ##### Module Start: ipSystemStats #####   o Collecting  ipSystemStats  o Address Families   ipv6  o Graphs  ipsystemstats_ipv6 ipsystemstats_ipv6_frag  o Module time  0.0749s ##### Module Start: ports #####   o Caching Oids  ifEntry ifXEntry  o CISCO-VTP-MIB  vmVlan  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o CISCO-VLAN-IFTABLE-RELATIONSHIP-MIB  cviRoutedVlanIfIndex  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o SMON-MIB    o CISCO-TRUSTSEC-INTERFACE-MIB    o ADSL-LINE-MIB    o EtherLike-MIB  dot3StatsDuplexStatus  o Q-BRIDGE-MIB    o IP-MIB  IP-MIB ipIfStats  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  26.87s ##### Module Start: bgp-peers #####   o Module time  0.002s ##### Module Start: wifi #####   o MIBs   o Module time  0.0041s ##### Module Start: p2p-radios #####   o Module time  0.0014s ##### Module Start: ospf #####   o Module time  0.0001s ##### Module Start: cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor #####   o Module time  0.1674s ##### Module Start: cisco-remote-access-monitor #####   o Module time  0.1252s ##### Module Start: cisco-cef #####  Cisco CEF Switching Path: 6017 |- ipv4 | |-1: RP RIB | |-2: RP LES | |-3: Slot1/ | |-4: Slot5/ | |-5: Slot6/ | |-6: Slot7/ | |-7: Slot8/ | |-8: Slot6/ |- ipv6 | |-1: RP LES | |-2: Slot1/ | |-3: Slot5/ | |-4: Slot6/ | |-5: Slot7/ | |-6: Slot8/ | |-7: Slot6/  o Module time  0.3008s ##### Module Start: sla #####   o MIBs    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.0021s ##### Module Start: pseudowires #####   o Module time  0.0012s ##### Module Start: mac-accounting #####   o MIBs  Cisco  o Module time  0.1464s ##### Module Start: cipsec-tunnels #####   o Collecting  CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB::cikeTunnelEntry  o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.148s ##### Module Start: cisco-cbqos #####   o Module time  0.138s ##### Module Start: cisco-eigrp #####   o EIGRP VPNs    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o EIGRP ASes    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o EIGRP Ports    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o EIGRP Peers    o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.1764s ##### Module Start: entity-physical #####  Cisco Cat6xxx/76xx Crossbar:  o Module time  4.04s ##### Module Start: fdb-table #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.1603s ##### Module Start: graphs #####   o CISCO-AAA-SESSION-MIB    o CISCO-AAA-SESSION-MIB casnActive casnGeneral  o Module time  0.2478s ##### Module Start: oids #####   o Module time  0.0007s ##### Module Start: probes #####   o Notice  Table output suppressed due to piped output.  o Module time  0.0008s ##### [27] completed poller modules at 2024-05-31 11:30:46 #####   o Graphs [checked]  availability, ping, ping_snmp, uptime, netstat_ip, netstat_ip_frag, netstat_icmp, netstat_icmp_info, netstat_tcp_stats,netstat_tcp_segments, netstat_tcp_currestab, netstat_udp_datagrams, netstat_udp_errors, netstat_snmp_stats,netstat_snmp_packets, ipsystemstats_ipv6, ipsystemstats_ipv6_frag, bits, casnActive-sessions, casnGeneral-total,casnGeneral-disconnected, poller_perf, pollersnmp_count, pollersnmp_times, pollersnmp_errors_count,pollersnmp_errors_times, pollerdb_count, pollerdb_times, pollermemory_perf  o Graphs [added]  age, voltage, temperature, current, processor, mempool  o Poller time  35.646 seconds  o Updated Data  uptime, hardware, serial, last_polled, last_polled_timetaken, device_state ##### Completed polling run at 2024-05-31 11:30:46 #####   o Devices Polled  1  o Poller Time  35.9848 secs  o Definitions  0.17401695251465 secs  o Memory usage  30MB (peak: 30MB)  o MySQL Usage  Insert[379/8.312s] Update[264/15.843s] Delete[2/0.021s] Cell[10/0.004s] Row[14/0.023s] Rows[46/0.036s] Col[8/0.006s] Connect[1/0.001s](24.245s 67.375%)   o RRDTool Usage  update[657/0.736s] create[377/0.429s] (1.165s 3.238%)  o SNMP Usage  snmpget[29/2.053s] snmpwalk[25/7.661s] errors[/0s] (9.714s 26.995%)