DEBUG! CMD[/usr/bin/svn info /opt/observium]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0208s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ Path: . Working Copy Root Path: /opt/observium URL: Relative URL: ^/observium/trunk Repository Root: Repository UUID: 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8 Revision: 10620 Node Kind: directory Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: mike Last Changed Rev: 10620 Last Changed Date: 2020-08-14 00:38:06 +1200 (Fri, 14 Aug 2020) ] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00054693s] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00014305s] SQL[SET SESSION `sql_mode` = 'NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00011611s] DB mode(s) disabled: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY, NO_ZERO_DATE, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016999s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `config`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019193s]  ___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |\__ \| __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_| \_/ |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional 20.8.10620  SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_ver';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020313s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00017285s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev_date';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00014782s] CMD[/opt/observium/scripts/distro]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0152s] STDOUT[ Linux|4.15.0-106-generic|amd64|Ubuntu|18.04|kvm| ] CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0032s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ Python 2.7.17 ] SQL[SELECT version();] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041795s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0063s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.7.3 ] CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version | head -n1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0089s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.7.0 Copyright by Tobias Oetiker ] CMD[/usr/bin/fping -v 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0023s] STDOUT[ /usr/bin/fping: Version 4.0 /usr/bin/fping: comments to ] CMD[/usr/sbin/apache2 -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}']  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0303s] STDOUT[ Apache/2.4.29 ] CMD[date "+%:z"]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0017s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ +12:00 ] SQL[SELECT TIMEDIFF(NOW(), UTC_TIMESTAMP);] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028706s] SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018597s] SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00422311s] ##### Software versions #####   o OS  Linux 4.15.0-106-generic [amd64] (Ubuntu 18.04)  o Apache  2.4.29  o PHP  7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.6 (OPcache: DISABLED)  o Python  2.7.17  o MySQL  5.7.31-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (extension: mysqli 5.0.12-dev)  o SNMP  NET-SNMP 5.7.3  o RRDtool  1.7.0  o Fping  4.0 (IPv4 and IPv6) ##### Memory Limit #####   o PHP  Unlimited ##### MySQL mode #####   o MySQL  NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION ##### Charset info #####   o PHP  UTF-8  o MySQL  utf8 ##### Timezones info #####   o Date  Tuesday, 18-Aug-20 10:21:31 NZST  o PHP  +12:00  o MySQL  +12:00 SQL[SELECT * FROM `alerts_maint` WHERE `maint_start` < '1597702891' AND `maint_end` > '1597702891'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00042796s] ##### Starting polling run at 2020-08-18 10:21:31 #####  SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE '' AND `poller_id` = '0' ORDER BY `device_id` ASC] SQL RUNTIME[0.00057316s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036001s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032806s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_name` = 'poller.php' AND `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026298s] SQL[INSERT INTO `observium_processes` (`process_pid`,`process_name`,`process_ppid`,`process_uid`,`process_command`,`process_start`,`device_id`) VALUES ('4148','poller.php','19634','0','php ./poller.php -d -h','1597702891','32')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00126982s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_tests` WHERE 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024605s] Cached 4 alert rules. SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026393s] ##### [32] #####   o OS  linux  o OS Group  unix  o Last poll duration  18.53 seconds  o Last Polled  2020-08-18 10:20:58  o SNMP Version  v2c Host '' found in hosts CMD[/usr/bin/fping -t 500 -c 1 -q 2>&1]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0359s] STDOUT[ : xmt/rcv/%loss = 1/1/0%, min/avg/max = 33.7/33.7/33.7 ] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' sysObjectID.0 sysUpTime.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0403s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ sysObjectID.0 = enterprises.8072.3.2.10 sysUpTime.0 = 0:11:13:41.62 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  o Device status  Device is reachable by PING (33.7ms) and SNMP (40.30ms) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.13] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:33.7] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.13] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:40.30] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.13] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00055885s] Module [wmi] excluded in process [poller]. Module [junose-atm-vp] excluded in process [poller]. Module [cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor] excluded in process [poller]. Module [cisco-remote-access-monitor] excluded in process [poller]. Module [cisco-cef] excluded in process [poller]. Module [lsp] disabled globally by config in process [poller]. Module [arista-software-ip-forwarding] excluded in process [poller]. Module [cipsec-tunnels] excluded in process [poller]. Module [cisco-cbqos] excluded in process [poller]. Module [cisco-eigrp] excluded in process [poller]. Module [aruba-controller] excluded in process [poller]. Module [cisco-vpdn] excluded in process [poller].  o Modules Excluded  wmi, junose-atm-vp, cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor, cisco-remote-access-monitor, cisco-cef, arista-software-ip-forwarding,cipsec-tunnels, cisco-cbqos, cisco-eigrp, aruba-controller, cisco-vpdn  o Modules Disabled  lsp  o Modules Enabled  system, os, unix-agent, ipmi, sensors, status, counter, processors, mempools, storage, netstats, ucd-mib, ipSystemStats, ports,bgp-peers, printersupplies, ucd-diskio, wifi, p2p-radios, ospf, sla, pseudowires, mac-accounting, loadbalancer, entity-physical,applications, fdb-table, graphs, oids, probes including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: unix-agent #####  Observium UNIX Agent: execution time: 14338msRRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:14338] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:14.48] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]   > $agent_data /opt/observium/includes/polling/  array( [] => string(0) "" [Observium] => string(175) "Version: 1.1.0 AgentOS: linux PluginsDirectory: LocalDirectory: /usr/lib/observium_agent/local AgentDirectory: /etc/observium OnlyFrom: ::1" [df] => string(305) "udev devtmpfs 132013244 0 132013244 0% /dev /dev/mapper/pve-root ext4 1919936824 3953592 1833025124 1% / /dev/sda2 vfat 523248 312 522936 1% /boot/efi /dev/fuse fuse 30720 128 30592 1% /etc/pve" [mounts] => string(297) "/dev/mapper/pve-root / ext4 rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 0 /dev/sda2 /boot/efi vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro 0 0 /dev/fuse /etc/pve fuse rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other 0 0" [ps] => string(17419) "(root,170536,11340,0.0) /sbin/init (root,0,0,0.0) [kthreadd] (root,0,0,0.0) [rcu_gp] (root,0,0,0.0) [rcu_par_gp] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/0:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/0] (root,0,0,0.0) [rcu_sched] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/0] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/0] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/0] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/1] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/1] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/1] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/1] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/1:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/2] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/2] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/2] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/2] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/2:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/3] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/3] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/3] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/3] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/3:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/4] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/4] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/4] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/4] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/4:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/5] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/5] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/5] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/5] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/5:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/6] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/6] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/6] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/6] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/6:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/7] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/7] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/7] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/7] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/7:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/8] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/8] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/8] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/8] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/8:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/9] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/9] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/9] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/9] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/9:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/10] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/10] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/10] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/10] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/10:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/11] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/11] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/11] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/11] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/11:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/12] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/12] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/12] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/12] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/12:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/13] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/13] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/13] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/13] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/13:0H] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/14] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/14] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/14] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/14] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/14:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/15] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/15] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/15] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/15] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/15:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/16] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/16] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/16] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/16] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/16:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/17] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/17] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/17] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/17] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/17:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/18] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/18] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/18] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/18] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/18:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/19] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/19] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/19] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/19] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/19:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/20] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/20] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/20] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/20] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/20:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/21] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/21] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/21] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/21] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/21:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/22] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/22] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/22] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/22] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/22:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/23] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/23] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/23] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/23] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/23:0H] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/24] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/24] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/24] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/24] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/24:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/25] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/25] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/25] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/25] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/25:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/26] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/26] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/26] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/26] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/26:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/27] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/27] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/27] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/27] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/27:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/28] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/28] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/28] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/28] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/28:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/29] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/29] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/29] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/29] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/29:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/30] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/30] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/30] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/30] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/30:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/31] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/31] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/31] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/31] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/31:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/32] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/32] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/32] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/32] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/32:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/33] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/33] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/33] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/33] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/33:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/34] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/34] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/34] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/34] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/34:0H] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/35] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/35] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/35] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/35] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/35:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/36] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/36] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/36] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/36] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/36:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/37] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/37] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/37] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/37] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/37:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/38] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/38] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/38] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/38] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/38:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [cpuhp/39] (root,0,0,0.0) [idle_inject/39] (root,0,0,0.0) [migration/39] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksoftirqd/39] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/39:0H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kdevtmpfs] (root,0,0,0.0) [netns] (root,0,0,0.0) [rcu_tasks_kthre] (root,0,0,0.0) [kauditd] (root,0,0,0.0) [khungtaskd] (root,0,0,0.0) [oom_reaper] (root,0,0,0.0) [writeback] (root,0,0,0.0) [kcompactd0] (root,0,0,0.0) [kcompactd1] (root,0,0,0.0) [ksmd] (root,0,0,0.0) [khugepaged] (root,0,0,0.0) [kintegrityd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [blkcg_punt_bio] (root,0,0,0.0) [tpm_dev_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [ata_sff] (root,0,0,0.0) [md] (root,0,0,0.0) [edac-poller] (root,0,0,0.0) [devfreq_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [watchdogd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kswapd0] (root,0,0,0.0) [kswapd1] (root,0,0,0.0) [ecryptfs-kthrea] (root,0,0,0.0) [kthrotld] (root,0,0,0.0) [acpi_thermal_pm] (root,0,0,0.0) [nvme-wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [nvme-reset-wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [nvme-delete-wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [scsi_eh_0] (root,0,0,0.0) [scsi_tmf_0] (root,0,0,0.0) [scsi_eh_1] (root,0,0,0.0) [scsi_tmf_1] (root,0,0,0.0) [ipv6_addrconf] (root,0,0,0.0) [kstrp] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u83:0] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u84:0-xprtiod] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u85:0-xprtiod] (root,0,0,0.0) [charger_manager] (root,0,0,0.0) [ixgbe] (root,0,0,0.0) [scsi_eh_2] (root,0,0,0.0) [scsi_tmf_2] (root,0,0,0.0) [poll_megasas2_s] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/5:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kdmflush] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/21:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/20:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/1:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [jbd2/dm-0-8] (root,0,0,0.0) [ext4-rsv-conver] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/24:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/27:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/8:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/0:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/23:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/7:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/28:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/2:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/6:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/26:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/9:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/4:1H-kblockd] (root,116192,64260,0.0) /lib/systemd/systemd-journald (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/3:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/22:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [rpciod] (root,0,0,0.0) [xprtiod] (root,7684,220,0.0) /usr/sbin/blkmapd (root,0,0,0.0) [iscsi_eh] (root,0,0,0.0) [ib-comp-wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [ib-comp-unb-wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [ib_mcast] (root,0,0,0.0) [ib_nl_sa_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [rdma_cm] (root,23360,5740,0.0) /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd (root,0,0,0.0) [spl_system_task] (root,0,0,0.0) [spl_delay_taskq] (root,0,0,0.0) [spl_dynamic_tas] (root,0,0,0.0) [spl_kmem_cache] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/17:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/36:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/12:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/34:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/35:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/38:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [ttm_swap] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/18:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.2) [kipmi0] (root,0,0,0.0) [cryptd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/29:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [zvol] (root,0,0,0.0) [arc_prune] (root,0,0,0.0) [zthr_procedure] (root,0,0,0.0) [zthr_procedure] (root,0,0,0.0) [dbu_evict] (root,0,0,0.0) [dbuf_evict] (root,0,0,0.0) [z_vdev_file] (root,0,0,0.0) [l2arc_feed] (_rpc,6820,3624,0.0) /sbin/rpcbind -f -w (systemd+,93088,6440,0.0) /lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/25:1H-kblockd] (root,86172,2368,0.0) /usr/sbin/pvefw-logger (root,9076,172,0.0) /usr/sbin/rpc.idmapd (root,19488,7316,0.0) /lib/systemd/systemd-logind (root,225820,5088,0.0) /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE (root,224760,2044,0.0) /usr/bin/lxcfs /var/lib/lxcfs (root,2216,84,0.0) /usr/sbin/qmeventd /var/run/qmeventd.sock (root,12540,6144,0.0) /usr/sbin/smartd -n (root,1357368,2960,0.0) /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pve-lxc-syscalld/pve-lxc-syscalld --system /run/pve/lxc-syscalld.sock (root,101228,4272,0.0) /usr/sbin/zed -F (message+,8996,4256,0.0) /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile --systemd-activation --syslog-only (root,2140,736,0.0) /usr/sbin/watchdog-mux (root,7348,2480,0.0) /bin/bash /usr/sbin/ksmtuned (influxdb,4582380,38052,0.2) /usr/bin/influxd -config /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf (root,30580,21416,0.0) /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/supervisord -n -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf (root,31756,25144,0.0) /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd --manage-gids (vnstat,3916,944,0.0) /usr/sbin/vnstatd -n (root,110968,19880,0.0) /usr/bin/python3 /usr/share/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrade-shutdown --wait-for-signal (root,3812,1184,0.0) /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/lxc-monitord --daemon (root,2528,832,0.0) /usr/sbin/smcrouted -n -s (root,6624,2868,0.0) /usr/sbin/vsftpd /etc/vsftpd.conf (Debian-+,35536,15284,0.0) /usr/sbin/snmpd -Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u Debian-snmp -g Debian-snmp -I -smux mteTrigger mteTriggerConf -f -p /run/ (root,6888,304,0.0) /sbin/iscsid (root,7392,4980,0.0) /sbin/iscsid (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u84:1] (root,0,0,0.0) [lockd] (root,2272,748,0.0) bpfilter_umh (root,15856,6600,0.0) /usr/sbin/sshd -D (root,0,0,0.0) [nfsd] (root,0,0,0.0) [nfsd] (root,0,0,0.0) [nfsd] (root,0,0,0.0) [nfsd] (root,0,0,0.0) [nfsd] (root,0,0,0.0) [nfsd] (root,0,0,0.0) [nfsd] (root,0,0,0.0) [nfsd] (root,6232,1680,0.0) /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u --noclear tty1 linux (root,9604,2236,0.0) /usr/sbin/xinetd -pidfile /run/ -stayalive -inetd_compat -inetd_ipv6 (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/30:1H] (root,6332,164,0.0) /usr/bin/daemon /etc/init.d/megaclisas-statusd check_megaclisas (root,6332,168,0.0) /usr/bin/daemon /etc/init.d/megaraidsas-statusd check_megaraidsas (root,2384,1652,0.0) /bin/sh /etc/init.d/megaclisas-statusd check_megaclisas (root,2384,1532,0.0) /bin/sh /etc/init.d/megaraidsas-statusd check_megaraidsas (root,661032,6100,0.3) /usr/bin/rrdcached -B -b /var/lib/rrdcached/db/ -j /var/lib/rrdcached/journal/ -p /var/run/ -l unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock (root,921476,65176,0.6) /usr/bin/pmxcfs (root,9124,2728,0.0) /usr/sbin/cron -f (root,571456,176064,4.2) /usr/sbin/corosync -f (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/39:1H-kblockd] (root,43480,5104,0.0) /usr/lib/postfix/sbin/master -w (postfix,43884,7904,0.0) qmgr -l -t unix -u (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/10:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u82:2-events_unbound] (root,299808,85216,0.2) pve-firewall (root,298104,85784,0.4) pvestatd (root,382556,119872,0.0) pvedaemon (root,391240,128836,0.0) pvedaemon worker (root,390884,128188,0.0) pvedaemon worker (root,390824,128420,0.0) pvedaemon worker (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/11:1H-kblockd] (root,363908,97440,0.0) pve-ha-crm (www-data,384060,121396,0.0) pveproxy (www-data,67980,51120,0.0) spiceproxy (www-data,68240,51892,0.0) spiceproxy worker (root,363480,97296,0.0) pve-ha-lrm (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/32:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/31:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/37:1H-kblockd] (root,0,0,0.0) [nfsiod] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u85:1-xprtiod] (root,0,0,0.0) [NFSv4 callback] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/16:1H] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/2:3-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/22:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/22:3-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/2:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/4:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/4:3-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/6:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/6:2-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/25:1-cgroup_destroy] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/8:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/28:1-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/8:2-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/20:1-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/20:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/0:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/0:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/23:1-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/25:2-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/27:1-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/27:2-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/29:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/29:3-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/24:2-cgroup_destroy] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/26:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/26:3-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/28:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/1:3-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/3:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/3:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/5:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/5:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/7:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/9:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/21:1-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/21:3-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/24:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/14:1H-kblockd] (root,235836,6592,0.0) /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkitd --no-debug (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/23:2] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/9:0] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/15:1H] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/19:1H] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/1:0] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/7:0] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/37:3-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/37:0] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/32:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/12:1-rcu_gp] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/18:1-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/18:3-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/39:1-rcu_gp] (www-data,395020,134604,0.7) pveproxy worker (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/32:1-mm_percpu_wq] (postfix,43832,7912,0.0) pickup -l -t unix -u -c (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/12:0-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/13:0-cgroup_destroy] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/13:2-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u82:1-events_unbound] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/30:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/30:3-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/33:3-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/35:0-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/39:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/33:0-cgroup_destroy] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/33:1H] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u81:1-events_power_efficient] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/34:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/34:3-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/36:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u80:1-ixgbe] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/38:0-cgroup_destroy] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/14:2-rcu_gp] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/16:1-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/19:1-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/31:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/31:3-cgroup_destroy] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/36:2-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/38:1-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/10:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/10:3-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/14:1-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/16:0-cgroup_destroy] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/35:1] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/11:1-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/11:2-mm_percpu_wq] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/15:2-cgroup_destroy] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/15:3-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/17:1-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/17:2-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u80:2-poll_megasas2_status] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u81:2-events_power_efficient] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/19:0-events] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/19:2-cgroup_destroy] (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/u81:0-events_power_efficient] (root,5880,688,0.0) sleep 600 (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/19:3-mm_percpu_wq] (root,5880,752,0.0) sleep 600 (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/31:0-events] (postfix,43832,7960,0.0) showq -t unix -u -c (www-data,394308,132564,0.8) pveproxy worker (www-data,394312,132572,0.6) pveproxy worker (root,0,0,0.0) [kworker/32:0] (root,5880,748,0.0) sleep 60 (root,7348,3308,0.0) /bin/bash /usr/bin/observium_agent (root,7636,2760,0.0) ps ax -o user,vsz,rss,pcpu,command --columns 10000 (root,5292,1004,0.0) sed -e 1d -e s/ *\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\) */(\1,\2,\3,\4) /" [mem] => string(1479) "MemTotal: 264076024 kB MemFree: 260871416 kB MemAvailable: 260109552 kB Buffers: 163288 kB Cached: 555604 kB SwapCached: 0 kB Active: 1148340 kB Inactive: 344904 kB Active(anon): 808144 kB Inactive(anon): 93392 kB Active(file): 340196 kB Inactive(file): 251512 kB Unevictable: 159580 kB Mlocked: 159580 kB SwapTotal: 0 kB SwapFree: 0 kB Dirty: 5400 kB Writeback: 0 kB AnonPages: 927556 kB Mapped: 167688 kB Shmem: 115016 kB KReclaimable: 176260 kB Slab: 493624 kB SReclaimable: 176260 kB SUnreclaim: 317364 kB KernelStack: 10304 kB PageTables: 8460 kB NFS_Unstable: 0 kB Bounce: 0 kB WritebackTmp: 0 kB CommitLimit: 132038012 kB Committed_AS: 4317900 kB VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB VmallocUsed: 769740 kB VmallocChunk: 0 kB Percpu: 37824 kB HardwareCorrupted: 0 kB AnonHugePages: 4096 kB ShmemHugePages: 0 kB ShmemPmdMapped: 0 kB FileHugePages: 0 kB FilePmdMapped: 0 kB CmaTotal: 0 kB CmaFree: 0 kB HugePages_Total: 0 HugePages_Free: 0 HugePages_Rsvd: 0 HugePages_Surp: 0 Hugepagesize: 2048 kB Hugetlb: 0 kB DirectMap4k: 249344 kB DirectMap2M: 5978112 kB DirectMap1G: 264241152 kB" [cpu] => string(30) "0.39 0.17 0.11 1/601 132714 40" [uptime] => string(19) "40453.51 1614420.18" [netif] => string(140) "enp0s29f0u2 no eno2 Unknown! Half on no ens2f0 Unknown! Unknown!(255) on no eno1 1000Mb/s Full on yes ens2f1 10000Mb/s Full on yes vmbr0 yes" [lnx_if:sep(58)] => string(1294) "enp0s29f0u2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 eno2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ens2f0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 eno1: 360003393 4373160 0 0 0 0 0 1476398 924205395 781824 0 0 0 0 0 0 lo: 72039 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 72039 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 ens2f1: 1400753832 2911576 0 0 0 0 0 0 569401006 2994983 0 0 0 0 0 0 vmbr0: 279697323 4347472 0 0 0 0 0 0 892724949 267339 0 0 0 0 0 0 [enp0s29f0u2] Link detected: no [eno2] Speed: Unknown! Duplex: Half Auto-negotiation: on Link detected: no [ens2f0] Speed: Unknown! Duplex: Unknown! (255) Auto-negotiation: on Link detected: no [eno1] Speed: 1000Mb/s Duplex: Full Auto-negotiation: on Link detected: yes [lo] Link detected: yes [ens2f1] Speed: 10000Mb/s Duplex: Full Auto-negotiation: on Link detected: yes [vmbr0] Link detected: yes" [tcp_conn_stats] => string(26) "TIME_WAIT 43 ESTABLISHED 3" [md] => string(39) "Personalities : unused devices: " [diskstat] => string(107) "1597702892 8 0 sda 28868 8066 929378 157777 176788 102262 5570738 2244449 0 146592 2106004 0 0 0 0" [kernel] => string(7235) "1597702892 nr_free_pages 65217352 nr_zone_inactive_anon 23348 nr_zone_active_anon 202428 nr_zone_inactive_file 62878 nr_zone_active_file 85049 nr_zone_unevictable 39895 nr_zone_write_pending 1350 nr_mlock 39895 nr_page_table_pages 2306 nr_kernel_stack 10816 nr_bounce 0 nr_zspages 0 nr_free_cma 0 numa_hit 64153898 numa_miss 0 numa_foreign 0 numa_interleave 86805 numa_local 64104969 numa_other 48929 nr_inactive_anon 23348 nr_active_anon 202428 nr_inactive_file 62878 nr_active_file 85049 nr_unevictable 39895 nr_slab_reclaimable 44065 nr_slab_unreclaimable 79341 nr_isolated_anon 0 nr_isolated_file 0 workingset_nodes 0 workingset_refault 0 workingset_activate 0 workingset_restore 0 workingset_nodereclaim 0 nr_anon_pages 232134 nr_mapped 41922 nr_file_pages 179723 nr_dirty 1350 nr_writeback 0 nr_writeback_temp 0 nr_shmem 28754 nr_shmem_hugepages 0 nr_shmem_pmdmapped 0 nr_file_hugepages 0 nr_file_pmdmapped 0 nr_anon_transparent_hugepages 2 nr_unstable 0 nr_vmscan_write 0 nr_vmscan_immediate_reclaim 0 nr_dirtied 625682 nr_written 622293 nr_kernel_misc_reclaimable 0 nr_dirty_threshold 6498348 nr_dirty_background_threshold 3249174 pgpgin 464689 pgpgout 2785369 pswpin 0 pswpout 0 pgalloc_dma 0 pgalloc_dma32 24745 pgalloc_normal 66685262 pgalloc_movable 0 allocstall_dma 0 allocstall_dma32 0 allocstall_normal 0 allocstall_movable 0 pgskip_dma 0 pgskip_dma32 0 pgskip_normal 0 pgskip_movable 0 pgfree 131941340 pgactivate 597946 pgdeactivate 0 pglazyfree 0 pgfault 86290689 pgmajfault 6043 pglazyfreed 0 pgrefill 0 pgsteal_kswapd 0 pgsteal_direct 0 pgscan_kswapd 0 pgscan_direct 0 pgscan_direct_throttle 0 zone_reclaim_failed 0 pginodesteal 0 slabs_scanned 0 kswapd_inodesteal 0 kswapd_low_wmark_hit_quickly 0 kswapd_high_wmark_hit_quickly 0 pageoutrun 0 pgrotated 2 drop_pagecache 0 drop_slab 0 oom_kill 0 numa_pte_updates 217402 numa_huge_pte_updates 4 numa_hint_faults 236204 numa_hint_faults_local 203116 numa_pages_migrated 31755 pgmigrate_success 31755 pgmigrate_fail 0 compact_migrate_scanned 0 compact_free_scanned 0 compact_isolated 0 compact_stall 0 compact_fail 0 compact_success 0 compact_daemon_wake 0 compact_daemon_migrate_scanned 0 compact_daemon_free_scanned 0 htlb_buddy_alloc_success 0 htlb_buddy_alloc_fail 0 unevictable_pgs_culled 80957 unevictable_pgs_scanned 0 unevictable_pgs_rescued 10172 unevictable_pgs_mlocked 50067 unevictable_pgs_munlocked 10172 unevictable_pgs_cleared 0 unevictable_pgs_stranded 0 thp_fault_alloc 11 thp_fault_fallback 0 thp_collapse_alloc 22 thp_collapse_alloc_failed 0 thp_file_alloc 0 thp_file_mapped 0 thp_split_page 0 thp_split_page_failed 0 thp_deferred_split_page 10 thp_split_pmd 7 thp_split_pud 0 thp_zero_page_alloc 0 thp_zero_page_alloc_failed 0 thp_swpout 0 thp_swpout_fallback 0 balloon_inflate 0 balloon_deflate 0 balloon_migrate 0 swap_ra 0 swap_ra_hit 0 cpu 226001 101 117962 161345446 22694 0 8781 0 0 0 cpu0 1956 0 2565 4034072 1952 0 4642 0 0 0 cpu1 2436 0 2126 4036750 1354 0 597 0 0 0 cpu2 1658 0 2628 4037551 1138 0 228 0 0 0 cpu3 16235 0 12606 4010425 499 0 1795 0 0 0 cpu4 17952 0 11107 4005813 394 0 365 0 0 0 cpu5 2704 0 2226 4036118 543 0 52 0 0 0 cpu6 4481 12 1993 4027904 622 0 372 0 0 0 cpu7 15458 0 2140 4025251 271 0 53 0 0 0 cpu8 12312 0 2185 4028099 574 0 42 0 0 0 cpu9 13911 0 1773 4026778 613 0 56 0 0 0 cpu10 5430 0 2678 4035664 112 0 40 0 0 0 cpu11 1850 0 1588 4040218 92 0 21 0 0 0 cpu12 2548 0 2116 4039095 90 0 46 0 0 0 cpu13 3790 0 1643 4038372 89 0 34 0 0 0 cpu14 2449 0 1432 4039921 69 0 18 0 0 0 cpu15 5080 0 1834 4036669 75 0 15 0 0 0 cpu16 2154 0 1019 4040577 82 0 9 0 0 0 cpu17 2032 0 1520 4039623 107 0 13 0 0 0 cpu18 3453 0 1829 4037967 101 0 20 0 0 0 cpu19 6527 0 1836 4035412 88 0 6 0 0 0 cpu20 11714 0 1873 4028429 1027 0 39 0 0 0 cpu21 12838 0 2890 4026601 853 0 37 0 0 0 cpu22 8030 6 2719 4030344 2460 0 6 0 0 0 cpu23 8317 0 2567 4030019 2063 0 6 0 0 0 cpu24 4200 0 2426 4035500 1584 0 3 0 0 0 cpu25 19997 0 19291 4000006 431 0 0 0 0 0 cpu26 2858 82 3048 4036682 897 0 10 0 0 0 cpu27 1921 0 2278 4037576 1770 0 2 0 0 0 cpu28 2163 0 2680 4037861 850 0 4 0 0 0 cpu29 3321 0 2943 4036630 687 0 2 0 0 0 cpu30 2142 0 1490 4040003 86 0 22 0 0 0 cpu31 4236 0 2360 4037030 121 0 33 0 0 0 cpu32 4124 0 1942 4037470 278 0 28 0 0 0 cpu33 2167 0 1762 4039777 99 0 40 0 0 0 cpu34 2188 0 1948 4039347 152 0 29 0 0 0 cpu35 1972 0 1312 4040078 96 0 6 0 0 0 cpu36 647 0 886 4041985 102 0 7 0 0 0 cpu37 3134 0 1274 4039351 91 0 14 0 0 0 cpu38 2584 0 1298 4039870 63 0 15 0 0 0 cpu39 3014 0 2116 4038591 102 0 36 0 0 0 intr 29232296 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22944 230 343 116 74 91 160 60 80009 37164 9192 28096 0 5737 7036 8104 4587 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23718 23687 20861 2617490 158435 20172 2979760 20431 20428 20248 41732 31645 38572 29907 26197 25894 26117 22455 25966 23049 20264 20747 20856 20550 20209 20128 20206 20355 20368 20413 28978 33211 30868 32766 28955 22503 21149 25923 25923 39985 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2472480 271625 296980 253119 252316 305445 250270 253793 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ctxt 51467656 btime 1597662438 processes 132819 procs_running 2 procs_blocked 0 softirq 28958373 9 6810130 36714 11047692 194915 0 151367 6763370 0 3954176" [netctr] => string(886) "1597702892 enp0s29f0u2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 eno2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ens2f0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 eno1 360003393 4373160 0 0 0 0 0 1476398 924205395 781824 0 0 0 0 0 0 lo 72039 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 72039 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 ens2f1 1400753832 2911576 0 0 0 0 0 0 569401006 2994983 0 0 0 0 0 0 vmbr0 279698360 4347482 0 0 0 0 0 0 892732881 267346 0 0 0 0 0 0" [postfix_mailq] => string(19) "Mail queue is empty" [dmi] => string(908) "bios-vendor=IBM Corp. bios-version=-[MLE188BUS-1.88]- bios-release-date=05/22/2018 system-manufacturer=IBM system-product-name=System x3690 X5 -[7147A5M]- system-version=0B system-serial-number=06N5620 system-uuid=305ccc0e-9817-11e2-a6ae-6cae8b4c6a78 baseboard-manufacturer=IBM IBM IBM IBM baseboard-product-name=Node 1, System Card Node 1, PCI I/O Card 1 Node 1, PCI I/O Card 2 Node 1 Memory Card baseboard-version=(none) (none) (none) (none) baseboard-serial-number=(none) (none) (none) (none) baseboard-asset-tag=(none) (none) (none) (none) chassis-manufacturer=IBM chassis-type=Rack Mount Chassis chassis-version=none chassis-serial-number=06N5620 chassis-asset-tag=none processor-family=Xeon MP Xeon MP processor-manufacturer=Intel(R) Corporation Intel(R) Corporation processor-version=Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz processor-frequency=2400 MHz 2400 MHz" [hdarray] => string(126) "Controller Status=Ok Battery Status=Ok Logical Drive 0 (1.817 TB)=1.817 TB Drive 0 (1.81 TB SATA)=Ok Drive 1 (1.81 TB SATA)=Ok" [ipmitool] => array( [sensor] => string(22683) "Host Power | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na SEL Fullness | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Watchdog | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na NMI State | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Front Panel | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Video USB | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Planar Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Planar 3.3V | 3.280 | Volts | ok | na | 3.039 | na | na | 3.564 | na Planar 5V | 4.995 | Volts | ok | na | 4.475 | na | na | 5.582 | na Planar 12V | 12.042 | Volts | ok | na | 10.692 | na | na | 13.446 | na CMOS VBAT | 3.124 | Volts | ok | na | 2.095 | 2.248 | na | na | na VT Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na CPU Rail Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Planr Rail Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Mezz Rail Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Misc Rail Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Pwr 240A_A Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Pwr 240A_B Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Aux Rail Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Power Supply 1 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Power Supply 2 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Power Supply 3 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Power Supply 4 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 1 Fan Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 2 Fan Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 3 Fan Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 4 Fan Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 1 Therm Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 2 Therm Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 3 Therm Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 4 Therm Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS1 12V OV Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS2 12V OV Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS3 12V OV Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS4 12V OV Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS1 12V UV Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS2 12V UV Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS3 12V UV Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS4 12V UV Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS1 12V OC Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS2 12V OC Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS3 12V OC Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS4 12V OC Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 1 VCO Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 2 VCO Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 3 VCO Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na PS 4 VCO Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Power Unit | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0880| na | na | na | na | na | na DASD Backplane 1 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0280| na | na | na | na | na | na DASD Backplane 2 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0280| na | na | na | na | na | na DASD Backplane 3 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na DASD Backplane 4 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0280| na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 0 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 1 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 2 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 3 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 4 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 5 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 6 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 7 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 8 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 9 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 10 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 11 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 12 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 13 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 14 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 15 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Riser 2 missing | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Riser 1 missing | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na One of PCI Error | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na All PCI Error | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Critical Int PCI | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na PCI 1 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na PCI 2 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na PCI 3 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na PCI 4 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na PCI 5 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Fan 1 Tach | 6300.000 | RPM | ok | na | 500.000 | na | na | na | na Fan 2 Tach | 12500.000 | RPM | ok | na | 500.000 | na | na | na | na Fan 3 Tach | 12500.000 | RPM | ok | na | 500.000 | na | na | na | na Fan 4 Tach | 5700.000 | RPM | ok | na | 500.000 | na | na | na | na Fan 5 Tach | 5600.000 | RPM | ok | na | 500.000 | na | na | na | na Fan 1 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Fan 2 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Fan 3 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Fan 4 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Fan 5 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Cooling Zone 1 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Cooling Zone 2 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Cooling Zone 3 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Cooling Zone 4 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Cooling Zone 5 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Ambient Temp | 24.000 | degrees C | ok | na | na | na | 38.000 | 41.000 | 45.000 Altitude | 120.000 | feet | ok | na | na | na | na | na | na IOH Temp Status | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na CPU 1 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x8080| na | na | na | na | na | na CPU 2 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x8080| na | na | na | na | na | na All CPUs | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na One of the CPUs | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Critical Int CPU | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na PECI Bus | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na CPU Fault Reboot | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na CPU 1 OverTemp | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na CPU 2 OverTemp | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Progress | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Firmware Error | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Scaling Failed | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Aux Log | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na ABR Status | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Sys Board Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Mem Bank 1/2 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Mem Bank 3/4 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Memboard Bank1/2 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x8080| na | na | na | na | na | na Memboard Bank3/4 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x8080| na | na | na | na | na | na Planar DIMMs | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na PS1 EPOW fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na PS2 EPOW fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na PS3 EPOW fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na PS4 EPOW fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Mem Board Status | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0280| na | na | na | na | na | na Mem Board VRD | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Board Mem VRD | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Mem Lane | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Planar FPGA Err | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Missing Boot CPU | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na CPU Mismatch | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na S2S Mismatch | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na S4S Mismatch | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na 2SOnly Mismatch | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na All DIMMs | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na One of the DIMMs | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Lane Failover | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Memory Resize | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na SMBus Error | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Backup Mem | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na CPU1 VRD | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na CPU2 VRD | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na CPU_12_VIO | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na SAS VRD | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na VRD 3.3V | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na 5V Power Good | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na CPU_1_8V_PG | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Scale Config | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Avg Power | 310.000 | Watts | ok | na | na | na | na | na | na FG 1PS | na | | na | na | na | na | na | na | na FG 2PS | 23.000 | % Watts | ok | na | na | na | 50.000 | 95.000 | 100.000 FG 3PS | na | | na | na | na | na | na | na | na FG 4PS | na | | na | na | na | na | na | na | na IOH 1.1V VRD | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na IOH 1.5V VRD | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na IOH 1.8V VRD | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 16 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 17 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 18 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 19 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 20 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 21 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 22 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 23 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 24 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 25 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 26 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 27 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 28 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 29 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 30 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na Drive 31 | na | discrete | na | na | na | na | na | na | na OC Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na Cover Open Fault | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0180| na | na | na | na | na | na MEU | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0280| na | na | na | na | na | na TPM Phys Pres | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na No Op ROM Space | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na I/O Resources | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Pwr Inter Card | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0280| na | na | na | na | na | na Ext QPI Link 1 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Ext QPI Link 2 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Mem Board & CPU2 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Int QPI Link 1 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na Int QPI Link 2 | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na IMM FW Failover | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na GPT Status | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na No Boot Device | 0x0 | discrete | 0x0080| na | na | na | na | na | na" ) [lmsensors] => string(1198) "coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Core 0: +33.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 1: +37.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 2: +34.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 8: +34.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 9: +36.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 16: +35.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 17: +38.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 18: +34.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 24: +39.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 25: +38.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) coretemp-isa-0001 Adapter: ISA adapter Core 0: +32.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 1: +37.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 2: +36.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 8: +35.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 9: +37.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 16: +37.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 17: +35.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 18: +36.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 24: +35.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C) Core 25: +32.0 C (high = +83.0 C, crit = +91.0 C)" [app] => array( [nfs] => string(173) "net 0 0 0 0 rpc 37224 0 37224 proc4 63 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 617 32394 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 4190 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" ) [distro] => string(92) "OS=Linux KERNEL=5.4.44-2-pve ARCH=amd64 DISTRO=Debian VERSION=10 VIRT= CONT= SCRIPTVER=2.2.1" ) No include: No include: Observium No include: df No include: mounts No include: ps No include: mem No include: cpu No include: uptime No include: netif No include: lnx_if:sep(58) No include: tcp_conn_stats No include: md Including: unix-agent/ diskstats No include: kernel No include: netctr No include: postfix_mailq Including: unix-agent/ Including: unix-agent/ Array ( [0] => Controller Status=Ok [1] => Battery Status=Ok [2] => Logical Drive 0 (1.817 TB)=1.817 TB [3] => Drive 0 (1.81 TB SATA)=Ok [4] => Drive 1 (1.81 TB SATA)=Ok ) hdarray: 1Status: Ok istatus: 1Discover status: [device:, oid: , index: 1, type: unix-agent-state, descr: Controller Status, CURRENT: 1, , controller] SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `status_type` = 'unix-agent-state' AND `status_index` = '1' AND `poller_type`= 'agent')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00088382s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `status_type` = 'unix-agent-state' AND `status_index` = '1' AND `poller_type`= 'agent'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029612s] .Status: Ok istatus: 1Status: 1.817 TB istatus: 0Status: Ok istatus: 1Discover status: [device:, oid: , index: 4, type: unix-agent-state, descr: Drive 0 (1.81 TB SATA), CURRENT: 1, , storage] SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `status_type` = 'unix-agent-state' AND `status_index` = '4' AND `poller_type`= 'agent')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036478s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `status_type` = 'unix-agent-state' AND `status_index` = '4' AND `poller_type`= 'agent'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023818s] .Status: Ok istatus: 1Discover status: [device:, oid: , index: 5, type: unix-agent-state, descr: Drive 1 (1.81 TB SATA), CURRENT: 1, , storage] SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `status_type` = 'unix-agent-state' AND `status_index` = '5' AND `poller_type`= 'agent')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027394s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `status_type` = 'unix-agent-state' AND `status_index` = '5' AND `poller_type`= 'agent'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022292s] . Including: unix-agent/ IPMI: Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Descr: Planar 3.3V, Current: 3.280, State: ok, Unit: Volts Discover sensor: [class: voltage, device:, oid: , index: 8, type: agent, descr: Planar 3.3V, scale: 1, limits: (3.039, , , 3.564), CURRENT: 3.28, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '8')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00074100s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '8'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00054121s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '421' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024414s] .Descr: Planar 5V, Current: 4.995, State: ok, Unit: Volts Discover sensor: [class: voltage, device:, oid: , index: 9, type: agent, descr: Planar 5V, scale: 1, limits: (4.475, , , 5.582), CURRENT: 4.995, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '9')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00046515s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '9'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035286s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '422' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027108s] .Descr: Planar 12V, Current: 12.042, State: ok, Unit: Volts Discover sensor: [class: voltage, device:, oid: , index: 10, type: agent, descr: Planar 12V, scale: 1, limits: (10.692, , , 13.446), CURRENT: 12.042, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '10')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00061202s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '10'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00040197s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '423' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032496s] .Descr: CMOS VBAT, Current: 3.124, State: ok, Unit: Volts Discover sensor: [class: voltage, device:, oid: , index: 11, type: agent, descr: CMOS VBAT, scale: 1, limits: (2.095, 2.248, , ), CURRENT: 3.124, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '11')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037503s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '11'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00048900s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '424' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022912s] .Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Descr: Fan 1 Tach, Current: 6300.000, State: ok, Unit: RPM Discover sensor: [class: fanspeed, device:, oid: , index: 79, type: agent, descr: Fan 1 Tach, scale: 1, limits: (500.000, , , ), CURRENT: 6300, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '79')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00050402s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '79'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00043297s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '425' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022507s] .Descr: Fan 2 Tach, Current: 12500.000, State: ok, Unit: RPM Discover sensor: [class: fanspeed, device:, oid: , index: 80, type: agent, descr: Fan 2 Tach, scale: 1, limits: (500.000, , , ), CURRENT: 12500, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '80')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00066113s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '80'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00043297s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '426' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027108s] .Descr: Fan 3 Tach, Current: 12500.000, State: ok, Unit: RPM Discover sensor: [class: fanspeed, device:, oid: , index: 81, type: agent, descr: Fan 3 Tach, scale: 1, limits: (500.000, , , ), CURRENT: 12500, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '81')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049305s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '81'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051284s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '427' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026894s] .Descr: Fan 4 Tach, Current: 5700.000, State: ok, Unit: RPM Discover sensor: [class: fanspeed, device:, oid: , index: 82, type: agent, descr: Fan 4 Tach, scale: 1, limits: (500.000, , , ), CURRENT: 5700, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '82')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044203s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '82'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00068212s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '428' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021291s] .Descr: Fan 5 Tach, Current: 5600.000, State: ok, Unit: RPM Discover sensor: [class: fanspeed, device:, oid: , index: 83, type: agent, descr: Fan 5 Tach, scale: 1, limits: (500.000, , , ), CURRENT: 5600, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '83')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00050402s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '83'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00056601s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '429' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022578s] .Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Descr: Ambient Temp, Current: 24.000, State: ok, Unit: degrees C Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: 94, type: agent, descr: Ambient Temp, scale: 1, limits: (, , 38.000, 41.000), CURRENT: 24, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '94')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00034904s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '94'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00057697s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '430' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024605s] .Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Descr: Avg Power, Current: 310.000, State: ok, Unit: Watts Discover sensor: [class: power, device:, oid: , index: 145, type: agent, descr: Avg Power, scale: 1, limits: (, , , ), CURRENT: 310, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'power' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '145')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00034213s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'power' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_index` = '145'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025797s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '431' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027299s] .Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Discrete statuses disabled. Including: unix-agent/ Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0000), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0000), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 33, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0000)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032997s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0000)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00068808s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '432' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023198s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0000), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0000), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 37, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0000)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00052500s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0000)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037789s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '433' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026202s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0000), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0000), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 34, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0000)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022817s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0000)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00047183s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '434' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018382s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0000), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0000), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 34, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0000)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00034785s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0000)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030899s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '435' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023007s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0000), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0000), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 36, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0000)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027895s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0000)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00060201s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '436' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018001s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0000), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0000), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 35, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0000)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027394s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0000)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033808s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '437' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019121s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0000), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0000), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 38, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0000)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029802s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0000)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039411s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '438' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023794s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0000), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0000), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 34, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0000)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026703s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0000)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00048709s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '439' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019002s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0000), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0000), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 39, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0000)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033498s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0000)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033712s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '440' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033808s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0000), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0000), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 38, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0000)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028110s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0000)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00040197s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '441' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024104s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0001), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0001), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 32, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0001)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029302s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0001)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039506s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '442' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028491s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0001), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0001), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 37, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0001)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035787s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0001)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049901s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '443' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019813s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0001), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0001), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 36, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0001)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041199s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0001)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00031590s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '444' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029111s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0001), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0001), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 35, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0001)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028396s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0001)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00043702s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '445' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023699s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0001), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0001), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 37, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0001)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00034690s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0001)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035214s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '446' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021195s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0001), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0001), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 37, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0001)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00031686s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0001)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00048995s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '447' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021100s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0001), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0001), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 35, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0001)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035596s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0001)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039792s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '448' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024819s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0001), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0001), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 36, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0001)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027990s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0001)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039315s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '449' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021195s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0001), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0001), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 35, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0001)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026107s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0001)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035095s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '450' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022602s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' Discover sensor: [class: temperature, device:, oid: , index: Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0001), type: lmsensors, descr: Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0001), scale: 1, limits: (, , 83.0, 91.0), CURRENT: 32, , SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= 'agent' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0001)')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039506s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_type` = 'lmsensors' AND `sensor_index` = 'Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0001)'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00059891s] SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'sensor' AND `entity_id` = '451' AND `attrib_type` = 'sensor_addition'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023913s] .RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' No include: app Including: unix-agent/ Including: applications/ nfs SQL[SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `app_type` = 'nfs' AND `app_instance` IS NULL] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035501s] .RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. SQL[UPDATE `applications` set `app_json` ='{\"proc2null\":\"U\",\"proc2getattr\":\"U\",\"proc2setattr\":\"U\",\"proc2root\":\"U\",\"proc2lookup\":\"U\",\"proc2readlink\":\"U\",\"proc2read\":\"U\",\"proc2wrcache\":\"U\",\"proc2write\":\"U\",\"proc2create\":\"U\",\"proc2remove\":\"U\",\"proc2rename\":\"U\",\"proc2link\":\"U\",\"proc2symlink\":\"U\",\"proc2mkdir\":\"U\",\"proc2rmdir\":\"U\",\"proc2readdir\":\"U\",\"proc2fsstat\":\"U\",\"proc3null\":\"U\",\"proc3getattr\":\"U\",\"proc3setattr\":\"U\",\"proc3lookup\":\"U\",\"proc3access\":\"U\",\"proc3readlink\":\"U\",\"proc3read\":\"U\",\"proc3write\":\"U\",\"proc3create\":\"U\",\"proc3mkdir\":\"U\",\"proc3symlink\":\"U\",\"proc3mknod\":\"U\",\"proc3remove\":\"U\",\"proc3rmdir\":\"U\",\"proc3rename\":\"U\",\"proc3link\":\"U\",\"proc3readdir\":\"U\",\"proc3readdirplus\":\"U\",\"proc3fsstat\":\"U\",\"proc3fsinfo\":\"U\",\"proc3pathconf\":\"U\",\"proc3commit\":\"U\",\"proc4null\":\"1\",\"proc4read\":\"0\",\"proc4write\":\"0\",\"proc4commit\":\"0\",\"proc4open\":\"0\",\"proc4open_conf\":\"0\",\"proc4open_noat\":\"0\",\"proc4open_dgrd\":\"0\",\"proc4close\":\"0\",\"proc4setattr\":\"0\",\"proc4fsinfo\":\"3\",\"proc4renew\":\"0\",\"proc4setclntid\":\"0\",\"proc4confirm\":\"0\",\"proc4lock\":\"0\",\"proc4lockt\":\"0\",\"proc4locku\":\"0\",\"proc4access\":\"6\",\"proc4getattr\":\"617\",\"proc4lookup\":\"32394\",\"proc4lookup_root\":\"1\",\"proc4remove\":\"0\",\"proc4rename\":\"0\",\"proc4link\":\"0\",\"proc4symlink\":\"0\",\"proc4create\":\"0\",\"proc4pathconf\":\"2\",\"proc4statfs\":\"4190\",\"proc4readlink\":\"0\",\"proc4readdir\":\"0\",\"proc4server_caps\":\"5\",\"proc4delegreturn\":\"0\",\"proc4getacl\":\"0\",\"proc4setacl\":\"0\",\"proc4fs_locations\":\"0\",\"proc4rel_lkowner\":\"0\",\"proc4secinfo\":\"0\",\"proc4exchange_id\":\"0\",\"proc4create_ses\":\"2\",\"proc4destroy_ses\":\"1\",\"proc4sequence\":\"0\",\"proc4get_lease_t\":\"0\",\"proc4reclaim_comp\":\"0\",\"proc4layoutget\":\"1\",\"proc4getdevinfo\":\"0\",\"proc4layoutcommit\":\"0\",\"proc4layoutreturn\":\"0\",\"proc4secinfo_noname\":\"0\",\"proc4test_stateid\":\"1\",\"proc4free_stateid\":\"0\",\"proc4getdevlist\":\"0\",\"proc4bind_contoses\":\"0\",\"proc4dstr_clientid\":\"0\",\"proc4\":\"0\"}',`app_lastpolled` ='1597702906' WHERE `app_id` = '75'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00187016s] RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:3:0:0:0:0:0:0:6:617:32394:1:0:0:0:0:0:2:4190:0:0:5:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2:1:0:0:0:1:0:0:0:0:1:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[ERROR: /opt/observium/rrd/ found extra data on update argument: 0] RRD_STATUS[FALSE]  Processes: Sensors: SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00052500s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'humidity' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025702s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044799s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'dewpoint' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038290s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'airflow' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029707s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039411s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'current' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036407s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'power' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051999s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'apower' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027609s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'rpower' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026417s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'crestfactor' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029492s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'powerfactor' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028515s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'impedance' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024199s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'resistance' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00031209s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'frequency' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024605s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'dbm' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036502s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'snr' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024486s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'dust' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021791s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'sound' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030494s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'capacity' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021100s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'load' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016403s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'runtime' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027704s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'volume' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022292s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'waterflow' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018501s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'pressure' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023293s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'velocity' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021482s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'illuminance' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018096s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'wavelength' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020003s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'gauge' AND `poller_type` = 'agent' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00040007s] Virtual machines: SQL[SELECT * FROM `vminfo` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `vm_source` = 'agent'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021100s]  o Module time  14.4201s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:14.4201] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:14.56] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: system #####  SQL[SELECT `mib` FROM `devices_mibs` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `use` = 'mib' AND `disabled` = '1'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025702s]  o SNMPv2-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -Ih -OQUsx --hexOutputLength=0 -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' sysUpTime.0 sysLocation.0 sysContact.0 sysName.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0406s] STDOUT[ sysUpTime.0 = 0:11:13:56.10 sysLocation.0 = "47 72 61 66 74 6F 6E 2C 20 4E 65 77 20 5A 65 61 6C 61 6E 64 " sysContact.0 = "5A 61 70 70 69 65 20 48 6F 73 74 20 4E 4F 43 20 3C 61 64 6D 69 6E 40 7A 61 70 70 69 65 68 6F 73 74 2E 63 6F 6D 3E " sysName.0 = "4D 41 54 54 45 52 48 4F 52 4E 20 5B 4E 5A 5D " ] SNMP Hex string converted.. HEX: 47 72 61 66 74 6F 6E 2C 20 4E 65 77 20 5A 65 61 6C 61 6E 64 STRING: Grafton, New Zealand SNMP Hex string converted.. HEX: 5A 61 70 70 69 65 20 48 6F 73 74 20 4E 4F 43 20 3C 61 64 6D 69 6E 40 7A 61 70 70 69 65 68 6F 73 74 2E 63 6F 6D 3E STRING: Zappie Host NOC SNMP Hex string converted.. HEX: 4D 41 54 54 45 52 48 4F 52 4E 20 5B 4E 5A 5D STRING: MATTERHORN [NZ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Timeticks converted 0:11:13:56.10 -> 40436 CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' sysDescr.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0407s] STDOUT[ Linux matterhorn 5.4.44-2-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.4.44-2 (Wed, 01 Jul 2020 16:37:57 +0200) x86_64 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUvn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' sysObjectID.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0399s] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' snmpEngineID.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.041s] STDOUT[ "80 00 1F 88 80 DA 0A 7F 62 90 54 3A 5F 00 00 00 00 " ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Using UNIX Agent Uptime (40454 sec. => 11h 14m 14s) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:40454] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:14.73] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]   o Uptime  11h 14m 14s  o Last reboot  2020-08-17 23:07:33   /opt/observium/includes/polling/  array( [use] => string(10) "unix-agent" [sysUpTime] => int(40436) [unix-agent] => double(40454) [message] => string(23) "Using UNIX Agent Uptime" [uptime] => double(40454) [formatted] => string(11) "11h 14m 14s" [previous] => string(5) "40402" [diff] => double(-52) [last_rebooted] => string(10) "1597662453" [rebooted] => int(0) ) CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUsn -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' . . .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.041s] STDOUT[ . = 53 . = 21 . = 13 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:53:21:13] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:14.78] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]   o Load average  0.53, 0.21, 0.13  o sysObjectID  .  o snmpEngineID  80001F8880DA0A7F6290543A5F00000000  o sysDescr  Linux matterhorn 5.4.44-2-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.4.44-2 (Wed, 01 Jul 2020 16:37:57 +0200) x86_64  o sysName  MATTERHORN [NZ]  o Location  Grafton, New Zealand SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices_locations` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00052190s]  o Module time  0.2206s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.2206] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:14.78] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: os #####   o OS Poller  Group CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.043s] STDOUT[ "System x3690 X5 -[7147A5M]-" ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0408s] STDOUT[ No Such Instance currently exists at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `mib` = 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' AND `oid` = '.';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00070310s] SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='145',`updated` ='1597702906' WHERE `error_id` = '1744'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00170016s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0424s] STDOUT[ "IBM" ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0428s] STDOUT[ "/bin/cat: /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_serial: Permission denied" ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  o Vendor  IBM  o Hardware  System x3690 X5 -[7147A5M]- x86 [64bit]  o Version  5.4.44-2-pve  o Features  Debian 10  o Serial    o Asset  none  o Module time  0.1821s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.1821] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:14.96] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: ipmi #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `poller_type` = 'ipmi' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00081706s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'current' AND `poller_type` = 'ipmi' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044680s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `poller_type` = 'ipmi' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041103s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `poller_type` = 'ipmi' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035810s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'power' AND `poller_type` = 'ipmi' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041986s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'airflow' AND `poller_type` = 'ipmi' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023413s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'capacity' AND `poller_type` = 'ipmi' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022602s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_class` = 'capacity' AND `poller_type` = 'ipmi' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030303s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `poller_type` = 'ipmi' AND `status_deleted` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022197s]  o Module time  0.0047s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0047] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:14.97] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: sensors #####  SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `sensor_class` FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0' AND `sensor_class` IN ('temperature','humidity','fanspeed','dewpoint','airflow','voltage','current','power','apower','rpower','crestfactor','powerfactor','impedance','resistance','frequency','dbm','snr','dust','sound','capacity','load','runtime','volume','waterflow','pressure','velocity','illuminance','wavelength','gauge')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00075698s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `entity_type` IN ('sensor')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024891s] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `sensor_oid` FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029492s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUsn -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' . . . . . . . . . .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0543s] STDOUT[ . = 32000 . = 37000 . = 36000 . = 35000 . = 37000 . = 37000 . = 35000 . = 36000 . = 35000 . = 32000 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0' ORDER BY `sensor_oid`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00097704s] Checking (agent) voltage Planar 3.3V   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "421" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(7) "voltage" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(1) "8" [sensor_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_descr] => string(11) "Planar 3.3V" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(5) "3.564" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(5) "3.039" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(7) "3.28000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702853" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(5) "3.280" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:3.28] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.03] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) voltage Planar 5V   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "422" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(7) "voltage" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(1) "9" [sensor_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_descr] => string(9) "Planar 5V" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(5) "5.582" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(5) "4.475" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(7) "4.99500" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702853" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(5) "4.995" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:4.995] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.03] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) voltage Planar 12V   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "423" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(7) "voltage" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(2) "10" [sensor_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_descr] => string(10) "Planar 12V" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(6) "13.446" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(6) "10.692" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "12.04200" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702853" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(6) "12.042" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:12.042] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.03] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) voltage CMOS VBAT   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "424" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(7) "voltage" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(2) "11" [sensor_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_descr] => string(9) "CMOS VBAT" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(6) "3.5926" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(5) "2.095" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => string(5) "2.248" [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(7) "3.12400" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702853" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(5) "3.124" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:3.124] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.04] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0' ORDER BY `sensor_oid`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00067711s] Checking (agent) fanspeed Fan 1 Tach   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "425" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(8) "fanspeed" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(2) "79" [sensor_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_descr] => string(10) "Fan 1 Tach" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(5) "11340" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(3) "500" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(10) "6400.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702853" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(8) "6300.000" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:6300] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.04] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) fanspeed Fan 2 Tach   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "426" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(8) "fanspeed" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(2) "80" [sensor_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_descr] => string(10) "Fan 2 Tach" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(5) "22500" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(3) "500" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(11) "12500.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702853" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(9) "12500.000" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:12500] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.04] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) fanspeed Fan 3 Tach   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "427" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(8) "fanspeed" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(2) "81" [sensor_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_descr] => string(10) "Fan 3 Tach" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(5) "22500" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(3) "500" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(11) "12500.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702853" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(9) "12500.000" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:12500] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.04] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) fanspeed Fan 4 Tach   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "428" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(8) "fanspeed" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(2) "82" [sensor_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_descr] => string(10) "Fan 4 Tach" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(5) "10260" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(3) "500" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(10) "5700.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702853" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(8) "5700.000" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:5700] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.04] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) fanspeed Fan 5 Tach   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "429" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(8) "fanspeed" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(2) "83" [sensor_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_descr] => string(10) "Fan 5 Tach" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(4) "9990" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(3) "500" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(10) "5550.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(8) "5600.000" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:5600] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.05] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0' ORDER BY `sensor_oid`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00080895s] Checking (agent) temperature Ambient Temp   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "430" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(2) "94" [sensor_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_descr] => string(12) "Ambient Temp" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "41" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "38" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "24.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(6) "24.000" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:24] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.05] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0000)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "432" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(26) "Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(26) "Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "34.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "33.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:33] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.05] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0000)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "433" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(26) "Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(26) "Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "38.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "37.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:37] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.05] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0000)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "434" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(26) "Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(26) "Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "34.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "34.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:34] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.05] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0000)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "435" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(26) "Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(26) "Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "34.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "34.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:34] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.06] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0000)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "436" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(26) "Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(26) "Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "36.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "36.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:36] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.06] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0000)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "437" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(27) "Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(27) "Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "36.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "35.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:35] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.06] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0000)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "438" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(27) "Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(27) "Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "42.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "38.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:38] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:15.06] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0000)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "439" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(27) "Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(27) "Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "35.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "34.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:34] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.06] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0000)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "440" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(27) "Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(27) "Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "39.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659699" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "39.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:39] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.07] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0000)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "441" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(27) "Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(27) "Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0000)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "39.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "38.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:38] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.07] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0001)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "442" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(26) "Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(26) "Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "32.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "32.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:32] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.07] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0001)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "443" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(26) "Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(26) "Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "37.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "37.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:37] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.07] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0001)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "444" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(26) "Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(26) "Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "36.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "36.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:36] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.07] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0001)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "445" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(26) "Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(26) "Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "35.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "35.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:35] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.08] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0001)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "446" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(26) "Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(26) "Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "37.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "37.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:37] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.08] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0001)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "447" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(27) "Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(27) "Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "36.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "37.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:37] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.08] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0001)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "448" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(27) "Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(27) "Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "34.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "35.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:35] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.08] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0001)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "449" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(27) "Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(27) "Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "36.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "36.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:36] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.08] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0001)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "450" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(27) "Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(27) "Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "37.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "35.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:35] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.08] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) temperature Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0001)   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "451" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(27) "Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_type] => string(9) "lmsensors" [sensor_descr] => string(27) "Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0001)" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "91" [sensor_limit_warn] => string(2) "83" [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "32.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(4) "32.0" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:32] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.09] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (snmp) temperature Core 0   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "452" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(4) "snmp" [sensor_oid] => string(31) "." [sensor_mib] => string(14) "LM-SENSORS-MIB" [sensor_object] => string(18) "lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_index] => string(1) "1" [sensor_type] => string(33) "LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_descr] => string(6) "Core 0" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(5) "0.001" [sensor_limit] => string(4) "51.2" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "32.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597668023" ) value taken from oid_cache   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => int(32000) ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:32] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.09] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (snmp) temperature Core 25   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "461" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(4) "snmp" [sensor_oid] => string(32) "." [sensor_mib] => string(14) "LM-SENSORS-MIB" [sensor_object] => string(18) "lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_index] => string(2) "10" [sensor_type] => string(33) "LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_descr] => string(7) "Core 25" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(5) "0.001" [sensor_limit] => string(4) "51.2" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "32.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597668023" ) value taken from oid_cache   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => int(32000) ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:32] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.09] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (snmp) temperature Core 1   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "453" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(4) "snmp" [sensor_oid] => string(31) "." [sensor_mib] => string(14) "LM-SENSORS-MIB" [sensor_object] => string(18) "lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_index] => string(1) "2" [sensor_type] => string(33) "LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_descr] => string(6) "Core 1" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(5) "0.001" [sensor_limit] => string(4) "59.2" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "37.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597668023" ) value taken from oid_cache   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => int(37000) ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:37] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.09] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (snmp) temperature Core 2   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "454" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(4) "snmp" [sensor_oid] => string(31) "." [sensor_mib] => string(14) "LM-SENSORS-MIB" [sensor_object] => string(18) "lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_index] => string(1) "3" [sensor_type] => string(33) "LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_descr] => string(6) "Core 2" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(5) "0.001" [sensor_limit] => string(4) "57.6" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "36.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597668023" ) value taken from oid_cache   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => int(36000) ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:36] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.09] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (snmp) temperature Core 8   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "455" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(4) "snmp" [sensor_oid] => string(31) "." [sensor_mib] => string(14) "LM-SENSORS-MIB" [sensor_object] => string(18) "lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_index] => string(1) "4" [sensor_type] => string(33) "LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_descr] => string(6) "Core 8" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(5) "0.001" [sensor_limit] => string(4) "54.4" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "35.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597668023" ) value taken from oid_cache   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => int(35000) ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:35] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.10] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (snmp) temperature Core 9   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "456" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(4) "snmp" [sensor_oid] => string(31) "." [sensor_mib] => string(14) "LM-SENSORS-MIB" [sensor_object] => string(18) "lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_index] => string(1) "5" [sensor_type] => string(33) "LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_descr] => string(6) "Core 9" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(5) "0.001" [sensor_limit] => string(4) "59.2" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "37.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597668023" ) value taken from oid_cache   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => int(37000) ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:37] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.10] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (snmp) temperature Core 16   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "457" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(4) "snmp" [sensor_oid] => string(31) "." [sensor_mib] => string(14) "LM-SENSORS-MIB" [sensor_object] => string(18) "lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_index] => string(1) "6" [sensor_type] => string(33) "LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_descr] => string(7) "Core 16" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(5) "0.001" [sensor_limit] => string(4) "59.2" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "36.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597668023" ) value taken from oid_cache   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => int(37000) ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:37] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.10] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (snmp) temperature Core 17   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "458" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(4) "snmp" [sensor_oid] => string(31) "." [sensor_mib] => string(14) "LM-SENSORS-MIB" [sensor_object] => string(18) "lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_index] => string(1) "7" [sensor_type] => string(33) "LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_descr] => string(7) "Core 17" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(5) "0.001" [sensor_limit] => string(4) "54.4" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "34.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597668023" ) value taken from oid_cache   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => int(35000) ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:35] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.10] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (snmp) temperature Core 18   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "459" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(4) "snmp" [sensor_oid] => string(31) "." [sensor_mib] => string(14) "LM-SENSORS-MIB" [sensor_object] => string(18) "lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_index] => string(1) "8" [sensor_type] => string(33) "LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_descr] => string(7) "Core 18" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(5) "0.001" [sensor_limit] => string(4) "57.6" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "36.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597668023" ) value taken from oid_cache   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => int(36000) ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:36] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.10] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (snmp) temperature Core 24   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "460" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(11) "temperature" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(4) "snmp" [sensor_oid] => string(31) "." [sensor_mib] => string(14) "LM-SENSORS-MIB" [sensor_object] => string(18) "lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_index] => string(1) "9" [sensor_type] => string(33) "LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue" [sensor_descr] => string(7) "Core 24" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(5) "0.001" [sensor_limit] => string(2) "56" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => string(1) "0" [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(8) "37.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597668023" ) value taken from oid_cache   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => int(35000) ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:35] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.11] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = 'power' AND `device_id` = '32' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0' ORDER BY `sensor_oid`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00081682s] Checking (agent) power Avg Power   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_id] => string(3) "431" [sensor_deleted] => string(1) "0" [sensor_class] => string(5) "power" [device_id] => string(2) "32" [poller_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_oid] => string(0) "" [sensor_mib] => string(0) "" [sensor_object] => string(0) "" [sensor_index] => string(3) "145" [sensor_type] => string(5) "agent" [sensor_descr] => string(9) "Avg Power" [sensor_unit] => null [sensor_multiplier] => string(1) "1" [sensor_limit] => string(3) "465" [sensor_limit_warn] => null [sensor_limit_low] => null [sensor_limit_low_warn] => null [sensor_custom_limit] => string(1) "0" [entPhysicalIndex_measured] => null [measured_class] => null [measured_entity] => null [entPhysicalIndex] => null [entPhysicalClass] => null [sensor_ignore] => string(1) "0" [sensor_disable] => string(1) "0" [sensor_value] => string(9) "310.00000" [sensor_event] => string(2) "ok" [sensor_status] => string(0) "" [sensor_polled] => string(10) "1597702854" [sensor_last_change] => string(10) "1597659700" )   /opt/observium/includes/entities/  array( [sensor_value] => string(7) "310.000" ) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:310] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.11] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  MultiUpdate sensors DB. SQL[INSERT INTO `sensors` (`sensor_id`,`sensor_value`,`sensor_event`,`sensor_status`,`sensor_last_change`,`sensor_polled`) VALUES ('421','3.28','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('422','4.995','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('423','12.042','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('424','3.124','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('425','6300','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('426','12500','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('427','12500','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('428','5700','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('429','5600','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('430','24','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('432','33','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('433','37','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('434','34','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('435','34','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('436','36','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('437','35','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('438','38','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('439','34','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('440','39','ok','','1597659699','1597702906'),('441','38','ok','','1597659700','1597702906'),('442','32','ok','','1597659700','1597702906'),('443','37','ok','','1597659700','1597702906'),('444','36','ok','','1597659700','1597702906'),('445','35','ok','','1597659700','1597702906'),('446','37','ok','','1597659700','1597702906'),('447','37','ok','','1597659700','1597702906'),('448','35','ok','','1597659700','1597702906'),('449','36','ok','','1597659700','1597702906'),('450','35','ok','','1597659700','1597702906'),('451','32','ok','','1597659700','1597702906'),('452','32','ok','','1597668023','1597702906'),('461','32','ok','','1597668023','1597702906'),('453','37','ok','','1597668023','1597702906'),('454','36','ok','','1597668023','1597702906'),('455','35','ok','','1597668023','1597702906'),('456','37','ok','','1597668023','1597702906'),('457','37','ok','','1597668023','1597702906'),('458','35','ok','','1597668023','1597702906'),('459','36','ok','','1597668023','1597702906'),('460','35','ok','','1597668023','1597702906'),('431','310','ok','','1597659700','1597702906') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `sensor_id`=VALUES(`sensor_id`),`sensor_value`=VALUES(`sensor_value`),`sensor_event`=VALUES(`sensor_event`),`sensor_status`=VALUES(`sensor_status`),`sensor_last_change`=VALUES(`sensor_last_change`),`sensor_polled`=VALUES(`sensor_polled`)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00230694s] SQL WARNINGS[ 1364: Field 'sensor_class' doesn't have a default value 1364: Field 'sensor_oid' doesn't have a default value ] +-----------------------------+-------------+-----------------------------------+--------+----------+-------+---------------------+ | Descr | Class | Type | Origin | Value | Event | Last Changed | +-----------------------------+-------------+-----------------------------------+--------+----------+-------+---------------------+ | Planar 3.3V | voltage | agent | agent | 3.28V | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Planar 5V | voltage | agent | agent | 4.995V | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Planar 12V | voltage | agent | agent | 12.042V | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | CMOS VBAT | voltage | agent | agent | 3.124V | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Fan 1 Tach | fanspeed | agent | agent | 6300RPM | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Fan 2 Tach | fanspeed | agent | agent | 12500RPM | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Fan 3 Tach | fanspeed | agent | agent | 12500RPM | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Fan 4 Tach | fanspeed | agent | agent | 5700RPM | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Fan 5 Tach | fanspeed | agent | agent | 5600RPM | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Ambient Temp | temperature | agent | agent | 24°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0000) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 33°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0000) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 37°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0000) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 34°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0000) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 34°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0000) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 36°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0000) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 35°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0000) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 38°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0000) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 34°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0000) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 39°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:39 | | Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0000) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 38°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Core 0 (coretemp-isa-0001) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 32°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Core 1 (coretemp-isa-0001) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 37°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Core 2 (coretemp-isa-0001) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 36°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Core 8 (coretemp-isa-0001) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 35°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Core 9 (coretemp-isa-0001) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 37°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Core 16 (coretemp-isa-0001) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 37°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Core 17 (coretemp-isa-0001) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 35°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Core 18 (coretemp-isa-0001) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 36°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Core 24 (coretemp-isa-0001) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 35°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Core 25 (coretemp-isa-0001) | temperature | lmsensors | agent | 32°C | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Core 0 | temperature | LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue | snmp | 32°C | ok | 2020-08-18 00:40:23 | | Core 25 | temperature | LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue | snmp | 32°C | ok | 2020-08-18 00:40:23 | | Core 1 | temperature | LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue | snmp | 37°C | ok | 2020-08-18 00:40:23 | | Core 2 | temperature | LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue | snmp | 36°C | ok | 2020-08-18 00:40:23 | | Core 8 | temperature | LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue | snmp | 35°C | ok | 2020-08-18 00:40:23 | | Core 9 | temperature | LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue | snmp | 37°C | ok | 2020-08-18 00:40:23 | | Core 16 | temperature | LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue | snmp | 37°C | ok | 2020-08-18 00:40:23 | | Core 17 | temperature | LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue | snmp | 35°C | ok | 2020-08-18 00:40:23 | | Core 18 | temperature | LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue | snmp | 36°C | ok | 2020-08-18 00:40:23 | | Core 24 | temperature | LM-SENSORS-MIB-lmTempSensorsValue | snmp | 35°C | ok | 2020-08-18 00:40:23 | | Avg Power | power | agent | agent | 310W | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | +-----------------------------+-------------+-----------------------------------+--------+----------+-------+---------------------+  o Module time  0.1862s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.1862] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.16] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: status #####  SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `status_deleted` = '0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00060606s]  o Status Count  3 SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `status_oid` FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `status_deleted` = '0' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00046706s] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SQL[SELECT * FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `status_deleted` = '0' ORDER BY `status_oid`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032711s] Checking (agent) Controller Status RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.16] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `alert_table` set `state` ='{\"metrics\":{\"status_name\":\"ok\"}}',`count` ='0',`alert_status` ='1',`last_message` ='Checks OK',`last_checked` ='1597702906',`last_ok` ='1597702906' WHERE `alert_table_id` = '151'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00850606s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.17] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) Drive 0 (1.81 TB SATA) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.17] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `alert_table` set `state` ='{\"metrics\":{\"status_name\":\"ok\"}}',`count` ='0',`alert_status` ='1',`last_message` ='Checks OK',`last_checked` ='1597702907',`last_ok` ='1597702907' WHERE `alert_table_id` = '147'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00117302s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.17] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Checking (agent) Drive 1 (1.81 TB SATA) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.18] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `alert_table` set `state` ='{\"metrics\":{\"status_name\":\"ok\"}}',`count` ='0',`alert_status` ='1',`last_message` ='Checks OK',`last_checked` ='1597702907',`last_ok` ='1597702907' WHERE `alert_table_id` = '148'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00137115s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.18] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  MultiUpdate status DB. SQL[INSERT INTO `status` (`status_id`,`status_value`,`status_name`,`status_event`,`status_last_change`,`status_polled`) VALUES ('179','1','ok','ok','1597659700','1597702906'),('180','1','ok','ok','1597659700','1597702907'),('181','1','ok','ok','1597659700','1597702907') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `status_id`=VALUES(`status_id`),`status_value`=VALUES(`status_value`),`status_name`=VALUES(`status_name`),`status_event`=VALUES(`status_event`),`status_last_change`=VALUES(`status_last_change`),`status_polled`=VALUES(`status_polled`)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00283003s] SQL WARNINGS[ 1364: Field 'status_oid' doesn't have a default value ] +------------------------+------------------+-------+--------+-------+--------+---------------------+ | Descr | Type | Index | Origin | Value | Status | Last Changed | +------------------------+------------------+-------+--------+-------+--------+---------------------+ | Controller Status | unix-agent-state | 1 | agent | ok | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Drive 0 (1.81 TB SATA) | unix-agent-state | 4 | agent | ok | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | | Drive 1 (1.81 TB SATA) | unix-agent-state | 5 | agent | ok | ok | 2020-08-17 22:21:40 | +------------------------+------------------+-------+--------+-------+--------+---------------------+  o Module time  0.0296s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0296] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.19] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: counter #####  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `counters` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `counter_deleted` = '0')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00045419s]  o Module time  0.0008s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0008] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.19] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: processors #####  SQL[SELECT `processor_oid` FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `processor_oid` REGEXP '^\\.?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)+$' AND `processor_type` != 'wmi'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00088596s] Passed to snmp_get_multi_oid() Oids count (40) more than max-get (16). Command snmpget splitted to multiple chunks. CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUsn -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0541s] STDOUT[ . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 2 . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 0 . = 0 . = 0 . = 0 . = 1 ] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUsn -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0546s] STDOUT[ . = 0 . = 0 . = 0 . = 0 . = 1 . = 2 . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 2 . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 0 . = 0 ] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUsn -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' . . . . . . . .]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0538s] STDOUT[ . = 2 . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 1 . = 2 . = 1 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00094390s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.36] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '748'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00205493s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.37] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '749'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00126004s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.37] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '750'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00065017s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.37] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '751'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00118804s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.37] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '752'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00095892s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.38] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '753'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00095701s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:2] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.38] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='2',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '754'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00119209s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.38] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '755'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00132799s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.38] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '756'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00105405s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.39] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '757'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00171304s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.39] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '758'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00180101s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.39] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='0',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '759'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00145698s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.40] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='0',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '760'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00068808s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.40] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='0',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '761'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00158095s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.40] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='0',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '762'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00198698s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.40] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '763'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00195813s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.41] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='0',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '764'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00135899s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.41] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='0',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '765'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00251198s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.41] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='0',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '766'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00177407s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='0',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '767'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00207996s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '768'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00139308s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:2] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='2',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '769'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00104094s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '770'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00058508s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '771'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00144482s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '772'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00147319s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:2] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.44] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='2',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '773'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00078511s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.44] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '774'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00212383s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.44] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '775'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00146985s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.44] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '776'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00087500s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.45] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '777'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00264502s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.45] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='0',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '778'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00275397s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.45] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='0',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '779'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00371504s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:2] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.46] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='2',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '780'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00159717s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0013s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.46] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '781'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00255013s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.47] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '782'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00136089s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.47] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '783'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00140405s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.47] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '784'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00155401s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.48] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '785'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00186896s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:2] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.48] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='2',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '786'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00075817s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:15.48] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='1',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '787'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00104284s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' hrDeviceType]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1828s] STDOUT[ hrDeviceType.196608 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196609 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196610 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196611 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196612 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196613 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196614 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196615 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196616 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196617 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196618 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196619 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196620 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196621 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196622 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196623 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196624 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196625 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196626 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196627 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196628 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196629 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196630 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196631 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196632 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196633 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196634 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196635 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196636 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196637 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196638 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196639 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196640 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196641 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196642 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196643 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196644 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196645 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196646 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196647 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.262145 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262146 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262147 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262148 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262149 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262150 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262151 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.786432 = hrDeviceCoprocessor ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' hrDeviceDescr]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1812s] STDOUT[ hrDeviceDescr.196608 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196609 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196610 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196611 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196612 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196613 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196614 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196615 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196616 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196617 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196618 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196619 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196620 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196621 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196622 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196623 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196624 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196625 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196626 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196627 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196628 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196629 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196630 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196631 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196632 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196633 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196634 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196635 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196636 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196637 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196638 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196639 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196640 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196641 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196642 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196643 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196644 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196645 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196646 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.196647 = GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz hrDeviceDescr.262145 = network interface lo hrDeviceDescr.262146 = network interface eno1 hrDeviceDescr.262147 = network interface eno2 hrDeviceDescr.262148 = network interface ens2f0 hrDeviceDescr.262149 = network interface ens2f1 hrDeviceDescr.262150 = network interface enp0s29f0u2 hrDeviceDescr.262151 = network interface vmbr0 hrDeviceDescr.786432 = Guessing that there's a floating point co-processor ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' hrProcessorLoad]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1823s] STDOUT[ hrProcessorLoad.196608 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196609 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196610 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196611 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196612 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196613 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196614 = 2 hrProcessorLoad.196615 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196616 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196617 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196618 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196619 = 0 hrProcessorLoad.196620 = 0 hrProcessorLoad.196621 = 0 hrProcessorLoad.196622 = 0 hrProcessorLoad.196623 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196624 = 0 hrProcessorLoad.196625 = 0 hrProcessorLoad.196626 = 0 hrProcessorLoad.196627 = 0 hrProcessorLoad.196628 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196629 = 2 hrProcessorLoad.196630 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196631 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196632 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196633 = 2 hrProcessorLoad.196634 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196635 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196636 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196637 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196638 = 0 hrProcessorLoad.196639 = 0 hrProcessorLoad.196640 = 2 hrProcessorLoad.196641 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196642 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196643 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196644 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196645 = 1 hrProcessorLoad.196646 = 2 hrProcessorLoad.196647 = 1 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.88] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.04] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `processors` set `processor_usage` ='0.88',`processor_polled` ='1597702907' WHERE `processor_id` = '788'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00247502s] +-------------------------------+------------+--------+-------+ | Label | Type | Index | Usage | +-------------------------------+------------+--------+-------+ | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196608 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196609 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196610 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196611 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196612 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196613 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196614 | 2% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196615 | 2% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196616 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196617 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196618 | 2% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196619 | 0% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196620 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196621 | 0% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196622 | 0% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196623 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196624 | 0% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196625 | 0% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196626 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196627 | 0% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196628 | 2% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196629 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196630 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196631 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196632 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196633 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196634 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196635 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196636 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196637 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196638 | 0% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196639 | 0% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196640 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196641 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196642 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196643 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196644 | 0% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196645 | 1% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196646 | 2% | | Intel Xeon E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz | hr | 196647 | 0% | | Average | hr-average | 1 | 1% | +-------------------------------+------------+--------+-------+  o Module time  0.8943s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.8943] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.09] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: mempools #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00057197s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' memTotalReal.0 memAvailReal.0 memBuffer.0 memCached.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0407s] STDOUT[ memTotalReal.0 = 264076024 memAvailReal.0 = 260869080 memBuffer.0 = 163312 memCached.0 = 555660 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:2547683328:267866165248] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.13] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `mempools` set `mempool_polled` ='1597702907',`mempool_used` ='2547683328',`mempool_perc` ='0.94',`mempool_free` ='267866165248',`mempool_total` ='270413848576' WHERE `mempool_id` = '226'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00175810s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' hrStorageEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.2837s] STDOUT[ hrStorageIndex.1 = 1 hrStorageIndex.3 = 3 hrStorageIndex.6 = 6 hrStorageIndex.7 = 7 hrStorageIndex.8 = 8 hrStorageIndex.10 = 10 hrStorageIndex.35 = 35 hrStorageIndex.36 = 36 hrStorageIndex.38 = 38 hrStorageIndex.39 = 39 hrStorageIndex.40 = 40 hrStorageIndex.63 = 63 hrStorageIndex.68 = 68 hrStorageType.1 = hrStorageRam hrStorageType.3 = hrStorageVirtualMemory hrStorageType.6 = hrStorageOther hrStorageType.7 = hrStorageOther hrStorageType.8 = hrStorageOther hrStorageType.10 = hrStorageVirtualMemory hrStorageType.35 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.36 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.38 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.39 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.40 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.63 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.68 = hrStorageNetworkDisk hrStorageDescr.1 = Physical memory hrStorageDescr.3 = Virtual memory hrStorageDescr.6 = Memory buffers hrStorageDescr.7 = Cached memory hrStorageDescr.8 = Shared memory hrStorageDescr.10 = Swap space hrStorageDescr.35 = /run hrStorageDescr.36 = / hrStorageDescr.38 = /dev/shm hrStorageDescr.39 = /run/lock hrStorageDescr.40 = /sys/fs/cgroup hrStorageDescr.63 = /boot/efi hrStorageDescr.68 = /mnt/pve/MAIN_NFS hrStorageAllocationUnits.1 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.3 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.6 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.7 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.8 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.10 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.35 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.36 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.38 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.39 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.40 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.63 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.68 = 1048576 hrStorageSize.1 = 264076024 hrStorageSize.3 = 264076024 hrStorageSize.6 = 264076024 hrStorageSize.7 = 555660 hrStorageSize.8 = 115016 hrStorageSize.10 = 0 hrStorageSize.35 = 6601901 hrStorageSize.36 = 479984206 hrStorageSize.38 = 33009503 hrStorageSize.39 = 1280 hrStorageSize.40 = 33009503 hrStorageSize.63 = 130812 hrStorageSize.68 = 59068576 hrStorageUsed.1 = 3206944 hrStorageUsed.3 = 3206944 hrStorageUsed.6 = 163312 hrStorageUsed.7 = 555660 hrStorageUsed.8 = 115016 hrStorageUsed.10 = 0 hrStorageUsed.35 = 12651 hrStorageUsed.36 = 988412 hrStorageUsed.38 = 16092 hrStorageUsed.39 = 0 hrStorageUsed.40 = 0 hrStorageUsed.63 = 78 hrStorageUsed.68 = 15664628 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:3283910656:267129937920] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `mempools` set `mempool_polled` ='1597702908',`mempool_used` ='3283910656',`mempool_perc` ='1.21',`mempool_free` ='267129937920',`mempool_total` ='270413848576' WHERE `mempool_id` = '227'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00238204s] Cached! RRD old file not found: '/opt/observium/rrd/' RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:167231488:270246617088] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `mempools` set `mempool_polled` ='1597702908',`mempool_used` ='167231488',`mempool_perc` ='0.06',`mempool_free` ='270246617088',`mempool_total` ='270413848576' WHERE `mempool_id` = '228'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00244594s] +-----------------+--------------------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------+ | Label | Type | Index | Total | Used | Free | Perc | +-----------------+--------------------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------+ | Physical Memory | UCD-SNMP-MIB | 0 | 251GB | 2.37GB | 249GB | 0.94% | | Virtual memory | HOST-RESOURCES-MIB | 3 | 251GB | 3.06GB | 248GB | 1.21% | | Memory buffers | HOST-RESOURCES-MIB | 6 | 251GB | 159MB | 251GB | 0.06% | +-----------------+--------------------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------+  o Module time  0.3461s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.3461] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: storage #####  SQL[SELECT `storage`.* FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00054216s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:4048535552:1961966772224] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.44] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `storage` set `storage_polled` ='1597702908',`storage_used` ='4048535552',`storage_free` ='1961966772224',`storage_size` ='1966015307776',`storage_units` ='4096',`storage_perc` ='0.21' WHERE `storage_id` = '355'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00232601s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:319488:535486464] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.44] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[UPDATE `storage` set `storage_polled` ='1597702908',`storage_used` ='319488',`storage_free` ='535486464',`storage_size` ='535805952',`storage_units` ='4096',`storage_perc` ='0.06' WHERE `storage_id` = '356'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00212884s] +-----------+--------------------+-------+--------+--------+--------+-------+ | Label | Type | Index | Total | Used | Free | Perc | +-----------+--------------------+-------+--------+--------+--------+-------+ | / | HOST-RESOURCES-MIB | 36 | 1.79TB | 3.77GB | 1.78TB | 0.21% | | /boot/efi | HOST-RESOURCES-MIB | 63 | 510MB | 312kB | 510MB | 0.06% | +-----------+--------------------+-------+--------+--------+--------+-------+  o Module time  0.0119s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0119] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.45] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: netstats #####  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' ipInReceives.0 ipOutRequests.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0435s] STDOUT[ ipInReceives.0 = 3238571 ipOutRequests.0 = 3261356 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' ipForwDatagrams.0 ipInDelivers.0 ipInDiscards.0 ipOutDiscards.0 ipOutNoRoutes.0 ipReasmReqds.0 ipReasmOKs.0 ipReasmFails.0 ipFragOKs.0 ipFragFails.0 ipFragCreates.0 ipInUnknownProtos.0 ipInHdrErrors.0 ipInAddrErrors.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0447s] STDOUT[ ipForwDatagrams.0 = 0 ipInDelivers.0 = 3219936 ipInDiscards.0 = 0 ipOutDiscards.0 = 0 ipOutNoRoutes.0 = 40 ipReasmReqds.0 = 0 ipReasmOKs.0 = 0 ipReasmFails.0 = 0 ipFragOKs.0 = 0 ipFragFails.0 = 0 ipFragCreates.0 = 0 ipInUnknownProtos.0 = 0 ipInHdrErrors.0 = 0 ipInAddrErrors.0 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0:3219936:3238571:3261356:0:0:40:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.54] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]   o Ip Graphs  netstat_ip netstat_ip_frag CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' icmpInMsgs.0 icmpOutMsgs.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0438s] STDOUT[ icmpInMsgs.0 = 286 icmpOutMsgs.0 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' icmpInErrors.0 icmpOutErrors.0 icmpInEchos.0 icmpOutEchos.0 icmpInEchoReps.0 icmpOutEchoReps.0 icmpInDestUnreachs.0 icmpOutDestUnreachs.0 icmpInParmProbs.0 icmpInTimeExcds.0 icmpInSrcQuenchs.0 icmpInRedirects.0 icmpInTimestamps.0 icmpInTimestampReps.0 icmpInAddrMasks.0 icmpInAddrMaskReps.0 icmpOutTimeExcds.0 icmpOutParmProbs.0 icmpOutSrcQuenchs.0 icmpOutRedirects.0 icmpOutTimestamps.0 icmpOutTimestampReps.0 icmpOutAddrMasks.0 icmpOutAddrMaskReps.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0444s] STDOUT[ icmpInErrors.0 = 0 icmpOutErrors.0 = 455 icmpInEchos.0 = 0 icmpOutEchos.0 = 0 icmpInEchoReps.0 = 284 icmpOutEchoReps.0 = 0 icmpInDestUnreachs.0 = 0 icmpOutDestUnreachs.0 = 0 icmpInParmProbs.0 = 0 icmpInTimeExcds.0 = 2 icmpInSrcQuenchs.0 = 0 icmpInRedirects.0 = 0 icmpInTimestamps.0 = 0 icmpInTimestampReps.0 = 0 icmpInAddrMasks.0 = 0 icmpInAddrMaskReps.0 = 0 icmpOutTimeExcds.0 = 171 icmpOutParmProbs.0 = 0 icmpOutSrcQuenchs.0 = 0 icmpOutRedirects.0 = 0 icmpOutTimestamps.0 = 284 icmpOutTimestampReps.0 = 0 icmpOutAddrMasks.0 = 0 icmpOutAddrMaskReps.0 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:286:0:0:455:0:0:284:0:0:0:0:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:171:0:0:0:284:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.63] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]   o Icmp Graphs  netstat_icmp netstat_icmp_info CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m TCP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' tcpInSegs.0 tcpOutSegs.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0409s] STDOUT[ tcpInSegs.0 = 338157 tcpOutSegs.0 = 872623 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m TCP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' tcpActiveOpens.0 tcpPassiveOpens.0 tcpAttemptFails.0 tcpEstabResets.0 tcpCurrEstab.0 tcpRetransSegs.0 tcpInErrs.0 tcpOutRsts.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0404s] STDOUT[ tcpActiveOpens.0 = 14955 tcpPassiveOpens.0 = 9002 tcpAttemptFails.0 = 6 tcpEstabResets.0 = 1 tcpCurrEstab.0 = 1 tcpRetransSegs.0 = 218 tcpInErrs.0 = 0 tcpOutRsts.0 = 77 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:14955:9002:6:1:1:338157:872623:218:0:77] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.72] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]   o TCP Graphs  netstat_tcp_stats netstat_tcp_segments netstat_tcp_currestab CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m UDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' udpInDatagrams.0 udpOutDatagrams.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0404s] STDOUT[ udpInDatagrams.0 = 2870173 udpOutDatagrams.0 = 2902099 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m UDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' udpInErrors.0 udpNoPorts.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0405s] STDOUT[ udpInErrors.0 = 0 udpNoPorts.0 = 169 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:2870173:2902099:0:169] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:16.80] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]   o UDP Graphs  netstat_udp_datagrams netstat_udp_errors CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' snmpInPkts.0 snmpOutPkts.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0403s] STDOUT[ snmpInPkts.0 = 29547 snmpOutPkts.0 = 29546 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' snmpInBadVersions.0 snmpInBadCommunityNames.0 snmpInBadCommunityUses.0 snmpInASNParseErrs.0 snmpInTooBigs.0 snmpInNoSuchNames.0 snmpInBadValues.0 snmpInReadOnlys.0 snmpInGenErrs.0 snmpInTotalReqVars.0 snmpInTotalSetVars.0 snmpInGetRequests.0 snmpInGetNexts.0 snmpInSetRequests.0 snmpInGetResponses.0 snmpInTraps.0 snmpOutTooBigs.0 snmpOutNoSuchNames.0 snmpOutBadValues.0 snmpOutGenErrs.0 snmpOutGetRequests.0 snmpOutGetNexts.0 snmpOutSetRequests.0 snmpOutGetResponses.0 snmpOutTraps.0 snmpSilentDrops.0 snmpProxyDrops.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0424s] STDOUT[ snmpInBadVersions.0 = 0 snmpInBadCommunityNames.0 = 0 snmpInBadCommunityUses.0 = 0 snmpInASNParseErrs.0 = 0 snmpInTooBigs.0 = 0 snmpInNoSuchNames.0 = 0 snmpInBadValues.0 = 0 snmpInReadOnlys.0 = 0 snmpInGenErrs.0 = 0 snmpInTotalReqVars.0 = 159326 snmpInTotalSetVars.0 = 0 snmpInGetRequests.0 = 4879 snmpInGetNexts.0 = 12304 snmpInSetRequests.0 = 0 snmpInGetResponses.0 = 0 snmpInTraps.0 = 0 snmpOutTooBigs.0 = 0 snmpOutNoSuchNames.0 = 104 snmpOutBadValues.0 = 0 snmpOutGenErrs.0 = 0 snmpOutGetRequests.0 = 0 snmpOutGetNexts.0 = 0 snmpOutSetRequests.0 = 0 snmpOutGetResponses.0 = 29547 snmpOutTraps.0 = 0 snmpSilentDrops.0 = 0 snmpProxyDrops.0 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:29547:29546:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:159326:0:4879:12304:0:0:0:0:104:0:0:0:0:0:29547:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:16.89] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]   o SNMP Graphs  netstat_snmp_stats netstat_snmp_packets  o Module time  0.4449s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.4449] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:16.89] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: ucd-mib #####  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' systemStats]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1105s] STDOUT[ ssIndex.0 = 1 ssErrorName.0 = systemStats ssSwapIn.0 = 0 ssSwapOut.0 = 0 ssIOSent.0 = 230 ssIOReceive.0 = 0 ssSysInterrupts.0 = 1612 ssSysContext.0 = 2925 ssCpuUser.0 = 0 ssCpuSystem.0 = 0 ssCpuIdle.0 = 99 ssCpuRawUser.0 = 226075 ssCpuRawNice.0 = 101 ssCpuRawSystem.0 = 118069 ssCpuRawIdle.0 = 161404232 ssCpuRawWait.0 = 22722 ssCpuRawKernel.0 = 0 ssCpuRawInterrupt.0 = 0 ssIORawSent.0 = 5581362 ssIORawReceived.0 = 929378 ssRawInterrupts.0 = 29294732 ssRawContexts.0 = 51587198 ssCpuRawSoftIRQ.0 = 8786 ssRawSwapIn.0 = 0 ssRawSwapOut.0 = 0 ssCpuRawSteal.0 = 0 ssCpuRawGuest.0 = 0 ssCpuRawGuestNice.0 = 0 ssCpuNumCpus.0 = 40 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:226075:118069:101:161404232] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.01] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:5581362] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.01] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:929378] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.01] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:29294732] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.01] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:51587198] RRD RUNTIME[0.0013s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.01] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.01] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.01] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:226075] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.02] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:101] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.02] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:118069] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.02] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:161404232] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.02] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.02] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:8786] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.02] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.02] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:22722] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.03] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' memTotalSwap.0 memAvailSwap.0 memTotalReal.0 memAvailReal.0 memTotalFree.0 memShared.0 memBuffer.0 memCached.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0408s] STDOUT[ memTotalSwap.0 = 0 memAvailSwap.0 = 0 memTotalReal.0 = 264076024 memAvailReal.0 = 260869080 memTotalFree.0 = 260869080 memShared.0 = 115016 memBuffer.0 = 163312 memCached.0 = 555660 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0:0:264076024:260869080:260869080:115016:163312:555660] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.07] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]   o Module time  0.1761s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.1761] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.07] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: ipSystemStats #####   o Collecting  ipSystemStats CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' ipSystemStats]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.3218s] STDOUT[ ipSystemStatsInReceives.ipv4 = 3233554 ipSystemStatsInReceives.ipv6 = 1444409 ipSystemStatsHCInReceives.ipv4 = 3233554 ipSystemStatsHCInReceives.ipv6 = 1444409 ipSystemStatsInOctets.ipv4 = 1415219859 ipSystemStatsInOctets.ipv6 = 103978249 ipSystemStatsHCInOctets.ipv4 = 1415219859 ipSystemStatsHCInOctets.ipv6 = 103978249 ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes.ipv6 = 1444409 ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 1444409 ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 1444409 ipSystemStatsReasmReqds.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmReqds.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmOKs.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmOKs.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmFails.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmFails.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInDiscards.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInDiscards.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInDelivers.ipv4 = 3214941 ipSystemStatsInDelivers.ipv6 = 2241 ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers.ipv4 = 3214941 ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers.ipv6 = 2241 ipSystemStatsOutRequests.ipv4 = 3256337 ipSystemStatsOutRequests.ipv6 = 18 ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests.ipv4 = 3256337 ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests.ipv6 = 18 ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes.ipv4 = 40 ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes.ipv6 = 22 ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutDiscards.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutDiscards.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragFails.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragFails.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutTransmits.ipv4 = 3256297 ipSystemStatsOutTransmits.ipv6 = 4294967292 ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits.ipv4 = 3256297 ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits.ipv6 = 18446744073709551612 ipSystemStatsOutOctets.ipv4 = 1414606186 ipSystemStatsOutOctets.ipv6 = 1720 ipSystemStatsHCOutOctets.ipv4 = 1414606186 ipSystemStatsHCOutOctets.ipv6 = 1720 ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts.ipv4 = 1349 ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts.ipv6 = 1444393 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts.ipv4 = 1349 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts.ipv6 = 1444393 ipSystemStatsInMcastOctets.ipv4 = 43459 ipSystemStatsInMcastOctets.ipv6 = 103976673 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastOctets.ipv4 = 43459 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastOctets.ipv6 = 103976673 ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts.ipv4 = 675 ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts.ipv6 = 14 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts.ipv4 = 675 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts.ipv6 = 14 ipSystemStatsOutMcastOctets.ipv4 = 21616 ipSystemStatsOutMcastOctets.ipv6 = 1456 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastOctets.ipv4 = 21616 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastOctets.ipv6 = 1456 ipSystemStatsInBcastPkts.ipv4 = 9803 ipSystemStatsHCInBcastPkts.ipv4 = 9803 ipSystemStatsOutBcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutBcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime.ipv4 = 0:0:00:00.00 ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime.ipv6 = 0:0:00:00.00 ipSystemStatsRefreshRate.ipv4 = 60000 ipSystemStatsRefreshRate.ipv6 = 60000 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  o Address Families  ipv4RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:3233554:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:3214941:3256337:40:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.40] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  ipv6RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1444409:0:0:0:1444409:0:0:0:0:2241:18:22:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.40] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]   o Graphs  ipsystemstats_ipv4 ipsystemstats_ipv4_frag ipsystemstats_ipv6 ipsystemstats_ipv6_frag  o Module time  0.3270s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.327] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:17.40] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: ports #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00085378s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `entity_type` IN ('port')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00050306s] Module [ports_etherlike] disabled globally by config in process [poller]. Module [ports_junoseatmvp] excluded for device os in process [poller]. Module [ports_fdbcount] disabled globally by config in process [poller]. Module [ports_separate_walk] disabled globally by config in process [poller].  o Caching Oids  Used full table ifEntry/ifXEntry snmpwalk. ifEntry CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' ifEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.5591s] STDOUT[ ifIndex.1 = 1 ifIndex.2 = 2 ifIndex.3 = 3 ifIndex.4 = 4 ifIndex.5 = 5 ifIndex.6 = 6 ifIndex.7 = 7 ifDescr.1 = lo ifDescr.2 = Broadcom Limited NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethernet ifDescr.3 = Broadcom Limited NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethernet ifDescr.4 = Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller 10-Gigabit X540-AT2 ifDescr.5 = Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller 10-Gigabit X540-AT2 ifDescr.6 = enp0s29f0u2 ifDescr.7 = vmbr0 ifType.1 = softwareLoopback ifType.2 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.3 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.4 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.5 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.6 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.7 = ethernetCsmacd ifMtu.1 = 65536 ifMtu.2 = 1500 ifMtu.3 = 1500 ifMtu.4 = 1500 ifMtu.5 = 9000 ifMtu.6 = 1500 ifMtu.7 = 1500 ifSpeed.1 = 10000000 ifSpeed.2 = 1000000000 ifSpeed.3 = 0 ifSpeed.4 = 0 ifSpeed.5 = 4294967295 ifSpeed.6 = 0 ifSpeed.7 = 0 ifPhysAddress.1 = ifPhysAddress.2 = 6c:ae:8b:4c:6a:78 ifPhysAddress.3 = 6c:ae:8b:4c:6a:7a ifPhysAddress.4 = c:c4:7a:bd:38:52 ifPhysAddress.5 = c:c4:7a:bd:38:53 ifPhysAddress.6 = 6e:ae:8b:4c:6a:7f ifPhysAddress.7 = 6c:ae:8b:4c:6a:78 ifAdminStatus.1 = up ifAdminStatus.2 = up ifAdminStatus.3 = down ifAdminStatus.4 = down ifAdminStatus.5 = up ifAdminStatus.6 = down ifAdminStatus.7 = up ifOperStatus.1 = up ifOperStatus.2 = up ifOperStatus.3 = down ifOperStatus.4 = down ifOperStatus.5 = up ifOperStatus.6 = down ifOperStatus.7 = up ifLastChange.1 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.2 = 0:0:00:06.27 ifLastChange.3 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.4 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.5 = 0:0:00:06.27 ifLastChange.6 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.7 = 0:0:00:06.27 ifInOctets.1 = 72039 ifInOctets.2 = 360142166 ifInOctets.3 = 0 ifInOctets.4 = 0 ifInOctets.5 = 1401172276 ifInOctets.6 = 0 ifInOctets.7 = 279801368 ifInUcastPkts.1 = 224 ifInUcastPkts.2 = 2897883 ifInUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifInUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifInUcastPkts.5 = 2912579 ifInUcastPkts.6 = 0 ifInUcastPkts.7 = 4349052 ifInNUcastPkts.1 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.2 = 1476942 ifInNUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.5 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.6 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.7 = 0 ifInDiscards.1 = 0 ifInDiscards.2 = 0 ifInDiscards.3 = 0 ifInDiscards.4 = 0 ifInDiscards.5 = 0 ifInDiscards.6 = 0 ifInDiscards.7 = 0 ifInErrors.1 = 0 ifInErrors.2 = 0 ifInErrors.3 = 0 ifInErrors.4 = 0 ifInErrors.5 = 0 ifInErrors.6 = 0 ifInErrors.7 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.1 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.2 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.3 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.4 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.5 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.6 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.7 = 0 ifOutOctets.1 = 72039 ifOutOctets.2 = 924602692 ifOutOctets.3 = 0 ifOutOctets.4 = 0 ifOutOctets.5 = 569590258 ifOutOctets.6 = 0 ifOutOctets.7 = 893090568 ifOutUcastPkts.1 = 224 ifOutUcastPkts.2 = 782173 ifOutUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts.5 = 2996043 ifOutUcastPkts.6 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts.7 = 267481 ifOutNUcastPkts.1 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.5 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.6 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.7 = 0 ifOutDiscards.1 = 0 ifOutDiscards.2 = 0 ifOutDiscards.3 = 0 ifOutDiscards.4 = 0 ifOutDiscards.5 = 0 ifOutDiscards.6 = 0 ifOutDiscards.7 = 0 ifOutErrors.1 = 0 ifOutErrors.2 = 0 ifOutErrors.3 = 0 ifOutErrors.4 = 0 ifOutErrors.5 = 0 ifOutErrors.6 = 0 ifOutErrors.7 = 0 ifOutQLen.1 = 0 ifOutQLen.2 = 0 ifOutQLen.3 = 0 ifOutQLen.4 = 0 ifOutQLen.5 = 0 ifOutQLen.6 = 0 ifOutQLen.7 = 0 ifSpecific.1 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.2 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.3 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.4 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.5 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.6 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.7 = zeroDotZero ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifXEntry CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' ifXEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.4567s] CMD EXITDELAY[10ms] STDOUT[ ifName.1 = lo ifName.2 = eno1 ifName.3 = eno2 ifName.4 = ens2f0 ifName.5 = ens2f1 ifName.6 = enp0s29f0u2 ifName.7 = vmbr0 ifInMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.2 = 1476942 ifInMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.5 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.6 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.7 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.5 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.6 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.7 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifHCInOctets.1 = 72039 ifHCInOctets.2 = 360142166 ifHCInOctets.3 = 0 ifHCInOctets.4 = 0 ifHCInOctets.5 = 1401172276 ifHCInOctets.6 = 0 ifHCInOctets.7 = 279801368 ifHCInUcastPkts.1 = 224 ifHCInUcastPkts.2 = 2897883 ifHCInUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCInUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCInUcastPkts.5 = 2912579 ifHCInUcastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCInUcastPkts.7 = 4349052 ifHCInMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.2 = 1476942 ifHCInMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.5 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.7 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.1 = 72039 ifHCOutOctets.2 = 924602692 ifHCOutOctets.3 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.4 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.5 = 569590258 ifHCOutOctets.6 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.7 = 893090568 ifHCOutUcastPkts.1 = 224 ifHCOutUcastPkts.2 = 782173 ifHCOutUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCOutUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCOutUcastPkts.5 = 2996043 ifHCOutUcastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCOutUcastPkts.7 = 267481 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.5 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.7 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifHighSpeed.1 = 10 ifHighSpeed.2 = 1000 ifHighSpeed.3 = 0 ifHighSpeed.4 = 0 ifHighSpeed.5 = 10000 ifHighSpeed.6 = 0 ifHighSpeed.7 = 0 ifPromiscuousMode.1 = false ifPromiscuousMode.2 = false ifPromiscuousMode.3 = false ifPromiscuousMode.4 = false ifPromiscuousMode.5 = false ifPromiscuousMode.6 = false ifPromiscuousMode.7 = false ifConnectorPresent.1 = false ifConnectorPresent.2 = true ifConnectorPresent.3 = true ifConnectorPresent.4 = true ifConnectorPresent.5 = true ifConnectorPresent.6 = true ifConnectorPresent.7 = true ifAlias.1 = ifAlias.2 = ifAlias.3 = ifAlias.4 = ifAlias.5 = ifAlias.6 = ifAlias.7 = ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.1 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.2 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.3 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.4 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.5 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.6 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.7 = 0:0:00:00.00 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  o ADSL-LINE-MIB  SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `ifType` IN ('adsl', 'vdsl')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00078297s]  o EtherLike-MIB  dot3StatsDuplexStatus CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m EtherLike-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' dot3StatsDuplexStatus]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0428s] STDOUT[ dot3StatsDuplexStatus.2 = fullDuplex dot3StatsDuplexStatus.3 = halfDuplex dot3StatsDuplexStatus.4 = unknown dot3StatsDuplexStatus.5 = fullDuplex ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]  o Q-BRIDGE-MIB  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' dot1dBasePortIfIndex]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.1155s] STDOUT[ dot1dBasePortIfIndex = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `mib` = 'BRIDGE-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot1dBasePortIfIndex';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00072503s] SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='144',`updated` ='1597702910' WHERE `error_id` = '1745'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00171304s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' dot1qPvid]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0866s] STDOUT[ dot1qPvid = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `mib` = 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot1qPvid';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00058413s] SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='144',`updated` ='1597702910' WHERE `error_id` = '1746'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00156808s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -Ih -OQUsx --hexOutputLength=0 -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0863s] STDOUT[ dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `mib` = 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00062895s] SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='144',`updated` ='1597702910',`snmp_options` ='-OQUsx --hexOutputLength=0' WHERE `error_id` = '1747'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00188708s] SQL WARNINGS[ 1265: Data truncated for column 'snmp_options' at row 1 ] dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts print_cli_table() argument should be an array. Please report this error to developers. [[IP-MIB]] o IP-MIB  IP-MIB ipIfStats CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUsX -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' ipIfStatsHCInOctets]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.044s] STDOUT[ ipIfStatsHCInOctets[ipv6][1] = 264 ipIfStatsHCInOctets[ipv6][2] = 0 ipIfStatsHCInOctets[ipv6][3] = 0 ipIfStatsHCInOctets[ipv6][4] = 0 ipIfStatsHCInOctets[ipv6][5] = 656 ipIfStatsHCInOctets[ipv6][6] = 0 ipIfStatsHCInOctets[ipv6][7] = 103977329 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUsX -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' ipIfStatsHCOutOctets]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0447s] STDOUT[ ipIfStatsHCOutOctets[ipv6][1] = 264 ipIfStatsHCOutOctets[ipv6][2] = 0 ipIfStatsHCOutOctets[ipv6][3] = 0 ipIfStatsHCOutOctets[ipv6][4] = 0 ipIfStatsHCOutOctets[ipv6][5] = 728 ipIfStatsHCOutOctets[ipv6][6] = 0 ipIfStatsHCOutOctets[ipv6][7] = 728 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '24101'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00064087s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24101'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033379s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033402s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00043917s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:264:264] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.88] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24101' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024295s] SQL[UPDATE `entity_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='1' WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24101' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024605s] 64-bit, PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 Timeticks converted 0:0:00:00.00 -> 0 IFLASTCHANGE = 1597702906s - 40436s + 0s PHP SUB: 72039 - 72039 = 0 ifInOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 72039 - 72039 = 0 ifOutOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 224 - 224 = 0 ifInUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 224 - 224 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:72039:72039:0:0:224:224:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.89] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '24102'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033903s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24102'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026608s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.89] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24102' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026917s] SQL[UPDATE `entity_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='1' WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24102' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021219s] 64-bit, PHP ADD: 0 + 1476942 = 1476942 PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 Timeticks converted 0:0:00:06.27 -> 6 IFLASTCHANGE = 1597702906s - 40436s + 6s PHP SUB: 360142166 - 359628996 = 513170 ifInOctets (513170 B) 9682.4528301887 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 924602692 - 923134631 = 1468061 ifOutOctets (1468061 B) 27699.264150943 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 2897883 - 2893461 = 4422 ifInUcastPkts (4422 B) 83.433962264151 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 782173 - 780745 = 1428 ifOutUcastPkts (1428 B) 26.943396226415 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 1476942 - 1475173 = 1769 ifInNUcastPkts (1769 B) 33.377358490566 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 1476942 - 1475173 = 1769 ifInMulticastPkts (1769 B) 33.377358490566 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:360142166:924602692:0:0:2897883:782173:1476942:0:0:0:0:0:0:1476942:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.89] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '24103'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041103s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24103'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028014s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.89] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24103' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025415s] SQL[UPDATE `entity_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='1' WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24103' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020385s] 64-bit, PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 Timeticks converted 0:0:00:00.00 -> 0 IFLASTCHANGE = 1597702906s - 40436s + 0s PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.90] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '24104'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00047493s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24104'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027394s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.90] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24104' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033903s] SQL[UPDATE `entity_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='1' WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24104' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028992s] 64-bit, PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 Timeticks converted 0:0:00:00.00 -> 0 IFLASTCHANGE = 1597702906s - 40436s + 0s PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.90] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '24105'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00050497s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24105'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025010s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:656:728] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.90] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24105' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024796s] SQL[UPDATE `entity_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='1' WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24105' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030303s] 64-bit, PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 Timeticks converted 0:0:00:06.27 -> 6 IFLASTCHANGE = 1597702906s - 40436s + 6s PHP SUB: 1401172276 - 1399383334 = 1788942 ifInOctets (1788942 B) 33753.622641509 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 569590258 - 568858752 = 731506 ifOutOctets (731506 B) 13802 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 2912579 - 2908744 = 3835 ifInUcastPkts (3835 B) 72.358490566038 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 2996043 - 2992118 = 3925 ifOutUcastPkts (3925 B) 74.056603773585 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1401172276:569590258:0:0:2912579:2996043:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.91] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '24106'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039482s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24106'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026011s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.91] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24106' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024104s] SQL[UPDATE `entity_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='1' WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24106' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029588s] 64-bit, PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 Timeticks converted 0:0:00:00.00 -> 0 IFLASTCHANGE = 1597702906s - 40436s + 0s PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.91] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '24107'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026107s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24107'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020909s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:103977329:728] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.91] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24107' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021291s] SQL[UPDATE `entity_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='1' WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` = '24107' AND `attrib_type` = 'ipv6-octets'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018692s] 64-bit, PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 PHP ADD: 0 + 0 = 0 Timeticks converted 0:0:00:06.27 -> 6 IFLASTCHANGE = 1597702906s - 40436s + 6s PHP SUB: 279801368 - 279411654 = 389714 ifInOctets (389714 B) 7353.0943396226 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 893090568 - 891670582 = 1419986 ifOutOctets (1419986 B) 26792.188679245 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 4349052 - 4343061 = 5991 ifInUcastPkts (5991 B) 113.03773584906 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 267481 - 266817 = 664 ifOutUcastPkts (664 B) 12.528301886792 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs PHP SUB: 0 - 0 = 0 ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 53 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:279801368:893090568:0:0:4349052:267481:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.91] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  MultiUpdate ports states DB. SQL[INSERT INTO `ports` (`port_id`,`ifIndex`,`device_id`,`poll_time`,`poll_period`,`ifInOctets`,`ifInOctets_rate`,`ifOutOctets`,`ifOutOctets_rate`,`ifInErrors`,`ifInErrors_rate`,`ifInErrors_delta`,`ifOutErrors`,`ifOutErrors_rate`,`ifOutErrors_delta`,`ifInUcastPkts`,`ifInUcastPkts_rate`,`ifOutUcastPkts`,`ifOutUcastPkts_rate`,`ifInNUcastPkts`,`ifInNUcastPkts_rate`,`ifOutNUcastPkts`,`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate`,`ifInBroadcastPkts`,`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate`,`ifOutBroadcastPkts`,`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate`,`ifInMulticastPkts`,`ifInMulticastPkts_rate`,`ifOutMulticastPkts`,`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate`,`ifInDiscards`,`ifInDiscards_rate`,`ifOutDiscards`,`ifOutDiscards_rate`,`ifInOctets_perc`,`ifOutOctets_perc`,`ifOctets_rate`,`ifUcastPkts_rate`,`ifErrors_rate`,`ifDiscards_rate`) VALUES ('24101','1','32','1597702910','53','72039','0','72039','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','224','0','224','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0'),('24102','2','32','1597702910','53','360142166','9682.4528301887','924602692','27699.264150943','0','0','0','0','0','0','2897883','83.433962264151','782173','26.943396226415','1476942','33.377358490566','0','0','0','0','0','0','1476942','33.377358490566','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','37381.716981132','110.37735849057','0','0'),('24103','3','32','1597702910','53','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0'),('24104','4','32','1597702910','53','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0'),('24105','5','32','1597702910','53','1401172276','33753.622641509','569590258','13802','0','0','0','0','0','0','2912579','72.358490566038','2996043','74.056603773585','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','47555.622641509','146.41509433962','0','0'),('24106','6','32','1597702910','53','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0'),('24107','7','32','1597702910','53','279801368','7353.0943396226','893090568','26792.188679245','0','0','0','0','0','0','4349052','113.03773584906','267481','12.528301886792','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','34145.283018868','125.56603773585','0','0') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `port_id`=VALUES(`port_id`),`ifIndex`=VALUES(`ifIndex`),`device_id`=VALUES(`device_id`),`poll_time`=VALUES(`poll_time`),`poll_period`=VALUES(`poll_period`),`ifInOctets`=VALUES(`ifInOctets`),`ifInOctets_rate`=VALUES(`ifInOctets_rate`),`ifOutOctets`=VALUES(`ifOutOctets`),`ifOutOctets_rate`=VALUES(`ifOutOctets_rate`),`ifInErrors`=VALUES(`ifInErrors`),`ifInErrors_rate`=VALUES(`ifInErrors_rate`),`ifInErrors_delta`=VALUES(`ifInErrors_delta`),`ifOutErrors`=VALUES(`ifOutErrors`),`ifOutErrors_rate`=VALUES(`ifOutErrors_rate`),`ifOutErrors_delta`=VALUES(`ifOutErrors_delta`),`ifInUcastPkts`=VALUES(`ifInUcastPkts`),`ifInUcastPkts_rate`=VALUES(`ifInUcastPkts_rate`),`ifOutUcastPkts`=VALUES(`ifOutUcastPkts`),`ifOutUcastPkts_rate`=VALUES(`ifOutUcastPkts_rate`),`ifInNUcastPkts`=VALUES(`ifInNUcastPkts`),`ifInNUcastPkts_rate`=VALUES(`ifInNUcastPkts_rate`),`ifOutNUcastPkts`=VALUES(`ifOutNUcastPkts`),`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate`=VALUES(`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate`),`ifInBroadcastPkts`=VALUES(`ifInBroadcastPkts`),`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate`=VALUES(`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate`),`ifOutBroadcastPkts`=VALUES(`ifOutBroadcastPkts`),`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate`=VALUES(`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate`),`ifInMulticastPkts`=VALUES(`ifInMulticastPkts`),`ifInMulticastPkts_rate`=VALUES(`ifInMulticastPkts_rate`),`ifOutMulticastPkts`=VALUES(`ifOutMulticastPkts`),`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate`=VALUES(`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate`),`ifInDiscards`=VALUES(`ifInDiscards`),`ifInDiscards_rate`=VALUES(`ifInDiscards_rate`),`ifOutDiscards`=VALUES(`ifOutDiscards`),`ifOutDiscards_rate`=VALUES(`ifOutDiscards_rate`),`ifInOctets_perc`=VALUES(`ifInOctets_perc`),`ifOutOctets_perc`=VALUES(`ifOutOctets_perc`),`ifOctets_rate`=VALUES(`ifOctets_rate`),`ifUcastPkts_rate`=VALUES(`ifUcastPkts_rate`),`ifErrors_rate`=VALUES(`ifErrors_rate`),`ifDiscards_rate`=VALUES(`ifDiscards_rate`)] SQL RUNTIME[0.00214696s] +---------+-------------+----------+--------+----------+---------+---------+----------+--------+---------+----+ | ifIndex | Label | Type | Speed | BPS In | BPS Out | Data In | Data Out | PPS In | PPS Out | HC | +---------+-------------+----------+--------+----------+---------+---------+----------+--------+---------+----+ | 1 | lo | Loopback | 10Mbps | 0bps | 0bps | 0B | 0B | 0 | 0 | Y | | 2 | eno1 | Ethernet | 1Gbps | 77.4kbps | 221kbps | 501kB | 1.4MB | 83.4 | 26.9 | Y | | 3 | eno2 | Ethernet | 0bps | 0bps | 0bps | 0B | 0B | 0 | 0 | Y | | 4 | ens2f0 | Ethernet | 0bps | 0bps | 0bps | 0B | 0B | 0 | 0 | Y | | 5 | ens2f1 | Ethernet | 10Gbps | 270kbps | 110kbps | 1.71MB | 714kB | 72.3 | 74 | Y | | 6 | enp0s29f0u2 | Ethernet | 0bps | 0bps | 0bps | 0B | 0B | 0 | 0 | Y | | 7 | vmbr0 | Ethernet | 0bps | 58.8kbps | 214kbps | 380kB | 1.35MB | 113 | 12.5 | Y | +---------+-------------+----------+--------+----------+---------+---------+----------+--------+---------+----+  o Module time  1.5290s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1.529] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.93] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: bgp-peers #####  CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUv -m BGP4-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' bgpLocalAs.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0407s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `mib` = 'BGP4-MIB' AND `oid` = 'bgpLocalAs.0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00077605s] SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='144',`updated` ='1597702910' WHERE `error_id` = '1748'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00135899s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `bgpPeers` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00048018s]  o Module time  0.0467s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0467] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.98] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: printersupplies #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `printersupplies` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033188s]  o Module time  0.0010s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.001] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:18.98] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: ucd-diskio #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041413s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m UCD-DISKIO-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' diskIOEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.5259s] STDOUT[ diskIOIndex.1 = 1 diskIOIndex.2 = 2 diskIOIndex.3 = 3 diskIOIndex.4 = 4 diskIOIndex.5 = 5 diskIOIndex.6 = 6 diskIOIndex.7 = 7 diskIOIndex.8 = 8 diskIOIndex.9 = 9 diskIOIndex.10 = 10 diskIOIndex.11 = 11 diskIOIndex.12 = 12 diskIOIndex.13 = 13 diskIODevice.1 = loop0 diskIODevice.2 = loop1 diskIODevice.3 = loop2 diskIODevice.4 = loop3 diskIODevice.5 = loop4 diskIODevice.6 = loop5 diskIODevice.7 = loop6 diskIODevice.8 = loop7 diskIODevice.9 = sda diskIODevice.10 = sda1 diskIODevice.11 = sda2 diskIODevice.12 = sda3 diskIODevice.13 = dm-0 diskIONRead.1 = 0 diskIONRead.2 = 0 diskIONRead.3 = 0 diskIONRead.4 = 0 diskIONRead.5 = 0 diskIONRead.6 = 0 diskIONRead.7 = 0 diskIONRead.8 = 0 diskIONRead.9 = 475841536 diskIONRead.10 = 1163264 diskIONRead.11 = 8291328 diskIONRead.12 = 465481728 diskIONRead.13 = 462926848 diskIONWritten.1 = 0 diskIONWritten.2 = 0 diskIONWritten.3 = 0 diskIONWritten.4 = 0 diskIONWritten.5 = 0 diskIONWritten.6 = 0 diskIONWritten.7 = 0 diskIONWritten.8 = 0 diskIONWritten.9 = 2857747456 diskIONWritten.10 = 0 diskIONWritten.11 = 5120 diskIONWritten.12 = 2857742336 diskIONWritten.13 = 2891067392 diskIOReads.1 = 0 diskIOReads.2 = 0 diskIOReads.3 = 0 diskIOReads.4 = 0 diskIOReads.5 = 0 diskIOReads.6 = 0 diskIOReads.7 = 0 diskIOReads.8 = 0 diskIOReads.9 = 28868 diskIOReads.10 = 60 diskIOReads.11 = 788 diskIOReads.12 = 27991 diskIOReads.13 = 35878 diskIOWrites.1 = 0 diskIOWrites.2 = 0 diskIOWrites.3 = 0 diskIOWrites.4 = 0 diskIOWrites.5 = 0 diskIOWrites.6 = 0 diskIOWrites.7 = 0 diskIOWrites.8 = 0 diskIOWrites.9 = 177321 diskIOWrites.10 = 0 diskIOWrites.11 = 3 diskIOWrites.12 = 168367 diskIOWrites.13 = 276625 diskIOLA1.1 = 0 diskIOLA1.2 = 0 diskIOLA1.3 = 0 diskIOLA1.4 = 0 diskIOLA1.5 = 0 diskIOLA1.6 = 0 diskIOLA1.7 = 0 diskIOLA1.8 = 0 diskIOLA1.9 = 0 diskIOLA1.10 = 0 diskIOLA1.11 = 0 diskIOLA1.12 = 0 diskIOLA1.13 = 0 diskIOLA5.1 = 0 diskIOLA5.2 = 0 diskIOLA5.3 = 0 diskIOLA5.4 = 0 diskIOLA5.5 = 0 diskIOLA5.6 = 0 diskIOLA5.7 = 0 diskIOLA5.8 = 0 diskIOLA5.9 = 0 diskIOLA5.10 = 0 diskIOLA5.11 = 0 diskIOLA5.12 = 0 diskIOLA5.13 = 0 diskIOLA15.1 = 0 diskIOLA15.2 = 0 diskIOLA15.3 = 0 diskIOLA15.4 = 0 diskIOLA15.5 = 0 diskIOLA15.6 = 0 diskIOLA15.7 = 0 diskIOLA15.8 = 0 diskIOLA15.9 = 0 diskIOLA15.10 = 0 diskIOLA15.11 = 0 diskIOLA15.12 = 0 diskIOLA15.13 = 0 diskIONReadX.1 = 0 diskIONReadX.2 = 0 diskIONReadX.3 = 0 diskIONReadX.4 = 0 diskIONReadX.5 = 0 diskIONReadX.6 = 0 diskIONReadX.7 = 0 diskIONReadX.8 = 0 diskIONReadX.9 = 475841536 diskIONReadX.10 = 1163264 diskIONReadX.11 = 8291328 diskIONReadX.12 = 465481728 diskIONReadX.13 = 462926848 diskIONWrittenX.1 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.2 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.3 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.4 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.5 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.6 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.7 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.8 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.9 = 2857747456 diskIONWrittenX.10 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.11 = 5120 diskIONWrittenX.12 = 2857742336 diskIONWrittenX.13 = 2891067392 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:475841536:2857747456:28868:177321] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.51] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1163264:0:60:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.51] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:8291328:5120:788:3] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.51] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:465481728:2857742336:27991:168367] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.51] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:462926848:2891067392:35878:276625] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.52] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  +-------+-------+-----------+------------+-------+--------+ | Label | Index | Read | Written | Reads | Writes | +-------+-------+-----------+------------+-------+--------+ | sda | 9 | 475841536 | 2857747456 | 28868 | 177321 | | sda1 | 10 | 1163264 | 0 | 60 | 0 | | sda2 | 11 | 8291328 | 5120 | 788 | 3 | | sda3 | 12 | 465481728 | 2857742336 | 27991 | 168367 | | dm-0 | 13 | 462926848 | 2891067392 | 35878 | 276625 | +-------+-------+-----------+------------+-------+--------+  o Module time  0.5398s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.5398] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.52] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: wifi #####   o Module time  0.0003s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0003] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.52] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: p2p-radios #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `p2p_radios` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049496s]  o Module time  0.0011s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0011] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.53] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: ospf #####   o Module time  0.0006s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0006] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.53] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: sla #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `slas` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `deleted` = 0;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00055909s]  o MIBs   o Module time  0.0011s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0011] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.53] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: pseudowires #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `pseudowires` WHERE `device_id` = '32';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026608s]  o Module time  0.0008s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0008] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.53] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: mac-accounting #####   o MIBs  SQL[SELECT * FROM `mac_accounting` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027394s]  o Module time  0.0013s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0013] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.54] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: loadbalancer #####   o Module time  0.0004s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0004] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.54] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: entity-physical #####   o Module time  0.0003s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0003] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.54] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: applications #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039721s]  o Applications  proc4 nfs include missing! SQL[SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `app_lastpolled` < '1597098111'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028491s]  o Module time  0.0011s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0011] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.54] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: fdb-table #####  SQL[SELECT `ifIndex`,`port_id`,`ifDescr`,`port_label_short` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028586s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `vlans_fdb` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00053787s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUsb -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' dot1qTpFdbEntry]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0857s] STDOUT[ dot1qTpFdbEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `mib` = 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot1qTpFdbEntry';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00053501s] SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='144',`updated` ='1597702911' WHERE `error_id` = '1749'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00239491s] Module [ports_fdbcount] disabled globally by config in process [poller].  o Module time  0.0928s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0928] RRD RUNTIME[0.0012s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.64] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: graphs #####   o HOST-RESOURCES-MIB   o HOST-RESOURCES-MIB  hrSystemProcesses SQL[SELECT `object` FROM `devices_mibs` WHERE `device_id` = '32' AND `use` = 'oid' AND `disabled` = '1' AND `mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037599s] CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' hrSystemProcesses.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0435s] STDOUT[ hrSystemProcesses.0 = 479 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:479] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.68] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool info /opt/observium/rrd/]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0096s] STDOUT[ filename = "/opt/observium/rrd/" rrd_version = "0003" step = 300 last_update = 1597702911 header_size = 2456 ds[procs].index = 0 ds[procs].type = "GAUGE" ds[procs].minimal_heartbeat = 600 ds[procs].min = 0.0000000000e+00 ds[procs].max = NaN ds[procs].last_ds = "479" ds[procs].value = 5.3299546095e+04 ds[procs].unknown_sec = 0 rra[0].cf = "AVERAGE" rra[0].rows = 2016 rra[0].cur_row = 1810 rra[0].pdp_per_row = 1 rra[0].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[0].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN rra[0].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[1].cf = "AVERAGE" rra[1].rows = 2976 rra[1].cur_row = 2886 rra[1].pdp_per_row = 6 rra[1].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[1].cdp_prep[0].value = 1.9253552074e+03 rra[1].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[2].cf = "AVERAGE" rra[2].rows = 1440 rra[2].cur_row = 373 rra[2].pdp_per_row = 24 rra[2].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[2].cdp_prep[0].value = 1.9253552074e+03 rra[2].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[3].cf = "AVERAGE" rra[3].rows = 1440 rra[3].cur_row = 1367 rra[3].pdp_per_row = 288 rra[3].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[3].cdp_prep[0].value = 8.8892577387e+04 rra[3].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 88 rra[4].cf = "MIN" rra[4].rows = 1440 rra[4].cur_row = 552 rra[4].pdp_per_row = 6 rra[4].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[4].cdp_prep[0].value = 4.7758503479e+02 rra[4].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[5].cf = "MIN" rra[5].rows = 360 rra[5].cur_row = 68 rra[5].pdp_per_row = 96 rra[5].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[5].cdp_prep[0].value = 4.7500000000e+02 rra[5].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[6].cf = "MIN" rra[6].rows = 1440 rra[6].cur_row = 602 rra[6].pdp_per_row = 288 rra[6].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[6].cdp_prep[0].value = 4.7118645864e+02 rra[6].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 88 rra[7].cf = "MAX" rra[7].rows = 1440 rra[7].cur_row = 883 rra[7].pdp_per_row = 6 rra[7].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[7].cdp_prep[0].value = 4.8579678594e+02 rra[7].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[8].cf = "MAX" rra[8].rows = 360 rra[8].cur_row = 144 rra[8].pdp_per_row = 96 rra[8].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[8].cdp_prep[0].value = 4.8840720098e+02 rra[8].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[9].cf = "MAX" rra[9].rows = 1440 rra[9].cur_row = 559 rra[9].pdp_per_row = 288 rra[9].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[9].cdp_prep[0].value = 5.7533186024e+02 rra[9].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 88 ] $config['graph_types']['device']['GRAPH_CHANGE_ME'] = array( 'file' => 'hr_processes.rrd', 'ds' => array( 'procs' => array('label' => 'procs'), ) ); hrSystemNumUsers CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pud -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'':'16110' hrSystemNumUsers.0]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0433s] STDOUT[ hrSystemNumUsers.0 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.74] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool info /opt/observium/rrd/]  CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0079s] STDOUT[ filename = "/opt/observium/rrd/" rrd_version = "0003" step = 300 last_update = 1597702911 header_size = 2456 ds[users].index = 0 ds[users].type = "GAUGE" ds[users].minimal_heartbeat = 600 ds[users].min = 0.0000000000e+00 ds[users].max = NaN ds[users].last_ds = "0" ds[users].value = 0.0000000000e+00 ds[users].unknown_sec = 0 rra[0].cf = "AVERAGE" rra[0].rows = 2016 rra[0].cur_row = 1246 rra[0].pdp_per_row = 1 rra[0].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[0].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN rra[0].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[1].cf = "AVERAGE" rra[1].rows = 2976 rra[1].cur_row = 2519 rra[1].pdp_per_row = 6 rra[1].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[1].cdp_prep[0].value = 0.0000000000e+00 rra[1].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[2].cf = "AVERAGE" rra[2].rows = 1440 rra[2].cur_row = 882 rra[2].pdp_per_row = 24 rra[2].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[2].cdp_prep[0].value = 0.0000000000e+00 rra[2].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[3].cf = "AVERAGE" rra[3].rows = 1440 rra[3].cur_row = 394 rra[3].pdp_per_row = 288 rra[3].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[3].cdp_prep[0].value = 3.5110421744e+01 rra[3].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 88 rra[4].cf = "MIN" rra[4].rows = 1440 rra[4].cur_row = 1336 rra[4].pdp_per_row = 6 rra[4].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[4].cdp_prep[0].value = 0.0000000000e+00 rra[4].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[5].cf = "MIN" rra[5].rows = 360 rra[5].cur_row = 290 rra[5].pdp_per_row = 96 rra[5].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[5].cdp_prep[0].value = 0.0000000000e+00 rra[5].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[6].cf = "MIN" rra[6].rows = 1440 rra[6].cur_row = 30 rra[6].pdp_per_row = 288 rra[6].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[6].cdp_prep[0].value = 0.0000000000e+00 rra[6].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 88 rra[7].cf = "MAX" rra[7].rows = 1440 rra[7].cur_row = 359 rra[7].pdp_per_row = 6 rra[7].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[7].cdp_prep[0].value = 0.0000000000e+00 rra[7].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[8].cf = "MAX" rra[8].rows = 360 rra[8].cur_row = 119 rra[8].pdp_per_row = 96 rra[8].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[8].cdp_prep[0].value = 1.0000000000e+00 rra[8].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0 rra[9].cf = "MAX" rra[9].rows = 1440 rra[9].cur_row = 416 rra[9].pdp_per_row = 288 rra[9].xff = 5.0000000000e-01 rra[9].cdp_prep[0].value = 1.7915991867e+00 rra[9].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 88 ] $config['graph_types']['device']['GRAPH_CHANGE_ME'] = array( 'file' => 'hr_users.rrd', 'ds' => array( 'users' => array('label' => 'users'), ) );  o Module time  0.1156s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.1156] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.75] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: oids #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `oids_entries` LEFT JOIN `oids` USING(`oid_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00052691s]  o Module time  0.0010s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.001] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.76] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  including: includes/polling/ ##### Module Start: probes #####  SQL[SELECT * FROM `probes` WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028801s]  o Module time  0.0008s RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:0.0008] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.76] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  ##### [32] completed poller modules at 2020-08-18 10:21:51 #####   o Graphs [checked]  availability, ping, ping_snmp, agent, uptime, la, voltage, fanspeed, temperature, power, processor, mempool, storage, netstat_ip,netstat_ip_frag, netstat_icmp, netstat_icmp_info, netstat_tcp_stats, netstat_tcp_segments, netstat_tcp_currestab,netstat_udp_datagrams, netstat_udp_errors, netstat_snmp_stats, netstat_snmp_packets, ucd_cpu,ucd_ss_cpu, ucd_swap_io, ucd_io, ucd_contexts, ucd_interrupts, ucd_memory, ipsystemstats_ipv4, ipsystemstats_ipv4_frag,ipsystemstats_ipv6, ipsystemstats_ipv6_frag, bits, hr_processes, hr_users, poller_perf, pollersnmp_count,pollersnmp_times, pollersnmp_errors_count, pollersnmp_errors_times, pollerdb_count, pollerdb_times,pollermemory_perf  o Poller time  19.7676 seconds SQL[SELECT `device_state` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '32';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028396s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:19.7676] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.76] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  Updating -  > $update_array /opt/observium/includes/polling/  array( [uptime] => double(40454) [last_polled] => array( [0] => string(5) "NOW()" ) [last_polled_timetaken] => double(19.7676) [device_state] => string(5878) 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) SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `uptime` ='40454',`last_polled` =NOW(),`last_polled_timetaken` ='19.7676',`device_state` 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;d:18.9394;i:1597661440;d:19.4747;i:1597660840;d:18.8235;i:1597660540;d:20.1004;i:1597660205;d:18.445;i:1597659941;d:18.4652;i:1597659685;d:19.6169;}s:17:\"discovery_history\";a:5:{i:1597702864;d:9.7182;i:1597702832;d:9.8182;i:1597689246;d:10.5488;i:1597667888;d:10.3533;i:1597659301;d:212.8568;}s:18:\"discovery_mod_perf\";a:28:{s:2:\"os\";d:1.0705;s:4:\"mibs\";d:0.7704;s:5:\"ports\";d:0.2312;s:11:\"ports-stack\";d:0.0795;s:5:\"vlans\";d:0.1252;s:11:\"ports_vlans\";N;s:4:\"oids\";d:0.0567;s:9:\"cisco-vrf\";d:0.0008;s:12:\"ip-addresses\";d:0.3016;s:10:\"processors\";d:1.6035;s:8:\"mempools\";d:0.3784;s:9:\"inventory\";d:1.4361;s:15:\"printersupplies\";d:0.0013;s:7:\"sensors\";d:2.4322;s:7:\"storage\";d:0.0822;s:10:\"neighbours\";d:0.1935;s:9:\"arp-table\";d:0.084;s:13:\"junose-atm-vp\";d:0.0003;s:9:\"bgp-peers\";d:0.044;s:14:\"mac-accounting\";d:0.0004;s:3:\"sla\";d:0.0834;s:11:\"pseudowires\";d:0.0815;s:16:\"virtual-machines\";d:0.001;s:11:\"cisco-cbqos\";d:0.1233;s:10:\"ucd-diskio\";d:0.5266;s:4:\"wifi\";d:0.0019;s:10:\"p2p-radios\";d:0.0001;s:6:\"graphs\";d:0.0003;}}' WHERE `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00165296s]  o Updated Data  uptime, last_polled, last_polled_timetaken, device_state SQL[UPDATE `alert_table` set `state` ='{\"metrics\":{\"device_status\":\"1\"}}',`count` ='0',`alert_status` ='1',`last_message` ='Checks OK',`last_checked` ='1597702911',`last_ok` ='1597702911' WHERE `alert_table_id` = '144'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00122404s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/ already exists - no need to create. RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/ N:1:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.01 s:0.02 r:19.77] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]  SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_pid` = '4148' AND `process_name` = 'poller.php' AND `device_id` = '32'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00174189s] ./poller.php: - 1 devices polled in 19.88 secs ##### Completed polling run at 2020-08-18 10:21:51 #####  NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] is set to TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output.  o Devices Polled  1  o Poller Time  19.88 secs  o Memory usage  18MB (peak: 18MB)  o MySQL Usage  Insert[1/0.001s] Update[68/0.121s] Delete[1/0.002s] Cell[49/0.025s] Row[87/0.043s] Rows[86/0.048s] Col[6/0.004s] (0.244s1.227%)  o RRDTool Usage  update[176/0.198s] (0.198s 0.998%)  o SNMP Usage  snmpget[29/1.259s] errors[/0s] snmpwalk[16/3.31s] (4.569s 22.983%)