[root@ipnetwork observium]# ./discovery.php -d -m os,ip-addresses -h TC23GF5R6CSS02 DEBUG! SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035000s] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016117s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018001s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `config`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024199s] ___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |\__ \| __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_| \_/ |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Community Edition 17.9.0 http://www.observium.org CMD[/opt/observium/scripts/distro] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0523s] STDOUT[ Linux|2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64|amd64|RedHat|6.5|vmware ] CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0032s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ Python 2.6.6 ] SQL[SELECT version();] SQL RUNTIME[0.00015783s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0031s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.5 ] CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version | head -n1] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.004s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.3.8 Copyright 1997-2009 by Tobias Oetiker ] CMD[/usr/bin/env apache2 -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}'] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0031s] STDOUT[ ] CMD[/usr/sbin/httpd -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}'] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.015s] STDOUT[ Apache/2.2.15 ] CMD[date "+%:z"] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0023s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ +05:30 ] SQL[SELECT TIMEDIFF(NOW(), UTC_TIMESTAMP);] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023603s] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018215s] SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00054383s] ##### Software versions ##### o OS Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 [amd64] (RedHat 6.5) o Apache 2.2.15 o PHP 7.0.24 o Python 2.6.6 o MySQL 5.1.71 (extension: mysqli 5.1.71) o SNMP NET-SNMP 5.5 o RRDtool 1.3.8 ##### Memory Limit ##### o PHP 128B ##### MySQL mode ##### o MySQL ##### Charset info ##### o PHP UTF-8 o MySQL utf8 ##### Timezones info ##### o Date Wednesday, 02-May-18 15:08:35 IST o PHP +05:30 o MySQL +05:30 SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'last_versioncheck';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032210s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018406s] ##### Starting discovery run at 2018-05-02 15:08:35 ##### SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE 'TC23GF5R6CSS02' AND `status` = '1' ORDER BY `last_discovered_timetaken` ASC] SQL RUNTIME[0.00124002s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUst -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'tc23gf5r6css02':'161' sysObjectID.0 sysUpTime.0] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0109s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ sysObjectID.0 = enterprises.9.1.1522 sysUpTime.0 = 154197062 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '88'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00042105s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '88'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036597s] CMD[/bin/ps -ww -o pid,ppid,uid,gid,tty,stat,time,lstart,args -p 83860] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.013s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ PID PPID UID GID TT STAT TIME STARTED COMMAND 83860 48672 0 0 pts/0 S+ 00:00:00 Wed May 2 15:08:34 2018 php ./discovery.php -d -m os,ip-addresses -h TC23GF5R6CSS02 ] SQL[INSERT INTO `observium_processes` (`process_pid`,`process_name`,`process_ppid`,`process_uid`,`process_command`,`process_start`,`device_id`) VALUES ('83860','discovery.php','48672','0','php ./discovery.php -d -m os,ip-addresses -h TC23GF5R6CSS02','1525253914','88')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00899220s] ##### tc23gf5r6css02 [88] ##### o OS Type ios o OS Group cisco o SNMP Version v2c o Last discovery 2018-05-02 12:40:16 o Last duration 11.27 seconds ##### Module Start: os ##### CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovq -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'tc23gf5r6css02':'161' sysDescr.0] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0104s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ Cisco IOS Software, 901 Software (ASR901-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)S1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Copyright (c) 1986-2014 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 29-Oct-14 10:57 by prod_rel_team ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovqn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'tc23gf5r6css02':'161' sysObjectID.0] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0104s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OID | | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sysDescr | Cisco IOS Software, 901 Software (ASR901-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)S1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Technical Support: | | | http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Copyright (c) 1986-2014 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 29-Oct-14 10:57 by prod | | | _rel_team | | sysObjectID | . | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ o Re-Detect OS matched (ios: Cisco IOS): +----------+--------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OID | Matched definition | | +----------+--------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sysDescr | /Cisco IOS Software(?!.*LINUX_IOSD)/ | Cisco IOS Software, 901 Software (ASR901-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)S1, RELEAS | | | | E SOFTWARE (fc1) Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Copyright (c) | | | | 1986-2014 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 29-Oct-14 10:57 by prod_rel_team | +----------+--------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ o sysORID table CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'tc23gf5r6css02':'161' sysORID] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0159s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ . = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] CMD[/usr/bin/snmptranslate -On -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID'] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0085s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP TRANSLATE (CMD): 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID' -> '.' CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'tc23gf5r6css02':'161' sysORDescr] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0119s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ sysORDescr = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SQL[DELETE FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '88' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00046682s] o Duration 0.1766s ##### Module Start: ip-addresses ##### SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '88' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033116s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '88' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029492s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '88'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00031900s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_attribs`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022101s] o IP-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'tc23gf5r6css02':'161' ipAdEntIfIndex] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0212s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ ipAdEntIfIndex. = 51 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 37 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 38 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 39 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 40 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 17 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 36 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 41 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'tc23gf5r6css02':'161' ipAdEntNetMask] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.021s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'tc23gf5r6css02':'161' ipAddressIfIndex] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.024s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 51 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 37 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 38 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 39 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 40 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 17 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 36 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 41 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fd:00:02:01:ff:fb:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:01:8a" = 36 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:8103316481" = 42 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:8103316481" = 37 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:9103316481" = 38 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:a103316481" = 39 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fd:00:02:01:ff:fb:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:01:0503316481" = 18 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989908" = 36 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989909" = 37 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989910" = 38 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989911" = 39 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989914" = 42 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7401989906" = 17 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7401989907" = 18 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'tc23gf5r6css02':'161' ipAddressType] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0244s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6."fd:00:02:01:ff:fb:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:01:8a" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:8103316481" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:8103316481" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:9103316481" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:a103316481" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fd:00:02:01:ff:fb:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:01:0503316481" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989908" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989909" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989910" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989911" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989914" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7401989906" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7401989907" = unicast ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'tc23gf5r6css02':'161' ipAddressPrefix] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0243s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.51.ipv4."".30 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.37.ipv4."".29 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.38.ipv4."".29 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.39.ipv4."".29 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.40.ipv4."".29 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.17.ipv4."".32 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.36.ipv4."".30 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.41.ipv4."".30 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fd:00:02:01:ff:fb:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:01:8a" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.36.ipv6."fd:00:02:01:ff:fb:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:01:88".126 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:8103316481" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.42.ipv6."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:80".126 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:8103316481" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.37.ipv6."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:80".124 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:9103316481" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.38.ipv6."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:90".124 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:a103316481" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.39.ipv6."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:a0".124 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fd:00:02:01:ff:fb:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:01:0503316481" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.18.ipv6."fd:00:02:01:ff:fb:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:01:05".128 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989908" = zeroDotZero ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989909" = zeroDotZero ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989910" = zeroDotZero ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989911" = zeroDotZero ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989914" = zeroDotZero ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7401989906" = zeroDotZero ipAddressPrefix.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7401989907" = zeroDotZero ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'tc23gf5r6css02':'161' ipAddressOrigin] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0242s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."fd:00:02:01:ff:fb:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:01:8a" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:8103316481" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:8103316481" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:9103316481" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fd:00:02:00:14:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:18:a103316481" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fd:00:02:01:ff:fb:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:01:0503316481" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989908" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989909" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989910" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989911" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7001989914" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7401989906" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:62:73:5c:ff:fe:79:4c:7401989907" = linklayer ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] o CISCO-IETF-IP-MIB > $ip_data[$ip_version] /opt/observium/includes/discovery/ip-addresses.inc.php:28 array( [51] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(2) "51" [ip] => string(13) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [37] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(2) "37" [ip] => string(11) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [38] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(2) "38" [ip] => string(11) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [39] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(2) "39" [ip] => string(12) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [40] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(2) "40" [ip] => string(12) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [17] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(2) "17" [ip] => string(11) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [36] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(2) "36" [ip] => string(13) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [41] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(2) "41" [ip] => string(13) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) ) SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '88'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00202608s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '88' AND `ifIndex` = '51' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024891s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '8836'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037289s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '88'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037694s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '88'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030708s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00100112s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '88' AND `ifIndex` = '37' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019193s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '8738'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036383s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00074291s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '88' AND `ifIndex` = '38' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018787s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '8739'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038099s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00074697s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '88' AND `ifIndex` = '39' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022912s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '6657'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041199s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00076008s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '88' AND `ifIndex` = '40' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019407s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '8740'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038600s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00077200s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '88' AND `ifIndex` = '17' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022602s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '6635'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035596s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00070691s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '88' AND `ifIndex` = '36' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021887s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '8737'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035000s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00074983s] SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '88' AND `ifIndex` = '41' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018883s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '8741'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039101s] SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00076008s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '88'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00125885s] /opt/observium/includes/discovery/ip-addresses.inc.php:28 array( [36] => array( [fd00:0201:fffb:0000:0001:0000:0000:018a] => array( [ifIndex] => string(2) "36" [ip] => string(39) "fd00:0201:fffb:0000:0001:0000:0000:018a" [prefix] => string(3) "126" [type] => string(7) "unicast" [origin] => string(6) "manual" ) ) ) SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '88'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00109887s] SQL[SELECT `ipv6_network_id` FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = 'fd00:201:fffb:0:1:0:0:188/126'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00063181s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '88'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00128698s] +---------+-----------+-------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+--------+ | ifIndex | ifDescr | IP: Version | Address | Network | Origin | +---------+-----------+-------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+--------+ | 51 | Vlan65 | IPv4 | | | | | 37 | Vlan61 | IPv4 | | | | | 38 | Vlan62 | IPv4 | | | | | 39 | Vlan63 | IPv4 | | | | | 40 | Vlan64 | IPv4 | | | | | 17 | Loopback0 | IPv4 | | | | | 36 | Vlan10 | IPv4 | | | | | 41 | Vlan200 | IPv4 | | | | | 36 | Vlan10 | IPv6 | fd00:201:fffb:0:1::18a/126 | fd00:201:fffb:0:1:0:0:188/126 | manual | +---------+-----------+-------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+--------+ o Changes 9 unchanged o Duration 0.2722s SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `last_discovered` =NOW(),`type` ='network',`last_discovered_timetaken` ='0.485',`force_discovery` ='0' WHERE `device_id` = '88'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00105286s] SQL[INSERT INTO `devices_perftimes` (`device_id`,`operation`,`start`,`duration`) VALUES ('88','discover','1525253915.3102','0.485111951828')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00120497s] ##### tc23gf5r6css02 [88] completed discovery modules at 2018-05-02 15:08:35 ##### o Discovery time 0.485 seconds SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_pid` = '83860' AND `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '88'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00068402s] ##### Finished discovery run at 2018-05-02 15:08:35 ##### SQL[INSERT INTO `perf_times` (`type`,`doing`,`start`,`duration`,`devices`) VALUES ('discover','TC23GF5R6CSS02','1525253915.149','0.650','1')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00111103s] ./discovery.php: TC23GF5R6CSS02 - 1 devices discovered in 0.650 secs SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_start` < '1525239515'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019312s] NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] is set to TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output. o Devices Discovered 1 o Discovery Time 0.650 secs o Memory usage 12MB (peak: 14MB) o MySQL Usage Cell[21/0.014s] Row[15/0.01s] Rows[13/0.013s] Column[0/0s] Update[1/0.001s] Insert[3/0.012s] Delete[2/0.002s] o RRDTool Usage [root@ipnetwork observium]#