fgkomm@observium:/opt/observium$ ./discovery.php -d -a DEBUG! CMD[/usr/bin/svn info /opt/observium] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0096s] CMD EXITDELAY[5ms] STDOUT[ Path: . Working Copy Root Path: /opt/observium URL: https://svn.observium.org/svn/observium/branches/stable Relative URL: ^/observium/branches/stable Repository Root: https://svn.observium.org/svn Repository UUID: 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8 Revision: 13381 Node Kind: directory Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: adama Last Changed Rev: 13371 Last Changed Date: 2024-03-01 12:32:11 +0100 (Fri, 01 Mar 2024) ] DEFINITIONS Time : 0.0934582 ms DEFINITIONS Memory: 16.1MB SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_attribs`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00764298s] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00436401s] SQL[SET SESSION `sql_mode` = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'] SQL RUNTIME[8.297E-5s] DB mode(s) disabled: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY, NO_ZERO_DATE, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO SQL[SELECT TIMEDIFF(NOW(), UTC_TIMESTAMP);] SQL RUNTIME[8.893E-5s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `config`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016904s] SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `pollers`)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00012803s] ___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |\__ \| __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_| \_/ |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional 24.3.13371 https://www.observium.org CMD[/opt/observium/scripts/distro] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0257s] STDOUT[ Linux|5.15.0-100-generic|amd64|Ubuntu|22.04|vmware| ] CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0063s] STDOUT[ Python 3.10.12 ] SQL[SELECT VERSION();] SQL RUNTIME[0.00011492s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0027s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.9.1 ] CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version | head -n1] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0107s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.7.2 Copyright by Tobias Oetiker ] CMD[/usr/bin/fping -v 2>&1] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0105s] STDOUT[ /usr/bin/fping: Version 5.1 ] CMD[/usr/sbin/apache2 -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}'] CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0272s] STDOUT[ Apache/2.4.52 ] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019002s] SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin'] SQL RUNTIME[0.63949704s] SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00350809s] ##### Software versions ##### o OS Linux 5.15.0-100-generic [amd64] (Ubuntu 22.04) o Apache 2.4.52 o PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14 (OPcache: DISABLED) o Python 3.10.12 o MySQL 8.0.36-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 (extension: mysqli 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14) o SNMP NET-SNMP 5.9.1 o RRDtool 1.7.2 o Fping 5.1 (IPv4 and IPv6) o Fetch cURL 7.81.0 (OpenSSL/3.0.2, LibZ 1.2.11, LibIDN 2.3.2) ##### Memory Limit ##### o PHP Unlimited ##### DB info ##### o DB schema 492 o MySQL binlog OFF o MySQL mode NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION ##### Charset info ##### o PHP UTF-8 o MySQL utf8mb3 ##### Timezones info ##### o Date Thursday, 14-Mar-24 06:14:34 CET o PHP +01:00 o MySQL +01:00 HTTP 'curl' library used. SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'http_rate_https://www.observium.org')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00152206s] SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` SET `attrib_value` ='{\"2024-03-14\":2}' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'http_rate_https://www.observium.org'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00304699s] REQUEST[https://www.observium.org/versions.php] REQUEST STATUS[TRUE] REQUEST RUNTIME[0.3237s] RESPONSE CODE[200 OK] TRUE Response [13371] valid: [stable->revision] regex [^\d+$] Array ( [stable] => Array ( [version] => 24.3.13371 [revision] => 13371 [date] => 2024-03-01 ) [current] => Array ( [version] => 24.3.13393 [revision] => 13393 [date] => 2024-03-13 ) [ce] => Array ( [version] => 23.09 [revision] => 13005 [date] => 2023-09-20 ) ) SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_ver')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00830603s] SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` SET `attrib_value` ='24.3.13371' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_ver'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00405288s] SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023413s] SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` SET `attrib_value` ='13371' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00137806s] SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev_date')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018096s] SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` SET `attrib_value` ='2024-03-01' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev_date'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00271702s] SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'last_versioncheck')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020194s] SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` SET `attrib_value` ='1710393275' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'last_versioncheck'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00443292s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups` ORDER BY `entity_type`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00799203s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.01021314s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a000500 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0005ff AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.03609204s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (1149,1069,1193,1860,1859,1191,1126,1127,1063,1999,2002,206,2241,2242,1219,1220,2348,2349,2279,2289,2290,2278,2285,2283,2284,2282,2276,2288,2287,2286,2488,2496,2497,1192,2594,2049,2590,2591,2754,2755,2756,2759,214,2762,2903,2905,2910,2944))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00202084s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 16] SQL RUNTIME[0.0009079s] Group '1 Datacenter': 48 existing, 48 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a0a5bb8 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0a5bbf AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00455189s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (1678,1676,1220,1677,1219))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00040102s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 26] SQL RUNTIME[0.00998592s] Group 'YN Mullsjo Gunnarsvagen': 5 existing, 5 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a0a5bc0 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0a5bdf AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00217795s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (1473,1474,1665,1492,2114,1435,1432,1018,1434,2207,2208,1017,1433,2328,1220,2206,2675,2859,2860,1219))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00215197s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 24] SQL RUNTIME[0.00082397s] Group 'YN Tenhult NBG': 20 existing, 20 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a285b20 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a285b3f AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00196815s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (1042,1137,1639,1041,1050,1532,1038,1047,1049,1043,1044,1529,1531,1048,1045,1176,1036,1046,1037,1220,1034,1219))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00045681s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 23] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022006s] Group 'YS Segerstad': 22 existing, 22 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a000100 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0001ff AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00205898s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (206,151,1128,1129,1126,1127,1220,1906,1905,214,1219))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00133109s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 27] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018501s] Group '3 Core': 11 existing, 11 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a0a5c40 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0a5c7f AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00317597s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (2624,2637,2635,2638,2645,2639,2644,2646,2649,2650,1220,2652,2653,2642,2647,1219))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038886s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 20] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023007s] Group 'YN Rosenlund Regionens Hus': 16 existing, 16 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a0a5bb0 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0a5bb7 AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00201392s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a0a5b68 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0a5b6f AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00185394s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a0a5d60 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0a5d6f AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00209498s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a0a5a08 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0a5a0f AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00190902s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (1209,1227,1220,2346,2476,2479) OR IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (2298,2299,2304,1220,2724,1219) OR IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (2346,1220,1219))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00055885s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 19] SQL RUNTIME[0.00056696s] Group 'YN Stationshuset': 11 existing, 11 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a1e5a00 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a1e5a3f AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00381613s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a1e5b40 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a1e5b47 AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00193501s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (458,459,464,1171,478,476,475,1169,1379,1370,2532,2528,2559,2022,2023,477,460,2552,482,484,2407,2613,1220,1168,468,2853,2854,480,1219) OR IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (1220,1219))] SQL RUNTIME[0.0004878s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 18] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021815s] Group 'YÖ Nassjö VC': 29 existing, 29 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a0a5bc0 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0a5bdf AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.01665092s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (1473,1474,1665,1492,2114,1435,1432,1018,1434,2207,2208,1017,1433,2328,1220,2206,2675,2859,2860,1219))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00083995s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 17] SQL RUNTIME[0.00291681s] Group 'Y Tenhult NBG': 20 existing, 20 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`location`, "") LIKE '%datorgatan%')] SQL RUNTIME[0.009588s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 14] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038481s] Group 'YN ITC Datorgatan': 38 existing, 38 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`type`, '') = 'firewall')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00086403s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 12] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020981s] Group 'FW': 18 existing, 18 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE 'eks92%' OR IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE 'eks93%' OR IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE 'eks-le%')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00781608s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 11] SQL RUNTIME[0.00137901s] Group '2 Eksjö Sjukhus': 179 existing, 179 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE 'vmo92%' OR IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE 'vmo-le%')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051904s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 10] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025105s] Group '2 Värnamo Sjukhus': 128 existing, 128 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE 'ryh-l%' OR IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE 'ryh9%')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00055194s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 8] SQL RUNTIME[0.01066184s] Group '2 Ryhov': 415 existing, 415 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a0a5c00 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0a5c3f AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00263596s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (1786,1822,148,138,133,134,139,128,127,136,140,132,129,130,144,126,135,145,125,141,137,111,146,2291,2368,2617,1220,1219))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00043511s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 7] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019503s] Group 'YN Rosenlund Vårdcentrum': 28 existing, 28 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( `devices`.`hostname` = '*-dc')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00011396s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 28] SQL RUNTIME[0.00017691s] Group 'DC Core': 0 existing, 0 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a0a5bb0 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0a5bb7 AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.001863s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`device_id`, `port_id`) WHERE 1 AND `ipv4_binary` >= 0x0a0a5a08 AND `ipv4_binary` <= 0x0a0a5a0f AND (`ports`.`deleted` != "1" OR `ports`.`deleted` IS NULL)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00189805s] SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`device_id`, '') IN (1209,1227,1220,2346,1219))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038195s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 29] SQL RUNTIME[0.00017405s] Group 'YN JLT Infocenter': 5 existing, 5 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` IN (16,27)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00072193s] SQL[SELECT `port_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( `devices`.`device_id` NOT IN (206,214,1063,1069,1126,1127,1149,1191,1192,1193,1219,1220,1859,1860,1999,2002,2049,2241,2242,2276,2278,2279,2282,2283,2284,2285,2286,2287,2288,2289,2290,2348,2349,2488,2496,2497,2590,2591,2594,2754,2755,2756,2759,2762,2903,2905,2910,2944,151,1128,1129,1905,1906) AND( IFNULL(`ports`.`ifAlias`, "") LIKE '%FNT%')) AND `ports`.`deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.57367492s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 31] SQL RUNTIME[0.00570297s] Group 'Telia trunkar': 113 existing, 113 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `sensor_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `sensors` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`sensors`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`sensors`.`sensor_class`, '') = 'power' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE 'pdu%a' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE 'pdu-%' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE 'pdu%b' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE 'pdu%') AND `sensors`.`sensor_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.05397916s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 25] SQL RUNTIME[0.00148511s] Group 'PDU NDF': 48 existing, 48 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `sensor_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `sensors` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`sensors`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( `devices`.`type` = 'network' AND IFNULL(`sensors`.`status_descr`, "") LIKE '%Group%') AND `sensors`.`sensor_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016403s] SQL ERROR[Error in query: (Unknown column 'sensors.status_descr' in 'where clause') 1054] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 4] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022793s] Group 'PoE': 0 existing, 0 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `sensor_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `sensors` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`sensors`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%pdu%') AND `sensors`.`sensor_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.06388092s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 2] SQL RUNTIME[0.00864291s] Group 'PDU:er sensorer': 316 existing, 316 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`status`.`status_descr`, "") LIKE 'HA%' OR IFNULL(`status`.`status_descr`, "") LIKE '%Failover%') AND `status`.`status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.02497101s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 21] SQL RUNTIME[0.00924683s] Group 'FW Failover': 60 existing, 60 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( `devices`.`type` = 'loadbalancer') AND `status`.`status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00104594s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 3] SQL RUNTIME[0.00081992s] Group 'Netscaler Status': 24 existing, 24 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_tests` WHERE 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018096s] Cached 28 alert rules. SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00013804s] SQL[SELECT `processor_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `processors` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`processors`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND `devices`.`type` = 'network') AND ( 1 AND `processor_type` = 'cpm')))] SQL RUNTIME[0.01353312s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.26664805s] Alert Checker 'CPU': 1336 existing, 1336 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `mempool_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `mempools` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`mempools`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND `devices`.`type` = 'network') AND ( 1))) AND `mempool_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.03174496s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 3] SQL RUNTIME[0.00862598s] Alert Checker 'Memory problem': 2250 existing, 2250 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `device_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND `devices`.`type` = 'loadbalancer') AND ( 1)))] SQL RUNTIME[0.01327181s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 4] SQL RUNTIME[0.0033679s] Alert Checker 'Netscaler Device': 12 existing, 12 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `bgpPeer_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `bgpPeers` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`bgpPeers`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1) AND ( 1)))] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029683s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 5] SQL RUNTIME[0.00236416s] Alert Checker 'Routing fungerar inte!': 46 existing, 46 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1) AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`status_descr`, "") LIKE '%fan%'))) AND `status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.33276796s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 6] SQL RUNTIME[0.05886698s] Alert Checker 'Fan down': 3530 existing, 3530 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE '%pdu%') AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`status_descr`, "") LIKE '%ps1%')) OR (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE '%pdu%') AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`status_descr`, "") LIKE '%ps2%')) OR (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE '%pdu%') AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`status_descr`, "") LIKE '%ower%'))) AND `status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.1278739s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 7] SQL RUNTIME[0.19567299s] Alert Checker 'Powersupply down': 2635 existing, 2635 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND `devices`.`type` = 'firewall') AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`status_descr`, "") LIKE '%primary%'))) AND `status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00590682s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 8] SQL RUNTIME[0.00276995s] Alert Checker 'FW bytte primary/secondary': 5 existing, 5 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `device_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND `devices`.`type` != 'loadbalancer' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE '%pdu%') AND ( 1)))] SQL RUNTIME[0.01658821s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 10] SQL RUNTIME[0.01475501s] Alert Checker 'Device': 1292 existing, 1292 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `port_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND `devices`.`type` = 'network') AND ( 1 AND `ifOperStatus` = 'up' AND `ifAdminStatus` = 'up' AND IFNULL(`ifAlias`, "") NOT LIKE '%ACCESS%'))) AND `deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[1.04632401s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 11] SQL RUNTIME[0.26182985s] Alert Checker 'Hög last': 10093 existing, 10093 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `port_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND `devices`.`type` = 'network') AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`ifAlias`, "") NOT LIKE '%test%' AND IFNULL(`ifAlias`, "") NOT LIKE '%Test%' AND IFNULL(`ifAlias`, "") NOT LIKE '%TEST%' AND IFNULL(`ifAlias`, "") LIKE 'TRUNK%' AND `ifAdminStatus` = 'up' AND IFNULL(`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE '%dd%'))) AND `deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.96965599s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 12] SQL RUNTIME[0.02530098s] Alert Checker 'Trunk-problem': 4127 existing, 4127 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND `devices`.`type` = 'power' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE '%pdu%' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE '%dc-ups%') AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`status_descr`, "") LIKE '%Output%'))) AND `status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.02238107s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 13] SQL RUNTIME[0.00218701s] Alert Checker 'En UPS går på batteri!': 25 existing, 25 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND `devices`.`type` = 'power' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE '%pdu%' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE '%dc-ups%') AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`status_descr`, "") NOT LIKE '%InputLine%' AND IFNULL(`status_name`, "") NOT LIKE 'invalidTest' AND IFNULL(`status_name`, "") NOT LIKE '%float%' AND IFNULL(`status_name`, "") NOT LIKE 'onBatteryTest'))) AND `status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.01424909s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 14] SQL RUNTIME[0.01367307s] Alert Checker 'En UPS har ngn form av problem': 90 existing, 90 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%pdu%') AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`status_descr`, "") NOT LIKE '%Outlet%'))) AND `status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.01340008s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 15] SQL RUNTIME[0.01989794s] Alert Checker 'En PDU, el-list i datahallen är trasig!': 60 existing, 60 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `sensor_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `sensors` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`sensors`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%pdu%') AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`sensor_descr`, "") LIKE 'output')) OR (( 1 AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%pdu%') AND ( 1 AND IFNULL(`sensor_descr`, "") LIKE 'input'))) AND `sensor_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.03239512s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 18] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026822s] Alert Checker 'PDU, en ellist har hög last': 22 existing, 22 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `device_id` AS `entity_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `devices`.`ignore` = '0' AND `devices`.`disabled` = '0' AND ( (( 1 AND `devices`.`type` = 'loadbalancer') AND ( 1)))] SQL RUNTIME[0.0074861s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 19] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024104s] Alert Checker 'Något är knas med en netscaler': 12 existing, 12 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `port_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`ports`.`ifName`, "") LIKE '%stackport%' OR IFNULL(`ports`.`ifName`, "") LIKE '%Stackport%') AND `ports`.`deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.13457298s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 21] SQL RUNTIME[0.00491118s] Alert Checker 'En stackswitch har gått ner!': 135 existing, 135 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%pdu%')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00061107s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 23] SQL RUNTIME[0.00095987s] Alert Checker 'PDU är död': 20 existing, 20 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`type`, '') = 'power' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%dc-ups%') AND `status`.`status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.0329051s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 28] SQL RUNTIME[0.00081182s] Alert Checker 'UPS i DC går på batteri': 0 existing, 0 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`type`, '') = 'power' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%dc-ups%' AND( IFNULL(`status`.`status_descr`, "") NOT LIKE '%float%')) AND `status`.`status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.018924s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 29] SQL RUNTIME[0.00140214s] Alert Checker 'En UPS i DC har ngn form av problem': 0 existing, 0 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`type`, '') = 'wireless') AND `status`.`status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.01325703s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 30] SQL RUNTIME[0.00250888s] Alert Checker 'En WLC kan ha problem': 65 existing, 65 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `entity_id` FROM `group_table` WHERE 1 AND `group_id` = 7] SQL RUNTIME[0.00034881s] SQL[SELECT `storage_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `storage` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`storage`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( `devices`.`device_id` NOT IN (111,125,126,127,128,129,130,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,144,145,146,148,1219,1220,1786,1822,2291,2368,2617) AND IFNULL(`devices`.`type`, '') = 'server' AND `storage`.`storage_type` = 'hrStorageFixedDisk') AND `storage`.`storage_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00325799s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 34] SQL RUNTIME[0.00165987s] Alert Checker 'Server, disk full': 73 existing, 73 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `port_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( `ports`.`ifDescr` = '*CORELINK*' AND IFNULL(`ports`.`ifAdminStatus`, '') = 'up') AND `ports`.`deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00182509s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 37] SQL RUNTIME[0.00106907s] Alert Checker 'Test': 0 existing, 0 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `sensor_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `sensors` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`sensors`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`sensors`.`sensor_class`, '') = 'dbm' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE 'ros-%' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") NOT LIKE 'ryh-%') AND `sensors`.`sensor_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.0323689s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 39] SQL RUNTIME[0.03379583s] Alert Checker 'Dålig signal på fiber ': 4366 existing, 4366 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `probe_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `probes` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`probes`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`probes`.`probe_descr`, "") LIKE '%Ambulans%' OR IFNULL(`probes`.`probe_descr`, "") LIKE '%JLT%')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00064015s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 40] SQL RUNTIME[0.00063896s] Alert Checker 'Probe Alert Ambulansen': 0 existing, 0 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`status`.`status_type`, '') = 'netscaler-ha-mode') AND `status`.`status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.0079062s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 42] SQL RUNTIME[0.00062513s] Alert Checker 'Netscaler': 12 existing, 12 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `status_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `status` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`status`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`type`, '') = 'loadbalancer' AND IFNULL(`devices`.`hostname`, "") LIKE '%ros%' AND IFNULL(`status`.`status_descr`, "") LIKE '%mode%') AND `status`.`status_deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.05270004s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 43] SQL RUNTIME[0.02014208s] Alert Checker 'Nestaler HA Status changed': 6 existing, 6 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `port_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `ports` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`ports`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( IFNULL(`devices`.`type`, '') = 'network' AND( IFNULL(`ports`.`ifAlias`, "") LIKE '%CORELINK%' AND( IFNULL(`ports`.`ifAdminStatus`, '') = 'up'))) AND `ports`.`deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.30540609s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 44] SQL RUNTIME[0.00197697s] Alert Checker 'Coreproblem': 110 existing, 110 new entries (+0/-0). SQL[SELECT `sla_id`, `devices`.`device_id` AS `device_id` FROM `slas` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON (`slas`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id`) WHERE ( `devices`.`hostname` = 'ryh-dc' OR `devices`.`hostname` = 'ros-dc') AND `slas`.`deleted` != '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038385s] SQL[SELECT `alert_table_id`, `entity_id`, `device_id` FROM `alert_table` WHERE `alert_test_id` = 45] SQL RUNTIME[0.000844s] Alert Checker 'Delay Core': 36 existing, 36 new entries (+0/-0). fgkomm@observium:/opt/observium$