Index: html/includes/graphs/device/
--- html/includes/graphs/device/ (nonexistent)
+++ html/includes/graphs/device/ (working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ array('descr' => 'AuthFail'),
+ 'AuthSuccess' => array('descr' => 'AuthSuccess'),
+ 'AuthNonHttpFail' => array('descr' => 'AuthNonHttpFail'),
+ 'AuthOnlyHttpFail' => array('descr' => 'AuthOnlyHttpFail'),
+ 'AuthNonHttpSuccess' => array('descr' => 'AuthNonHttpSuccess'),
+ 'AuthOnlyHttpSuccess' => array('descr' => 'AuthOnlyHttpSuccess')
+if (rrd_is_file($rrd_filename))
+ foreach ($array as $ds => $data)
+ {
+ $rrd_list[$i]['filename'] = $rrd_filename;
+ $rrd_list[$i]['descr'] = $data['descr'];
+ $rrd_list[$i]['ds'] = $ds;
+ $rrd_list[$i]['colour'] = $config['graph_colours'][$colours][$i];
+ $i++;
+ }
+} else {
+ echo("file missing: $file");
+// EOF
Index: html/includes/graphs/device/
--- html/includes/graphs/device/ (nonexistent)
+++ html/includes/graphs/device/ (working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ array('descr' => 'CurICAOnlyConn'),
+ 'CurICAConn' => array('descr' => 'CurICAConn')
+if (rrd_is_file($rrd_filename))
+ foreach ($array as $ds => $data)
+ {
+ $rrd_list[$i]['filename'] = $rrd_filename;
+ $rrd_list[$i]['descr'] = $data['descr'];
+ $rrd_list[$i]['ds'] = $ds;
+ $rrd_list[$i]['colour'] = $config['graph_colours'][$colours][$i];
+ $i++;
+ }
+} else {
+ echo("file missing: $file");
+// EOF
Index: html/includes/graphs/device/
--- html/includes/graphs/device/ (nonexistent)
+++ html/includes/graphs/device/ (working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ array('descr' => 'TotSessions'),
+ 'TotSessionTimeout' => array('descr' => 'TotSessionTimeout'),
+ 'CurSessions' => array('descr' => 'CurSessions'),
+ 'CurICASessions' => array('descr' => 'CurICASessions'),
+ 'CurTMSessions' => array('descr' => 'CurTMSessions'),
+ 'TotTMSessions' => array('descr' => 'TotTMSessions')
+if (rrd_is_file($rrd_filename))
+ foreach ($array as $ds => $data)
+ {
+ $rrd_list[$i]['filename'] = $rrd_filename;
+ $rrd_list[$i]['descr'] = $data['descr'];
+ $rrd_list[$i]['ds'] = $ds;
+ $rrd_list[$i]['colour'] = $config['graph_colours'][$colours][$i];
+ $i++;
+ }
+} else {
+ echo("file missing: $file");
+// EOF
Index: includes/definitions/
--- includes/definitions/ (revision 11841)
+++ includes/definitions/ (working copy)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
$config['graph_sections'] = array(
'general', 'system', 'processor', 'memory', 'storage', 'netstats', 'wireless', 'firewall',
'custom', 'bng', 'vpdn', 'appliance',
- 'netapp', 'netscaler_tcp', 'netscaler_ssl', 'netscaler_http', 'netscaler_comp',
+ 'netapp', 'netscaler_tcp', 'netscaler_ssl', 'netscaler_http', 'netscaler_aaa', 'netscaler_comp',
'loadbalancer', 'cgn', 'l2tp', 'proxysg', 'license', 'authentication', 'ospf',
'f5_ssl', 'dhcp', 'pcoip', 'xdsl', 'poller'
@@ -1848,6 +1848,53 @@
+$config['graph_types']['device']['nsAAAAuths'] = array(
+ 'section' => 'netscaler_aaa',
+ 'file' => 'nsAAAStatsGroup.rrd',
+ 'descr' => 'Authentications',
+ 'colours' => 'mixed',
+ 'unit_text' => 'Authentications',
+ 'log_y' => FALSE,
+ 'ds' => array(
+ 'aaaTotSessions' => array('label' => 'TotSessions', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ 'aaaTotSessionTimeout' => array('label' => 'TotSessionTimeout', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ 'aaaCurSessions' => array('label' => 'CurSessions', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ 'aaaCurICASessions' => array('label' => 'CurICASessions', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ 'aaaCurTMSessions' => array('label' => 'CurTMSessions', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ 'aaaTotTMSessions' => array('label' => 'TotTMSessions', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ )
+$config['graph_types']['device']['nsAAASessions'] = array(
+ 'section' => 'netscaler_aaa',
+ 'file' => 'nsAAAStatsGroup.rrd',
+ 'descr' => 'Sessions',
+ 'colours' => 'mixed',
+ 'unit_text' => 'Sessions',
+ 'log_y' => FALSE,
+ 'ds' => array(
+ 'aaaAuthFail' => array('label' => 'AuthFail', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ 'aaaAuthSuccess' => array('label' => 'AuthSuccess', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ 'aaaAuthNonHttpFail' => array('label' => 'AuthNonHttpFail', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ 'aaaAuthOnlyHttpFail' => array('label' => 'AuthOnlyHttpFail', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ 'aaaAuthNonHttpSuccess' => array('label' => 'AuthNonHttpSuccess', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ 'aaaAuthOnlyHttpSuccess' => array('label' => 'AuthOnlyHttpSuccess', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ )
+$config['graph_types']['device']['nsAAAICAConnections'] = array(
+ 'section' => 'netscaler_aaa',
+ 'file' => 'nsAAAStatsGroup.rrd',
+ 'descr' => 'ICA Connections',
+ 'colours' => 'mixed',
+ 'unit_text' => 'Connections',
+ 'log_y' => FALSE,
+ 'ds' => array(
+ 'aaaCurICAOnlyConn' => array('label' => 'CurICAOnlyConn', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ 'aaaCurICAConn' => array('label' => 'CurICAConn', 'draw' => 'AREASTACK'),
+ )
$config['graph_types']['device']['nsCompHttpSaving'] = array(
'section' => 'netscaler_comp',
'descr' => 'Bandwidth saving from TCP compression',
Index: includes/definitions/
--- includes/definitions/ (revision 11841)
+++ includes/definitions/ (working copy)
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
'netscaler_tcp' => 'NetScaler TCP',
'netscaler_ssl' => 'NetScaler SSL',
'netscaler_http' => 'NetScaler HTTP',
+ 'netscaler_aaa' => 'NetScaler AAA',
'netscaler_comp' => 'NetScaler Compression',
'sla' => 'SLA',
'wifi_wlan' => 'WiFi WLAN',
Index: includes/polling/graphs/ns-root-mib/
--- includes/polling/graphs/ns-root-mib/ (nonexistent)
+++ includes/polling/graphs/ns-root-mib/ (working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ 'nsAAAStatsGroup',
+ 'numeric' => '.',
+ 'mib' => 'NS-ROOT-MIB',
+ 'mib_dir' => 'citrix',
+ 'file' => 'nsAAAStatsGroup.rrd',
+ 'descr' => 'Netscaler AAA Statistics',
+ 'graphs' => array('nsAAAAuths', 'nsAAASessions', 'nsAAAICAConnections'),
+ 'ds_rename' => array('aaa' => ''),
+ 'oids' => array(
+ 'aaaAuthFail' => array('numeric' => '1', 'descr' => 'Count of authentication failures.', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaAuthSuccess' => array('numeric' => '2', 'descr' => 'Count of authentication successes.', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaAuthNonHttpFail' => array('numeric' => '3', 'descr' => 'Count of non HTTP connections that failed authorization.', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaAuthOnlyHttpFail' => array('numeric' => '4', 'descr' => 'Count of HTTP connections that failed authorization.', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaAuthNonHttpSuccess' => array('numeric' => '5', 'descr' => 'Count of non HTTP connections that succeeded authorization.', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaAuthOnlyHttpSuccess' => array('numeric' => '6', 'descr' => 'Count of HTTP connections that succeeded authorization.', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaTotSessions' => array('numeric' => '7', 'descr' => 'Count of all SmartAccess AAA sessions.', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaTotSessionTimeout' => array('numeric' => '8', 'descr' => 'Count of AAA sessions that have timed out.', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaCurSessions' => array('numeric' => '9', 'descr' => 'Count of current SmartAccess AAA sessions.', 'ds_type' => 'GAUGE', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaCurICASessions' => array('numeric' => '10', 'descr' => 'Count of current Basic ICA only sessions.', 'ds_type' => 'GAUGE', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaCurTMSessions' => array('numeric' => '11', 'descr' => 'Count of current AAATM sessions.', 'ds_type' => 'GAUGE', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaTotTMSessions' => array('numeric' => '12', 'descr' => 'Count of all AAATM sessions.', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaCurICAOnlyConn' => array('numeric' => '13', 'descr' => 'Count of current Basic ICA only connections.', 'ds_type' => 'GAUGE', 'ds_min' => '0'),
+ 'aaaCurICAConn' => array('numeric' => '14', 'descr' => 'Count of current SmartAccess ICA connections.', 'ds_type' => 'GAUGE', 'ds_min' => '0')
+ )
+// EOF