DEBUG! CMD[/usr/bin/svn info /opt/observium]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0322s] STDOUT[ Path: . Working Copy Root Path: /opt/observium URL: Relative URL: ^/observium/trunk Repository Root: Repository UUID: 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8 Revision: 9948 Node Kind: directory Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: mike Last Changed Rev: 9948 Last Changed Date: 2019-06-18 08:25:45 +0200 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019) ] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049400s] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009990s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018811s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `config`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009704s] CMD[/bin/hostname -f]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0023s] STDOUT[ server ]  ___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |\__ \| __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_| \_/ |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional 19.6.9948  CMD[/opt/observium/scripts/distro]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.097s] STDOUT[ Linux|4.9.0-4-amd64|amd64|Debian|9.2|bochs| ] CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0041s] STDOUT[ Python 2.7.13 ] SQL[SELECT version();] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030804s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0039s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.7.3 ] CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version | head -n1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.014s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.6.0 Copyright by Tobias Oetiker ] CMD[/usr/bin/rrdcached -h | head -n1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0075s] STDOUT[ RRDCacheD 1.6.0 ] CMD[/usr/bin/fping -v 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0021s] STDOUT[ /usr/bin/fping: Version 3.15 /usr/bin/fping: comments to ] CMD[/usr/sbin/apache2 -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}']  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0207s] STDOUT[ Apache/2.4.25 ] CMD[date "+%:z"]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.002s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ +02:00 ] SQL[SELECT TIMEDIFF(NOW(), UTC_TIMESTAMP);] SQL RUNTIME[0.00034380s] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022817s] SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00093603s] ##### Software versions #####   o OS  Linux 4.9.0-4-amd64 [amd64] (Debian 9.2)  o Apache  2.4.25  o PHP  7.0.19-1 (OPcache: ENABLED)  o Python  2.7.13  o MySQL  10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 (extension: mysqli 5.0.12-dev)  o SNMP  NET-SNMP 5.7.3  o RRDtool  1.6.0 (rrdcached 1.6.0: unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock)  o Fping  3.15 (IPv4 and IPv6) ##### Memory Limit #####   o PHP  Unlimited ##### MySQL mode #####   o MySQL  NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION ##### Charset info #####   o PHP  UTF-8  o MySQL  utf8 ##### Timezones info #####   o Date  Tuesday, 02-Jul-19 10:09:55 CEST  o PHP  +02:00  o MySQL  +02:00 SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'last_versioncheck';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037217s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024700s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_ver';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022984s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev_date';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019193s] There is a newer revision of Observium available! Version 19.6.9960 (2nd July 2019) is 12 revisions ahead.  ##### Starting discovery run at 2019-07-02 10:09:55 #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE 'srv1' AND `status` = '1' AND `poller_id` = '0' ORDER BY `last_discovered_timetaken` ASC] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024104s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' sysObjectID.0 sysUpTime.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0096s] STDOUT[ sysObjectID.0 = enterprises.2440 sysUpTime.0 = 130:21:59:54.89 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019312s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00042820s] SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_id` = '166395303'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00144601s] SQL[INSERT INTO `observium_processes` (`process_pid`,`process_name`,`process_ppid`,`process_uid`,`process_command`,`process_start`,`device_id`) VALUES ('11862','discovery.php','22580','0','php ./discovery.php -d -h srv1','1562054995','674')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00079298s] ##### srv1 [674] #####  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' sysDescr.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0081s] STDOUT[ EfficientIP SOLIDserver ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUvn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' sysObjectID.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0079s] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] +-------------+-------------------------+ | OID | | +-------------+-------------------------+ | sysDescr | EfficientIP SOLIDserver | | sysObjectID | . | +-------------+-------------------------+ CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m SP2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/eltek 'udp':'srv1':'161' powerSystemStatus.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0201s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m HIK-DEVICE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hikvision 'udp':'srv1':'161' deviceType.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.005s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m WOWZA-STREAMING-ENGINE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/wowza 'udp':'srv1':'161' serverCounterGetVersion.1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0196s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m BETTER-NETWORKS-ETHERNETBOX-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/messpc 'udp':'srv1':'161' version.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0066s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m Printer-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' prtGeneralServicePerson.1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0169s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m NSCRTV-HFCEMS-COMMON-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/nscrtv 'udp':'srv1':'161' commonDeviceVendorInfo.1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0145s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] Including Including Including Including Including  o OS Type  generic  o OS Group  unix  o SNMP Version  v2c  o Last discovery  2019-07-02 04:33:55  o Last duration  0.92 seconds ##### Module Start: os #####   o sysORID table  CMD[/usr/bin/snmptranslate -On -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID']  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0066s] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP TRANSLATE (CMD): 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID' -> '.' CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUsn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0098s] STDOUT[ . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' sysORDescr]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0091s] STDOUT[ sysORDescr.1 = The MIB for Message Processing and Dispatching. sysORDescr.2 = The management information definitions for the SNMP User-based Security Model. sysORDescr.3 = The SNMP Management Architecture MIB. sysORDescr.4 = The MIB module for SNMPv2 entities sysORDescr.5 = View-based Access Control Model for SNMP. sysORDescr.6 = The MIB module for managing TCP implementations sysORDescr.7 = The MIB module for managing IP and ICMP implementations sysORDescr.8 = The MIB module for managing UDP implementations sysORDescr.9 = The MIB modules for managing SNMP Notification, plus filtering. sysORDescr.10 = The MIB module for logging SNMP Notifications. sysORDescr.594 = EfficientIP DNS sysORDescr.734 = EfficientIP SOLIDserver sysORDescr.2329 = EfficientIP DHCP ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SNMPv2-MIB IP-MIB TCP-MIB UDP-MIB SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '674' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00072503s] SQL[UPDATE `entity_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='[\"TCP-MIB\",\"UDP-MIB\"]' WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '674' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00040793s] +------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | OID | MIB | Status | +------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | . | SNMPv2-MIB | MIB already known through device mapping | | . | IP-MIB | MIB already known through device mapping | | . | TCP-MIB | MIB added through sysORID (MODULE-IDENTITY) | | . | UDP-MIB | MIB added through sysORID (MODULE-IDENTITY) | | . | SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB | MIB already known through device mapping | | . | | MIB unused | | . | | MIB unused | | . | | MIB unused | | . | | MIB unused | | . | | MIB unused | | . | | MIB unused | | . | | MIB unused | | . | | MIB unused | +------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------+  o Duration  0.044s ##### Module Start: ports #####   o Caching OIDs  SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '674' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00045490s] SQL[SELECT `mib` FROM `devices_mibs` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `use` = 'mib' AND `disabled` = '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021601s] ifDescr CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ifDescr]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0097s] STDOUT[ ifDescr.1 = igb0 ifDescr.2 = igb1 ifDescr.3 = bge0 ifDescr.4 = bge1 ifDescr.5 = lo0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifAlias CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ifAlias]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0099s] STDOUT[ ifAlias.1 = ifAlias.2 = ifAlias.3 = ifAlias.4 = ifAlias.5 = ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifName CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ifName]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0092s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ ifName.1 = igb0 ifName.2 = igb1 ifName.3 = bge0 ifName.4 = bge1 ifName.5 = lo0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifType CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ifType]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0121s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ ifType.1 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.2 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.3 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.4 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.5 = softwareLoopback ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifOperStatus CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ifOperStatus]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0085s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ ifOperStatus.1 = down ifOperStatus.2 = down ifOperStatus.3 = up ifOperStatus.4 = down ifOperStatus.5 = up ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]   /opt/observium/includes/discovery/  array( [1] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "igb0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "igb0" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [2] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "igb1" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "igb1" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [3] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "bge0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "bge0" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [4] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "bge1" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "bge1" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [5] => array( [ifDescr] => string(3) "lo0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(3) "lo0" [ifType] => string(16) "softwareLoopback" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) )  o Caching DB  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00098586s] 5 ports  o Discovering ports  ..... +---------+---------+--------+---------+------------------+-------------+---------+ | ifIndex | ifDescr | ifName | ifAlias | ifType | Oper Status | Ignored | +---------+---------+--------+---------+------------------+-------------+---------+ | 1 | igb0 | igb0 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 2 | igb1 | igb1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 3 | bge0 | bge0 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 4 | bge1 | bge1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 5 | lo0 | lo0 | ... | softwareLoopback | up | no | +---------+---------+--------+---------+------------------+-------------+---------+  o Duration  0.2359s ##### Module Start: ports-stack #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041103s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ifStackStatus]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0108s] STDOUT[ ifStackStatus = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  o Duration  0.014s ##### Module Start: vlans #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `vlans` WHERE `device_id` = '674';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00054717s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE `device_id` = '674';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00047183s]  o Q-BRIDGE-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' dot1qVlanStaticName]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0238s] STDOUT[ dot1qVlanStaticName = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  o Duration  0.0291s ##### Module Start: oids #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `oids_entries` LEFT JOIN `oids` USING(`oid_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00031590s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `oids` WHERE `oid_autodiscover` = '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051904s]  o Duration  0.0018s ##### Module Start: ip-addresses #####   o IP-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ipAdEntIfIndex]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0118s] STDOUT[ ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 3 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 3 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 3 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 3 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ipAdEntNetMask]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0161s] STDOUT[ ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ipAddressIfIndex]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0149s] STDOUT[ ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 5 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 3 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 3 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 3 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 3 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = 5 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = 5 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ipAddressType]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0136s] STDOUT[ ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = unicast ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ipAddressPrefix]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0127s] STDOUT[ ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.5.ipv4."".8 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.3.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.3.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.3.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.3.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.5.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01".128 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.5.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00".64 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ipAddressOrigin]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0117s] STDOUT[ ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = other ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = other ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = other ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = other ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = other ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = other ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = other ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  o IPV6-MIB  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses`  WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00070691s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `ifIndex` = '5' AND `deleted` = '0' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00060916s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '55694'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049686s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '55694'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038886s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00056195s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024891s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00053978s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `ifIndex` = '3' AND `deleted` = '0' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039697s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '55692'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00057006s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '55692'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038981s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00052285s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00014710s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022292s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022411s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses`  WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024915s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses`  WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039697s] SQL[SELECT `ipv6_network_id` FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1/128'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037003s] Address 'fe80::1/64' skipped as invalid. SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses`  WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016904s] +---------+---------+-------------+------------------+---------------------+--------+ | ifIndex | ifDescr | IP: Version | Address | Network | Origin | +---------+---------+-------------+------------------+---------------------+--------+ | 5 | lo0 | IPv4 | | | | | 3 | bge0 | IPv4 | | | | | 3 | bge0 | IPv4 | | | | | 3 | bge0 | IPv4 | | | | | 3 | bge0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | lo0 | IPv6 | ::1/128 | 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1/128 | other | +---------+---------+-------------+------------------+---------------------+--------+  o Changes  6 unchanged  o Duration  0.1286s ##### Module Start: processors #####   o UCD-SNMP-MIB  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `processor_type` != 'ucd-old')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051999s]  o HOST-RESOURCES-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' hrDevice]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0187s] STDOUT[ hrDeviceIndex.196608 = 196608 hrDeviceIndex.196609 = 196609 hrDeviceIndex.196610 = 196610 hrDeviceIndex.196611 = 196611 hrDeviceIndex.262145 = 262145 hrDeviceIndex.262146 = 262146 hrDeviceIndex.262147 = 262147 hrDeviceIndex.262148 = 262148 hrDeviceIndex.262149 = 262149 hrDeviceIndex.786432 = 786432 hrDeviceType.196608 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196609 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196610 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196611 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.262145 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262146 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262147 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262148 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262149 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.786432 = hrDeviceCoprocessor hrDeviceDescr.196608 = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz hrDeviceDescr.196609 = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz hrDeviceDescr.196610 = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz hrDeviceDescr.196611 = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz hrDeviceDescr.262145 = network interface igb0 hrDeviceDescr.262146 = network interface igb1 hrDeviceDescr.262147 = network interface bge0 hrDeviceDescr.262148 = network interface bge1 hrDeviceDescr.262149 = network interface lo0 hrDeviceDescr.786432 = Guessing that there's a floating point co-processor hrDeviceID.196608 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.196609 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.196610 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.196611 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262145 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262146 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262147 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262148 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262149 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.786432 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceStatus.196608 = running hrDeviceStatus.196609 = running hrDeviceStatus.196610 = running hrDeviceStatus.196611 = running hrDeviceStatus.262145 = down hrDeviceStatus.262146 = down hrDeviceStatus.262147 = running hrDeviceStatus.262148 = down hrDeviceStatus.262149 = running hrDeviceStatus.786432 = running hrDeviceErrors.196608 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.196609 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.196610 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.196611 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262145 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262146 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262147 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262148 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262149 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.786432 = 0 hrProcessorFrwID.196608 = zeroDotZero hrProcessorFrwID.196609 = zeroDotZero hrProcessorFrwID.196610 = zeroDotZero hrProcessorFrwID.196611 = zeroDotZero hrProcessorLoad.196608 = 7 hrProcessorLoad.196609 = 11 hrProcessorLoad.196610 = 12 hrProcessorLoad.196611 = 12 hrNetworkIfIndex.262145 = 1 hrNetworkIfIndex.262146 = 2 hrNetworkIfIndex.262147 = 3 hrNetworkIfIndex.262148 = 4 hrNetworkIfIndex.262149 = 5 hrFSIndex.1 = 1 hrFSIndex.2 = 2 hrFSIndex.3 = 3 hrFSIndex.4 = 4 hrFSIndex.5 = 5 hrFSIndex.6 = 6 hrFSMountPoint.1 = "/" hrFSMountPoint.2 = "/dev" hrFSMountPoint.3 = "/tmp" hrFSMountPoint.4 = "/var" hrFSMountPoint.5 = "/proc" hrFSMountPoint.6 = "/data1" hrFSRemoteMountPoint.1 = "" hrFSRemoteMountPoint.2 = "" hrFSRemoteMountPoint.3 = "" hrFSRemoteMountPoint.4 = "" hrFSRemoteMountPoint.5 = "" hrFSRemoteMountPoint.6 = "" hrFSType.1 = hrFSBerkeleyFFS hrFSType.2 = hrFSOther hrFSType.3 = hrFSBerkeleyFFS hrFSType.4 = hrFSBerkeleyFFS hrFSType.5 = hrFSOther hrFSType.6 = hrFSBerkeleyFFS hrFSAccess.1 = readWrite hrFSAccess.2 = readWrite hrFSAccess.3 = readWrite hrFSAccess.4 = readWrite hrFSAccess.5 = readWrite hrFSAccess.6 = readWrite hrFSBootable.1 = true hrFSBootable.2 = false hrFSBootable.3 = false hrFSBootable.4 = false hrFSBootable.5 = false hrFSBootable.6 = false hrFSStorageIndex.1 = 31 hrFSStorageIndex.2 = 32 hrFSStorageIndex.3 = 33 hrFSStorageIndex.4 = 34 hrFSStorageIndex.5 = 35 hrFSStorageIndex.6 = 36 hrFSLastFullBackupDate.1 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 hrFSLastFullBackupDate.2 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 hrFSLastFullBackupDate.3 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 hrFSLastFullBackupDate.4 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 hrFSLastFullBackupDate.5 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 hrFSLastFullBackupDate.6 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 hrFSLastPartialBackupDate.1 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 hrFSLastPartialBackupDate.2 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 hrFSLastPartialBackupDate.3 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 hrFSLastPartialBackupDate.4 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 hrFSLastPartialBackupDate.5 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 hrFSLastPartialBackupDate.6 = 0-1-1,0:0:0.0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' hrProcessorLoad]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0115s] STDOUT[ hrProcessorLoad.196608 = 7 hrProcessorLoad.196609 = 11 hrProcessorLoad.196610 = 12 hrProcessorLoad.196611 = 12 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] 674 -> ., 196608, hr, Intel Xeon E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz, 1, 7, , 196608 SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `processor_index` = '196608' AND `processor_type` = 'hr'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044012s] 674 -> ., 196609, hr, Intel Xeon E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz, 1, 11, , 196609 SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `processor_index` = '196609' AND `processor_type` = 'hr'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033116s] 674 -> ., 196610, hr, Intel Xeon E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz, 1, 12, , 196610 SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `processor_index` = '196610' AND `processor_type` = 'hr'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032783s] 674 -> ., 196611, hr, Intel Xeon E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz, 1, 12, , 196611 SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `processor_index` = '196611' AND `processor_type` = 'hr'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00042009s] 674 -> 1, 1, hr-average, Average, 1, , , SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `processor_index` = '1' AND `processor_type` = 'hr-average'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033593s] SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `processor_type` = 'ucd-old')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032806s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029993s] 196608 -> hr 196609 -> hr 196610 -> hr 196611 -> hr 1 -> hr-average  > $valid['processor'] /opt/observium/includes/discovery/  array( [hr] => array( [196608] => int(1) [196609] => int(1) [196610] => int(1) [196611] => int(1) ) [hr-average] => array( [1] => int(1) ) )  o Changes  5 unchanged  o Duration  0.0464s ##### Module Start: mempools #####   o UCD-SNMP-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' memTotalReal.0 memAvailReal.0 memBuffer.0 memCached.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0079s] STDOUT[ memTotalReal.0 = 8182232 memAvailReal.0 = 153436 memBuffer.0 = 786796 memCached.0 = 3749944 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] 674 -> 0, UCD-SNMP-MIB::, Physical Memory, 1, 8378605568, 3575865344 SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `mempool_index` = '0' AND `mempool_mib` = 'UCD-SNMP-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00046206s]  o HOST-RESOURCES-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' hrStorageEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0171s] STDOUT[ hrStorageIndex.1 = 1 hrStorageIndex.3 = 3 hrStorageIndex.6 = 6 hrStorageIndex.7 = 7 hrStorageIndex.8 = 8 hrStorageIndex.10 = 10 hrStorageIndex.11 = 11 hrStorageIndex.12 = 12 hrStorageIndex.31 = 31 hrStorageIndex.32 = 32 hrStorageIndex.33 = 33 hrStorageIndex.34 = 34 hrStorageIndex.35 = 35 hrStorageIndex.36 = 36 hrStorageType.1 = hrStorageRam hrStorageType.3 = hrStorageVirtualMemory hrStorageType.6 = hrStorageOther hrStorageType.7 = hrStorageOther hrStorageType.8 = hrStorageOther hrStorageType.10 = hrStorageVirtualMemory hrStorageType.11 = hrStorageOther hrStorageType.12 = hrStorageOther hrStorageType.31 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.32 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.33 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.34 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.35 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.36 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageDescr.1 = Physical memory hrStorageDescr.3 = Virtual memory hrStorageDescr.6 = Memory buffers hrStorageDescr.7 = Cached memory hrStorageDescr.8 = Shared virtual memory hrStorageDescr.10 = Swap space (total) hrStorageDescr.11 = swap label/swap hrStorageDescr.12 = swap md99 hrStorageDescr.31 = / hrStorageDescr.32 = /dev hrStorageDescr.33 = /tmp hrStorageDescr.34 = /var hrStorageDescr.35 = /proc hrStorageDescr.36 = /data1 hrStorageAllocationUnits.1 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.3 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.6 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.7 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.8 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.10 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.11 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.12 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.31 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.32 = 512 hrStorageAllocationUnits.33 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.34 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.35 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.36 = 4096 hrStorageSize.1 = 2045558 hrStorageSize.3 = 2330032 hrStorageSize.6 = 786796 hrStorageSize.7 = 937486 hrStorageSize.8 = 70640 hrStorageSize.10 = 3145663 hrStorageSize.11 = 524255 hrStorageSize.12 = 2621408 hrStorageSize.31 = 253831 hrStorageSize.32 = 2 hrStorageSize.33 = 507783 hrStorageSize.34 = 507783 hrStorageSize.35 = 1 hrStorageSize.36 = 234343569 hrStorageUsed.1 = 2007199 hrStorageUsed.3 = 2291673 hrStorageUsed.6 = 786796 hrStorageUsed.7 = 937486 hrStorageUsed.8 = 70640 hrStorageUsed.10 = 351752 hrStorageUsed.11 = 175557 hrStorageUsed.12 = 176195 hrStorageUsed.31 = 169934 hrStorageUsed.32 = 2 hrStorageUsed.33 = 46 hrStorageUsed.34 = 277078 hrStorageUsed.35 = 1 hrStorageUsed.36 = 4655202 hrStorageAllocationFailures.1 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.3 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.6 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.7 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.8 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.10 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.11 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.12 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.31 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.32 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.33 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.34 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.35 = 0 hrStorageAllocationFailures.36 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] 674 -> 3, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::, Virtual memory, 4096, 2330032, 2291673 SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `mempool_index` = '3' AND `mempool_mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038600s] 674 -> 6, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::, Memory buffers, 1024, 786796, 786796 SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `mempool_index` = '6' AND `mempool_mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041914s] 674 -> 8, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::, Shared virtual memory, 4096, 70640, 70640 SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `mempool_index` = '8' AND `mempool_mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00045013s] 674 -> 10, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::, Swap space (total), 4096, 3145663, 351752 SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `mempool_index` = '10' AND `mempool_mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00066018s] 674 -> 11, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::, swap label/swap, 4096, 524255, 175557 SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `mempool_index` = '11' AND `mempool_mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00060797s] 674 -> 12, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::, swap md99, 4096, 2621408, 176195 SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `mempool_index` = '12' AND `mempool_mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033188s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032401s] 0 -> UCD-SNMP-MIB 3 -> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB 6 -> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB 8 -> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB 10 -> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB 11 -> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB 12 -> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB  > $valid['mempool'] /opt/observium/includes/discovery/  array( [UCD-SNMP-MIB] => array( [0] => int(1) ) [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] => array( [3] => int(1) [6] => int(1) [8] => int(1) [10] => int(1) [11] => int(1) [12] => int(1) ) )  o Changes  7 unchanged  o Duration  0.0506s ##### Module Start: inventory #####   o HOST-RESOURCES-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' hrDeviceEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0125s] STDOUT[ hrDeviceIndex.196608 = 196608 hrDeviceIndex.196609 = 196609 hrDeviceIndex.196610 = 196610 hrDeviceIndex.196611 = 196611 hrDeviceIndex.262145 = 262145 hrDeviceIndex.262146 = 262146 hrDeviceIndex.262147 = 262147 hrDeviceIndex.262148 = 262148 hrDeviceIndex.262149 = 262149 hrDeviceIndex.786432 = 786432 hrDeviceType.196608 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196609 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196610 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196611 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.262145 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262146 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262147 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262148 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262149 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.786432 = hrDeviceCoprocessor hrDeviceDescr.196608 = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz hrDeviceDescr.196609 = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz hrDeviceDescr.196610 = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz hrDeviceDescr.196611 = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz hrDeviceDescr.262145 = network interface igb0 hrDeviceDescr.262146 = network interface igb1 hrDeviceDescr.262147 = network interface bge0 hrDeviceDescr.262148 = network interface bge1 hrDeviceDescr.262149 = network interface lo0 hrDeviceDescr.786432 = Guessing that there's a floating point co-processor hrDeviceID.196608 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.196609 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.196610 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.196611 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262145 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262146 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262147 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262148 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262149 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.786432 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceStatus.196608 = running hrDeviceStatus.196609 = running hrDeviceStatus.196610 = running hrDeviceStatus.196611 = running hrDeviceStatus.262145 = down hrDeviceStatus.262146 = down hrDeviceStatus.262147 = running hrDeviceStatus.262148 = down hrDeviceStatus.262149 = running hrDeviceStatus.786432 = running hrDeviceErrors.196608 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.196609 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.196610 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.196611 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262145 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262146 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262147 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262148 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262149 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.786432 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' hrProcessorEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0086s] STDOUT[ hrProcessorFrwID.196608 = zeroDotZero hrProcessorFrwID.196609 = zeroDotZero hrProcessorFrwID.196610 = zeroDotZero hrProcessorFrwID.196611 = zeroDotZero hrProcessorLoad.196608 = 7 hrProcessorLoad.196609 = 11 hrProcessorLoad.196610 = 12 hrProcessorLoad.196611 = 12 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `hrDeviceIndex` = '196608')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039387s] SQL[UPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType` ='hrDeviceProcessor',`hrDeviceDescr` ='Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz',`hrDeviceStatus` ='running',`hrDeviceErrors` ='0',`hrProcessorLoad` ='7' WHERE device_id = '674' AND hrDeviceIndex = '196608'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00163007s] . SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `hrDeviceIndex` = '196609')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00050807s] SQL[UPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType` ='hrDeviceProcessor',`hrDeviceDescr` ='Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz',`hrDeviceStatus` ='running',`hrDeviceErrors` ='0',`hrProcessorLoad` ='11' WHERE device_id = '674' AND hrDeviceIndex = '196609'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00182414s] . SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `hrDeviceIndex` = '196610')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00048399s] SQL[UPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType` ='hrDeviceProcessor',`hrDeviceDescr` ='Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz',`hrDeviceStatus` ='running',`hrDeviceErrors` ='0',`hrProcessorLoad` ='12' WHERE device_id = '674' AND hrDeviceIndex = '196610'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00107312s] . SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `hrDeviceIndex` = '196611')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00046587s] SQL[UPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType` ='hrDeviceProcessor',`hrDeviceDescr` ='Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz',`hrDeviceStatus` ='running',`hrDeviceErrors` ='0',`hrProcessorLoad` ='12' WHERE device_id = '674' AND hrDeviceIndex = '196611'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00099707s] . SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `hrDeviceIndex` = '262145')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044608s] SQL[UPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType` ='hrDeviceNetwork',`hrDeviceDescr` ='network interface igb0',`hrDeviceStatus` ='down',`hrDeviceErrors` ='0',`hrProcessorLoad` =NULL WHERE device_id = '674' AND hrDeviceIndex = '262145'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00103307s] . SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `hrDeviceIndex` = '262146')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00047398s] SQL[UPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType` ='hrDeviceNetwork',`hrDeviceDescr` ='network interface igb1',`hrDeviceStatus` ='down',`hrDeviceErrors` ='0',`hrProcessorLoad` =NULL WHERE device_id = '674' AND hrDeviceIndex = '262146'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00183916s] . SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `hrDeviceIndex` = '262147')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00045300s] SQL[UPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType` ='hrDeviceNetwork',`hrDeviceDescr` ='network interface bge0',`hrDeviceStatus` ='running',`hrDeviceErrors` ='0',`hrProcessorLoad` =NULL WHERE device_id = '674' AND hrDeviceIndex = '262147'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00169921s] . SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `hrDeviceIndex` = '262148')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038886s] SQL[UPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType` ='hrDeviceNetwork',`hrDeviceDescr` ='network interface bge1',`hrDeviceStatus` ='down',`hrDeviceErrors` ='0',`hrProcessorLoad` =NULL WHERE device_id = '674' AND hrDeviceIndex = '262148'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00082088s] . SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `hrDeviceIndex` = '262149')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00043511s] SQL[UPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType` ='hrDeviceNetwork',`hrDeviceDescr` ='network interface lo0',`hrDeviceStatus` ='running',`hrDeviceErrors` ='0',`hrProcessorLoad` =NULL WHERE device_id = '674' AND hrDeviceIndex = '262149'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00181484s] . SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `hrDeviceIndex` = '786432')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00046110s] SQL[UPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType` ='hrDeviceCoprocessor',`hrDeviceDescr` ='Guessing that there\'s a floating point co-processor',`hrDeviceStatus` ='running',`hrDeviceErrors` ='0',`hrProcessorLoad` =NULL WHERE device_id = '674' AND hrDeviceIndex = '786432'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00085592s] . SQL[SELECT * FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00042200s]  o ENTITY-MIB  ENTITY-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m ENTITY-MIB:CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'srv1':'161' entPhysicalEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0788s] STDOUT[ entPhysicalEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  o Duration  0.1317s ##### Module Start: printersupplies #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `printersupplies` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035191s]  o Duration  0.0014s ##### Module Start: sensors #####   o MIB-Dell-10892   o SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/supermicro 'udp':'srv1':'161' smHealthMonitorTable]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0223s] STDOUT[ smHealthMonitorTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  o LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB  physicalDriveTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'srv1':'161' physicalDriveTable]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0206s] STDOUT[ physicalDriveTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosureTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'srv1':'161' enclosureTable]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0096s] STDOUT[ enclosureTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosurePowerSupplyTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'srv1':'161' enclosurePowerSupplyTable]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0093s] STDOUT[ enclosurePowerSupplyTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosureTempSensorTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'srv1':'161' enclosureTempSensorTable]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0097s] STDOUT[ enclosureTempSensorTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosureFanTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'srv1':'161' enclosureFanTable]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0103s] STDOUT[ enclosureFanTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  o ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m ENTITY-MIB:ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' entPhySensorValue]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.008s] STDOUT[ entPhySensorValue = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00086308s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'humidity' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00066495s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00061798s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'dewpoint' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00062609s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'airflow' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00060797s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00056291s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'current' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00064015s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'power' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00056791s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'apower' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00057697s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'rpower' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00067401s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'crestfactor' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00064421s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'powerfactor' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00054693s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'impedance' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00062108s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'resistance' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00053787s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'frequency' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00068402s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'dbm' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00053382s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'snr' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049782s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'dust' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051999s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'sound' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00064397s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'capacity' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051785s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'load' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00296688s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'runtime' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051904s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'volume' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00061917s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'waterflow' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049901s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'pressure' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00058603s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'velocity' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00055003s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'illuminance' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00052094s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `sensor_class` = 'wavelength' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00058317s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `status_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00055885s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `counters` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp' AND `counter_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00050092s]  o Duration  0.1349s ##### Module Start: storage #####   o UCD-SNMP-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' dskEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0133s] STDOUT[ dskIndex.1 = 1 dskIndex.2 = 2 dskIndex.3 = 3 dskIndex.4 = 4 dskIndex.5 = 5 dskIndex.6 = 6 dskPath.1 = / dskPath.2 = /dev dskPath.3 = /tmp dskPath.4 = /var dskPath.5 = /proc dskPath.6 = /data1 dskDevice.1 = /dev/ufs/rootg dskDevice.2 = devfs dskDevice.3 = /dev/ufs/tmp dskDevice.4 = /dev/ufs/var dskDevice.5 = procfs dskDevice.6 = /dev/ufs/data1 dskMinimum.1 = -1 dskMinimum.2 = -1 dskMinimum.3 = -1 dskMinimum.4 = -1 dskMinimum.5 = -1 dskMinimum.6 = -1 dskMinPercent.1 = 10 dskMinPercent.2 = 10 dskMinPercent.3 = 10 dskMinPercent.4 = 10 dskMinPercent.5 = 10 dskMinPercent.6 = 10 dskTotal.1 = 1015324 dskTotal.2 = 1 dskTotal.3 = 2031132 dskTotal.4 = 2031132 dskTotal.5 = 4 dskTotal.6 = 937374276 dskAvail.1 = 335588 dskAvail.2 = 0 dskAvail.3 = 2030948 dskAvail.4 = 922820 dskAvail.5 = 0 dskAvail.6 = 918753468 dskUsed.1 = 679736 dskUsed.2 = 1 dskUsed.3 = 184 dskUsed.4 = 1108312 dskUsed.5 = 4 dskUsed.6 = 18620808 dskPercent.1 = 67 dskPercent.2 = 100 dskPercent.3 = 0 dskPercent.4 = 55 dskPercent.5 = 100 dskPercent.6 = 2 dskPercentNode.1 = 13 dskPercentNode.2 = 0 dskPercentNode.3 = 0 dskPercentNode.4 = 0 dskPercentNode.5 = 100 dskPercentNode.6 = 0 dskTotalLow.1 = 1015324 dskTotalLow.2 = 1 dskTotalLow.3 = 2031132 dskTotalLow.4 = 2031132 dskTotalLow.5 = 4 dskTotalLow.6 = 937374276 dskTotalHigh.1 = 0 dskTotalHigh.2 = 0 dskTotalHigh.3 = 0 dskTotalHigh.4 = 0 dskTotalHigh.5 = 0 dskTotalHigh.6 = 0 dskAvailLow.1 = 335588 dskAvailLow.2 = 0 dskAvailLow.3 = 2030948 dskAvailLow.4 = 922820 dskAvailLow.5 = 0 dskAvailLow.6 = 918753468 dskAvailHigh.1 = 0 dskAvailHigh.2 = 0 dskAvailHigh.3 = 0 dskAvailHigh.4 = 0 dskAvailHigh.5 = 0 dskAvailHigh.6 = 0 dskUsedLow.1 = 679736 dskUsedLow.2 = 1 dskUsedLow.3 = 184 dskUsedLow.4 = 1108312 dskUsedLow.5 = 4 dskUsedLow.6 = 18620808 dskUsedHigh.1 = 0 dskUsedHigh.2 = 0 dskUsedHigh.3 = 0 dskUsedHigh.4 = 0 dskUsedHigh.5 = 0 dskUsedHigh.6 = 0 dskErrorFlag.1 = noError dskErrorFlag.2 = error dskErrorFlag.3 = noError dskErrorFlag.4 = noError dskErrorFlag.5 = error dskErrorFlag.6 = noError dskErrorMsg.1 = dskErrorMsg.2 = /dev: less than 10%free (= 0%) dskErrorMsg.3 = dskErrorMsg.4 = dskErrorMsg.5 = /proc: less than 10%free (= 0%) dskErrorMsg.6 = ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  o HOST-RESOURCES-MIB  674 -> 31, hrStorageFixedDisk, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, /, 4096, 1039691776, 696049664, 0 SQL[SELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `storage_index` = '31' AND `storage_mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00056911s] 674 -> 32, hrStorageFixedDisk, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, /dev, 512, 1024, 1024, 0 Skipped by equals: /dev, /dev 674 -> 33, hrStorageFixedDisk, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, /tmp, 4096, 2079879168, 188416, 0 SQL[SELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `storage_index` = '33' AND `storage_mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051403s] 674 -> 34, hrStorageFixedDisk, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, /var, 4096, 2079879168, 1134911488, 0 SQL[SELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `storage_index` = '34' AND `storage_mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00048113s] 674 -> 35, hrStorageFixedDisk, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, /proc, 4096, 4096, 4096, 0 Skipped by equals: /proc, /proc 674 -> 36, hrStorageFixedDisk, HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, /data1, 4096, 959871258624, 19067707392, 0 SQL[SELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '674' AND `storage_index` = '36' AND `storage_mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00061512s]  > $valid['storage'] /opt/observium/includes/discovery/  array( [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] => array( [31] => string(1) "/" [33] => string(4) "/tmp" [34] => string(4) "/var" [36] => string(6) "/data1" ) ) SQL[SELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00054312s] 31 -> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB 33 -> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB 34 -> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB 36 -> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB  > $valid[$module] /opt/observium/includes/discovery/  array( [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] => array( [31] => string(1) "/" [33] => string(4) "/tmp" [34] => string(4) "/var" [36] => string(6) "/data1" ) )  o Changes  4 unchanged  o Duration  0.0274s ##### Module Start: neighbours #####   o LLDP-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m LLDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' lldpRemChassisIdSubtype]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.023s] STDOUT[ lldpRemChassisIdSubtype = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  o CISCO-CDP-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m CISCO-CDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'srv1':'161' cdpCache]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0467s] STDOUT[ cdpCache = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  o OSPF-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m OSPF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ospfNbrRtrId]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0168s] STDOUT[ ospfNbrRtrId = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SQL[SELECT * FROM `neighbours` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00078297s]  o Duration  0.0975s ##### Module Start: arp-table #####  SQL[SELECT `port_id`, `ifIndex` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '674' GROUP BY `port_id`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00077105s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OXqs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0161s] STDOUT[ ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[3][ipv4][""] 50:9a:4c:83:d8:a5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[3][ipv4][""] 50:9a:4c:87:d:76 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[3][ipv4][""] 50:9a:4c:83:d8:a5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[3][ipv4][""] 14:18:77:29:f9:38 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[3][ipv4][""] 14:18:77:29:f5:2a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[3][ipv4][""] 0:0:5e:0:1:9 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[3][ipv4][""] 2:4:96:9c:2a:18 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[3][ipv4][""] 2:4:96:9c:2f:2c ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Used IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress SQL[SELECT mac_id, mac_address, ip_address, ip_version, ifIndex FROM ip_mac AS M  LEFT JOIN ports AS I ON M.port_id = I.port_id  WHERE I.device_id = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00069904s] ........  o Duration  0.0214s ##### Module Start: junose-atm-vp #####   o Duration  0.0007s ##### Module Start: bgp-peers #####  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m BGP4-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' bgpLocalAs.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0076s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] No BGP on host SQL[SELECT * FROM `bgpPeers` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00046206s]  o Duration  0.0117s ##### Module Start: mac-accounting #####   o Duration  0.0004s ##### Module Start: cisco-vrf #####   o Duration  0.0006s ##### Module Start: sla #####   o DISMAN-PING-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m DISMAN-PING-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' pingCtlEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0134s] STDOUT[ pingCtlEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SQL[SELECT * FROM `slas` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00048184s]  o Duration  0.0168s ##### Module Start: lsp #####   o Duration  0.0001s ##### Module Start: pseudowires #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `pseudowires` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016999s]  o PW-STD-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m PW-STD-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' pwID]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0114s] STDOUT[ pwID = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]  o Duration  0.0147s ##### Module Start: virtual-machines #####   o Duration  0.0012s ##### Module Start: cisco-cbqos #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_cbqos` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00053883s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'srv1':'161' cbQosIfType]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0465s] STDOUT[ cbQosIfType = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] QoS not configured.  o Duration  0.0498s ##### Module Start: ucd-diskio #####  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -t '5' -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m UCD-DISKIO-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'srv1':'161' diskIOEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0131s] STDOUT[ diskIOIndex.1 = 1 diskIOIndex.2 = 2 diskIOIndex.3 = 3 diskIOIndex.4 = 4 diskIOIndex.5 = 5 diskIOIndex.6 = 6 diskIODevice.1 = md99 diskIODevice.2 = da0 diskIODevice.3 = cd0 diskIODevice.4 = pass0 diskIODevice.5 = pass1 diskIODevice.6 = pass2 diskIONRead.1 = 0 diskIONRead.2 = 1823182336 diskIONRead.3 = 131424 diskIONRead.4 = 0 diskIONRead.5 = 0 diskIONRead.6 = 0 diskIONWritten.1 = 0 diskIONWritten.2 = 1480450048 diskIONWritten.3 = 0 diskIONWritten.4 = 0 diskIONWritten.5 = 0 diskIONWritten.6 = 0 diskIOReads.1 = 818921 diskIOReads.2 = 10397788 diskIOReads.3 = 66 diskIOReads.4 = 0 diskIOReads.5 = 0 diskIOReads.6 = 0 diskIOWrites.1 = 46658 diskIOWrites.2 = 154691965 diskIOWrites.3 = 0 diskIOWrites.4 = 0 diskIOWrites.5 = 0 diskIOWrites.6 = 0 diskIOLA1.1 = 0 diskIOLA1.2 = 1 diskIOLA1.3 = 0 diskIOLA1.4 = 0 diskIOLA1.5 = 0 diskIOLA1.6 = 0 diskIOLA5.1 = 0 diskIOLA5.2 = 1 diskIOLA5.3 = 0 diskIOLA5.4 = 0 diskIOLA5.5 = 0 diskIOLA5.6 = 0 diskIOLA15.1 = 0 diskIOLA15.2 = 0 diskIOLA15.3 = 0 diskIOLA15.4 = 0 diskIOLA15.5 = 0 diskIOLA15.6 = 0 diskIONReadX.1 = 0 diskIONReadX.2 = 1823182336 diskIONReadX.3 = 131424 diskIONReadX.4 = 0 diskIONReadX.5 = 0 diskIONReadX.6 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.1 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.2 = 1480450048 diskIONWrittenX.3 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.4 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.5 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.6 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00076103s] $index da0 .$index cd0 .  o Duration  0.0173s ##### Module Start: wifi #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `wifi_radios` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00045109s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wifi_wlans` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00055599s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wifi_aps` WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00129008s]  o Duration  0.0037s ##### Module Start: p2p-radios #####   o Duration  0.0001s ##### Module Start: graphs #####   o Duration  0.0007s ##### Module Start: services #####  Services:  o Duration  0.0005s Module [ raid ] disabled globally. SQL[SELECT `device_state` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '674';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00057507s] SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `last_discovered` =NOW(),`type` ='',`last_discovered_timetaken` ='1.257',`force_discovery` ='0',`device_state` ='a:9:{s:15:\"poller_mod_perf\";a:29:{s:10:\"unix-agent\";d:10.021599999999999;s:6:\"system\";d:0.41789999999999999;s:2:\"os\";d:0.82050000000000001;s:4:\"ipmi\";d:0.0035999999999999999;s:7:\"sensors\";d:0.001;s:6:\"status\";d:0.00040000000000000002;s:7:\"counter\";d:0.00029999999999999997;s:10:\"processors\";d:1.5978000000000001;s:8:\"mempools\";d:0.15790000000000001;s:7:\"storage\";d:0.0183;s:8:\"netstats\";d:0.6784;s:7:\"ucd-mib\";d:0.1744;s:13:\"ipSystemStats\";d:0.1268;s:5:\"ports\";d:0.7752;s:9:\"bgp-peers\";d:0.10920000000000001;s:15:\"printersupplies\";d:0.00059999999999999995;s:10:\"ucd-diskio\";d:0.095600000000000004;s:4:\"wifi\";d:0.0001;s:10:\"p2p-radios\";d:0.00059999999999999995;s:4:\"ospf\";d:0.1173;s:3:\"sla\";d:0.00040000000000000002;s:11:\"pseudowires\";d:0.00040000000000000002;s:14:\"mac-accounting\";d:0.00050000000000000001;s:12:\"loadbalancer\";d:0.00020000000000000001;s:15:\"entity-physical\";d:0.00020000000000000001;s:12:\"applications\";d:0.00059999999999999995;s:9:\"fdb-table\";d:0.1109;s:6:\"graphs\";d:0.16589999999999999;s:4:\"oids\";d:0.00059999999999999995;}s:2:\"la\";a:3:{s:4:\"1min\";d:0.35999999999999999;s:4:\"5min\";d:0.52000000000000002;s:5:\"15min\";d:0.52000000000000002;}s:8:\"ucd_load\";d:0.52000000000000002;s:10:\"ucd_ss_cpu\";a:8:{s:12:\"ssCpuRawUser\";a:1:{s:4:\"perc\";d:14.717654078373618;}s:12:\"ssCpuRawNice\";a:1:{s:4:\"perc\";d:7.6532796685341884;}s:14:\"ssCpuRawSystem\";a:1:{s:4:\"perc\";d:11.11915740805221;}s:12:\"ssCpuRawIdle\";a:1:{s:4:\"perc\";d:55.39075143698777;}s:17:\"ssCpuRawInterrupt\";a:1:{s:4:\"perc\";d:0.078380673260232611;}s:15:\"ssCpuRawSoftIRQ\";a:1:{s:4:\"perc\";i:0;}s:14:\"ssCpuRawKernel\";a:1:{s:4:\"perc\";d:11.040776734791978;}s:12:\"ssCpuRawWait\";a:1:{s:4:\"perc\";i:0;}}s:7:\"ucd_mem\";a:7:{s:10:\"swap_total\";s:8:\"12582652\";s:10:\"swap_avail\";s:8:\"11175636\";s:9:\"mem_total\";s:7:\"8182232\";s:9:\"mem_avail\";s:6:\"176684\";s:10:\"mem_shared\";s:6:\"278088\";s:10:\"mem_buffer\";s:6:\"786796\";s:10:\"mem_cached\";s:7:\"3728048\";}s:17:\"poller_ports_perf\";a:1:{s:4:\"vlan\";d:0.26778602600097656;}s:14:\"poller_history\";a:124:{i:1562054870;d:15.474500000000001;i:1562054584;d:17.118200000000002;i:1562054270;d:13.9412;i:1562053982;d:17.897099999999998;i:1562053674;d:15.8232;i:1562053383;d:14.892099999999999;i:1562053091;d:15.162699999999999;i:1562052771;d:14.177899999999999;i:1562052475;d:15.6249;i:1562052179;d:15.527200000000001;i:1562051872;d:15.4077;i:1562051584;d:15.997;i:1562051272;d:15.056100000000001;i:1562050978;d:16.351099999999999;i:1562050683;d:15.361499999999999;i:1562050383;d:14.491899999999999;i:1562050071;d:14.116099999999999;i:1562049782;d:16.1571;i:1562049481;d:14.690799999999999;i:1562049180;d:14.3576;i:1562048879;d:15.5443;i:1562048583;d:15.716699999999999;i:1562048278;d:14.9262;i:1562047983;d:14.956;i:1562047667;d:14.8353;i:1562047381;d:16.6692;i:1562047069;d:14.527900000000001;i:1562046773;d:16.214400000000001;i:1562046470;d:15.302099999999999;i:1562046176;d:15.912699999999999;i:1562045870;d:14.2538;i:1562045573;d:16.319099999999999;i:1562045268;d:14.8231;i:1562044978;d:16.886099999999999;i:1562044677;d:14.428599999999999;i:1562044371;d:15.607100000000001;i:1562044075;d:15.399900000000001;i:1562043771;d:15.615399999999999;i:1562043471;d:14.320499999999999;i:1562043175;d:16.779499999999999;i:1562042870;d:13.734999999999999;i:1562042570;d:16.713000000000001;i:1562042275;d:14.8316;i:1562041973;d:16.140599999999999;i:1562041668;d:13.753399999999999;i:1562041375;d:17.7225;i:1562041068;d:13.9872;i:1562040784;d:16.6462;i:1562040469;d:14.0381;i:1562040173;d:15.8164;i:1562039867;d:15.039999999999999;i:1562039575;d:16.997299999999999;i:1562039270;d:14.716900000000001;i:1562038977;d:17.003299999999999;i:1562038672;d:14.4178;i:1562038373;d:15.6462;i:1562038080;d:15.805;i:1562037772;d:15.215299999999999;i:1562037473;d:14.967000000000001;i:1562037181;d:15.7448;i:1562036875;d:13.6929;i:1562036574;d:16.041499999999999;i:1562036277;d:14.6004;i:1562035974;d:15.666600000000001;i:1562035670;d:14.091799999999999;i:1562035373;d:15.6732;i:1562035081;d:15.140599999999999;i:1562034770;d:15.0517;i:1562034478;d:15.755000000000001;i:1562034174;d:14.1464;i:1562033868;d:14.9276;i:1562033577;d:16.002300000000002;i:1562033281;d:16.072600000000001;i:1562032971;d:13.713800000000001;i:1562032679;d:14.8438;i:1562032373;d:14.8627;i:1562032068;d:16.2667;i:1562031776;d:17.1007;i:1562031485;d:15.523899999999999;i:1562031180;d:15.0063;i:1562030885;d:14.1431;i:1562030568;d:14.1029;i:1562030282;d:14.445;i:1562029968;d:13.7033;i:1562029681;d:16.177;i:1562029369;d:15.0801;i:1562029081;d:15.9549;i:1562028774;d:15.578200000000001;i:1562028472;d:14.273;i:1562028168;d:15.4598;i:1562027877;d:15.823700000000001;i:1562027570;d:14.9124;i:1562027275;d:15.534800000000001;i:1562026968;d:15.561999999999999;i:1562026675;d:14.9482;i:1562026372;d:15.1272;i:1562026077;d:14.4999;i:1562025773;d:15.0822;i:1562025481;d:14.718299999999999;i:1562025173;d:15.0296;i:1562024880;d:15.9376;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WHERE `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00278997s] ##### srv1 [674] completed discovery modules at 2019-07-02 10:09:56 #####   o Discovery time  1.257 seconds SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_pid` = '11862' AND `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '674'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00186086s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups` ORDER BY `entity_type`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00069094s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041890s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`os`, "") LIKE 'Microsens%')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00089622s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00069499s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`location`, "") LIKE 'CS%')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00129986s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = '2'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00053906s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`location`, "") LIKE 'CORE%' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") REGEXP '[123]\\b')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00122404s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = '3'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00048995s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE 'eswobdc_a%')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00079608s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = '5'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051999s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE 'eswobdc_e%')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00078106s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = '6'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00058722s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`location`, "") LIKE 'Beamline')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00104403s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = '7'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00052595s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_tests` WHERE 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022888s] Cached 14 alert rules. SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023103s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`os`, "") LIKE 'microsens-g6') AND ( 1)))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00273800s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00139403s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%esw%') AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`ifType`, "") NOT LIKE 'propVirtual' AND IFNULL(`ifAdminStatus`, "") NOT LIKE 'down'))) AND `deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.13215709s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '4'] SQL RUNTIME[0.15144300s] SQL[SELECT `status_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%esw%') AND ( 1 AND `entPhysicalClass` = 'powersupply'))) AND `status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.01495218s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '11'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00482392s] SQL[SELECT `processor_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `processors` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`processors`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%esw%') AND ( 1)))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00258517s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '12'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00428796s] SQL[SELECT `mempool_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `mempools` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`mempools`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%esw%') AND ( 1))) AND `mempool_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00353718s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '13'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00333214s] SQL[SELECT `bgpPeer_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `bgpPeers` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`bgpPeers`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1) AND ( 1)))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039792s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '14'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00034404s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`sysName`, "") LIKE 'eswmd5') AND ( 1 AND `ifName` = '2:46'))) AND `deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00139999s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '15'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032902s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`location`, "") LIKE 'CS%' AND `devices`.`hostname` NOT IN ('eswobrmcs1','eswobrmcs2')) AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`ifAdminStatus`, "") NOT LIKE 'down' AND IFNULL(`ifType`, "") NOT LIKE 'propVirtual'))) AND `deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.01982212s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '16'] SQL RUNTIME[0.01867199s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`location`, "") LIKE 'CORE/MCS' AND `devices`.`hostname` IN ('eswobrmcs1','eswobrmcs2')) AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`ifType`, "") NOT LIKE 'propVirtual'))) AND `deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00195980s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '17'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00150681s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = '6'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022388s] SQL[SELECT `port_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( `devices`.`device_id` IN ('12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','115','116','117','118','119','120','121','122','123','124','125','126','128','129','130','131','132','133','134','136','137','138','139','140','141','142','143','165','173','578','579','590') AND `ports`.`ifType` != 'propVirtual' AND `ports`.`ifAdminStatus` != 'down' AND `ports`.`disabled` != '1') AND `ports`.`deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00968814s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '20'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00921488s] SQL[SELECT `storage_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `storage` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`storage`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`storage`.`storage_descr`, "") LIKE '/%' OR IFNULL(`storage`.`storage_descr`, "") REGEXP 'flash') AND `storage`.`storage_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00092196s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '21'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00128102s] SQL[SELECT `status_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%esw%' AND `status`.`entPhysicalClass` = 'fan') AND `status`.`status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00593305s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '23'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00987005s] SQL[SELECT `port_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`location`, "") LIKE 'CORE%' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") REGEXP '[123]\\b' AND IFNULL(`ports`.`ifType`, "") NOT LIKE 'propVirtual' AND `ports`.`ifName` != 'Management' AND `ports`.`port_descr_type` = 'core') AND `ports`.`deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.03366280s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '26'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00271297s] SQL[SELECT `port_id`, `devices`.`device_id` as `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`location`, "") LIKE 'CORE%' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") REGEXP '[12]\\b' AND IFNULL(`ports`.`ifType`, "") NOT LIKE 'propVirtual' AND `ports`.`ifName` != 'Management' AND IFNULL(`ports`.`port_label`, "") NOT REGEXP '^[1][(0-6)].*:*') AND `ports`.`deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.04702711s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = '27'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00570607s] ##### Finished discovery run at 2019-07-02 10:09:57 #####  ./discovery.php: srv1 - 1 devices discovered in 2.242 secs SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_start` < '1562040595'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035906s] SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_id` = '166394620'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00149584s] Removed stale process entry from DB (cmd: 'php /opt/observium/discovery.php -h all', PID: '2457') NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] is set to TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output.  o Devices Discovered  1  o Discovery Time  2.242 secs  o Memory usage  112MB (peak: 117.7MB)  o MySQL Usage  Cell[26/0.015s] Row[26/0.016s] Rows[111/0.712s] Column[8/0.006s] Update[12/0.019s] Insert[1/0.001s] Delete[3/0.005s]  o RRDTool Usage