DEBUG! CMD[/usr/bin/svn info /opt/observium]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0079s] STDOUT[ Path: . Working Copy Root Path: /opt/observium URL: Relative URL: ^/observium/trunk Repository Root: Repository UUID: 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8 Revision: 9014 Node Kind: directory Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: mike Last Changed Rev: 9014 Last Changed Date: 2018-01-28 20:58:07 +0000 (Sun, 28 Jan 2018) ] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00086308s] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00060296s] SQL[SET SESSION `sql_mode` = 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00054097s] DB mode(s) disabled: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00061917s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `config`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00064516s] CMD[/bin/hostname -f]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0022s] STDOUT[ monitoring01.c.leafspace-183416.internal ]  ___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |\__ \| __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_| \_/ |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional 18.1.9014  CMD[/opt/observium/scripts/distro]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0081s] STDOUT[ Linux|4.13.0-31-generic|amd64|Ubuntu|16.04|kvm ] CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.002s] STDOUT[ Python 2.7.12 ] SQL[SELECT version();] SQL RUNTIME[0.00094295s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0022s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.7.3 ] CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version | head -n1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0074s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.5.5 Copyright by Tobias Oetiker ] CMD[/usr/sbin/apache2 -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}']  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0329s] STDOUT[ Apache/2.4.18 ] CMD[date "+%:z"]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0022s] STDOUT[ +00:00 ] SQL[SELECT TIMEDIFF(NOW(), UTC_TIMESTAMP);] SQL RUNTIME[0.00106192s] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00072408s] SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00241899s] ##### Software versions #####   o OS  Linux 4.13.0-31-generic [amd64] (Ubuntu 16.04)  o Apache  2.4.18  o PHP  7.0.22-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (OPcache: DISABLED)  o Python  2.7.12  o MySQL  5.7.14-google-log (extension: mysqli 5.0.12-dev)  o SNMP  NET-SNMP 5.7.3  o RRDtool  1.5.5 ##### Memory Limit #####   o PHP  Unlimited ##### MySQL mode #####   o MySQL  NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION ##### Charset info #####   o PHP  UTF-8  o MySQL  utf8 ##### Timezones info #####   o Date  Monday, 29-Jan-18 11:44:14 UTC  o PHP  +00:00  o MySQL  +00:00 SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'last_versioncheck';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00082493s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00062394s] ##### Starting discovery run at 2018-01-29 11:44:14 #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `device_id` = '48' AND `status` = '1' ORDER BY `last_discovered_timetaken` ASC] SQL RUNTIME[0.00092888s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUst -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' sysObjectID.0 sysUpTime.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.047s] STDOUT[ sysObjectID.0 = enterprises.11863.5.33 sysUpTime.0 = 169745431 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '48'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00140405s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '48'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00077581s] CMD[/bin/ps -ww -o pid,ppid,uid,gid,tty,stat,time,lstart,args -p 9066]  CMD EXITCODE[1] CMD RUNTIME[0.0075s] STDOUT[ PID PPID UID GID TT STAT TIME STARTED COMMAND ] PID 9066 doesn't exists SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_id` = '468256'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00846910s] CMD[/bin/ps -ww -o pid,ppid,uid,gid,tty,stat,time,lstart,args -p 9134]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0076s] STDOUT[ PID PPID UID GID TT STAT TIME STARTED COMMAND 9134 8967 0 0 pts/0 S+ 00:00:00 Mon Jan 29 11:44:13 2018 php ./discovery.php -d -m ports -h 48 ] SQL[INSERT INTO `observium_processes` (`process_pid`,`process_name`,`process_ppid`,`process_uid`,`process_command`,`process_start`,`device_id`) VALUES ('9134','discovery.php','8967','0','php ./discovery.php -d -m ports -h 48','1517226253','48')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00564790s] ##### [48] #####   o OS Type  tplink  o SNMP Version  v2c  o Last discovery  2018-01-29 10:02:31  o Last duration  149.63 seconds ##### Module Start: ports #####   o Caching OIDs  ifDescr CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifDescr]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.4553s] STDOUT[ ifDescr.1 = Vlan-interface1 ifDescr.49152 = AUX0 ifDescr.49153 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/1 : copper ifDescr.49154 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/2 : copper ifDescr.49155 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/3 : copper ifDescr.49156 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/4 : copper ifDescr.49157 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/5 : copper ifDescr.49158 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/6 : copper ifDescr.49159 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/7 : copper ifDescr.49160 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/8 : copper ifDescr.49161 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/9 : copper ifDescr.49162 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/10 : copper ifDescr.49163 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/11 : copper ifDescr.49164 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/12 : copper ifDescr.49165 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/13 : copper ifDescr.49166 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/14 : copper ifDescr.49167 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/15 : copper ifDescr.49168 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/16 : copper ifDescr.49169 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/17 : copper ifDescr.49170 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/18 : copper ifDescr.49171 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/19 : copper ifDescr.49172 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/20 : copper ifDescr.49173 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/21 : copper ifDescr.49174 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/22 : copper ifDescr.49175 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/23 : copper ifDescr.49176 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/24 : copper ifDescr.49177 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/25 : fiber ifDescr.49178 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/26 : fiber ifDescr.49179 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/27 : fiber ifDescr.49180 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/28 : fiber ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifAlias CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifAlias]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.781s] STDOUT[ ifAlias.1 = ifAlias.49152 = ifAlias.49153 = Lan1 PC ifAlias.49154 = ifAlias.49155 = ifAlias.49156 = ifAlias.49157 = ifAlias.49158 = ifAlias.49159 = ifAlias.49160 = ifAlias.49161 = ifAlias.49162 = ifAlias.49163 = Lan2 PC ifAlias.49164 = Rx ifAlias.49165 = Tx ifAlias.49166 = NBK1 ifAlias.49167 = NBK2 ifAlias.49168 = ifAlias.49169 = ifAlias.49170 = ifAlias.49171 = ifAlias.49172 = ifAlias.49173 = ifAlias.49174 = ifAlias.49175 = ifAlias.49176 = Uplink ifAlias.49177 = ifAlias.49178 = ifAlias.49179 = ifAlias.49180 = ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifName CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifName]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.7813s] STDOUT[ ifName.1 = Vlan-interface1 ifName.49152 = AUX0 ifName.49153 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/1 : copper ifName.49154 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/2 : copper ifName.49155 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/3 : copper ifName.49156 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/4 : copper ifName.49157 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/5 : copper ifName.49158 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/6 : copper ifName.49159 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/7 : copper ifName.49160 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/8 : copper ifName.49161 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/9 : copper ifName.49162 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/10 : copper ifName.49163 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/11 : copper ifName.49164 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/12 : copper ifName.49165 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/13 : copper ifName.49166 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/14 : copper ifName.49167 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/15 : copper ifName.49168 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/16 : copper ifName.49169 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/17 : copper ifName.49170 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/18 : copper ifName.49171 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/19 : copper ifName.49172 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/20 : copper ifName.49173 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/21 : copper ifName.49174 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/22 : copper ifName.49175 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/23 : copper ifName.49176 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/24 : copper ifName.49177 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/25 : fiber ifName.49178 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/26 : fiber ifName.49179 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/27 : fiber ifName.49180 = gigabitEthernet 1/0/28 : fiber ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifType CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifType]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.4966s] STDOUT[ ifType.1 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49152 = ppp ifType.49153 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49154 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49155 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49156 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49157 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49158 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49159 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49160 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49161 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49162 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49163 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49164 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49165 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49166 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49167 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49168 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49169 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49170 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49171 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49172 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49173 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49174 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49175 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49176 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49177 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49178 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49179 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.49180 = ethernetCsmacd ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifOperStatus CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'161' ifOperStatus]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.5095s] STDOUT[ ifOperStatus.1 = up ifOperStatus.49152 = up ifOperStatus.49153 = up ifOperStatus.49154 = down ifOperStatus.49155 = down ifOperStatus.49156 = down ifOperStatus.49157 = down ifOperStatus.49158 = down ifOperStatus.49159 = down ifOperStatus.49160 = down ifOperStatus.49161 = down ifOperStatus.49162 = down ifOperStatus.49163 = up ifOperStatus.49164 = up ifOperStatus.49165 = up ifOperStatus.49166 = up ifOperStatus.49167 = down ifOperStatus.49168 = down ifOperStatus.49169 = down ifOperStatus.49170 = down ifOperStatus.49171 = down ifOperStatus.49172 = down ifOperStatus.49173 = down ifOperStatus.49174 = down ifOperStatus.49175 = down ifOperStatus.49176 = up ifOperStatus.49177 = down ifOperStatus.49178 = down ifOperStatus.49179 = down ifOperStatus.49180 = down ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '48' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00121999s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_attribs`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00074315s]   /opt/observium/includes/discovery/  array( [1] => array( [ifDescr] => string(15) "Vlan-interface1" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(15) "Vlan-interface1" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [49152] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "AUX0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "AUX0" [ifType] => string(3) "ppp" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [49153] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/1 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(7) "Lan1 PC" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/1 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [49154] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/2 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/2 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49155] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/3 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/3 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49156] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/4 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/4 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49157] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/5 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/5 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49158] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/6 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/6 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49159] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/7 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/7 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49160] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/8 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/8 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49161] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/9 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/9 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49162] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/10 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/10 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49163] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/11 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(7) "Lan2 PC" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/11 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [49164] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/12 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(2) "Rx" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/12 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [49165] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/13 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(2) "Tx" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/13 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [49166] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/14 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(4) "NBK1" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/14 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [49167] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/15 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(4) "NBK2" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/15 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49168] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/16 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/16 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49169] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/17 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/17 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49170] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/18 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/18 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49171] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/19 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/19 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49172] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/20 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/20 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49173] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/21 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/21 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49174] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/22 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/22 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49175] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/23 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/23 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49176] => array( [ifDescr] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/24 : copper" [ifAlias] => string(6) "Uplink" [ifName] => string(31) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/24 : copper" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [49177] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/25 : fiber" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/25 : fiber" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49178] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/26 : fiber" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/26 : fiber" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49179] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/27 : fiber" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/27 : fiber" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [49180] => array( [ifDescr] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/28 : fiber" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(30) "gigabitEthernet 1/0/28 : fiber" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) )  o Caching DB  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '48'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00124097s] 30 ports  o Discovering ports  SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2706'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00647902s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2706','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00471497s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2707'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00607204s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2707','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00519395s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2708'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00601387s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2708','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00456405s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2709'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00579405s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2709','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00542784s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2710'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00870895s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2710','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00599313s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2711'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00655317s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2711','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00602388s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2712'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00622606s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2712','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00511909s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2713'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00719595s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2713','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00530386s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2714'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00593901s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2714','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00504208s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2715'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00563407s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2715','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00595403s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2716'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00563502s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2716','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00581789s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2717'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00527596s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2717','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00507498s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2718'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00522900s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2718','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00504208s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2719'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00617194s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2719','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00462794s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2720'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00533295s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2720','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00478792s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2721'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00518918s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2721','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00531292s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2722'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00539207s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2722','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00568104s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2723'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00589705s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2723','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00538707s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2724'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00564981s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2724','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00531912s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2725'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00611019s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2725','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00549698s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2726'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00620484s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2726','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00522614s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2727'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00496292s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2727','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00473499s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2728'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00857496s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2728','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00472403s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2729'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00570297s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2729','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00537395s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2730'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00553799s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2730','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00611687s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2731'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00535703s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2731','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00560498s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2732'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00580692s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2732','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00577188s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2733'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00532007s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2733','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00575614s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2734'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00511193s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2734','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00628209s] U SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `deleted` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '2735'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00528383s] SQL[INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('48','2735','port',NOW(),'6','Interface DELETED mark removed')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00618100s] U ifIndex ifDescr ifName ifAlias ifType Oper Status Ignored 1 Vlan-interface1 Vlan-interface1 ... ethernetCsmacd up no 49152 AUX0 AUX0 ... ppp up no 49153 gigabitEthernet 1/0/1 : copper gigabitEthernet 1/0/1 : copper Lan1 PC ethernetCsmacd up no 49154 gigabitEthernet 1/0/2 : copper gigabitEthernet 1/0/2 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49155 gigabitEthernet 1/0/3 : copper gigabitEthernet 1/0/3 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49156 gigabitEthernet 1/0/4 : copper gigabitEthernet 1/0/4 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49157 gigabitEthernet 1/0/5 : copper gigabitEthernet 1/0/5 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49158 gigabitEthernet 1/0/6 : copper gigabitEthernet 1/0/6 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49159 gigabitEthernet 1/0/7 : copper gigabitEthernet 1/0/7 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49160 gigabitEthernet 1/0/8 : copper gigabitEthernet 1/0/8 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49161 gigabitEthernet 1/0/9 : copper gigabitEthernet 1/0/9 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49162 gigabitEthernet 1/0/10 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/10 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49163 gigabitEthernet 1/0/11 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/11 : copper Lan2 PC ethernetCsmacd up no 49164 gigabitEthernet 1/0/12 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/12 : copper Rx ethernetCsmacd up no 49165 gigabitEthernet 1/0/13 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/13 : copper Tx ethernetCsmacd up no 49166 gigabitEthernet 1/0/14 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/14 : copper NBK1 ethernetCsmacd up no 49167 gigabitEthernet 1/0/15 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/15 : copper NBK2 ethernetCsmacd down no 49168 gigabitEthernet 1/0/16 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/16 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49169 gigabitEthernet 1/0/17 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/17 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49170 gigabitEthernet 1/0/18 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/18 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49171 gigabitEthernet 1/0/19 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/19 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49172 gigabitEthernet 1/0/20 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/20 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49173 gigabitEthernet 1/0/21 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/21 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49174 gigabitEthernet 1/0/22 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/22 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49175 gigabitEthernet 1/0/23 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/23 : copper ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49176 gigabitEthernet 1/0/24 : co... gigabitEthernet 1/0/24 : copper Uplink ethernetCsmacd up no 49177 gigabitEthernet 1/0/25 : fiber gigabitEthernet 1/0/25 : fiber ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49178 gigabitEthernet 1/0/26 : fiber gigabitEthernet 1/0/26 : fiber ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49179 gigabitEthernet 1/0/27 : fiber gigabitEthernet 1/0/27 : fiber ... ethernetCsmacd down no 49180 gigabitEthernet 1/0/28 : fiber gigabitEthernet 1/0/28 : fiber ... ethernetCsmacd down no  o Duration  3.4102s SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `last_discovered` =NOW(),`type` ='network',`last_discovered_timetaken` ='3.4475',`force_discovery` ='0' WHERE `device_id` = '48'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00613499s] ##### [48] completed discovery modules at 2018-01-29 11:44:17 #####   o Discovery time  3.4475 seconds SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_pid` = '9134' AND `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '48'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00509000s] ##### Finished discovery run at 2018-01-29 11:44:17 #####  ./discovery.php: - 1 devices discovered in 3.593 secs SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_start` < '1517211854'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00079799s] NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] is set to TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output.  o Devices Discovered  1  o Discovery Time  3.593 secs  o Memory usage  12MB (peak: 14MB)  o MySQL Usage  Cell[4/0.004s] Row[5/0.005s] Rows[8/0.01s] Column[0/0s] Update[31/0.188s] Insert[31/0.171s] Delete[2/0.014s]  o RRDTool Usage